Some currencies had exceptional gains during the 2020–2021 bull market: $MATIC increased by 1100x, AXS by 1200x, $FTM by 1400x, $MANA by 550x, and SAND by 280x. I predict that several cryptocurrencies will see similarly spectacular rise as we get closer to the next bull cycle, which is expected to occur in the next six to eight months. These types of remarkable rises are frequently observed in cutting-edge and popular technology. I am really excited about the possibilities in emerging tech fields like Web3, Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN), and Real World Assets (RWA). The next wave of notable advances is probably going to come from these locations. I have been keeping a careful eye on a few initiatives in these industries that have the potential for such rapid expansion. I will be imparting my knowledge.

#Axs #matic