Binance Square
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Find Fake Trader
Since I wrote a post about 'nefhez', I've noticed a change in his behavior. He used to take long positions early on, but when he experienced significant losses a couple of times, he'd stop copy trading and disappear. Or, if his initial profit and loss (PNL) went below -70%, he couldn't tolerate it and would run away. Believing himself to be an exceptional trader (almost like the Dunning-Kruger effect), he didn't want to show these figures to others, so he'd delete the records every time. Then he'd create a new account, only maintaining those with good initial numbers generated by sheer luck from catching a good drop in the market for about 7 days. However, as he continued to take high leverage long positions, those accounts also went beyond -90% after two weeks and he'd eventually run away. I've observed him since TraderWagon, and without exception, he always behaved in this pattern. However! Despite encompassing both of these situations, the current 'nefhez' is maintaining without hitting the stop button. Perhaps upon encountering my post, he might think that if he doesn't do something, he won't be able to continue copy trading. I feel sorry for him, but this change doesn't hold much significance. His skill remains the same—relying solely on taking high leverage long positions. It's trading based on market luck, not skill. I hope to prevent innocent victims from further harm by urging him to stop copy trading and engage in solo trading. #nefhez #copytrader #binance #UserProtection #copytrade
Since I wrote a post about 'nefhez', I've noticed a change in his behavior. He used to take long positions early on, but when he experienced significant losses a couple of times, he'd stop copy trading and disappear. Or, if his initial profit and loss (PNL) went below -70%, he couldn't tolerate it and would run away. Believing himself to be an exceptional trader (almost like the Dunning-Kruger effect), he didn't want to show these figures to others, so he'd delete the records every time. Then he'd create a new account, only maintaining those with good initial numbers generated by sheer luck from catching a good drop in the market for about 7 days. However, as he continued to take high leverage long positions, those accounts also went beyond -90% after two weeks and he'd eventually run away. I've observed him since TraderWagon, and without exception, he always behaved in this pattern.

However! Despite encompassing both of these situations, the current 'nefhez' is maintaining without hitting the stop button. Perhaps upon encountering my post, he might think that if he doesn't do something, he won't be able to continue copy trading. I feel sorry for him, but this change doesn't hold much significance. His skill remains the same—relying solely on taking high leverage long positions. It's trading based on market luck, not skill. I hope to prevent innocent victims from further harm by urging him to stop copy trading and engage in solo trading.

#nefhez #copytrader #binance #UserProtection #copytrade
#Warning #copytrader #scammer #nefhez #Becareful Hello. Turkish scammer 'nefhez' update. Earlier this year, he was completely liquidated of all the profits he had earned during his most fortunate tradewagon period. The serious issue is that he was not only liquidated of his own assets but also of others' assets. Additionally, he was scamming on Patreon with consistently wrong chart analysis, resulting in no subscribers and thus no income. Thinking he might stop his fraudulent activities, I lost interest, but recently I noticed he has started another mindless copy trading that could again lead to innocent victims. Even though he claimed to engage in low-risk trading, he is already on the verge of liquidation. It leaves me speechless. This Turkish individual is truly malicious.
#Warning #copytrader #scammer #nefhez #Becareful

Hello. Turkish scammer 'nefhez' update.
Earlier this year, he was completely liquidated of all the profits he had earned during his most fortunate tradewagon period.
The serious issue is that he was not only liquidated of his own assets but also of others' assets.
Additionally, he was scamming on Patreon with consistently wrong chart analysis, resulting in no subscribers and thus no income.
Thinking he might stop his fraudulent activities, I lost interest, but recently I noticed he has started another mindless copy trading that could again lead to innocent victims.
Even though he claimed to engage in low-risk trading, he is already on the verge of liquidation. It leaves me speechless.
This Turkish individual is truly malicious.
#BTC #COPYTRADING #nefhez #Turkey #faketrader The results of the 11th challenge by the Turkish scammer trader 'nefhez' have been liquidated again! 11th liquidation! Normally, if his PNL dropped by only 50%, he would have deleted the record and started manipulating it anew. In this 11th challenge, despite being at -70%, he managed to withstand it by transferring funds, and today, amidst a drop, he's beyond -90%, avoiding liquidation once more by transferring funds again. This is the first time in his history of fraudulent activities, and the reason behind it is that through he's Patreon subscribers(The scammer, amusingly enough, is giving lectures on Patreon), he became aware of my public criticism. Now, his skill has been exposed to the world, and he's trying to counteract it somehow. Probably, all the honest Binance users who initially participated in 'nefhez's copy trading have been liquidated. It's unfortunate. Binance needs to quickly prevent such habitual opening of copy trading by incompetent traders. Hoping that there won't be any more victims...
#BTC #COPYTRADING #nefhez #Turkey #faketrader

The results of the 11th challenge by the Turkish scammer trader 'nefhez' have been liquidated again! 11th liquidation! Normally, if his PNL dropped by only 50%, he would have deleted the record and started manipulating it anew. In this 11th challenge, despite being at -70%, he managed to withstand it by transferring funds, and today, amidst a drop, he's beyond -90%, avoiding liquidation once more by transferring funds again. This is the first time in his history of fraudulent activities, and the reason behind it is that through he's Patreon subscribers(The scammer, amusingly enough, is giving lectures on Patreon), he became aware of my public criticism. Now, his skill has been exposed to the world, and he's trying to counteract it somehow. Probably, all the honest Binance users who initially participated in 'nefhez's copy trading have been liquidated. It's unfortunate. Binance needs to quickly prevent such habitual opening of copy trading by incompetent traders.
Hoping that there won't be any more victims...
Many traders who come from a securities background lie and engage in deceitful activities. Especialy, fake trader 'nefhez'. Only grabbing long positions, experiencing losses, then deleting and running away, what a stupid trader nefhez is. Binance should prevent such traders from opening copy trader services for user protection. #nefhez #turkey #swindler #copytrader #copytrading #protection # binnance
Many traders who come from a securities background lie and engage in deceitful activities. Especialy, fake trader 'nefhez'.
Only grabbing long positions, experiencing losses, then deleting and running away, what a stupid trader nefhez is. Binance should prevent such traders from opening copy trader services for user protection.

#nefhez #turkey #swindler #copytrader #copytrading #protection # binnance
Be careful. Nefhez has opened a new copy trading for the 11th time. Within just 10 hours, he has once again achieved a -60% result. He continues to stick to long positions. Beware, good citizens, he's likely to reach -90% soon and then delete and flee. Why does Binance even allow such scammers to open copy trading? Promoting themselves as lucky winners during the bull market while recording their 11th -90% is something Binance should actively prevent. #nefhez #copytrader #copytrading #binance #customerprotection
Be careful. Nefhez has opened a new copy trading for the 11th time. Within just 10 hours, he has once again achieved a -60% result. He continues to stick to long positions. Beware, good citizens, he's likely to reach -90% soon and then delete and flee. Why does Binance even allow such scammers to open copy trading? Promoting themselves as lucky winners during the bull market while recording their 11th -90% is something Binance should actively prevent.

#nefhez #copytrader #copytrading #binance #customerprotection
The reason for this repeated creation and deletion is that despite having no real skill, they rely solely on the luck they once had by sticking to long positions. They're addicted to the memory of that one stroke of luck in their entire life. If that's the case, they should trade futures alone. Yet, such scammers can continuously open copy trading within the system. Binance needs to quickly establish restrictions on the opening of copy trading by these unskilled traders. #nefhez #scammer #becarefull
The reason for this repeated creation and deletion is that despite having no real skill, they rely solely on the luck they once had by sticking to long positions. They're addicted to the memory of that one stroke of luck in their entire life. If that's the case, they should trade futures alone. Yet, such scammers can continuously open copy trading within the system. Binance needs to quickly establish restrictions on the opening of copy trading by these unskilled traders.

#nefhez #scammer #becarefull
#MyFirstFeedPost Hello, Binance Square! #nefhez #Turkey #swindler #copytrading There's a trader on Binance named 'nefhez,' who falsely claims to be a securities trader and engages in copy trading. Despite being inexperienced and only betting on long positions, He gained popularity during this bullish market by sheer luck. He had opened around ten copy trading positions, all of which ended in losses, and He currently on He's eleventh attempt. He creates new accounts, but their ROI and PnL get wrecked, within 1 to 3 days. And then He delete the accounts. He repeat this cycle always. This person even sells courses on Patreon. It's ridiculous that someone who can only take long positions is teaching anything. People new to copy trading on Binance should be extremely cautious. Binance should filter out unverified traders like this to prevent them from offering copy trading. For instance, implementing restrictions such as not allowing accounts with a loss rate of over -100% to open positions could be a solution. nefhez, for example, exceeds a loss rate of -300%(Minimum).
#MyFirstFeedPost Hello, Binance Square!
#nefhez #Turkey #swindler #copytrading

