Due to whale manipulations, 90% of people lose all their savings.

Understanding market manipulations is what separates winners from losers.

Many will charge $1,000 for this info, but not me.Here's a đŸ§” on how whales take money from ordinary people and how to avoid their traps 👇

① Faking the patterns:

Whales create chart patterns by buying at resistance or selling during bounces. These manipulated patterns mislead retail traders who rely on them as market indicators, creating false levels and influencing market direction.

② Stop loss hunting:

Whales identify clusters of stop-loss orders at key price levels.

They then drive prices toward these levels by executing significant buy or sell orders, triggering the stops and causing rapid price fluctuations.

⑱ Range manipulation:

Whales reduce their entry price by pushing prices, causing some traders to exit at a loss.Consolidation phases usually end after 4-5 touches, breaking the top or bottom lines.If the price hits a breaking point but then reverses, it's likely manipulation.

④ Fair Value Gap (FVG):

FVGs occur from intense buying or selling, leading to notable price shifts and chart gaps.

After a good pump, prices usually does a pullback, benefiting major players and prompting latecomers to exit positions.

â‘€ Stop runs:

Large players push prices past critical support or resistance points to trigger stop orders, creating cascading movements.

They then swiftly reverse within the range, capitalizing on stop liquidations and catching traders off guard.

â‘„ Wash trading:

Wash trading is a market manipulation technique where traders artificially inflate an asset's value by increasing its trading volume. A wash trader typically moves crypto between wallet addresses or exchange accounts they control to create the illusion of high trading activity and demand.

There's a lot more which I'm coming later to explain , just hit the follow bottom so you don't miss out and share also thanks 👍.

