Real #Bitcoin Inventor Revealed (details below) — or wait 18 hours for the #HBO documentary.

👇1-14) In less than 18 hours, HBO is set to unveil who they believe might be Satoshi Nakamoto, the elusive creator of Bitcoin. The stakes are high, with speculation ranging from the possibility that the NSA (National Security Agency) is behind Bitcoin to theories that credit individuals like Nick Szabo, Hal Finney, Adam Back, or others as the mastermind.

👇2-14) Peter Thiel once suggested that the person behind Bitcoin could have been one of the 140 attendees at the 4th International Conference on Financial Cryptography in Anguilla in February 2000. At this event, the founders of E-Gold presented their vision for a digital currency, but the U.S. Justice Department later indicted them in April 2007. Satoshi Nakamoto may have learned from their mistakes, realizing that for a digital currency to succeed, it must remain anonymous, with no company or corporate identity attached.

👇3-14) Applying Occam’s Razor—the principle that the simplest explanation is usually correct—could point to a single individual unless HBO reveals compelling new evidence. In our book Crypto Titans, we’ve already presented who we believe to be the most likely inventor of Bitcoin, supported by what we consider to be convincing evidence.

👇4-14) HBO may echo similar conclusions. However, an actual black swan event would be if the NSA were behind Bitcoin. While there are traces of their intellectual contribution, no concrete evidence supports this theory. The most likely inventor of Bitcoin is ….(see below):

👇5-14) Full report: