Crypto News Key Highlights:

Hong Kong Legislative Council member Johnny Ng responded to Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin's concerns about crypto policies, inviting him to visit and better understand Hong Kong's stable and deliberative regulatory process. Ng emphasized Hong Kong's support for crypto development within its "one country, two systems" framework.

Billionaire Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, fell victim to a phishing attack, losing $870,000 in tokens after months of wallet inactivity. Phishing is a prevalent threat in #crypto2023 , with users unknowingly disclosing sensitive information or downloading malicious software.

Scroll, co-founded by Ye Zhang, is nearing the launch of its zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM) after two years of development. This community-driven project aims to scale Ethereum while upholding its decentralized principles, with a zk-rollup solution that has undergone extensive testing and audits.

On September 16, Ethereum developers faced issues launching the Holesky test network due to a misconfiguration in the source code, with not enough active validators for network finality. They plan to try again around September 23 after resolving technical issues. Holesky aims to support staking, infrastructure, and protocol development for Ethereum, replacing the Goerli testnet. CoinEx, a crypto exchange, has published an open letter inviting hackers involved in a $70 million heist to return the stolen funds and collaborate on security upgrades. Prosecutors in the Sam Bankman-Fried trial object to certain jury questions as "unnecessarily intrusive." Grayscale CEO Michael Sonnenshein is optimistic about the US passing a #cryptocurrency  bill by year-end.

Deutsche Bank plans to offer secure crypto storage solutions for institutional investors, potentially benefiting projects like Tron (TRX) and (DOMI). merges blockchain and traditional art, allowing fractional ownership of blue-chip artworks using NFTs. Deutsche Bank's move may boost DOMI's adoption, while TRON emphasizes decentralization.

Three central banks, including the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the National Bank of Kazakhstan, are piloting #centralbank  digital currencies (CBDCs) with SWIFT's interoperability solution. SWIFT aims to ensure CBDCs can coexist and transact seamlessly as nearly 130 countries explore CBDC technology, addressing potential fragmentation issues.

Darewise Entertainment, an Animoca Brands subsidiary, is set to introduce the first metaverse token for the #Bitcoin blockchain. This token will empower gaming, virtual assets, and real-world experiences within the Life Beyond metaverse project, expanding Bitcoin's role beyond a store of value.