Binance Square
66,698 megtekintés
53 Bejegyzések
Crypto Princess1
✍️The key highlights for this morning🎯 📄 BlackRock, Hashdex, and Pando Asset have submitted revised S-1 applications. BlackRock expects an injection of $10 million as initial funding on January 3. 😊 Paxos has obtained approval from the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) to launch products on Solana. 💰 The Curve Finance community will compensate liquidity providers affected by the $61 million hack in July. 💸 BarnBridge DAO will pay SEC $1.7 million for the lack of registration of cryptocurrency offering and sales. 🇨🇳 The People's Bank of China urges the world to collaborate on cryptocurrency regulation. 😡 The SEC acknowledged inaccuracies in the lawsuit against DEBT Box but insists on freezing the company's assets. #newscrypto #news
✍️The key highlights for this morning🎯

📄 BlackRock, Hashdex, and Pando Asset have submitted revised S-1 applications. BlackRock expects an injection of $10 million as initial funding on January 3.

😊 Paxos has obtained approval from the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) to launch products on Solana.

💰 The Curve Finance community will compensate liquidity providers affected by the $61 million hack in July.

💸 BarnBridge DAO will pay SEC $1.7 million for the lack of registration of cryptocurrency offering and sales.

🇨🇳 The People's Bank of China urges the world to collaborate on cryptocurrency regulation.

😡 The SEC acknowledged inaccuracies in the lawsuit against DEBT Box but insists on freezing the company's assets.

#newscrypto #news
JUST IN: • India 🇮🇳 ban 9 crypto exchange URL'S. Follow • Binance • Kraken • Huobi • Kucoin • Bittrex • • Bitstamp • Bitfinex • MEXC Global India got crazy (& now you'll see a lot of news like this to create painc selling just remember ETF news is near. #anpn #newscrypto #IndiaCryptoBan
JUST IN: • India 🇮🇳 ban 9 crypto exchange

• Binance
• Kraken
• Huobi
• Kucoin
• Bittrex
• Bitstamp
• Bitfinex
• MEXC Global

India got crazy (& now you'll see a lot of news like this to create painc selling just remember ETF
news is near.

#anpn #newscrypto #IndiaCryptoBan
Bitcoin's long-term investors typically engage in a strategy of purchasing at lower prices and selling at higher prices. This approach results in profitable outcomes, transforming coins from a lower cost basis to a higher one. For instance, a coin obtained at $6,000 in 2018 might be sold for $60,000 in 2021, necessitating a 900% increase in capital to attain the same volume of coins. #BTC期货 #bitcoin #BTC.price.surpassed #Trendingcoins #newscrypto
Bitcoin's long-term investors typically engage in a strategy of purchasing at lower prices and selling at higher prices. This approach results in profitable outcomes, transforming coins from a lower cost basis to a higher one. For instance, a coin obtained at $6,000 in 2018 might be sold for $60,000 in 2021, necessitating a 900% increase in capital to attain the same volume of coins.
#BTC期货 #bitcoin #BTC.price.surpassed #Trendingcoins #newscrypto
#BTC #etf #CryptoNewsLand #newscrypto The top 3 cryptocurrencies with the most daily addresses 1. TRON (TRX) TRON secured first place with the highest commitment to daily addresses. With 1,643,580 active addresses, the TRON network recorded impressive user activity. TRON is known for its high throughput and decentralised applications that have attracted a considerable user base. 2. Bitcoin (BTC) Bitcoin follows in second place with 867,570 daily active addresses. Bitcoin is still strongly represented and is actively used by a broad user base for transactions, despite its comparatively lower throughput compared to some altcoins. 3. Litecoin (LTC) Litecoin took third place with 754,272 active addresses. Known for a faster block generation time compared to Bitcoin, Litecoin is characterised by user-friendly features and efficient transaction processing. For more news, please leave a subscription and you would support me with a like
#BTC #etf #CryptoNewsLand #newscrypto

The top 3 cryptocurrencies with the most daily addresses


TRON secured first place with the highest commitment to daily addresses. With 1,643,580 active addresses, the TRON network recorded impressive user activity. TRON is known for its high throughput and decentralised applications that have attracted a considerable user base.

2. Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin follows in second place with 867,570 daily active addresses. Bitcoin is still strongly represented and is actively used by a broad user base for transactions, despite its comparatively lower throughput compared to some altcoins.

