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¿Criptomonedas? Lo que la agencia tributaria no quiere que sepas. Fiscalidad 2024Autor: Marco Musumeci D'Agata Economista y Especialista en DeFi 5 minutos de lectura - 21 de Marzo de 2024 A partir de este 2024, la Agencia Tributaria requiere que le informes sobre el saldo de tus criptomonedas y si no lo haces te multará. En este artículo vamos a tratar las obligaciones tributarias dentro de una economía centralizada (nuestro día a día) y la ausencia total de las mismas dentro de las finanzas descentralizadas, proporcionando al lector una información necesaria para no cometer errores. Comenzamos primero analizando la normativa fiscal española, y una vez que tengamos todo claro, pasaremos al punto más importante: “cómo podrías obviar la misma, sin tener jamás ningún problema tributario”. Empezamos por los modelos 172, 173 y 721 (no tengas miedo): Los modelos 172 y 173 se centran en compañías con residencia fiscal en España que participen en el mercado de las criptomonedas como agencias de intercambio o como monederos virtuales. El modelo 172 se debe presentar en caso de haber obtenido un beneficio superior a 1.000 euros como saldo de monedas virtuales. Con el modelo 173 se recabarán detalles sobre la persona o entidad que ha realizado las operaciones, el tipo de divisa que ha usado y la cantidad que ha obtenido o ha vendido. También se deberá incluir la fecha en la que se realizó la transacción y el valor de la misma. Ahora vamos a hablar del modelo 721: Si tu saldo en criptomonedas, en el extranjero, es superior a 50.000 euros deberás presentar el Modelo 721 incluyendo los datos personales como el nombre, el NIF de la entidad que custodia tus criptomonedas y cuál es su valor en euros. El RD 249/2023 indica también que no será obligatorio informar sobre criptomonedas en el extranjero si el saldo total de todas las criptomonedas a 31 de diciembre no supera los 50.000 euros. Además, será necesario declarar todas las actividades que estén relacionadas con las criptomonedas, como la minería. Entonces, en este punto, probablemente el 95% de los lectores que posean criptomonedas empezarán a sentir un ligero dolor de cabeza, comprensible, pero no necesario porque el artículo aún no ha terminado. ¿Cómo obviar tanta fiscalización y de forma totalmente legal? Te lo explico ahora: En el mundo de las criptomonedas existen 2 formas de operar. La primera y la más simple es abriendo una cuenta en un Exchange centralizado como Binance, CoinBase, Kucoin, LBank etc. Estas grandes empresas de intercambio para crear tu cuenta de usuario te piden muchos datos personales, normalmente una foto del DNI y varias fotos selfies hechas con el móvil. También te piden: dónde vives, cuál es tu cuenta corriente, tu tarjeta de crédito o débito y mucho más. Estos son los datos, a los cuales, la Agencia Tributaria tiene acceso y a través de los cuales en casos determinados rastreará todas tus operaciones financieras. Ten presente también que, una cosa es el saldo inferior a 50.000 euros, que te libera de presentar el modelo 721 y otra cosa son los beneficios que generas tradeando, los cuales hacienda quiere que declares y no vale que le digas que lo que ganaste lo invertiste en otras criptomonedas y que podrías perderlo nuevamente. La Agencia Tributaria no entiende de riesgos, solo le importa tasar tus beneficios. Entonces ¿Cómo puedes dormir tranquilo teniendo tus criptomonedas a salvo? La respuesta se llama DeFi, esta palabra significa en inglés "Decentralized Finance" que en castellano se traduce como "Finanzas Descentralizadas". Esencialmente tus criptomonedas variables (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) o estables (USDT, USDC, TUSD, etc.) se guardan en una cartera anónima, te cito aquí una de las más famosas y seguras del mundo: Trust Wallet, ¿Por qué una cartera Trust Wallet es anónima? Cuando descargas en tu móvil Trust Wallet desde el Google Play Store o el Apple Store, la única forma de crear tu nueva cartera electrónica es a través de 12 palabras aleatorias posicionadas en un orden específico que no puedes cambiar. Estás 12 palabras son "el propietario" de la cartera electrónica, por ello jamás puedes perderlas. Es muy aconsejable escribirlas en el mismo orden del 1 al 12 usando un bolígrafo sobre un papel, luego plastificar este papel con film de cocina y guardarlo en un lugar secreto donde nadie lo encuentre, excepto tú. Estás 12 palabras te servirán también en caso de que pierdas tu móvil o elimines la cartera electrónica por error; gracias a ellas podrás restaurarla. Claramente, si alguien encuentra tus 12 palabras podrá quedarse con tu cartera y con todo tu dinero, así que presta mucha atención y nunca reveles tus claves a nadie. Una vez que tengas activada tu cartera Trust Wallet podrás comprar, vender y almacenar de forma anónima cualquier criptomoneda del mundo, variable o estable (Trust Wallet soporta todas las principales redes de la blockchain). Si eres un principiante y no tienes conocimiento básicos de cómo empezar a invertir en tokens DeFi usando TrustWallet te sugiero buscar en google “Bitkoin” (como Bitcoin pero con K), es un token nuevo totalmente descentralizado que ha salido en preventa en estas últimas semanas; el equipo detrás del proyecto es anónimo y se hace llamar Zhao Nakamoto como lo fue Satoshi Nakamoto cuando creó Bitcoin en 2009. Lo más original de Bitkoin, con solo 21 millones de tokens, es que reparte a sus poseedores un 5% de recompensas diarias en Bitcoin (BTC). Se prevé que su camino será tan exitoso como el de su predecesor. Puedes participar en la preventa de Bitkoin desde solo 2,5 euros (10 Bitkoin) y gracias a los videos tutoriales que encuentras en su web oficial ( podrás introducirte en el mundo de las finanzas descentralizadas de forma sencilla y segura, invirtiendo una cantidad de dinero equivalente a un buen chocolate con churros. A través de la cartera Trust Wallet podrás conectar a 2 grandes Exchange Descentralizados llamados: PancakeSwap y Uniswap. Allí es donde podrás comprar y vender la mayoría de las criptomonedas existentes. Ahora toca hablar de lo que más interesa al lector: ¿Cómo puedo usar mi dinero? o ¿Cómo puedo transferir dinero a mi cuenta corriente? Una vez que hayas generando beneficios puedes hacer 2 cosas: La primera es transferir tus beneficios (ejemplo, dólares USDT) a un Exchange centralizado (ejemplo, Binance o Coinbase) y de allí cambiarlos a euros para transferirlos a tu cuenta corriente en España, y finalmente declararlos a la Agencia Tributaria como ganancias patrimoniales pagando un impuesto que varía según la cantidad entre un 19% hasta un 26%. La segunda opción, es no mover tus beneficios de la blockchain (DeFi), y acudir a empresas de la web3 que ofrecen tarjetas de débito para usarse en Europa. Una de las empresa más famosa y reconocida es Monolith (DeFi debit card), su tarjeta de débito no tiene costes de abertura, tampoco coste anual, puede usarse solo en Europa, lo que cobran es un 1% para añadir tus criptomonedas a tu cartera electrónica en su web y después cobran un 1,75% de todas tus compras con un límite de 500 euros al día. Diría, textualmente, que quien usa esta tarjeta de débito se transforma en invisible, imposible de rastrear y localizar. Un verdadero fantasma. Así que, comprar, vender y almacenar tus criptomonedas en Trust Wallet es una opción para guardar tus tenencias "galácticas" de forma anónima. Cuando sea tu decisión, puedes enviar tus criptomonedas a un Exchange centralizado y a partir de allí finalmente declararlas a la Agencia Tributaria. De esta forma un patrimonio digital se mantiene anónimo, no existe identidad alguna, solo una cartera Trust Wallet con sus 12 palabras. Este artículo es meramente informativo y el lector tiene la libertad y el derecho de poder profundizar sobre las finanzas descentralizadas tomando bajo su propia responsabilidad cualquier acción o decisión personal. Nota: El autor de este artículo solo expresa sus conocimientos profesionales sobre las economías centralizadas y descentralizadas de forma armónica y didáctica, con el fin de poder proporcionar al lector una visión más amplia sobre sus obligaciones tributarias en el momento en el cual su patrimonio digital figure a su nombre. #Bitcoin(BTC) #btc #HotTrends #money #taxes $BTC $ETH $BNB

