We are excited to share our weekly progress report detailing the advancements and innovations we’ve achieved. Our dedication to excellence and innovation in the blockchain space has allowed us to make substantial strides in our journey.

1. Unveiling of New Staking Pools

We rolled out four innovative staking pools, providing more opportunities and flexibility for our users to optimize their investments and earn rewards.

2. Insightful Video AMA

An informative Video AMA was conducted, shedding light on our current projects and future plans, ensuring our community remains informed and engaged.

3. Completion of Play-to-Earn NFT Designs

Our creative endeavors reached a milestone with the completion of design plans for our Play-to-Earn NFTs, showcasing our commitment to enhancing user experiences in gaming.

4. Strategic Refinements and Optimizations

Significant refinements were introduced, including the reduction of $HODL tax from 10% to 5%, to augment user benefits and experience.

5. User Interface and Experience Enhancements

An upgraded dashboard and continued advancements in poker UI/UX were introduced, aimed at elevating user interactions and satisfaction.

6. Advancements in Studio-Scale Game Development

With finalized specifications and continuous development, our studio-scale game is poised to revolutionize gaming experiences in the blockchain arena.

7. Expanded Community Engagement

Our community engagement initiatives were amplified through featured articles, new publications, and vibrant social media interactions, fostering an informed and united $HODL community.

Upcoming App Developments

Paul, our dedicated technologist, is putting the final touches on the app updates, setting the stage for our upcoming launch.


The accomplishments of this week reflect our unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries in blockchain technology. We deeply appreciate the steadfast support from our community and eagerly anticipate the collaborative successes that the future holds. For more information on our developments and to get involved, please refer to our official website and social media platforms.

#HODL #BNB #BinanceSmartChain #BSC #DeFi