Former Celsius chief revenue officer Roni Cohen-Pavon, who pleaded guilty to criminal charges in 2023 and has been free on bail, has been granted permission to travel to Singapore for business purposes. The travel approval was given by Judge John Koeltl in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. Cohen-Pavon, involved in a criminal case alongside former Celsius CEO Alex Mashinsky, is allowed to travel from Israel to Singapore from September 16 to 20. The charges against Mashinsky and Cohen-Pavon relate to fraudulent activities at the crypto lending platform. While Mashinsky faces trial in January 2025, Cohen-Pavon is set for a sentencing hearing in December 2024. The former Celsius executives are under travel restrictions within specific districts until the conclusion of their legal proceedings. The travel request coincides with legal developments in their case, including efforts to preserve witness testimonies and potential lengthy prison sentences. Read more AI-generated news on: