• As per the official website of the company, more than 6.9 million people have signed up in order to complete their iris scan.

  • Some privacy campaigners have so far railed against the collection, storage and the use of personal data. 

  • On Thursday, the four-step roadmap was also presented on stage. The first and second steps include the development of Orb and creating a distributed ownership network with the use of blockchain.

On October 17, Worldcoin, a for-profit cryptocurrency project founded by the Chief Executive Officer of OpenAI, Sam Altman revealed that it was relaunching to the World Network. Also, the project is making an effort to use its orb devices to scan every iris of humans. 

The main feature of the project is said to be the World ID. World ID is nothing but a digital passport which will be used to distinguish between real human and AI chatbots online. 

After dealing with careful investigation in the matter of data collection in the World Network, it  launched a new version of orb iris-scanning device in an event in San Francisco on October 17. The company claims the new launch to be enriched with 5G connectivity, it also provides strengthened privacy as well as security features. 

Orb gives access to the World ID

The company also revealed how the orb can be easily accessed by using purpose-built retail locations as well as a collaboration with Rappi, a Latin American super App to give services of orbs to the people. 

For getting access to the World ID, a customer needs to sign up to go for an in-person iris scan by orb of the World Network. It is a bowling ball sized silver ball. 

After the scan is successfully completed and the person is identified as a real human, a World ID is generated itself. The company has also lured the customer by offering a cryptocurrency token known as WLD to those who will do a successful signup. 

What does the roadmap suggest?

On Thursday, the four-step roadmap was also presented on stage. The first and second steps include the development of Orb and creating a distributed ownership network with the use of blockchain. Both the steps have so far been accomplished. The third step is to scale and the fourth step is to revamp the benefits of AI. 

Tools for Humanity, a technology company headquartered in San Francisco, Erlangen and Germany works behind the World Network. As per the official website of the company, more than 6.9 million people have signed up in order to complete their iris scan after the project got launched in July 2023. 

Some privacy campaigners have so far railed against the collection, storage and the use of personal data. In the beginning of this year, Spain and Portugal announced that they are putting a temporary ban on the World Network. At the same time, Argentina and Britain said that they will first look over the World Network.