🚀 **US Crypto Industry Falling Behind: Experts Weigh In** 🚀

- **Talent Drain**: Anthony Georgiades says the US is losing blockchain developers faster than you can say "decentralized." His solution? Fund university programs and fast-track visas for skilled developers. 🧑‍💻

- **Banking Blues**: Fiona Murray and Ogle argue that US banks need to be more crypto-friendly. Ogle's company even had to set up shop in Switzerland!

- **UX Matters**: Erik LaPaglia believes simplifying user interfaces is key to broader blockchain adoption. Think iPhone simplicity, folks!

- **CBDC Lag**: Despite Trump's anti-CBDC stance, Georgiades warns the US is falling behind globally in digital currency development.

- **Regulatory Maze**: Tom Kiddle and Chris Hart want the US to follow the EU's MiCA framework for clearer crypto regulations.

Time to step up, Uncle Sam! 🌍