3. Litecoin (LTC)

Litecoin took third place with 754,272 active addresses. Known for a faster block generation time compared to Bitcoin, Litecoin is characterised by user-friendly features and efficient transaction processing.

For more news, please leave a subscription and you would support me with a like
*بلومبرج: الذهب سيتفوق على البيتكوين في 2024!* نظرًا لأن التنافس بين البيتكوين (BTC) والذهب هو تنافس أبدي . فقد ألمح مايك ماكجلون، كبير المحللين الاستراتيجيين في بلومبرج إنتليجنس . إلى الشكل الذي قد يكون عليه الاتجاه بين كلا الأصلين في عام 2024. البيتكوين (BTC) مقابل الذهب في عام 2024 في حين أن إمكانات نمو البيتكوين مرتفعة في العام المقبل . فإن استراتيجي بلومبرج لا يستبعد إمكانية تحقيق الذهب لبعض العروض المثيرة للاهتمام أيضًا. وفقًا لماجلون، إذا انتهى الأمر بالولايات المتحدة في نهاية المطاف إلى الركود كما هو متوقع . فقد يكون للذهب اليد العليا على البيتكوين. وذلك لأن السعر المتقاطع للبيتكوين مقابل الذهب يبدو أنه يكتسب أسسًا من ارتفاع سوق الأسهم. لا بد أن يؤثر هذا الاتجاه على عملة البيتكوين . التي ينظر إليها سوق الأوراق المالية بشكل عام على أنها أصل عالي المخاطر. في حين أن البيتكوين (BTC) ترتبط عادةً ببعض مؤشرات سوق الأسهم . فقد تم فصل معظم هذا الارتباط في الأشهر القليلة الماضية حيث اكتسبت فئة الأصول الناشئة قوة جذب مثيرة للإعجاب في الأسعار. في حين أن الركود قد يضع الذهب في موقع أفضل من البيتكوين . يدعي ماكجلون أن فشل مؤشر S&P 500 في الانخفاض عندما يبدأ هذا الركود قد يساعد البيتكوين على الاستمرار في التفوق على الذهب في المدى المتوسط. #news #BTC #gold #newscrypto $BTC
*بلومبرج: الذهب سيتفوق على البيتكوين في 2024!*
نظرًا لأن التنافس بين البيتكوين (BTC) والذهب هو تنافس أبدي . فقد ألمح مايك ماكجلون، كبير المحللين الاستراتيجيين في بلومبرج إنتليجنس . إلى الشكل الذي قد يكون عليه الاتجاه بين كلا الأصلين في عام 2024.

البيتكوين (BTC) مقابل الذهب في عام 2024 في حين أن إمكانات نمو البيتكوين مرتفعة في العام المقبل . فإن استراتيجي بلومبرج لا يستبعد إمكانية تحقيق الذهب لبعض العروض المثيرة للاهتمام أيضًا.
وفقًا لماجلون، إذا انتهى الأمر بالولايات المتحدة في نهاية المطاف إلى الركود كما هو متوقع . فقد يكون للذهب اليد العليا على البيتكوين. وذلك لأن السعر المتقاطع للبيتكوين مقابل الذهب يبدو أنه يكتسب أسسًا من ارتفاع سوق الأسهم. لا بد أن يؤثر هذا الاتجاه على عملة البيتكوين . التي ينظر إليها سوق الأوراق المالية بشكل عام على أنها أصل عالي المخاطر.
في حين أن البيتكوين (BTC) ترتبط عادةً ببعض مؤشرات سوق الأسهم . فقد تم فصل معظم هذا الارتباط في الأشهر القليلة الماضية حيث اكتسبت فئة الأصول الناشئة قوة جذب مثيرة للإعجاب في الأسعار. في حين أن الركود قد يضع الذهب في موقع أفضل من البيتكوين . يدعي ماكجلون أن فشل مؤشر S&P 500 في الانخفاض عندما يبدأ هذا الركود قد يساعد البيتكوين على الاستمرار في التفوق على الذهب في المدى المتوسط.
#news #BTC #gold #newscrypto $BTC
India to block crypto exchanges Binance, Kraken websites 🇮🇳 india to ban 9 crypto exchange URL's. • Binance • Kraken • Huobi • Kucoin • Bittrex • Gate․io • Bitstamp • Bitfinex • MEXC Global Many Indian traders have switched to global cryptocurrency platforms in recent quarters #newscrypto #bitcoinnews
India to block crypto exchanges Binance, Kraken websites
🇮🇳 india to ban 9 crypto exchange URL's.

