⚖️ Nigerian Files Lawsuit to Overturn Crypto Ban, Seeks BTC Commodity Status ⚖️

- Crypto Advocate James Utudor:

- Filed a landmark lawsuit against the Nigerian government on Aug. 9.

- Challenging restrictions on owning, using, and trading digital assets like Bitcoin (BTC) and stablecoins.

- Defendants: Nigerian Presidency, Finance Minister, Attorney General, Central Bank, SEC, EFCC, Nigerian Police Force, NITDA, NCC.

- Key Claims:

- Fundamental Rights Violation: Restrictions infringe on Nigerians' rights to own and trade digital assets.

- Impact on Residents: Denying access to crypto hinders Nigerians from using essential tools to hedge against inflation and facilitate international transactions.

- Government's Stance:

- Authorities implemented restrictions in early 2024 to curb crypto trade.

- Accused global exchanges, including Binance, of enabling activities that contribute to the naira's depreciation and tax evasion.

- Lawsuit Goals:

- Lift Crypto Ban: Ensure unrestricted access to cryptocurrency exchanges for all Nigerians.

- BTC as a Commodity: Seeks court recognition of Bitcoin (BTC) as a commodity, affirming the rights of BTC and USDT holders.

💬 What’s your take on this legal challenge? Will it succeed in overturning Nigeria's crypto ban? Share your thoughts in the comments!

#Nigeria's #BTC☀