$USUAL : Don’t Fall for Rumors! 🚨
Some groups are spreading false rumors, claiming
$USUAL will drop below $1 or that it’s a scam. These are attempts to manipulate the market and drag prices down. Ignore the noise and stay focused!
🔑 The Facts About
• It shows stable growth and holds green positions better than most recent coins.
• This is not a meme coin, and its 24hr lows are steadily increasing.
• Sharp dips happen after surges, but
$USUAL recovers quickly, showing strength.
💡 Do Your Research:
Don’t believe every rumor—check the website, read the whitepaper, and see the data for yourself.
$USUAL ’s potential speaks for itself! 🌟
#rumors #USUAL #Binance #DoYourOwnResearch #BeCautious