There's a trader on Binance named 'nefhez,' who falsely claims to be a securities trader and engages in copy trading. Despite being inexperienced and only betting on long positions, He gained popularity during this bullish market by sheer luck. He had opened around ten copy trading positions, all of which ended in losses, and He currently on He's eleventh attempt. He creates new accounts, but their ROI and PnL get wrecked, within 1 to 3 days. And then He delete the accounts. He repeat this cycle always.
This person even sells courses on Patreon. It's ridiculous that someone who can only take long positions is teaching anything. People new to copy trading on Binance should be extremely cautious. Binance should filter out unverified traders like this to prevent them from offering copy trading. For instance, implementing restrictions such as not allowing accounts with a loss rate of over -100% to open positions could be a solution. nefhez, for example, exceeds a loss rate of -300%(Minimum).
#Warning #copytrading #nefhez #SCAMMER #Binanceshouldprotectusers ""Warning"' ""Nefhez"" !!! 'Nefhez' faced his 14th liquidation and once again opened a new copy trading account. This behavior is deemed a societal menace and indicative of mental instability. His self-introduction reveals potential psychological issues as he states, 'Ruleless. sometimes I feel like investor, sometimes like a gambler.' Clear signs of mental disturbance are evident. Relying solely on long positions, he achieved significant profits through sheer luck about three times. He gained a false reputation by betting his entire life on long positions, showcasing no real skill and resembling a dopamine-addicted monkey. Binance should block such societal menaces and prevent the repetitive opening of copy trading accounts by addicts. Everyone, beware. !!!
#Warning #copytrading #nefhez #SCAMMER #Binanceshouldprotectusers

""Warning"' ""Nefhez""
!!! 'Nefhez' faced his 14th liquidation and once again opened a new copy trading account. This behavior is deemed a societal menace and indicative of mental instability. His self-introduction reveals potential psychological issues as he states, 'Ruleless. sometimes I feel like investor, sometimes like a gambler.' Clear signs of mental disturbance are evident. Relying solely on long positions, he achieved significant profits through sheer luck about three times. He gained a false reputation by betting his entire life on long positions, showcasing no real skill and resembling a dopamine-addicted monkey. Binance should block such societal menaces and prevent the repetitive opening of copy trading accounts by addicts. Everyone, beware. !!!
#nefhez #copytrader #copytrading #turkey #binance The 11th attempt by 'nefhez' (Turkish-origin trader) has once again ended in liquidation. As always, he maintained a long position. Whenever his ROI dropped beyond -50%, he wiped his record, ceased copy trading, and started anew with a fresh account. For the first time since my public criticism, he neither erased his records nor closed the trading despite facing liquidation, even depositing additional funds to sustain the positions. This behavior is unprecedented. Even after the recent liquidation, he hasn't terminated his trading or wiped his records. It's time for him to face reality. Knowing he might be reading this, this will be my final message to him. Trading based on luck inevitably leads to bankruptcy. From traderwagon to Binance, your skill set does not reflect that of a trader. Please stop creating innocent victims and trade on your own. Cease the cycle of capturing attention with lucky ROI and P&L, only to cause significant losses and flee. I strongly urge Binance's team to implement a system that blocks copy traders who dominate the liquidation rates.
#nefhez #copytrader #copytrading #turkey #binance

The 11th attempt by 'nefhez' (Turkish-origin trader) has once again ended in liquidation. As always, he maintained a long position. Whenever his ROI dropped beyond -50%, he wiped his record, ceased copy trading, and started anew with a fresh account.
For the first time since my public criticism, he neither erased his records nor closed the trading despite facing liquidation, even depositing additional funds to sustain the positions. This behavior is unprecedented. Even after the recent liquidation, he hasn't terminated his trading or wiped his records. It's time for him to face reality.
Knowing he might be reading this, this will be my final message to him. Trading based on luck inevitably leads to bankruptcy. From traderwagon to Binance, your skill set does not reflect that of a trader. Please stop creating innocent victims and trade on your own. Cease the cycle of capturing attention with lucky ROI and P&L, only to cause significant losses and flee.
I strongly urge Binance's team to implement a system that blocks copy traders who dominate the liquidation rates.
$BTC I have just confirmed that 'nefhez' is under tremendous pressure. Upon checking 'nefhez's transfer history, I found that he used to delete his records and open new accounts whenever facing significant losses (-50% or more), manipulating his history. However, after my criticism, he's transferred an amount larger than his initial capital to maintain his current copy trading account. The reason is simple: after 10 major losses, he hopes to catch an upswing at least once. To escape the current criticism, instead of abandoning the losing account, he's transferred more than the initial capital, relying not on skill but on luck by taking larger long positions. I hope Binance establishes a system to prevent such fake traders from engaging in copy trading. #plz #catch #faketrader #nefhez #binance
$BTC I have just confirmed that 'nefhez' is under tremendous pressure. Upon checking 'nefhez's transfer history, I found that he used to delete his records and open new accounts whenever facing significant losses (-50% or more), manipulating his history. However, after my criticism, he's transferred an amount larger than his initial capital to maintain his current copy trading account. The reason is simple: after 10 major losses, he hopes to catch an upswing at least once. To escape the current criticism, instead of abandoning the losing account, he's transferred more than the initial capital, relying not on skill but on luck by taking larger long positions. I hope Binance establishes a system to prevent such fake traders from engaging in copy trading.

