Based on the 4-hour chart for Sol/USDT on Binance, we can observe some key patterns and levels of interest for traders. The chart shows a recent downtrend, with the price dropping to a low of 0.2027 on June 26th. Since then, there has been a slight recovery, with the current price hovering around 0.2104.

Key resistance levels to watch are the moving averages. The MA(7) at 0.2094, MA(25) at 0.2294, and MA(99) at 0.2725. These levels often act as barriers to upward movement, and a break above these could signal a potential reversal. The recent high of 0.2587 is another crucial resistance point; surpassing this could indicate a bullish trend.

The trading volume shows significant spikes, especially during the drop, indicating strong selling pressure. However, the reduced volume in subsequent candles suggests a possible consolidation phase.

For support, the recent low of 0.2027 is the immediate level to watch. If the price drops below this, it could signal further declines. Conversely, maintaining above this level could provide a base for a potential bounce back.

In conclusion, traders should monitor these support and resistance levels closely, alongside the volume trends, to make informed decisions.#VanEck_SOL_ETFS #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #CryptoTradingGuide #CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments