According to BlockBeats, on September 9, top trader Eugene shared his insights on social media regarding the recent six months of market volatility. He described this period as extremely harsh but ultimately constructive in the long term, as it has created conditions for large-scale contrarian positioning.

Eugene noted that market participants have become accustomed to selling during price increases and trading within ranges, as doing otherwise often leads to endless back-and-forth trading or worse outcomes. He emphasized that when the majority decide to hold tokens again, no one will be prepared for what happens next. Those who blindly bought and held have faced significant losses, making such individuals rare in the current market.

He mentioned that the spark for a trend change could be anything. While he did not claim that the market has reached its bottom, he expressed his willingness to make enough attempts, with stop-loss measures in place, to ensure he is among the first to capitalize when a significant upward movement eventually occurs. Eugene stated his readiness to make multiple attempts if necessary to achieve this goal.