
Three investments habits ( healthy investments)

1. Never spend your entire cash or budget to buy something

You want to buy an asset? Set your buy order:

10% lower than spot - 10% of budget

20% lower than spot - 20% of budget

30% lower than spot - 50% of budget

35% lower than spot - 20% (remaining budget)

2. Never sell your entire position

If you really want to take profit - go ahead, but play smart, what happens if the price will increase much more and you sold everything?-

Let consider you bought and asset( BTC / ETH ), here should be your plan

Note: price increase from your DCA level

10% price increase - sell 10%

20% price increase - sell 15%

30% price increase - Sell 25%

40% price increase - Sell 25%

Using this plan already recovered your initial investment + a little profit (3%)

You still hold 25% remaining of the asset, now, it is like you bought it for free

everything you sell (even if price decrease) will be pure profit

3. Never Fomo, be patient

Never buy in hype

Never sell in fear

Usually, you should play against market

Everybody buy? Be the seller

Everybody sell? Be the buyer

Do not apply this logic during Black Swan events

Happy profits!