🚨 Warning: 📢P2P Scammers Targeting Binance Users 🚨

Scammers are getting creative, and their latest target is P2P transactions on Binance. Here's how they operate and what you can do to protect yourself:

✅Initial Setup: Scammers start by placing an order and receiving fiat payment from the victim.

✅Scammer Tactics: They then contact the victim, urging them to cancel the order for a refund. If the victim complies, the scammer quickly transfers or sells the cryptocurrency.

✅Advanced Deception: For cautious users, scammers impersonate Binance customer support, convincing them to scan a Web Login QR code, granting access to their account.

✅Protect Yourself:

‼️Never cancel an order after making payment

‼️Verify customer service requests through Binance's official channels

Stay vigilant and protect your assets from these scammers! 💸

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