¿Criptomonedas? Lo que la agencia tributaria no quiere que sepas. Fiscalidad 2024

Marco Musumeci D'Agata
Economista y Especialista en DeFi
5 minutos de lectura - 21 de Marzo de 2024
A partir de este 2024, la Agencia Tributaria requiere que le informes sobre el saldo de tus criptomonedas y si no lo haces te multará.
En este artículo vamos a tratar las obligaciones tributarias dentro de una economía centralizada (nuestro día a día) y la ausencia total de las mismas dentro de las finanzas descentralizadas, proporcionando al lector una información necesaria para no cometer errores.
Comenzamos primero analizando la normativa fiscal española, y una vez que tengamos todo claro, pasaremos al punto más importante: “cómo podrías obviar la misma, sin tener jamás ningún problema tributario”.
Empezamos por los modelos 172, 173 y 721 (no tengas miedo):
Los modelos 172 y 173 se centran en compañías con residencia fiscal en España que participen en el mercado de las criptomonedas como agencias de intercambio o como monederos virtuales.
El modelo 172 se debe presentar en caso de haber obtenido un beneficio superior a 1.000 euros como saldo de monedas virtuales.
Con el modelo 173 se recabarán detalles sobre la persona o entidad que ha realizado las operaciones, el tipo de divisa que ha usado y la cantidad que ha obtenido o ha vendido.
También se deberá incluir la fecha en la que se realizó la transacción y el valor de la misma.
Ahora vamos a hablar del modelo 721:
Si tu saldo en criptomonedas, en el extranjero, es superior a 50.000 euros deberás presentar el Modelo 721 incluyendo los datos personales como el nombre, el NIF de la entidad que custodia tus criptomonedas y cuál es su valor en euros.
El RD 249/2023 indica también que no será obligatorio informar sobre criptomonedas en el extranjero si el saldo total de todas las criptomonedas a 31 de diciembre no supera los 50.000 euros.
Además, será necesario declarar todas las actividades que estén relacionadas con las criptomonedas, como la minería.
Entonces, en este punto, probablemente el 95% de los lectores que posean criptomonedas empezarán a sentir un ligero dolor de cabeza, comprensible, pero no necesario porque el artículo aún no ha terminado.
¿Cómo obviar tanta fiscalización y de forma totalmente legal?
Te lo explico ahora:
En el mundo de las criptomonedas existen 2 formas de operar. La primera y la más simple es abriendo una cuenta en un Exchange centralizado como Binance, CoinBase, Kucoin, LBank etc. Estas grandes empresas de intercambio para crear tu cuenta de usuario te piden muchos datos personales, normalmente una foto del DNI y varias fotos selfies hechas con el móvil. También te piden: dónde vives, cuál es tu cuenta corriente, tu tarjeta de crédito o débito y mucho más.
Estos son los datos, a los cuales, la Agencia Tributaria tiene acceso y a través de los cuales en casos determinados rastreará todas tus operaciones financieras.
Ten presente también que, una cosa es el saldo inferior a 50.000 euros, que te libera de presentar el modelo 721 y otra cosa son los beneficios que generas tradeando, los cuales hacienda quiere que declares y no vale que le digas que lo que ganaste lo invertiste en otras criptomonedas y que podrías perderlo nuevamente.
La Agencia Tributaria no entiende de riesgos, solo le importa tasar tus beneficios.
Entonces ¿Cómo puedes dormir tranquilo teniendo tus criptomonedas a salvo?
La respuesta se llama DeFi, esta palabra significa en inglés "Decentralized Finance" que en castellano se traduce como "Finanzas Descentralizadas". Esencialmente tus criptomonedas variables (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) o estables (USDT, USDC, TUSD, etc.) se guardan en una cartera anónima, te cito aquí una de las más famosas y seguras del mundo: Trust Wallet,
¿Por qué una cartera Trust Wallet es anónima?
Cuando descargas en tu móvil Trust Wallet desde el Google Play Store o el Apple Store, la única forma de crear tu nueva cartera electrónica es a través de 12 palabras aleatorias posicionadas en un orden específico que no puedes cambiar.
Estás 12 palabras son "el propietario" de la cartera electrónica, por ello jamás puedes perderlas. Es muy aconsejable escribirlas en el mismo orden del 1 al 12 usando un bolígrafo sobre un papel, luego plastificar este papel con film de cocina y guardarlo en un lugar secreto donde nadie lo encuentre, excepto tú.
Estás 12 palabras te servirán también en caso de que pierdas tu móvil o elimines la cartera electrónica por error; gracias a ellas podrás restaurarla.
Claramente, si alguien encuentra tus 12 palabras podrá quedarse con tu cartera y con todo tu dinero, así que presta mucha atención y nunca reveles tus claves a nadie.
Una vez que tengas activada tu cartera Trust Wallet podrás comprar, vender y almacenar de forma anónima cualquier criptomoneda del mundo, variable o estable (Trust Wallet soporta todas las principales redes de la blockchain).
Si eres un principiante y no tienes conocimiento básicos de cómo empezar a invertir en tokens DeFi usando TrustWallet te sugiero buscar en google “Bitkoin” (como Bitcoin pero con K), es un token nuevo totalmente descentralizado que ha salido en preventa en estas últimas semanas; el equipo detrás del proyecto es anónimo y se hace llamar Zhao Nakamoto como lo fue Satoshi Nakamoto cuando creó Bitcoin en 2009.
Lo más original de Bitkoin, con solo 21 millones de tokens, es que reparte a sus poseedores un 5% de recompensas diarias en Bitcoin (BTC). Se prevé que su camino será tan exitoso como el de su predecesor.
Puedes participar en la preventa de Bitkoin desde solo 2,5 euros (10 Bitkoin) y gracias a los videos tutoriales que encuentras en su web oficial ( podrás introducirte en el mundo de las finanzas descentralizadas de forma sencilla y segura, invirtiendo una cantidad de dinero equivalente a un buen chocolate con churros.
A través de la cartera Trust Wallet podrás conectar a 2 grandes Exchange Descentralizados llamados: PancakeSwap y Uniswap. Allí es donde podrás comprar y vender la mayoría de las criptomonedas existentes.
Ahora toca hablar de lo que más interesa al lector:
¿Cómo puedo usar mi dinero? o ¿Cómo puedo transferir dinero a mi cuenta corriente?
Una vez que hayas generando beneficios puedes hacer 2 cosas:
La primera es transferir tus beneficios (ejemplo, dólares USDT) a un Exchange centralizado (ejemplo, Binance o Coinbase) y de allí cambiarlos a euros para transferirlos a tu cuenta corriente en España, y finalmente declararlos a la Agencia Tributaria como ganancias patrimoniales pagando un impuesto que varía según la cantidad entre un 19% hasta un 26%.
La segunda opción, es no mover tus beneficios de la blockchain (DeFi), y acudir a empresas de la web3 que ofrecen tarjetas de débito para usarse en Europa.
Una de las empresa más famosa y reconocida es Monolith (DeFi debit card), su tarjeta de débito no tiene costes de abertura, tampoco coste anual, puede usarse solo en Europa, lo que cobran es un 1% para añadir tus criptomonedas a tu cartera electrónica en su web y después cobran un 1,75% de todas tus compras con un límite de 500 euros al día.
Diría, textualmente, que quien usa esta tarjeta de débito se transforma en invisible, imposible de rastrear y localizar. Un verdadero fantasma.
Así que, comprar, vender y almacenar tus criptomonedas en Trust Wallet es una opción para guardar tus tenencias "galácticas" de forma anónima.
Cuando sea tu decisión, puedes enviar tus criptomonedas a un Exchange centralizado y a partir de allí finalmente declararlas a la Agencia Tributaria.
De esta forma un patrimonio digital se mantiene anónimo, no existe identidad alguna, solo una cartera Trust Wallet con sus 12 palabras.
Este artículo es meramente informativo y el lector tiene la libertad y el derecho de poder profundizar sobre las finanzas descentralizadas tomando bajo su propia responsabilidad cualquier acción o decisión personal.
Nota: El autor de este artículo solo expresa sus conocimientos profesionales sobre las economías centralizadas y descentralizadas de forma armónica y didáctica, con el fin de poder proporcionar al lector una visión más amplia sobre sus obligaciones tributarias en el momento en el cual su patrimonio digital figure a su nombre.
#Bitcoin(BTC) #btc #HotTrends #money #taxes $BTC $ETH $BNB
🇹🇭 Thailand Has Removed The #cryptocurrency Investment Tax. Thailand's cabinet has waived cryptocurrency #taxes for businesses that offer investment #tokens . Over the next two years,the government could lose up to $1 billion in revenue as a result of the tax exemption.
🇹🇭 Thailand Has Removed The #cryptocurrency Investment Tax.
Thailand's cabinet has waived cryptocurrency #taxes for businesses that offer investment #tokens .
Over the next two years,the government could lose up to $1 billion in revenue as a result of the tax exemption.

💰The Swiss city of Lugano will now accept #Bitcoin and #USDT to pay #taxes and other fees. Residents can scan the invoice and pay using their preferred Crypto wallet 👀 The measure is part of Lugano’s plans to collaborate with #Tether 🚀
💰The Swiss city of Lugano will now accept #Bitcoin and #USDT to pay #taxes and other fees.

Residents can scan the invoice and pay using their preferred Crypto wallet 👀

The measure is part of Lugano’s plans to collaborate with #Tether 🚀
Denmark to impose tax on profits from the sale of BTC The Supreme Court in Copenhagen ruled that profits from the sale of bitcoins bought or mined are subject to taxation. This decision was made in view of the speculative nature of the cryptocurrency. #BTC #Bitcon #tax #taxes
Denmark to impose tax on profits from the sale of BTC

The Supreme Court in Copenhagen ruled that profits from the sale of bitcoins bought or mined are subject to taxation. This decision was made in view of the speculative nature of the cryptocurrency.

#BTC #Bitcon #tax #taxes
🇯🇵 JUST IN: #Japan ’s FSA wants to align crypto tax rates with traditional financial #assets . The proposed 2025 reform could cut #taxes on crypto profits from 55% to 20% and allow loss carryovers. #DOGSONBINANCE #TON
🇯🇵 JUST IN: #Japan ’s FSA wants to align crypto tax rates with traditional financial #assets .

The proposed 2025 reform could cut #taxes on crypto profits from 55% to 20% and allow loss carryovers.
Is Thailand Becoming a Crypto Hub in Southeast Asia with Tax Breaks for Investment Tokens? 🥳 Forget crypto rollercoasters, #Thailand is offering tax breaks to make it a crypto paradise! They're exempting #taxes on investment token profits for individuals (with a catch) and slashing taxes for companies issuing them. This bold move aims to turn Thailand into Southeast Asia's #crypto hub, but can they overcome their rocky past with crypto taxes? Buckle up for a story of tax U-turns, public outcry, and Thailand's ambitious crypto dreams. #Binance #crypto2024
Is Thailand Becoming a Crypto Hub in Southeast Asia with Tax Breaks for Investment Tokens? 🥳

Forget crypto rollercoasters, #Thailand is offering tax breaks to make it a crypto paradise!

They're exempting #taxes on investment token profits for individuals (with a catch) and slashing taxes for companies issuing them.

This bold move aims to turn Thailand into Southeast Asia's #crypto hub, but can they overcome their rocky past with crypto taxes?

Buckle up for a story of tax U-turns, public outcry, and Thailand's ambitious crypto dreams.

Florida: The Leader in Cryptocurrency Tax Friendliness in the USAFlorida has emerged as the most tax-friendly state in the USA for cryptocurrencies. Thanks to the absence of state income tax and pro-cryptocurrency policies, Florida surpasses other states, including New York, which has one of the highest income tax rates at 10.9% and requires a BitLicense. Florida Named "Best State" for Cryptocurrency Tax Purposes According to a recent study by CoinLedger, Florida ranks as the most tax-friendly state for #cryptocurrencies in the United States, while New York is positioned at the opposite end of the spectrum. Key Factors to Florida's Success The study, published on January 22nd, revealed that Florida achieved this status through a combination of no state income tax and policies supportive of cryptocurrencies. These policies include a pilot program that allows businesses to pay state fees in cryptocurrencies.  How Other States Compare with Florida Following Florida are Texas and Wyoming, which also have no state income tax and support crypto-friendly policies, including allowing banks to act as crypto custodians. Nevada and Arizona also rank high, with zero and low tax rates on cryptocurrencies, respectively. The Importance of Understanding Local Tax Policies for Investors David Kemmerer, CEO of CoinLedger, emphasizes the importance of being aware of local tax regulations for crypto investors, who could lose thousands of dollars due to different state tax rates. California and Other States with Higher Tax Rates California is the second-worst state for cryptocurrency tax purposes, followed by Hawaii, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, with high income tax rates. Hawaii also requires all exchanges in the state to obtain a special license. Recent Changes in IRS Policy The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) recently announced that it will temporarily postpone some of its cryptocurrency tax rules, including exempting businesses from reporting #crypto transactions over $10,000, until an updated framework is issued.  #taxes   Notice: ,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“

Florida: The Leader in Cryptocurrency Tax Friendliness in the USA

Florida has emerged as the most tax-friendly state in the USA for cryptocurrencies. Thanks to the absence of state income tax and pro-cryptocurrency policies, Florida surpasses other states, including New York, which has one of the highest income tax rates at 10.9% and requires a BitLicense.
Florida Named "Best State" for Cryptocurrency Tax Purposes
According to a recent study by CoinLedger, Florida ranks as the most tax-friendly state for #cryptocurrencies in the United States, while New York is positioned at the opposite end of the spectrum.
Key Factors to Florida's Success
The study, published on January 22nd, revealed that Florida achieved this status through a combination of no state income tax and policies supportive of cryptocurrencies. These policies include a pilot program that allows businesses to pay state fees in cryptocurrencies.
 How Other States Compare with Florida
Following Florida are Texas and Wyoming, which also have no state income tax and support crypto-friendly policies, including allowing banks to act as crypto custodians. Nevada and Arizona also rank high, with zero and low tax rates on cryptocurrencies, respectively.
The Importance of Understanding Local Tax Policies for Investors
David Kemmerer, CEO of CoinLedger, emphasizes the importance of being aware of local tax regulations for crypto investors, who could lose thousands of dollars due to different state tax rates.
California and Other States with Higher Tax Rates
California is the second-worst state for cryptocurrency tax purposes, followed by Hawaii, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, with high income tax rates. Hawaii also requires all exchanges in the state to obtain a special license.
Recent Changes in IRS Policy
The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) recently announced that it will temporarily postpone some of its cryptocurrency tax rules, including exempting businesses from reporting #crypto transactions over $10,000, until an updated framework is issued.
,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“
TAX IN BRAZIL The Brazilian Federal Revenue has introduced new regulations for cryptocurrency asset declaration in the 2024 Income Tax, including the need to differentiate between 'altcoin' and 'stablecoin' and to report the custodian's CNPJ. Additional rules for assets held abroad were also specified, following the "Offshore Law." These new guidelines are effective from March 15, with the declaration period extending until May 31. #write2earn #TrendingTopic #tax #taxes

The Brazilian Federal Revenue has introduced new regulations for cryptocurrency asset declaration in the 2024 Income Tax, including the need to differentiate between 'altcoin' and 'stablecoin' and to report the custodian's CNPJ. Additional rules for assets held abroad were also specified, following the "Offshore Law." These new guidelines are effective from March 15, with the declaration period extending until May 31.

#write2earn #TrendingTopic #tax #taxes
#Indonesia 's crypto exchanges faced a 60% decline in trading volumes in 2023, largely attributing the drop to high income and VAT #taxes on crypto transactions, as #Cryptocurrencies are treated as commodities. The industry hopes for a change in classification to securities, which might reduce tax burdens and boost trading activity.
#Indonesia 's crypto exchanges faced a 60% decline in trading volumes in 2023, largely attributing the drop to high income and VAT #taxes on crypto transactions, as #Cryptocurrencies are treated as commodities. The industry hopes for a change in classification to securities, which might reduce tax burdens and boost trading activity.
Types Of Taxes On CryptoTypes of Taxes on CryptoCapital Gains Tax: This is the most common form of taxation and applies when you sell your crypto for more than you paid.Income Tax: If you earn cryptocurrency through mining, staking, or as payment for services, it's considered income.Transaction Tax: Some jurisdictions even tax individual crypto transactions.Legal Frameworks You Should Know AboutRegulatory Compliance: Always make sure to use platforms and services that adhere to the financial regulations of your jurisdiction.Security Laws: Certain tokens may be considered securities under the law, requiring special compliance measures.International Laws: Trading with entities in other countries can expose you to foreign regulations.#danos #taxes #crypto

Types Of Taxes On Crypto

Types of Taxes on CryptoCapital Gains Tax: This is the most common form of taxation and applies when you sell your crypto for more than you paid.Income Tax: If you earn cryptocurrency through mining, staking, or as payment for services, it's considered income.Transaction Tax: Some jurisdictions even tax individual crypto transactions.Legal Frameworks You Should Know AboutRegulatory Compliance: Always make sure to use platforms and services that adhere to the financial regulations of your jurisdiction.Security Laws: Certain tokens may be considered securities under the law, requiring special compliance measures.International Laws: Trading with entities in other countries can expose you to foreign regulations.#danos #taxes #crypto
The $20k Question: Is Bitcoin Doomed To Fall Below This Critical Level#BTC #ratehikes #taxes #deathcross #history The crypto market has been on a strong recovery since the start of 2023, with many major cryptocurrencies increasing by 50% to 100%. Bitcoin also recently broke $25k for the first time since June 2022, but this rally could be short-lived. Here are four factors that could cause the crypto market to drop further in March. source CoinMarketCap 1. FED Aggressive Rate Hike The Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates to combat inflation, which has been rising faster than expected. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) index, which are both measures of inflation, came in higher than expected in January1. This means that the FED will likely continue its aggressive rate hike policy, which could have a negative impact on the crypto market. Historically, higher interest rates have caused asset prices to drop, as investors shift their money to safer and more profitable investments. source TradingEconomics 2. Historic Performance Another factor that could weigh on the crypto market is its historic performance in March. According to historical data, March has been a bad month for Bitcoin, with an average return of -5.3%2. This could be due to seasonal factors, such as tax season or market cycles. If Bitcoin follows its historical trend, it could drop below $20k in March. source CoinGlass 3. Tax Season Speaking of tax season, this is another event that investors don’t like. Generally, prices drop before tax reporting as investors sell their profitable assets to pay their taxes or offset their losses3. Given that cryptocurrency has had a strong rally since the beginning of the year, a sell-off is very likely in the coming weeks. This could create downward pressure on the crypto market and trigger a correction. 4. Death Cross Finally, one of the most ominous signs for the crypto market is the death cross. The death cross is a chart pattern formed when the 50-day moving average crosses below the 200-day moving average4. This indicates a long-term downward trend and a loss of momentum for an asset. Bitcoin recently had its first-ever death cross on its weekly time frame, which is considered by many traders and analysts to be a bearish signal. In the past, death crosses have caused assets to drop by 40% to 50%. If this happens to Bitcoin , it can go below $12k. data source TradingView How To Protect Your Portfolio? The best way to protect your portfolio from these factors is by diversifying your investments and using risk management strategies such as stop-loss orders or hedging instruments. You can also take advantage of opportunities in other markets or sectors that are less affected by these factors or even benefit from them. Disclaimer: This article is not intended as financial advice and should not be taken as such.

The $20k Question: Is Bitcoin Doomed To Fall Below This Critical Level

#BTC #ratehikes #taxes #deathcross #history

The crypto market has been on a strong recovery since the start of 2023, with many major cryptocurrencies increasing by 50% to 100%. Bitcoin also recently broke $25k for the first time since June 2022, but this rally could be short-lived. Here are four factors that could cause the crypto market to drop further in March.

source CoinMarketCap

1. FED Aggressive Rate Hike

The Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates to combat inflation, which has been rising faster than expected. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) index, which are both measures of inflation, came in higher than expected in January1. This means that the FED will likely continue its aggressive rate hike policy, which could have a negative impact on the crypto market. Historically, higher interest rates have caused asset prices to drop, as investors shift their money to safer and more profitable investments.

source TradingEconomics

2. Historic Performance

Another factor that could weigh on the crypto market is its historic performance in March. According to historical data, March has been a bad month for Bitcoin, with an average return of -5.3%2. This could be due to seasonal factors, such as tax season or market cycles. If Bitcoin follows its historical trend, it could drop below $20k in March.

source CoinGlass

3. Tax Season

Speaking of tax season, this is another event that investors don’t like. Generally, prices drop before tax reporting as investors sell their profitable assets to pay their taxes or offset their losses3. Given that cryptocurrency has had a strong rally since the beginning of the year, a sell-off is very likely in the coming weeks. This could create downward pressure on the crypto market and trigger a correction.

4. Death Cross

Finally, one of the most ominous signs for the crypto market is the death cross. The death cross is a chart pattern formed when the 50-day moving average crosses below the 200-day moving average4. This indicates a long-term downward trend and a loss of momentum for an asset. Bitcoin recently had its first-ever death cross on its weekly time frame, which is considered by many traders and analysts to be a bearish signal. In the past, death crosses have caused assets to drop by 40% to 50%. If this happens to Bitcoin , it can go below $12k.

data source TradingView

How To Protect Your Portfolio?

The best way to protect your portfolio from these factors is by diversifying your investments and using risk management strategies such as stop-loss orders or hedging instruments. You can also take advantage of opportunities in other markets or sectors that are less affected by these factors or even benefit from them.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended as financial advice and should not be taken as such.

Israel's New Crypto Tax Bill: What You Need to Know #crypto news update of Israel : #Israel Proposes Bill to Reduce Crypto Tax for Foreign Residents : A bill that proposes to exempt foreigners from capital gains #taxes on cryptocurrency profits passed its first reading in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, on June 5, 2023. The bill, which was sponsored by Knesset member Dan Ilouz, would also reduce the current 50% tax on crypto bonuses for employees to 25%. The bill is still in its early stages and has not yet been approved by the Knesset. However, if it is passed, it would make Israel one of the most crypto-friendly countries in the world. Currently, capital gains in Israel are taxed at 25 percent, regardless of whether the asset is cryptocurrency or something else. The bill would exempt foreigners from this tax, which could make Israel a more attractive destination for foreign investors in cryptocurrency. The bill would also reduce the tax on crypto bonuses for employees from 50% to 25%. This would bring the tax treatment of crypto bonuses in line with the tax treatment of stock options. The bill is supported by the ruling coalition parties in Israel. If it is passed, it would be a major step forward for the crypto industry in Israel. Here are some additional details about the bill: The bill would exempt foreigners from capital gains taxes on cryptocurrency profits. The bill would reduce the current 50% tax on crypto bonuses for employees to 25%. The bill is still in its early stages and has not yet been approved by the Knesset. If the bill is passed, it would make Israel one of the most crypto-friendly countries in the world. What do you think of this bill? Do you think it would make Israel a more attractive destination for foreign investors in cryptocurrency? Let us know in the comments below! #pepe #crypto2023 $BTC $PEPE $TRX

Israel's New Crypto Tax Bill: What You Need to Know

#crypto news update of Israel :

#Israel Proposes Bill to Reduce Crypto Tax for Foreign Residents :

A bill that proposes to exempt foreigners from capital gains #taxes on cryptocurrency profits passed its first reading in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, on June 5, 2023. The bill, which was sponsored by Knesset member Dan Ilouz, would also reduce the current 50% tax on crypto bonuses for employees to 25%.

The bill is still in its early stages and has not yet been approved by the Knesset. However, if it is passed, it would make Israel one of the most crypto-friendly countries in the world.

Currently, capital gains in Israel are taxed at 25 percent, regardless of whether the asset is cryptocurrency or something else. The bill would exempt foreigners from this tax, which could make Israel a more attractive destination for foreign investors in cryptocurrency.

The bill would also reduce the tax on crypto bonuses for employees from 50% to 25%. This would bring the tax treatment of crypto bonuses in line with the tax treatment of stock options.

The bill is supported by the ruling coalition parties in Israel. If it is passed, it would be a major step forward for the crypto industry in Israel.

Here are some additional details about the bill:

The bill would exempt foreigners from capital gains taxes on cryptocurrency profits.

The bill would reduce the current 50% tax on crypto bonuses for employees to 25%.

The bill is still in its early stages and has not yet been approved by the Knesset.

If the bill is passed, it would make Israel one of the most crypto-friendly countries in the world.

What do you think of this bill? Do you think it would make Israel a more attractive destination for foreign investors in cryptocurrency? Let us know in the comments below!

#pepe #crypto2023


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