Such a loss of Telegram airdrop users has not yet been recorded. And of course there is also the problem of censorship, which is at the highest possible level so far. Regardless of portals and Binance bans on publishing verified content, you can investigate everything yourself. Simply look at the number of users of a particular airdrop two days in a row.


Because what I write is my research and verification. And I can't tell anyone with certainty what will happen next. But if this trend continues, everything falls apart. At the moment, the most current ones are X Empire, Blum and Major... Their official information changes hour by hour. Airdrops themselves are being delayed more and more often. Why? We all know how the most anticipated Hamster went... I'm afraid that the same thing will continue to happen, and thus Telegram and TON will become irrelevant.





Just like the entire world economy, so is the case with Bitcoin and altcoins. Recession is the next step, and how the crypto market will react to it is not difficult to predict...$BTC $BNB $ETH