Amid speculation of Robinhood suspending its 24-hour trading service, the company has clarified that the service is still operational. Introduced in May 2023, the platform allows users to invest at their convenience from Sunday to Friday. Reports of the suspension surfaced on Aug. 5, with users claiming it was due to market volatility. Other brokerages like Charles Schwab and Fidelity also faced outages. Despite the turmoil, crypto traders were able to continue trading on decentralized platforms. The global stock market experienced significant declines, with Japan's Nikkei plummeting 12.4%. US stocks also fell sharply, triggering concerns of a recession. The market crash was attributed to poor job figures in the US, prompting calls for emergency rate cuts. Amidst the chaos, crypto markets remained resilient, highlighting the advantages of decentralized trading. Read more AI-generated news on: