Binance Square


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Nillion (NIL) Launches Latest Token Sale Round on Binance Launchpool Ahead of TGE#ico #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 #NIL Nillion (NIL), a decentralized network leveraging cutting-edge mathematical innovations, has launched the latest round of its token sale on Binance Launchpool. The ongoing sale, which began on March 21, will end on March 24, offering a total of 35 million NIL tokens for purchase. This new round marks an exciting step toward Nillion's upcoming Token Generation Event (TGE) scheduled for March 25, 2025. A Groundbreaking Decentralized Network Nillion aims to revolutionize the world of decentralized computing with its unique mathematical framework, Nil Message Compute. This innovation is designed to facilitate the private, secure, and efficient transfer, storage, and processing of data, addressing some of the biggest challenges in modern data security and privacy. The Nil Message Compute protocol creates a novel approach to data encryption and transaction processing, offering a more scalable and secure alternative to existing blockchain and cryptographic systems. This is poised to attract significant interest from both the tech community and investors keen on the future of decentralized networks. A Strong Fundraising Track Record Nillion’s Binance Launchpool sale follows a successful fundraising campaign, having already raised a substantial $45 million across five previous funding rounds. The project’s ability to secure significant backing speaks volumes about the confidence investors have in Nillion’s potential to reshape the decentralized data landscape. The Binance Launchpool is a key platform for crypto projects seeking to tap into the global community of cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors. Through this mechanism, Nillion is offering a limited supply of NIL tokens to a broad base of supporters before the network officially launches. Token Generation Event (TGE) Set for March 25 One of the most highly anticipated milestones for Nillion is the upcoming Token Generation Event (TGE), set to take place on March 25, 2025. The TGE is a critical event for any blockchain-based project, marking the official release of the project’s native token. For Nillion, this event will allow investors and supporters to begin using NIL tokens within the network for data transactions and other activities. What’s Next for Nillion? Following the successful completion of the Binance Launchpool round and the TGE, Nillion plans to continue its expansion and development. The team is focused on building out its infrastructure and further refining its Nil Message Compute technology, with an eye on partnerships and collaborations across the broader tech and blockchain industries. As the world increasingly demands privacy, security, and decentralization in data management, Nillion is positioning itself as a leader in the space, with a promising future ahead.

Nillion (NIL) Launches Latest Token Sale Round on Binance Launchpool Ahead of TGE

#ico #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 #NIL
Nillion (NIL), a decentralized network leveraging cutting-edge mathematical innovations, has launched the latest round of its token sale on Binance Launchpool. The ongoing sale, which began on March 21, will end on March 24, offering a total of 35 million NIL tokens for purchase. This new round marks an exciting step toward Nillion's upcoming Token Generation Event (TGE) scheduled for March 25, 2025.
A Groundbreaking Decentralized Network
Nillion aims to revolutionize the world of decentralized computing with its unique mathematical framework, Nil Message Compute. This innovation is designed to facilitate the private, secure, and efficient transfer, storage, and processing of data, addressing some of the biggest challenges in modern data security and privacy.
The Nil Message Compute protocol creates a novel approach to data encryption and transaction processing, offering a more scalable and secure alternative to existing blockchain and cryptographic systems. This is poised to attract significant interest from both the tech community and investors keen on the future of decentralized networks.
A Strong Fundraising Track Record
Nillion’s Binance Launchpool sale follows a successful fundraising campaign, having already raised a substantial $45 million across five previous funding rounds. The project’s ability to secure significant backing speaks volumes about the confidence investors have in Nillion’s potential to reshape the decentralized data landscape.
The Binance Launchpool is a key platform for crypto projects seeking to tap into the global community of cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors. Through this mechanism, Nillion is offering a limited supply of NIL tokens to a broad base of supporters before the network officially launches.
Token Generation Event (TGE) Set for March 25
One of the most highly anticipated milestones for Nillion is the upcoming Token Generation Event (TGE), set to take place on March 25, 2025. The TGE is a critical event for any blockchain-based project, marking the official release of the project’s native token. For Nillion, this event will allow investors and supporters to begin using NIL tokens within the network for data transactions and other activities.
What’s Next for Nillion?
Following the successful completion of the Binance Launchpool round and the TGE, Nillion plans to continue its expansion and development. The team is focused on building out its infrastructure and further refining its Nil Message Compute technology, with an eye on partnerships and collaborations across the broader tech and blockchain industries.
As the world increasingly demands privacy, security, and decentralization in data management, Nillion is positioning itself as a leader in the space, with a promising future ahead.
2024. szept. 19.
2024. jún. 14.
Apa itu Token Generating Event (TGE) ?Token generation event (TGE) adalah suatu acara yang digelar oleh perusahaan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan atau meluncurkan token di bursa populer. Konsep pelaksanaan TGE pada dasarnya hampir sama dengan ICO, yakni kampanye penggalangan dana. Fungsi TGE pada Crypto Mengumpulkan Dana Pertama, fungsi token generation event (#TGE ) bagi perusahaan adalah untuk mengumpulkan dana dari investor. Melalui penyelenggaraan TGE, perusahaan akan memperkenalkan token sebagai sekuritas, dan selanjutnya berlaku konsep pertukaran sebagaimana halnya antara investor dan perusahaan. Dalam hal ini, perusahaan akan memperoleh dana investasi dari investor dan sebaliknya, investor mendapatkan fitur kepemilikan dan hak suara atas proyek yang diselenggarakan perusahaan. Menciptakan Komunitas Tidak hanya mengumpulkan dana, fungsi kedua penyelenggaraan TGE bagi perusahaan adalah menciptakan komunitas yang memiliki ketertarikan terhadap proyek yang tengah dijalankan oleh perusahaan. Dalam hal ini, semakin banyak investor yang tertarik untuk memberikan dana investasi mereka dengan membeli token yang diluncurkan, maka artinya semakin tinggi pula antusiasme mereka terhadap proyek yang dijalankan. Hal tersebut juga berarti semakin luas pula skala komunitasnya. Komunitas merupakan hal yang sangat esensial bagi proyek perusahaan. Adanya komunitas ini menjadi orientasi hasil yang menunjukkan seberapa sukses proyek yang dijalankan oleh perusahaan. Semakin besar skala komunitas investor yang terlibat, maka semakin tinggi potensi kesuksesan proyek tersebut saat diluncurkan. Meningkatkan Awareness Proyek Bersangkutan Penyelenggaraan TGE bagi perusahaan juga berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kesadaran (awareness) masyarakat tentang keberadaan token dan proyek yang tengah digarap oleh perusahaan. Hal ini pula yang mendorong perusahaan untuk memilih platform atau bursa yang dianggap strategis pada saat melakukan listing token. Pasalnya, pemilihan platform atau bursa untuk pemasaran nantinya akan berdampak signifikan terhadap harga, reputasi, dan popularitas token di mata investor. Tak hanya itu, TGE juga umumnya dilakukan perusahaan dengan mendaftarkan token di bursa terdesentralisasi (DEX) atau terpusat (CEX) yang populer. Hal tersebut dikarenakan pemasaran token, likuiditas, dan kemampuan pertukaran sangat mempengaruhi tingkat keberhasilan dan adopsi oleh investor. Perbedaan TGE vs ICO Terakhir, kita akan membahas tentang apa perbedaan token generation event (TGE) dan initial coin offering (ICO). Nyatanya, meskipun keduanya sering dianggap identik bahkan TGE kerap disebut sebagai metode penggalangan dana (crowdfunding) alternatif dari ICO, namun keduanya memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Perbedaan inilah yang mendorong beberapa perusahaan belakangan ini lebih memilih menyelenggarakan TGE ketimbang melakukan peluncuran token melalui #ico Apa saja perbedaanya? Regulasi dan Aspek Perpajakan Salah satu alasan utama mengapa banyak perusahaan mulai beralih dari ICO ke TGE adalah terkait permasalahan dalam regulasi dan aspek perpajakan. Dalam hal ini, regulasi biasanya menganggap ICO sebagai sekuritas sehingga akan dikenakan pajak. Lain dengan TGE yang tidak dianggap sebagai objek pajak karena tidak diperlakukan sebagai aset sekuritas. Marketing dan Publikasi TGE sendiri memainkan peran penting dalam publikasi dan marketing suatu proyek. Dalam hal ini, TGE bisa meningkatkan antusiasme komunitas investor secara konstan berikut minat mereka terhadap proyek tersebut. Risk Disclaimer : Harga mata uang kripto memiliki risiko pasar dan volatilitas harga yang tinggi. Anda sebaiknya hanya berinvestasi pada produk yang Anda kenal dan memahami risiko terkait. Anda harus hati-hati mempertimbangkan pengalaman investasi Anda, situasi keuangan, tujuan investasi dan toleransi risiko dan berkonsultasi dengan penasihat keuangan independen sebelum melakukan investasi apa pun. Materi ini tidak boleh ditafsirkan sebagai nasihat keuangan. Kinerja masa lalu bukan merupakan indikator yang dapat diandalkan untuk kinerja masa depan. Nilai investasi Anda bisa turun dan naik, dan Anda mungkin tidak mendapatkan kembali jumlah yang Anda investasikan. Anda sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab atas keputusan investasi Anda.

