📚Top 12 cryptocurrency books for 2024!

From exploring the economics and history of hard money to understanding the rise of Bitcoin and the intricacies of Ethereum, these books cover a wide range of topics that are essential for any crypto enthusiast.Reading books is not only a great way to expand your knowledge but also a way to invest in yourself.

Just like successful figures such as Bill Gates and Elon Musk, who are known to be avid readers, dedicating time to reading can help you stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving crypto industry.So why not pick up one of these books and explore the fascinating world of cryptocurrency?

Who knows, you might just discover the next big investment opportunity! Happy reading!

Top 12 Cryptocurrency Books for 2024

1. 📚 **The Bitcoin Standard – Saifedean Ammous

2. 📚 **The Fiat Standard – Saifedean Ammous

3. 📚 **Check Your Financial Privilege – Alex Gladstein

4. 📚 **Digital Gold – Nathaniel Popper

5. 📚 **The Cryptopians – Laura Shin

6. 📚 **The Missing Cryptoqueen – Jamie Bartlett

7. 📚 **Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor’s Guide To Bitcoin And Beyond – Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar

8. 📚 **Bitcoin Money: A Tale Of Bitville Discovering Good Money – Michael Caras

9. 📚 **Mastering Bitcoin – Andreas Antonopoulos

10. 📚 **Inventing Bitcoin – Yan Pritzker

11. 📚 **The Infinite Machine: How An Army Of Crypto-hackers Is Building The Next Internet With Ethereum – Camila Russo

12. 📚 **(Re)Thinking Crypto: The Crash Of FTX And The Rise Of Safer, Stronger Digital Assets – Tony Edward

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