#plz #catch #faketrader #nefhez #binance
#COPYTRADING #SCAMMER #nefhez #CAUTION #BTC The scammer 'nefhez' has opened he's 12th copy trading account. This incompetent trader, who has caused multiple victims through 11 previous liquidations(trading addict), has once again opened a new account on Binance without any repercussions. Binance really needs improvements. From the perspective of a trader, 'nefhez's mental state doesn't seem stable. Both entry and exit points are worse than an elementary school student's. Especially concerning is he sudden move to take short positions after my public criticism, making entry and exit points worrisome. He has no skills whatsoever. I urge all Binance customers to be cautious.

The scammer 'nefhez' has opened he's 12th copy trading account. This incompetent trader, who has caused multiple victims through 11 previous liquidations(trading addict), has once again opened a new account on Binance without any repercussions. Binance really needs improvements. From the perspective of a trader, 'nefhez's mental state doesn't seem stable. Both entry and exit points are worse than an elementary school student's. Especially concerning is he sudden move to take short positions after my public criticism, making entry and exit points worrisome. He has no skills whatsoever. I urge all Binance customers to be cautious.
#Warning #copytrader #nefhez #scammer #Porsche ""I had warned you to be careful with Nefhez. If you don't understand even when told like this, you'll be losing money for the rest of your life. If you ever want to ride a Porsche in your lifetime, don't entrust your precious money to such foolish traders.""
#Warning #copytrader #nefhez #scammer #Porsche

""I had warned you to be careful with Nefhez. If you don't understand even when told like this, you'll be losing money for the rest of your life. If you ever want to ride a Porsche in your lifetime, don't entrust your precious money to such foolish traders.""
#Warning #nefhez #copytrader #Turkish #scammer #plz "Nefhez" is a trader who has incurred losses of over $1 million over two years while chasing long positions. Whenever he enters the market, it always moves in the opposite direction, and April of this year saw another downturn. Hopefully, regular investors will be cautious of such scammers. Additionally, Binance should take legal action to prevent such scammers from opening copy trading accounts! As soon as this mentally ill individual was liquidated, he opened another copy trade account, only to achieve another -90% as soon as it was opened. Keep in mind that there are many scammers among the Turkish people.
#Warning #nefhez #copytrader #Turkish #scammer #plz

"Nefhez" is a trader who has incurred losses of over $1 million over two years while chasing long positions. Whenever he enters the market, it always moves in the opposite direction, and April of this year saw another downturn. Hopefully, regular investors will be cautious of such scammers. Additionally, Binance should take legal action to prevent such scammers from opening copy trading accounts!
As soon as this mentally ill individual was liquidated, he opened another copy trade account, only to achieve another -90% as soon as it was opened. Keep in mind that there are many scammers among the Turkish people.
#Warning #nefhez #Turkish #scammer #COPYTRADING #comeback The criminal 'nefhez,' who caused over a million dollars in losses to copiers, has resurfaced. Since April, nefhez has created another copy trading account and is once again causing harm to innocent citizens. This Turkish scammer is even accepting bribes from altcoin companies and posting promotional articles on Binance posts. When I tried to criticize him, he blocked me. Beware of 'nefhez,' the Turkish scammer! He's nothing but a foolish trader who only goes long. He's only tried shorting twice, both times forced attempts after seeing my criticism, resulting in liquidation each time. He truly has zero trading skills.
#Warning #nefhez #Turkish #scammer #COPYTRADING #comeback

The criminal 'nefhez,' who caused over a million dollars in losses to copiers, has resurfaced. Since April, nefhez has created another copy trading account and is once again causing harm to innocent citizens. This Turkish scammer is even accepting bribes from altcoin companies and posting promotional articles on Binance posts. When I tried to criticize him, he blocked me. Beware of 'nefhez,' the Turkish scammer! He's nothing but a foolish trader who only goes long. He's only tried shorting twice, both times forced attempts after seeing my criticism, resulting in liquidation each time. He truly has zero trading skills.
#copytrader #nefhez #becareful #scammer #funnytrader "Binance should ban copy traders who consistently face bankruptcies, Like 'Nefhez'" nefhez's trading pattern reflects a lack of real knowledge and experience. The entry point for long positions is at a kindergarten level (I'm curious about this Turkish individual's actual age). Despite the entry points being wrong by over 90%, there were instances of lucky profits through holding during significant bullish markets in the past. Consequently, the strategy of holding until the 7th futures position liquidation was consistently used (revealing a complete lack of understanding of cutting losses until the 7th liquidation). However, after the 8th liquidation, a shortage of capital emerged, and displaying signs of a mental disorder, the pattern of succumbing to fear and liquidating positions persisted even at points where holding was necessary. In essence, the analysis of holding and cutting losses itself demonstrates a truly novice skillset. It's astounding that such a seemingly foolish individual is teaching on Patreon.
#copytrader #nefhez #becareful #scammer #funnytrader

"Binance should ban copy traders who consistently face bankruptcies, Like 'Nefhez'"

nefhez's trading pattern reflects a lack of real knowledge and experience. The entry point for long positions is at a kindergarten level (I'm curious about this Turkish individual's actual age). Despite the entry points being wrong by over 90%, there were instances of lucky profits through holding during significant bullish markets in the past. Consequently, the strategy of holding until the 7th futures position liquidation was consistently used (revealing a complete lack of understanding of cutting losses until the 7th liquidation). However, after the 8th liquidation, a shortage of capital emerged, and displaying signs of a mental disorder, the pattern of succumbing to fear and liquidating positions persisted even at points where holding was necessary. In essence, the analysis of holding and cutting losses itself demonstrates a truly novice skillset. It's astounding that such a seemingly foolish individual is teaching on Patreon.
Ways to avoid fraudulent traders: Choose those with a long track record of maintaining their trading activities. For instance, pick a copy trader like Jasmine. Scammers like 'nefhez' typically gain short-term profits for at most a week, focusing solely on long positions, and eventually go bankrupt before fleeing. Therefore, ensure you check the duration of consistent trading for the copy trading to last for at least a month. #waytofindtrader #copytrade #scammer #jasmine #nefhez
Ways to avoid fraudulent traders: Choose those with a long track record of maintaining their trading activities. For instance, pick a copy trader like Jasmine. Scammers like 'nefhez' typically gain short-term profits for at most a week, focusing solely on long positions, and eventually go bankrupt before fleeing. Therefore, ensure you check the duration of consistent trading for the copy trading to last for at least a month.

#waytofindtrader #copytrade #scammer #jasmine #nefhez
Now I'm curious about 'nefhez's next move. Normally, at a -70% P&L, he would have just deleted the account and created a new one. But after receiving my criticism, he is somehow holding on without manipulating their records. If Bitcoin continues to decline from this point without a rebound, 'nefhez's position would breach -90% and get liquidated. Will he luckily catch a beam of ascent, extending he's lifeline, or will he flee again after being liquidated due to a high leverage long position. I'm looking forward to 'nefhez's tomorrow. #bitcoin #fake #trader #copytrade #nefhez
Now I'm curious about 'nefhez's next move. Normally, at a -70% P&L, he would have just deleted the account and created a new one. But after receiving my criticism, he is somehow holding on without manipulating their records. If Bitcoin continues to decline from this point without a rebound, 'nefhez's position would breach -90% and get liquidated. Will he luckily catch a beam of ascent, extending he's lifeline, or will he flee again after being liquidated due to a high leverage long position. I'm looking forward to 'nefhez's tomorrow.

#bitcoin #fake #trader #copytrade #nefhez
#copytrader #nefhez #scammer #becareful #binance 'nefhez' Don't follow copytrader 'nefhez'. He's a crazy kindergarten kid obsessed with long positions. Binance needs to manage individuals who repeatedly get liquidated and open copy trading accounts again due to their mental instability. 'Nefhez' is a prime example of that. There are even people on Patreon paying him to attend his class(Allways take long position class haha). Why do people pay him on Patreon to learn how to lose money?
#copytrader #nefhez #scammer #becareful #binance

Don't follow copytrader 'nefhez'.
He's a crazy kindergarten kid obsessed with long positions.
Binance needs to manage individuals who repeatedly get liquidated and open copy trading accounts again due to their mental instability.
'Nefhez' is a prime example of that.
There are even people on Patreon paying him to attend his class(Allways take long position class haha).
Why do people pay him on Patreon to learn how to lose money?
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