Since this is not a political channel, I do not want to share here my thoughts about geopolitics! I have already made several posts in 2022-2023! I can develop this topic endlessly. But here we are talking about the crypto market!

1. Is this the end of the bull cycle and was Bitcoin's high around 74 thousand? I don't think so, this is just a regular sideways trend, impulse-correction-impulse. The most primitive model. Do I believe in Bitcoin above 100 thousand in this cycle? More likely yes than no! But I definitely do not believe in stupid numbers of 300-500 thousand. If you want to invest in Bitcoin, do it in areas of interest, and not just thoughtlessly because it is Bitcoin.

2. Will there be an altseason? I think there will be, since Bitcoin dominance cannot get stuck at 60-50% values ​​​​forever! Money will flow back and forth anyway. But this cycle will definitely teach, or not teach)), people to work with their money! Any altcoin or memtoken that comes along will not grow and beat its highs! No need to rewind the chart to the left and fantasize that your altcoin will definitely beat the previous high! You can remain a hostage to the position either for the next few years or forever! 

3. Is it possible to buy altcoins at current prices now? Of course, yes! Many of the old altcoins are near their interest zones, and almost all the altcoins that were posted with the IAP model after listing also came to the interest zones! Therefore, I hope you used the free model and it saved your capital. 

4. Can we fall even lower? Of course, yes! -50 or -80% from current prices for altcoins is more than real, there is nothing unreal here! Each asset is just a virtual speculative coin, behind which there is nothing except marketing. Therefore, choose coins thoughtfully, you just outline your entry point on the spot and your exit point! What happens to the coin inside or outside your entry points should not worry you at all 

5. When can the altseason and the uptrend begin? Posszbly never! If this answer scares you, then you have brought too much money that is needed for everyday life in this casino! If you feel uncomfortable looking at your portfolio, then you have overestimated your expectations and the permissible amount of investment! We work with price, not time. 

6. How many coins should you buy on the spot? Diversification is good, but it all depends on how you diversify! You can buy 20 meme tokens that will all fall 99% Agree, not very diversification! Divide the capital by % among 5-10 coins on the spot, start a notion table with entry and exit points! With inflated expectations and discomfort, withdraw from the market after 100% profit investment funds and sleep peacefully! 

7. Find a hobby, find a job, spend time with your family, there are things much more important than virtual coins $BTC #BTC☀