Once again Let me explain how degen works in terms of risk management for most of you.

If you’re up 2-3x it’s smart to take out your initial capital and ride the rest to Valhalla or 0 especially if you have low capital and low risk tolerance.

Most degens go to 0 but first they’ll pump. Your goal is to take some profits into the pump.

Degen Playbook if you’re trying to play it safe

Up 2-3x take out capital

Up 3-5x take out capital and some profit.

Up 5-10x take out capital and more profit and keep a moonbag Incase it does a 20-100x .

90% of memes I call at least do a 2-5x

Yeah price can keep going up and you will say “damn imagine if I held all my bags I would have millions 0f $ now” but imagine it didn’t and you now have $0.

If you don’t take profits others will.

There’s a crazy amount of money to be made in degens and we will all make it.

As always I’ll find good plays for us to make money!