Apa itu Token Generating Event (TGE) ?

Token generation event (TGE) adalah suatu acara yang digelar oleh perusahaan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan atau meluncurkan token di bursa populer. Konsep pelaksanaan TGE pada dasarnya hampir sama dengan ICO, yakni kampanye penggalangan dana.
Fungsi TGE pada Crypto
Mengumpulkan Dana
Pertama, fungsi token generation event (#TGE ) bagi perusahaan adalah untuk mengumpulkan dana dari investor. Melalui penyelenggaraan TGE, perusahaan akan memperkenalkan token sebagai sekuritas, dan selanjutnya berlaku konsep pertukaran sebagaimana halnya antara investor dan perusahaan.

Dalam hal ini, perusahaan akan memperoleh dana investasi dari investor dan sebaliknya, investor mendapatkan fitur kepemilikan dan hak suara atas proyek yang diselenggarakan perusahaan.
Menciptakan Komunitas
Tidak hanya mengumpulkan dana, fungsi kedua penyelenggaraan TGE bagi perusahaan adalah menciptakan komunitas yang memiliki ketertarikan terhadap proyek yang tengah dijalankan oleh perusahaan.
Dalam hal ini, semakin banyak investor yang tertarik untuk memberikan dana investasi mereka dengan membeli token yang diluncurkan, maka artinya semakin tinggi pula antusiasme mereka terhadap proyek yang dijalankan.
Hal tersebut juga berarti semakin luas pula skala komunitasnya.
Komunitas merupakan hal yang sangat esensial bagi proyek perusahaan. Adanya komunitas ini menjadi orientasi hasil yang menunjukkan seberapa sukses proyek yang dijalankan oleh perusahaan. Semakin besar skala komunitas investor yang terlibat, maka semakin tinggi potensi kesuksesan proyek tersebut saat diluncurkan.
Meningkatkan Awareness Proyek Bersangkutan
Penyelenggaraan TGE bagi perusahaan juga berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kesadaran (awareness) masyarakat tentang keberadaan token dan proyek yang tengah digarap oleh perusahaan.
Hal ini pula yang mendorong perusahaan untuk memilih platform atau bursa yang dianggap strategis pada saat melakukan listing token. Pasalnya, pemilihan platform atau bursa untuk pemasaran nantinya akan berdampak signifikan terhadap harga, reputasi, dan popularitas token di mata investor.
Tak hanya itu, TGE juga umumnya dilakukan perusahaan dengan mendaftarkan token di bursa terdesentralisasi (DEX) atau terpusat (CEX) yang populer. Hal tersebut dikarenakan pemasaran token, likuiditas, dan kemampuan pertukaran sangat mempengaruhi tingkat keberhasilan dan adopsi oleh investor.
Perbedaan TGE vs ICO
Terakhir, kita akan membahas tentang apa perbedaan token generation event (TGE) dan initial coin offering (ICO). Nyatanya, meskipun keduanya sering dianggap identik bahkan TGE kerap disebut sebagai metode penggalangan dana (crowdfunding) alternatif dari ICO, namun keduanya memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Perbedaan inilah yang mendorong beberapa perusahaan belakangan ini lebih memilih menyelenggarakan TGE ketimbang melakukan peluncuran token melalui #ico Apa saja perbedaanya?
Regulasi dan Aspek Perpajakan

Salah satu alasan utama mengapa banyak perusahaan mulai beralih dari ICO ke TGE adalah terkait permasalahan dalam regulasi dan aspek perpajakan. Dalam hal ini, regulasi biasanya menganggap ICO sebagai sekuritas sehingga akan dikenakan pajak. Lain dengan TGE yang tidak dianggap sebagai objek pajak karena tidak diperlakukan sebagai aset sekuritas.
Marketing dan Publikasi

TGE sendiri memainkan peran penting dalam publikasi dan marketing suatu proyek. Dalam hal ini, TGE bisa meningkatkan antusiasme komunitas investor secara konstan berikut minat mereka terhadap proyek tersebut.

Risk Disclaimer : Harga mata uang kripto memiliki risiko pasar dan volatilitas harga yang tinggi. Anda sebaiknya hanya berinvestasi pada produk yang Anda kenal dan memahami risiko terkait. Anda harus hati-hati mempertimbangkan pengalaman investasi Anda, situasi keuangan, tujuan investasi dan toleransi risiko dan berkonsultasi dengan penasihat keuangan independen sebelum melakukan investasi apa pun. Materi ini tidak boleh ditafsirkan sebagai nasihat keuangan. Kinerja masa lalu bukan merupakan indikator yang dapat diandalkan untuk kinerja masa depan. Nilai investasi Anda bisa turun dan naik, dan Anda mungkin tidak mendapatkan kembali jumlah yang Anda investasikan. Anda sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab atas keputusan investasi Anda.
2023. dec. 2.
BIGGEST FUNDRAISING ROUNDS IN NOVEMBER 💰 Last month, over $1 BILLION was secured through 107 deals in crypto primary market. 1️⃣ #Wormhole secured $225M in funding round with participation from Coinbase Ventures Wormhole is an open source interoperability infrastructure platform that enables cross-chain for blockchain-based projects. 2️⃣ Blockchain(dot)com secured $110M in Series E led by Kingsway Capital Blockchain(dot)com is the world's leading crypto finance house serving people, projects, protocols and institutions since 2011. 3️⃣ Fnality International secured $95M in Series B led by Goldman Sachs and BNP Parisbas Fnality is a blockchain payment firm that empowers new digital payment models for transactions in both wholesale financial markets and emerging tokenized asset markets. 4️⃣ BC Technology Group secured in $90M in Strategic round led by BGX BC Technology Group is the first SFC-licensed and insured Digital Asset platform now serving professional & retail users. 5️⃣ Bitfarms secured $44 in funding round Bitfarms is a global Bitcoin self-mining company. 6️⃣ Ritual secured $25M in Series A led by Archetype Ritual is a decentralized AI compute platform. 7️⃣  #Blast secured $20M in funding round with participation from Paradigm & Standard Crypto Blast is an EVM-compatible, optimistic rollup Layer 2 that raises the baseline yield for users and developers without changing the experience cryptonatives expect. 8️⃣ Ingonyama secured $20M in Seed round led by Walden Catalyst Ingonyama is a next-generation semiconductor company, focusing on Zero Knowledge Proof hardware acceleration. 9️⃣ Privy secured $18M in Series A led by #Paradigm Privy is a developer tools platform aimed at securely collecting data to improve the crypto user experience. 🔟 Superstate secured $14M in Series A led by Coinfund & Distributed Global Superstate is an asset management firm modernizing the infrastructure of investment funds. #fundraising  #ico

Last month, over $1 BILLION was secured through 107 deals in crypto primary market.

1️⃣ #Wormhole secured $225M in funding round with participation from Coinbase Ventures

Wormhole is an open source interoperability infrastructure platform that enables cross-chain for blockchain-based projects.

2️⃣ Blockchain(dot)com secured $110M in Series E led by Kingsway Capital

Blockchain(dot)com is the world's leading crypto finance house serving people, projects, protocols and institutions since 2011.

3️⃣ Fnality International secured $95M in Series B led by Goldman Sachs and BNP Parisbas

Fnality is a blockchain payment firm that empowers new digital payment models for transactions in both wholesale financial markets and emerging tokenized asset markets.

4️⃣ BC Technology Group secured in $90M in Strategic round led by BGX

BC Technology Group is the first SFC-licensed and insured Digital Asset platform now serving professional & retail users.

5️⃣ Bitfarms secured $44 in funding round

Bitfarms is a global Bitcoin self-mining company.

6️⃣ Ritual secured $25M in Series A led by Archetype

Ritual is a decentralized AI compute platform.

7️⃣  #Blast secured $20M in funding round with participation from Paradigm & Standard Crypto

Blast is an EVM-compatible, optimistic rollup Layer 2 that raises the baseline yield for users and developers without changing the experience cryptonatives expect.

8️⃣ Ingonyama secured $20M in Seed round led by Walden Catalyst

Ingonyama is a next-generation semiconductor company, focusing on Zero Knowledge Proof hardware acceleration.

9️⃣ Privy secured $18M in Series A led by #Paradigm

Privy is a developer tools platform aimed at securely collecting data to improve the crypto user experience.

🔟 Superstate secured $14M in Series A led by Coinfund & Distributed Global

Superstate is an asset management firm modernizing the infrastructure of investment funds.

#fundraising  #ico
2024. okt. 15.
Belugana to Commence Presale on October 15 at 10 PM UTC – An ICO Created by Arthur HayesThe Belugana project is set to officially launch its presale on October 15 at 10 PM UTC. This presale presents a distinctive opportunity for investors, markedly distinguishing itself from existing presales. Notably, Belugana has completed its negotiations for listing with 1T CEX, and it has been announced that the presale is initiated to provide investors with a special opportunity to ascertain the value of Belugana in advance. Fixed Pricing to Safeguard Investors Belugana’s tokens will be offered at a fixed price, serving as a critical safeguard against potential losses for latecomers to the market. This fixed pricing policy is particularly advantageous in the highly volatile cryptocurrency landscape, granting investors substantial peace of mind. To alleviate concerns regarding price declines typically observed in decentralized exchanges (DEX), Belugana has declared its unwavering commitment to defend token values by any means necessary. The Belugana team is meticulously analyzing market fluctuations and devising a variety of strategies to ensure stable returns for investors. Connection to Arthur Hayes A substantial quantity of approximately 2 billion Belugana tokens has been discovered at an address presumed to belong to Arthur Hayes. In a previous interview, Hayes hinted at the creation of an ICO and referenced a “white dolphin,” leading to the assumption that he is deeply involved in the development of Belugana. Consequently, this has heightened the expectations of numerous investors, and the outlook for Belugana’s success appears optimistic. The following is an excerpt from an interview with Arthur Hayes. [Hayes's interview]( This is an excerpt from Arthur Hayes' interview. Arthur Hayes states the following : “I’ve become very interested in meme coins after seeing Justin Sun’s SunPump. I have a keen interest in meme coin development, especially ICOs, and my team and I are currently preparing for development. As a hint, I can give you something like ‘white dolphin.’ It seems we will be able to showcase it through an ICO soon.” Potential for Early Termination of Presale This presale is scheduled to conclude without prior notice once the requisite fundraising amount is achieved. Consequently, investors are urged to act swiftly, as this factor significantly heightens the urgency for participation. Experts anticipate a substantial likelihood of an early closure, and such trends could result in investors missing out on this promising opportunity. In particular, the presale’s most successful case, Book Of Meme ($BOME), was developed by the Pepe Foundation, a fact that has sparked explosive interest among investors. It remarkably sold out in just 48 hours. Furthermore, Belugana’s presale is expected to conclude immediately upon the completion of fundraising without prior notification, necessitating prompt decision-making. High Investor Expectations Positive reactions towards Belugana are resonating throughout the market, fostering heightened anticipation among investors. The project is garnering attention due to its distinctive approach, with experts expressing optimism regarding its growth potential. Participation in Belugana’s presale transcends mere investment; it represents an opportunity to partake in the potential for substantial rewards following a successful public offering. Outlook and Conclusion Investors who engage in Belugana’s presale will find themselves at the forefront of a project poised to establish a significant presence within the cryptocurrency market. This presale should be interpreted not merely as an investment action but as a purchase of future possibilities. Given Belugana’s promising trajectory and growth prospects, this investment opportunity stands to be exceptionally attractive. Hayes’ involvement lends credibility to the project, and anticipation surrounding Belugana’s evolution continues to escalate. Therefore, investors are encouraged to act swiftly to seize this remarkable opportunity. Do not let this chance slip away. Join Belugana as it unveils new investment possibilities and position yourself as a pivotal player in its future success. #MemeCoinTrending #Belugana #Memecoin #ICO #ArthurHayes

Belugana to Commence Presale on October 15 at 10 PM UTC – An ICO Created by Arthur Hayes

The Belugana project is set to officially launch its presale on October 15 at 10 PM UTC. This presale presents a distinctive opportunity for investors, markedly distinguishing itself from existing presales. Notably, Belugana has completed its negotiations for listing with 1T CEX, and it has been announced that the presale is initiated to provide investors with a special opportunity to ascertain the value of Belugana in advance.

Fixed Pricing to Safeguard Investors
Belugana’s tokens will be offered at a fixed price, serving as a critical safeguard against potential losses for latecomers to the market. This fixed pricing policy is particularly advantageous in the highly volatile cryptocurrency landscape, granting investors substantial peace of mind. To alleviate concerns regarding price declines typically observed in decentralized exchanges (DEX), Belugana has declared its unwavering commitment to defend token values by any means necessary. The Belugana team is meticulously analyzing market fluctuations and devising a variety of strategies to ensure stable returns for investors.

Connection to Arthur Hayes

A substantial quantity of approximately 2 billion Belugana tokens has been discovered at an address presumed to belong to Arthur Hayes. In a previous interview, Hayes hinted at the creation of an ICO and referenced a “white dolphin,” leading to the assumption that he is deeply involved in the development of Belugana. Consequently, this has heightened the expectations of numerous investors, and the outlook for Belugana’s success appears optimistic. The following is an excerpt from an interview with Arthur Hayes.

Hayes's interview
This is an excerpt from Arthur Hayes' interview. Arthur Hayes states the following :
“I’ve become very interested in meme coins after seeing Justin Sun’s SunPump. I have a keen interest in meme coin development, especially ICOs, and my team and I are currently preparing for development. As a hint, I can give you something like ‘white dolphin.’ It seems we will be able to showcase it through an ICO soon.”

Potential for Early Termination of Presale
This presale is scheduled to conclude without prior notice once the requisite fundraising amount is achieved. Consequently, investors are urged to act swiftly, as this factor significantly heightens the urgency for participation. Experts anticipate a substantial likelihood of an early closure, and such trends could result in investors missing out on this promising opportunity. In particular, the presale’s most successful case, Book Of Meme ($BOME), was developed by the Pepe Foundation, a fact that has sparked explosive interest among investors. It remarkably sold out in just 48 hours. Furthermore, Belugana’s presale is expected to conclude immediately upon the completion of fundraising without prior notification, necessitating prompt decision-making.

High Investor Expectations
Positive reactions towards Belugana are resonating throughout the market, fostering heightened anticipation among investors. The project is garnering attention due to its distinctive approach, with experts expressing optimism regarding its growth potential. Participation in Belugana’s presale transcends mere investment; it represents an opportunity to partake in the potential for substantial rewards following a successful public offering.

Outlook and Conclusion
Investors who engage in Belugana’s presale will find themselves at the forefront of a project poised to establish a significant presence within the cryptocurrency market. This presale should be interpreted not merely as an investment action but as a purchase of future possibilities. Given Belugana’s promising trajectory and growth prospects, this investment opportunity stands to be exceptionally attractive. Hayes’ involvement lends credibility to the project, and anticipation surrounding Belugana’s evolution continues to escalate. Therefore, investors are encouraged to act swiftly to seize this remarkable opportunity. Do not let this chance slip away. Join Belugana as it unveils new investment possibilities and position yourself as a pivotal player in its future success.

#Belugana #Memecoin #ICO #ArthurHayes
2024. jún. 15.
Nova rede chegando, é a vez da piacoin, está em fase de ico, começando com 1 dolar a venda, será que teremos uma nova aptos? New network arriving, it's piacoin's turn, it's in the ico phase, starting with 1 dollar for sale, will we have a new one? #ico #defi #aptos #bnb #ethereum
Nova rede chegando, é a vez da piacoin, está em fase de ico, começando com 1 dolar a venda, será que teremos uma nova aptos? New network arriving, it's piacoin's turn, it's in the ico phase, starting with 1 dollar for sale, will we have a new one?

#ico #defi #aptos #bnb #ethereum
2023. júl. 29.
Dear Crypto Community. beware of Scams and "upcoming Crypto Projects" ! ALWAYS - I repeat ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!! #dyor I have noticed paid shills and ads/ bot accounts and AI News postings about the new "InQubeta" Coin & Company which is doing a coin presale right now. if you don't look closely and let fomo drive you, you'd easily invest a few or more dollars in the hope that it will be released one day. Now I did the research. the company is fake - the name is chosen to avoid being searched for easily. there is no WhoIs website info available. The founders listed on the website, are stolen Linked In Profile Photos. I have talked to both founders and they are in no association with InQubeta whatsoever. Always beware of scams in crypto. they are everywhere. #Binance #scam #ico #launchpool
Dear Crypto Community.

beware of Scams and "upcoming Crypto Projects" !


I have noticed paid shills and ads/ bot accounts and AI News postings about the new "InQubeta" Coin & Company which is doing a coin presale right now.

if you don't look closely and let fomo drive you, you'd easily invest a few or more dollars in the hope that it will be released one day.

Now I did the research. the company is fake - the name is chosen to avoid being searched for easily.

there is no WhoIs website info available.

The founders listed on the website, are stolen Linked In Profile Photos. I have talked to both founders and they are in no association with InQubeta whatsoever.

