crypto has always been a narrativedriven space time and time again we'veseen how a single unsuspecting tweetfrom Elon could send the market soaringor tumbling I mean in fact Dogecoinseason back in 2021 pretty much startedout because of elon's tweets and thenthere was also the food coin season andthe D5 summer days of 2020 the play toearn jpeg season of 2021 and as good asthose days were they're already in thepast narratives come and fade just asquickly and you need to be on top ofyour game to ride the wave so that begsthe question what are the top new cryptonarratives of 2023okay let's start out with the obvioushere LSD LSD is what everyone on cryptoTwitter is raving about LSD the recentCrackdown by the SEC on centralizedstaking services offered by companiessuch as coinbase cuecoin and the likeshas only driven more users towardsdecentralized options like Lido rocketpool anchor stake wise and others andmany foresee that liquid staking willonly become even more popular after eachwithdrawal is enabled after the updateso as we get closer and closer toShanghai in March interests andexcitement in this area are likely tointensify okay then this has beenanother big one in 2023 all thanks tothe rise of our future Overlord chat GPTthe AI wave has fully taken over cryptonow most projects that have even themost remote association with AI havebeen tossed into the spotlight andgraced by Green soaring prices andinspired by this turn of events severalnew AI meme coins started popping upspearheaded by image generation protocolimage generation Ai and many many othercopycats then the AI narrative reallyturned up the heat after news broke ofMicrosoft's chat GPT purchase andGoogle's investment in another AI chatbot Bard now every other crypto projectis eager to slap on the AI label to rideon the hype train what is this hype thehype so artificial intelligence is apromising technology with a brightfuture for sure but it's worth notingthat many current AI projects in thecryptocurrency field lack significantsubstance or practical applications sowe'll see how long this hot Trend willlast in the space arbitrim is dominatingthe L2 narrative with 1.42 billion totalvalue locked it is now the fourthlargest ecosystem in crypto behind onlyethereum BSC and Tron and yes that alsoputs it ahead of other household giantslike polygon Avalanche and fellow L2competitor optimism so a large part ofarbit room's rise can be attributed toits crop of native protocols like GMXradiant Jones Dao Camelot and more GMXalone is contributing over 30 percent ofthe total ecosystem liquidity and hasbeen one of the key reasons if not thekey reason for arbitrim's popularitythen there is also the rumor ofarbitrim's token airdrop coming soon andyeah that has spurred even moreattention and activities from the usersas they're all in the hopes of getting aslice of the airdrop Pie when will itcome well we don't know yet but our termis filled with many interestingopportunities that we can explore whilewe patiently wait if you've been incrypto for the past few months you haveseen the term real yield being tossedaround randomly by every other projectout there but where did this come fromwhat does it mean well it all goes backto GMX from arbitrim again so the ideaof real yield is that you can earn aportion of a protocol profits as yieldas opposed to the unsustainableliquidity incentives propped up by theprojects themselves profitable protocolsustainable Revenue model put thesetogether that's how you get real yieldsso the idea itself isn't new but GMXmanaged to package it into a catchyphrase and popularized it as theprotocol caught on fire now real yieldhas spread far across crypto butremember not everything is always as itseems then open editions so open Editiondrops aren't new in fact they've beenaround as early as 2021 when nftsstarted gaining steam fast forward tolate 2021 and we have the largest nftdrop ever Pax open Edition mergecollection which sold for nearly 92million since then the nft market hasquite a down but recently open editionsare back in style and in this new andrevised meta open editions nfts areusually sold for at a low accountpossibly ten dollars or less most ofthese nfts can then be burnt at a laterdate to redeem an evolved version of thesame nft so this gamification helpscreate a Perpetual demand for thecollection as collectors often need toburn more than just one nft to get thenext Edition one of the most popularopen editions checks by Jack butcher hasgenerated more than 6 million tradingvolume to date and it's not just oneeither so thanks to this nft Marketplacemanifolds volume has skyrocketed inrecent days as more and more creatorslaunch their projects on the platformwith nfts back in demand attention onnft Phi is also growing as we see moreand more need to unlock nft's liquidityhere we have another nft narrative andthis time we're turning our lens ontothe father of crypto itself Bitcoin youheard that right Bitcoin Bitcoin nftshave been around as early as 2014 butthis time around the attention is moreunique so thanks to ordinals assets suchas jpegs and even video games can now beinscribed directly on satoshi's on theBitcoin blockchain without a need for aside chain or additional token so thatsounds cool but the controversies ofordinals have driven a wedge in theBitcoin community so on one side we haveusers applauding The Innovation and thepositive effects this has brought aboutbut then on the other hand we haveBitcoin enthusiasts decrying the calloususe of bitcoin's security feature wellregardless the fact is that Bitcoin nftsare soaring in popularity with alreadymore than 11000 of them minted to the network at thetime of writing okay then ethereum needsl2s to scale as of now we've seen l2sutilizing optimistic rollups in actionthat includes arbitrary and optimism butthere's another type of roll-up calledZK roll-up which many have proclaimed tobe the next biggest thing for ethereumwhile ethereum utilizes on-chainactivities to process transactions andvalidate blocks ZK Roll-Ups will alsointroduce off-chain functionwhich will help to make transactionsfaster and also cheaper and in typicalcrypto fashion one of the main reasonswhy the ZK narrative is gaining momentumis due to air drops many are expectingupcoming token launches by ZK ecosystemssuch as zksync starknet and polygons ZKevm sometime this year this has alsoresulted in other ZK related protocolssuch as Mina protocol and immutable Xoutperforming the market too with somany catalysts in place the ZK narrativeis definitely one to look out for thisyear so there you have it seven of thetop crypto narratives to look out for in2023 remember crypto can be extremelyvolatile narratives can Wane just asquickly as they appear so always dyor asI do my own research and make sure youdo not get blinded by the hype so wemade a few videos about the trends thatI just talked about such as on realyield layer twos and lsds which we'veLinked In the description below so besure to check them out if you want todive deeper to end on a side note if you've ever wondered who will come ontop in a boxing showdown between CZ and vitalik.#ftx #usdr #BinanceSquare #galxe #avalanche