🚨🚨Today (June 28th) is a BIG day for options expiry! 📅$ETH $BTC

🚨🚨Keep an eye on the price movements of BTC and ETH today, as the options expiry can cause short-term fluctuations.

We're seeing a massive number of contracts expiring for both Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH):

- 107,000 BTC options 💰

- 1.04 million ETH options 💰

Notional value:

- $6.6 billion for BTC 💸

- $3.6 billion for ETH 💸

Potential price movements to watch:

- Prices might fluctuate as options contracts settle 📉📈

- Expect potentially higher trading volume today 📊

Transparency is key! 🔍

The Put-Call Ratio suggests a somewhat balanced market sentiment for both BTC & ETH:

- BTC: 0.5 🔄

- ETH: 0.59 🔄

Stay informed! 🧠

Keep an eye on news, regulations, and overall market trends, as these can also influence prices. 📰

Trade with caution! ⚠️

Today might be a good day to be extra cautious with your trades due to the potential for volatility. 🎢

Remember to always do your own research and trade responsibly! 💪#OptionsTrading #OptionsExpiry