A fairly specific introduction to the topics that can be discussed at #JacksonHole

Broadly speaking, there are three opinions.

1. Quicker (Let's go 2% faster with more tightening)

2. Slower (Let's do it slowly, why are you so busy?)

3. Moving goal (let's just change the goal to 3%)

Of course, I don't think there will be any conclusions from this meeting, but after thinking about it, maybe, isn't the reason for bringing up the 3% story to make "Slower" a better option? I think that.

If the voice of the second Slower wave is strong, it will be a scenario where interest rates can be cut by the end of next year, while maintaining interest rates at the current level, looking at the situation. And just, in this case, inflation goes up to 2%, which could take 3 years.

I think it's time for us to adapt to 3 percent #inflation.

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