• Binance
• Kraken
• Huobi
• Kucoin
• Bittrex
• Gate․io
• Bitstamp
• Bitfinex
• MEXC Global

Many Indian traders have switched to global cryptocurrency platforms in recent quarters
#newscrypto #bitcoinnews
Pичapд Tэнг oжидaeт мaccoвoгo внeдpeния кpиптoвaлюты в poзничную тopгoвлю Пo cлoвaм Pичapдa Tэнгa, cмeнившeгo нa пocту гeнepaльнoгo диpeктopa Binance Чaнпeнa Чжao, в тeчeниe гoдa нa кpиптoвaлютнoм pынкe cлeдуeт oжидaть знaчитeльныx измeнeний. B чacтнocти, бизнecмeн пpeдпoлoжил, чтo будeт уcoвepшeнcтвoвaнa дeйcтвующaя нopмaтивнo-пpaвoвaя бaзa, пoвыcитcя peгулятopнaя яcнocть. Пo мнeнию гeндиpeктopa Binance, будут внeдpeны paзличныe иннoвaции и вapиaнты пpимeнeния блoкчeйнa и кpиптoвaлют нa pынкe, блaгoдapя кoтopым блoкчeйн-ceктop cтaнeт вocтpeбoвaнным вo мнoгиx oтpacляx. Kpoмe этoгo, пpoизoйдёт мaccoвoe внeдpeниe кpиптoвaлют в poзничную тopгoвлю, пpичём в глoбaльныx мacштaбax, и пoльзoвaтeли cмoгут пoлучить цeнный oпыт oт иx иcпoльзoвaния, пoдчepкнул глaвa биpжи Binance. Coглacнo пpoгнoзaм Pичapдa Tэнгa, cлeдующий гoд cтaнeт чpeзвычaйнo вaжным для вceй кpиптoиндуcтpии и пoзвoлит eй cтaть нaмнoгo бoлee знaчимoй для инcтитуциoнaльныx фoндoв и инвecтopoв. Этoт пpoгнoз был блaгocклoннo пpинят в кpиптocooбщecтвe, пocкoльку пpинятиe дaвнo cчитaeтcя нaибoлee знaчимым фaктopoм для pocтa цeны биткoинa и pядa тoкeнoв. #binance #newscrypto $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
Pичapд Tэнг oжидaeт мaccoвoгo внeдpeния кpиптoвaлюты в poзничную тopгoвлю

Пo cлoвaм Pичapдa Tэнгa, cмeнившeгo нa пocту гeнepaльнoгo диpeктopa Binance Чaнпeнa Чжao, в тeчeниe гoдa нa кpиптoвaлютнoм pынкe cлeдуeт oжидaть знaчитeльныx измeнeний.

B чacтнocти, бизнecмeн пpeдпoлoжил, чтo будeт уcoвepшeнcтвoвaнa дeйcтвующaя нopмaтивнo-пpaвoвaя бaзa, пoвыcитcя peгулятopнaя яcнocть. Пo мнeнию гeндиpeктopa Binance, будут внeдpeны paзличныe иннoвaции и вapиaнты пpимeнeния блoкчeйнa и кpиптoвaлют нa pынкe, блaгoдapя кoтopым блoкчeйн-ceктop cтaнeт вocтpeбoвaнным вo мнoгиx oтpacляx.

Kpoмe этoгo, пpoизoйдёт мaccoвoe внeдpeниe кpиптoвaлют в poзничную тopгoвлю, пpичём в глoбaльныx мacштaбax, и пoльзoвaтeли cмoгут пoлучить цeнный oпыт oт иx иcпoльзoвaния, пoдчepкнул глaвa биpжи Binance. Coглacнo пpoгнoзaм Pичapдa Tэнгa, cлeдующий гoд cтaнeт чpeзвычaйнo вaжным для вceй кpиптoиндуcтpии и пoзвoлит eй cтaть нaмнoгo бoлee знaчимoй для инcтитуциoнaльныx фoндoв и инвecтopoв.

Этoт пpoгнoз был блaгocклoннo пpинят в кpиптocooбщecтвe, пocкoльку пpинятиe дaвнo cчитaeтcя нaибoлee знaчимым фaктopoм для pocтa цeны биткoинa и pядa тoкeнoв.
#binance #newscrypto
Bitcoin (BTC) перевищив 68 000 USDT із зростанням на 1,35% за 24 години 27 липня 2024 р., 06:43 (UTC). Bitcoin перетнув позначку в 68 000 USDT і зараз торгується на рівні 68 017,4375 USDT, що скоротило зростання на 1,35% за 24 години. #BTC #newscrypto $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Bitcoin (BTC) перевищив 68 000 USDT із зростанням на 1,35% за 24 години

27 липня 2024 р., 06:43 (UTC). Bitcoin перетнув позначку в 68 000 USDT і зараз торгується на рівні 68 017,4375 USDT, що скоротило зростання на 1,35% за 24 години.
#BTC #newscrypto
What is ETHEREUM coin? ETHEREUM is a decentralized blockchain platform that establishes a peer-to-peer network that securely executes and verifies application code, called smart contracts. Smart contracts allow participants to transact with each other without a trusted central authority. $ETH #ETH #ETHEREUM #newscrypto
What is ETHEREUM coin?

ETHEREUM is a decentralized blockchain platform that establishes a peer-to-peer network that securely executes and verifies application code, called smart contracts. Smart contracts allow participants to transact with each other without a trusted central authority.
$ETH #ETH #ETHEREUM #newscrypto
BRAKING NEWS The owner of Telegram, Pavel Durov, has just been arrested in France for failing to censor the truth on his application. #TON COIN REACTED STRONGLY TO THIS NEWS!! 🔴 Stay alert , BTC can also react to this news Because telegram is mostly known for crypto related activities, so it can impact crypto {spot}(TONUSDT) #newscrypto #newsdaily #NewSignal #BlockchainRevolution
The owner of Telegram, Pavel Durov, has just been arrested in France for failing to censor the truth on his application.


🔴 Stay alert , BTC can also react to this news
Because telegram is mostly known for crypto related activities, so it can impact crypto
#newscrypto #newsdaily #NewSignal #BlockchainRevolution
@Dojo_Swap: RT by @Injective_: ⚔️ Mainnet is now live on . Keplr wallet is available for now, metamask will be added shortly. ⚔️ Us…
⚔️ Mainnet is now live on Keplr wallet is available for now, metamask will be added shortly.

⚔️ Users can now perform swaps and forming of liquidity (LP) on our dex. You can form LP and start earning trading fees!

⚔️ Farm is now available for staking of…

— DojoSwap | 1st AMM Dex on #INJ (@Dojo_Swap) December 26, 2023
Breaking records in the crypto realm! Last week witnessed a remarkable surge in digital asset investments, totaling $1.18 billion – a threefold increase from last year. Trading volumes reached a historic high of $17.5 billion, constituting about 90% of daily volumes on reliable exchanges. Geographically, the U.S. led with substantial inflows of $1.24 billion, while Europe experienced minor outflows. Bitcoin (BTC) took the lead with an impressive $1.14 billion in inflows, followed by Ethereum (ETH) at $26 million. Altcoins like XRP, SOL, DOT, and ADA saw modest gains, ranging from $0.2 million to $5.6 million. Simultaneously, blockchain equities continued their robust performance, marking another strong week with $98 million in total inflows. This brings the cumulative inflows over the last seven weeks to an impressive $608 million. #newscrypto #BTC #cryptonews #Ethereum2024 #News $BTC $ETH
Breaking records in the crypto realm! Last week witnessed a remarkable surge in digital asset investments, totaling $1.18 billion – a threefold increase from last year. Trading volumes reached a historic high of $17.5 billion, constituting about 90% of daily volumes on reliable exchanges.

Geographically, the U.S. led with substantial inflows of $1.24 billion, while Europe experienced minor outflows. Bitcoin (BTC) took the lead with an impressive $1.14 billion in inflows, followed by Ethereum (ETH) at $26 million. Altcoins like XRP, SOL, DOT, and ADA saw modest gains, ranging from $0.2 million to $5.6 million.

Simultaneously, blockchain equities continued their robust performance, marking another strong week with $98 million in total inflows. This brings the cumulative inflows over the last seven weeks to an impressive $608 million.

#newscrypto #BTC #cryptonews #Ethereum2024 #News $BTC $ETH
🆘What happened in Crypto in the last 12h?🆘 - FTX sold $1B GBTC - Arthur Hayes "BTC 35K" - $UMA Oval announcement - $FIL Security Token Issues - $RNDR RNP-008 $NOS - Coinbase lists $ONDO - Bithumb will list $KAVA - Zetachain Airdrop #Highlight #Daily #cryptosignals #falconwhite #newscrypto
🆘What happened in Crypto in the last 12h?🆘

- FTX sold $1B GBTC
- Arthur Hayes "BTC 35K"
- $UMA Oval announcement
- $FIL Security Token Issues
- $RNDR RNP-008 $NOS
- Coinbase lists $ONDO
- Bithumb will list $KAVA
- Zetachain Airdrop

#Highlight #Daily #cryptosignals #falconwhite #newscrypto
Top News In Last 24 Hour: 1_. 🇲🇻 Maldives has declared bankruptcy with IMF and has reportedly asked for a bailout. 2_. 🇺🇸 U.S. Congressman says criminals rather use USD than Bitcoin. 3_. 🇷🇺 Vladimir Putin says Russia is close to creating Cancer vaccines. 4_. 🇺🇸 Donald Trump ordered to pay $355 million in New York civil fraud case, barred from doing business in the state for 3 years. 5_. 🇺🇸 January PPI inflation hits 0.9%, above expectations of 0.6%. 6_. Core PPI inflation JUMPED to 2.0%, above expectations of 1.6%. 7_. Both CPI and PPI inflation have come in above expectations in January. 8_. 🇺🇸 Elon Musk’s SpaceX has moved its state of incorporation from Delaware to Texas! 9_. 🇯🇵 Japan GDP (current prices) 2003: $4.52 trillion 2023: $4.29 trillion 10_. 🇺🇸 US initial jobless claims actual 212k (forecast 220k, previous 218k. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #Launchpool #newscrypto #MU_Traders
Top News In Last 24 Hour:

1_. 🇲🇻 Maldives has declared bankruptcy with IMF and has reportedly asked for a bailout.

2_. 🇺🇸 U.S. Congressman says criminals rather use USD than Bitcoin.

3_. 🇷🇺 Vladimir Putin says Russia is close to creating Cancer vaccines.

4_. 🇺🇸 Donald Trump ordered to pay $355 million in New York civil fraud case, barred from doing business in the state for 3 years.

5_. 🇺🇸 January PPI inflation hits 0.9%, above expectations of 0.6%.

6_. Core PPI inflation JUMPED to 2.0%, above expectations of 1.6%.

7_. Both CPI and PPI inflation have come in above expectations in January.

8_. 🇺🇸 Elon Musk’s SpaceX has moved its state of incorporation from Delaware to Texas!

9_. 🇯🇵 Japan GDP (current prices)

2003: $4.52 trillion

2023: $4.29 trillion

10_. 🇺🇸 US initial jobless claims actual 212k (forecast 220k, previous 218k.

#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #Launchpool #newscrypto #MU_Traders
London Stock Exchange ETF Team Halved As Crypto Launch NearsLondon Stock Exchange Group Plc is experiencing a significant shake-up of its ETF team as two out of four members exit. This comes as it prepares to list its first cryptocurrency-related products. London Stock Exchange Group Plc has recently experienced significant change in its Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) team. The four-person team responsible for overseeing ETFs has been cut in half, down to just two members as the exchange prepares to list its first cryptocurrency-related products. The cuts come at a critical time as the LSE prepares to introduce new offerings linked to digital currencies, highlighting the potential challenges in managing these new financial products with a decentralizing team. Key Departures and Upcoming Crypto ETP Launches Two prominent members of the LSE’s ETF team, head of exchange-traded products Michael Stanley and head of business development Hetil Patel, have left the organisation. An LSE spokesperson confirmed his departure but did not specify the timing. As the exchange anticipates the May 28 launch of exchange-traded notes (ETNs) tied to bitcoin and ether, the departure of these key figures is notable. WisdomTree, 21Shares, and Invesco are among the approved issuers for these new crypto ETNs. Although crypto-ETPs have been available in Europe for some time, UK regulatory hurdles previously prevented their listing in London until recent updates from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in March. An LSE spokesperson expressed optimism about the growth potential of these new cryptoETNs. Meanwhile, the LSE is actively seeking a new senior product manager for ETFs, with Patel indicating on LinkedIn his plans to start a new job at the end of July. Trending ShibaSwap Launch on Shibarium Sparks SHIB Price Rally Impact on Operations and Competitive Landscape According to Bloomberg data, the LSE currently lists about 1,200 ETFs. Recent departures have complicated the feedback process for technical issues related to new applications, as noted by a senior executive at one of the potential crypto ETP issuers. This has introduced challenges in communication and clarity during the review process. In January, the US approved its first Bitcoin product, which has since accumulated $60 billion in assets, and the SEC recently approved the first US ETFs based on Ether. An LSE spokesperson assured that their experts are working closely with issuers to meet the appropriate requirements for newly listed products. The review process for crypto applications involves both the FCA and the LSE, with FCA-approved prospectuses and the LSE handling the listing. The UK market for crypto ETPs is becoming increasingly competitive, especially as the US market has already seen significant growth. #Bitcoin❗ #EthereumETFApprovalExpectations #newscrypto $BTC $ETH

