$BTC I think it will drop before rising again , 59k-61k fluctuations before a pull to 62k and above target is 65-68k maximum . Getting a short position at 68k is gold . market is still following bearish momentum and we may see bitcoin got to 40k in October .

That's my prediction . but anything can happen right now so i closed my long and opened a short at 60500 to get 1000on the downside.

It seems 65k will happen. but for now it might dump like it always does in Saturday and sunday. until next weekend we might see 65k. Until then it's unpredictable that it can sustain to reach 65k. let's see how it dumps tomorrow . then we will see where the market goes next week.

Everything plays a role in the price, exchanges manipulations, liquidations heat chart,conflicts , possibility of recession, interest rate cuts , possibility of another pandemic, and world economy plays a big role, so keep a check on all of these and you'll see the price changes due to the dynamic interplay between these factors .

But i do believe the market will be bearish coming the end of 2024 , and 2025-2026 we may yet see another bullrun. And that will be the biggest we will see. 10 trillion at the minimum .