To this day I am still baffled by the big (but shrinking) voices who think I’m “here for the likes”.

The likes have always been a means to an end. That end has been ensuring the “USA is the best place in the world for #Bitcoin.”

That has been my mission for the last 3 years. Well, that mission has been accomplished. But I’m not finished. I have a new mission.

NEW MISSION: “Unlock the True Potential of #Bitcoin”

What does that mean? It means we shoot for the end zone now. We are in striking distance. Time to put big points on the board for #Bitcoin.

To score points we need to advance policies that unlock #Bitcoin’s potential. Those include:

1. #Bitcoin Strategic Reserve

2. End Capitol gains on #BTC

3. Balance our grids with mining

4. Expand clean energy

5. Unlock #Bitcoin as money

6. Bank the unbanked!

These are the type of policy initiatives are on the bleeding edge of pro-#Bitcoin policies.

These are policies I will consistently fight for because until we unlock the true potential of #Bitcoin we will never get to the ‘bright orange future’ we all know is possible.

My incentives are aligned. I’m not going to stop doing my part to ensure we unlock #Bitcoin. The likes are a tool to ensure I accomplish this mission.

But I’m not on this mission alone. 20,000+ of you have engaged in our advocacy efforts. Thousands of you have donated to us. Hundreds of you have mobilized for our volunteer efforts.

Our movement is growing. And we are always looking for more people to join our ranks as we fight to unlock #Bitcoin for us and the next generation.