London Stock Exchange ETF Team Halved As Crypto Launch Nears

London Stock Exchange Group Plc is experiencing a significant shake-up of its ETF team as two out of four members exit. This comes as it prepares to list its first cryptocurrency-related products.
London Stock Exchange Group Plc has recently experienced significant change in its Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) team. The four-person team responsible for overseeing ETFs has been cut in half, down to just two members as the exchange prepares to list its first cryptocurrency-related products.
The cuts come at a critical time as the LSE prepares to introduce new offerings linked to digital currencies, highlighting the potential challenges in managing these new financial products with a decentralizing team.
Key Departures and Upcoming Crypto ETP Launches
Two prominent members of the LSE’s ETF team, head of exchange-traded products Michael Stanley and head of business development Hetil Patel, have left the organisation. An LSE spokesperson confirmed his departure but did not specify the timing.
As the exchange anticipates the May 28 launch of exchange-traded notes (ETNs) tied to bitcoin and ether, the departure of these key figures is notable.
WisdomTree, 21Shares, and Invesco are among the approved issuers for these new crypto ETNs. Although crypto-ETPs have been available in Europe for some time, UK regulatory hurdles previously prevented their listing in London until recent updates from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in March.
An LSE spokesperson expressed optimism about the growth potential of these new cryptoETNs. Meanwhile, the LSE is actively seeking a new senior product manager for ETFs, with Patel indicating on LinkedIn his plans to start a new job at the end of July.
ShibaSwap Launch on Shibarium Sparks SHIB Price Rally
Impact on Operations and Competitive Landscape
According to Bloomberg data, the LSE currently lists about 1,200 ETFs. Recent departures have complicated the feedback process for technical issues related to new applications, as noted by a senior executive at one of the potential crypto ETP issuers.
This has introduced challenges in communication and clarity during the review process. In January, the US approved its first Bitcoin product, which has since accumulated $60 billion in assets, and the SEC recently approved the first US ETFs based on Ether.
An LSE spokesperson assured that their experts are working closely with issuers to meet the appropriate requirements for newly listed products.
The review process for crypto applications involves both the FCA and the LSE, with FCA-approved prospectuses and the LSE handling the listing. The UK market for crypto ETPs is becoming increasingly competitive, especially as the US market has already seen significant growth.
#Bitcoin❗ #EthereumETFApprovalExpectations #newscrypto $BTC $ETH
THORChain будет интегрирован с Etherscan THORChain объявил, что его свопы теперь будут отслеживаться на Etherscan. Обратитесь к официальному твиту RUNE THORChain — это децентрализованный протокол ликвидности, который позволяет пользователям легко обменивать токены криптовалюты через сеть без необходимости использования посредников. Это достигается за счет создания пула ликвидности, который автоматически устанавливает цены и обеспечивает ликвидность для торговли. #RUNE #THORChain #news #CryptoNews #newscrypto $RUNE
THORChain будет интегрирован с Etherscan

THORChain объявил, что его свопы теперь будут отслеживаться на Etherscan.

Обратитесь к официальному твиту RUNE

THORChain — это децентрализованный протокол ликвидности, который позволяет пользователям легко обменивать токены криптовалюты через сеть без необходимости использования посредников. Это достигается за счет создания пула ликвидности, который автоматически устанавливает цены и обеспечивает ликвидность для торговли.
#RUNE #THORChain #news #CryptoNews #newscrypto
Friends, it's totally ok if memecoins aren't your thing. I respect your freedom to not buy them. Imo, they're just fun and I like seeing them start to make their way to #LUNC! I've always thought the speed and low cost of $LUNC would make a perfect memecoin platform #USTC #newscrypto
Friends, it's totally ok if memecoins aren't your thing. I respect your freedom to not buy them. Imo, they're just fun and I like seeing them start to make their way to #LUNC! I've always thought the speed and low cost of $LUNC would make a perfect memecoin platform #USTC

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