This Guy Retired at 29 with Lifetime Financial Freedom ♾️

Indian Daniel George, who retired at 29, shares five money-saving secrets for early financial independence:

1. Choose Affordable Education

George chose to study at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, graduating debt-free. He later pursued a fully-funded Ph.D. in the U.S., avoiding student loans.

2. Start Investing Early

He began investing while studying, living on less than 10% of his income and allocating the rest to tech stocks. This long-term strategy grew his wealth.

3. Leverage High-Income Cities

Working in cities like San Francisco and New York, George earned high salaries but saved aggressively by maintaining a frugal lifestyle.

4. Master Salary Negotiation

George doubled his salary by negotiating job offers, significantly boosting his income and speeding up his retirement plan.

5. Align Financial Goals with Your Partner

He and his wife, both in AI, shared a minimalist lifestyle, working together towards their financial goals.



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