This year, many eyes were on new games built on Telegram. These "games," however, were not about gameplay or experience but purely about clicking. This earned them the label of "tap-to-earn," with Hamster Kombat being the leading project in this category. The trend generated massive hype, with Hamster Kombat attracting millions of players. 

Expectations for the airdrop were high, but once again, these projects were plagued by amateur mistakes. The result was disappointment across the Hamster community when they discovered that after six months of effort, they received an $HMSTR airdrop worth only $10. Just in the past week, the price of the $HMSTR token has dropped by more than 50%, signaling the end of this project.

This decline was immediately felt by other tap-to-earn projects, which started rapidly losing users, and interest is currently at its lowest point in months. People have realized that for games to be sustainable, they need to focus on gameplay first. As a result, the tap-to-earn concept is likely to fade away, with only shillers and influencers benefiting through their referral codes.

 Are there REAL GAMES?

The answer is yes. Although 98% of crypto projects are focused solely on quick profit for a select few, there are some projects that take gaming seriously. One such project is #SpaceCatch , whose CATCH token has a packed roadmap for this quarter!

SpaceCatch even has two games—a mobile game with support for #AR , geolocation, and blockchain, which is currently in the soft-launch phase with the full version already available. The development took nearly three years, and user feedback has been very positive, with the game even being called a Pokémon GO killer.

Additionally, SpaceCatch will launch its much-anticipated browser game SpaceCatch Classic this month, where the #CATCH token will be directly integrated. It will feature a fully sustainable play-to-earn model of the next generation. The game is currently in closed testing, with user ratings reaching 4.73/5.

SpaceCatch Classic will offer significant benefits for its first players, so don't miss out!