I want to ask a question about coins, there is a list:

Solana Polkadot Ton Matic Xrp Avax Uni Xmr Atom Bnb Ada Trx Shib Curve Aave NearDydx Mina Ape Arb ICP Algo

Question - you need to choose 6 in which you would put part of the deposit in a portfolio format for a long-term (from 3 years) investment.

To paraphrase, which of these projects are you familiar with and which of them do you believe in technologically and perhaps for other reasons?

My answer:

#BNB - I absolutely believe in Binance dominating the CEX/DEX/Launchpad market for the next years, even with the advent of regulation in the crypto world. The company has a huge compliance department and is always ready to adapt to the changing laws of most countries.

#UNI is the token of the most important developer of DEFI solutions Uniswap. A coin is like a share of a market leader company.

Let me remind you that 90%+ of DEX solutions on the market are forks (copies) of Uniswap of previous versions.

#XMR - with the advent of regulation, anonymous cryptocurrencies will be in demand. Monero is one of the most famous and I only expect growth from it. The SEC and other regulators are stepping on the throat of projects working on anonymity and pleasantness in the blockchain, while there has not been a single major case against Monero.

#Curve is a top project in the DEX world, the largest TVL indicators especially in stablecoins, and now also a competitor in the Deposits/Credits section. Conducts ongoing developments in the DEFI world. In light of the discovered vulnerabilities, it was heavily oversold, and is now being restored.

Atom is the headliner of the Cosmos world, one of the main competitors of EVM networks. It also dilutes and decentralizes the dominated EVM networks.

#Matic is the most powerful competitor of Ethereum, there are many developments in the field of Zero Knowledge. The power of the community plus approval and support from India (the homeland of the project). By the way, in 2021 there were 1.4 billion people in India.