Always beware of scams in crypto. they are everywhere.
#Binance #scam #ico #launchpool
2024. ápr. 8.
The Future of Film-Making: Welcome to the CINEMADROM Metaverse Web3!Have you ever dreamt of watching a movie in a virtual world, where you can interact with characters, explore different environments and even earn crypto coins for it? Well, that future is now a reality thanks to the new cinematograph in the Web3 Metaverse, created by the metaverse crypto project, Cinemadrom. In the old days, filmmakers had to rely on investors to fund their movies. This often meant sacrificing creative control and ownership over their films. But with Cinemadrom, filmmakers can now raise their budget quickly and easily by transferring the exclusive property copyrights of their film through NFT Movie. And with these NFTs, they can then use them as collateral in the DeFi Movie protocol to receive additional funding and crypto coins for production. As for the ordinary viewers and users of the Cinemadrom metaverse, they can now enjoy watching movies and earn crypto coins just for doing so. Imagine being able to watch your favorite movie and earning a reward for it! It’s like getting paid to have fun! But wait, there’s more! The new cinematograph in VR space opens up new opportunities for entertainment and earnings for users. You can now watch movies in a virtual world where you can explore different environments, interact with characters and even play games. It’s like being transported to a different world where anything is possible. Let’s say you’re a fan of action movies. With the Cinemadrom metaverse, you can now watch an action movie and become a part of the story. You can explore the environment, interact with the characters and even play mini-games within the movie. It’s like being in an action movie, but you’re the star! And if you’re a fan of romance movies, you can now have a romantic date in a virtual world. You and your partner can watch a movie together, explore different environments and even play games. It’s like having a date in a different world, where anything is possible. So, are you ready to join the Cinemadrom metaverse? Subscribe to our social networks to always be up to date and receive prizes, gifts, and AirDrop assets. And who knows, you might even earn some crypto coins for it! In conclusion, the future of film-making and entertainment is here, and it’s in the Cinemadrom metaverse. Join us and be a part of the next generation of film-making and entertainment. Get ready for an experience like no other! Read more about “CINEMADROM” on the official website. Welcome to CINEMADROM - #web3crypto #Presale #ico #AImovie #Cinemadrom

The Future of Film-Making: Welcome to the CINEMADROM Metaverse Web3!

Have you ever dreamt of watching a movie in a virtual world, where you can interact with characters, explore different environments and even earn crypto coins for it? Well, that future is now a reality thanks to the new cinematograph in the Web3 Metaverse, created by the metaverse crypto project, Cinemadrom.
In the old days, filmmakers had to rely on investors to fund their movies. This often meant sacrificing creative control and ownership over their films. But with Cinemadrom, filmmakers can now raise their budget quickly and easily by transferring the exclusive property copyrights of their film through NFT Movie. And with these NFTs, they can then use them as collateral in the DeFi Movie protocol to receive additional funding and crypto coins for production.

As for the ordinary viewers and users of the Cinemadrom metaverse, they can now enjoy watching movies and earn crypto coins just for doing so. Imagine being able to watch your favorite movie and earning a reward for it! It’s like getting paid to have fun!
But wait, there’s more! The new cinematograph in VR space opens up new opportunities for entertainment and earnings for users. You can now watch movies in a virtual world where you can explore different environments, interact with characters and even play games. It’s like being transported to a different world where anything is possible.

Let’s say you’re a fan of action movies. With the Cinemadrom metaverse, you can now watch an action movie and become a part of the story. You can explore the environment, interact with the characters and even play mini-games within the movie. It’s like being in an action movie, but you’re the star!
And if you’re a fan of romance movies, you can now have a romantic date in a virtual world. You and your partner can watch a movie together, explore different environments and even play games. It’s like having a date in a different world, where anything is possible.

So, are you ready to join the Cinemadrom metaverse? Subscribe to our social networks to always be up to date and receive prizes, gifts, and AirDrop assets. And who knows, you might even earn some crypto coins for it!
In conclusion, the future of film-making and entertainment is here, and it’s in the Cinemadrom metaverse. Join us and be a part of the next generation of film-making and entertainment. Get ready for an experience like no other!
Read more about “CINEMADROM” on the official website. Welcome to CINEMADROM -
#web3crypto #Presale #ico #AImovie #Cinemadrom
What is an ICO? ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering and refers to a method of raising capital for cryptocurrency and blockchain-related projects. Typically, a project will create a token and present their idea in a whitepaper. The project will then offer the tokens for sale to raise the capital necessary for funding development. Even though there have been many successful ICOs to date, investors need to be very careful if they are interested in purchasing tokens in an ICO. ICOs are largely unregulated, and very risky. How is an IEO or STO different from an ICO? STOs and IEOs are alternative token sale models that emerged after ICOs started to fade in popularity. IEO stands for Initial Exchange Offering. IEOs share a lot of similarities with ICOs. They are both largely unregulated token sales, with the main difference being that ICOs are conducted by the projects that are selling the tokens, while IEOs are conducted through cryptocurrency exchanges. Cryptocurrency exchanges have an incentive to screen projects before they conduct a token sale for them, so the quality of IEOs tends to be better on average than the quality of ICOs. #ICO #IEO $BTC $ETH $XRP {future}(XRPUSDT) {future}(ETHUSDT) {future}(BTCUSDT)
What is an ICO?
ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering and refers to a method of raising capital for cryptocurrency and blockchain-related projects. Typically, a project will create a token and present their idea in a whitepaper. The project will then offer the tokens for sale to raise the capital necessary for funding development. Even though there have been many successful ICOs to date, investors need to be very careful if they are interested in purchasing tokens in an ICO. ICOs are largely unregulated, and very risky.

How is an IEO or STO different from an ICO?
STOs and IEOs are alternative token sale models that emerged after ICOs started to fade in popularity.

IEO stands for Initial Exchange Offering. IEOs share a lot of similarities with ICOs. They are both largely unregulated token sales, with the main difference being that ICOs are conducted by the projects that are selling the tokens, while IEOs are conducted through cryptocurrency exchanges. Cryptocurrency exchanges have an incentive to screen projects before they conduct a token sale for them, so the quality of IEOs tends to be better on average than the quality of ICOs.

jan. 28. An Evolutionary Crypto Exchange Powered by AI Just a few hours ago, the long-awaited launch of the crypto exchange took place, following over four months of development announcements. The exchange features a unique technology called Migrated Liquidity Pools (MLP) — where currency rates are formed not based on traditional order books but through API integrations with top global crypto exchanges. This ensures that coytx users always get the best prices for cryptocurrencies while trading in one unified platform In addition to the clear benefits of MLP, it also offers an extra layer of security for assets by diversifying them across dozens or even hundreds of wallets and exchanges. also provides access to its Artificial Intelligence system (which previously issued signals for $TRUMP at 3$ and MELANIA at 2$) and trading algorithms. During the beta testing phase, all these features are completely free, albeit with certain limitations. In the future, coytx will enable the purchase of web3 tokens like $SOL directly from decentralized exchanges through blockchain, marking the next step in the evolution of centralized crypto exchanges. Register on the exchange: #cryptocurrency  #exchange  #ICO  #CryptoExchange An Evolutionary Crypto Exchange Powered by AI
Just a few hours ago, the long-awaited launch of the crypto exchange took place, following over four months of development announcements.
The exchange features a unique technology called Migrated Liquidity Pools (MLP) — where currency rates are formed not based on traditional order books but through API integrations with top global crypto exchanges. This ensures that coytx users always get the best prices for cryptocurrencies while trading in one unified platform
In addition to the clear benefits of MLP, it also offers an extra layer of security for assets by diversifying them across dozens or even hundreds of wallets and exchanges. also provides access to its Artificial Intelligence system (which previously issued signals for $TRUMP at 3$ and MELANIA at 2$) and trading algorithms. During the beta testing phase, all these features are completely free, albeit with certain limitations.
In the future, coytx will enable the purchase of web3 tokens like $SOL directly from decentralized exchanges through blockchain, marking the next step in the evolution of centralized crypto exchanges.
Register on the exchange:
#cryptocurrency  #exchange  #ICO  #CryptoExchange
2024. febr. 15.
🔥Dex223, a secure and gas-efficient DEX, just announced that its official #ico begins today at 12 PM (UTC)! The holders of DEX223 will receive a portion of the fees charged by the #DEX in proportion to their share of the total supply💵 🚀Don't miss the opportunity to take a part of all their future revenues! #NFA #DYOR
🔥Dex223, a secure and gas-efficient DEX, just announced that its official #ico begins today at 12 PM (UTC)!

The holders of DEX223 will receive a portion of the fees charged by the #DEX in proportion to their share of the total supply💵

🚀Don't miss the opportunity to take a part of all their future revenues!

2024. máj. 14.
🚀 Explore our exciting new Presale opportunity! Invest in SHIL now and unlock the potential for up to x100 profit! 💰 Don't miss out on this lucrative chance to maximize your returns with SHIL. 🌈✨ #Memecoins #ico #presales $SHIB $PEPE $BOME
🚀 Explore our exciting new Presale opportunity! Invest in SHIL now and unlock the potential for up to x100 profit! 💰 Don't miss out on this lucrative chance to maximize your returns with SHIL. 🌈✨
#Memecoins #ico #presales $SHIB $PEPE $BOME
2024. júl. 2.
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