According to Binance Blog: A global malware threat is currently targeting cryptocurrency users by altering withdrawal addresses, causing significant financial losses. This malicious software, known as "Clipper malware," manipulates copied wallet addresses during transactions, rerouting funds to the attackers’ wallets without the users noticing.

How the Malware Works The malware targets the clipboard, where wallet addresses are stored during cryptocurrency transfers. When a user copies and pastes a wallet address, the malware replaces the legitimate address with one controlled by the attacker. If users fail to notice this change, their cryptocurrency is sent to the attacker instead of the intended recipient. This attack has intensified recently, especially on August 27, 2024, affecting a large number of users.

Binance's Response Binance's security team is actively working to protect users by:

  • Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses: We are blocking known attacker addresses, preventing future fraudulent transactions.

  • Notifying Affected Users: We’ve alerted users whose wallets may have been compromised, encouraging them to inspect their devices for malicious software.

  • Monitoring and Counteracting Threats: Our team is continuously scanning for new threats, updating security measures to stay ahead of evolving malware.

How to Protect Yourself To safeguard your cryptocurrency, take these precautions:

  1. Verify App Authenticity: Only download apps and plugins from official sources to avoid malicious software.

  2. Double-Check Wallet Addresses: Always verify withdrawal addresses before confirming transactions to ensure no malicious alterations have been made.

  3. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with Binance security advisories and other cybersecurity updates.

  4. Use Security Software: Install and maintain up-to-date security software to protect your devices from malware.