$ZRO the reason i didnt suggest you to buy zro is because when it first came out it had 250m circulating supply and based on that figure around 700m market cap which was obviously too high for me to invest in.

then suddenly one day 140m of the circulating supply disappeared from the circulation and the mc went down to 280m based on the price x 110m circulating supply.

now at that point i tried to learn why suddenly more than half of the circulating supply disappeared overnight. i wrote to projects telegram group, i researched online etc. alas i havent received any answer which put my mind at ease..

so i was letting it go till 2$ before even considering an investment however 2 days ago it broke the trend upwards so i jumped in. the only reason why i wasnt investing in this project was the high mc. not because it doesnt work or not because its a scam project just because it had high mc.

now this circulating supply deal is a bit confusing and i still hope to receive a satisfactory answer on this but for the time being i allocated about 7% of my portfolio in zro.