Tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson, known for his anti-aging regimen, sees a strong connection between the longevity movement and Bitcoin. Johnson, who has reversed his biological age by five years, believes that tech developers are drawn to solving complex problems like aging and peer-to-peer cash systems. He envisions futuristic material science advancements to combat aging. Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin has also supported anti-aging research, influenced by SENS co-founder Aubrey de Grey. Other tech figures like Mark Miller, Roger Ver, and Balaji Srinivasan are interested in life-extension techniques. Srinivasan, a venture capitalist, views technology as a means to achieve immortality. The Longevity Science Foundation is exploring how blockchain and cryptocurrencies can revolutionize funding for anti-aging research. This convergence of technology and longevity research hints at a future where AI could potentially make us 'biologically immortal' by 2030. Read more AI-generated news on: