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幣控 CoInvincible
2024 年底幣安最後重磅項目!Zircuit空投保姆級教程不怕被反擼!前言 2024年空投界最後的重磅項目上線在即,如果想獲取幣安提供的空投獎勵該怎麼做呢?保姆級教學讓你從頭到尾花費最少的成本換取最大的收益,準備好了嗎?跟著J哥一起進入加密貨幣的世界~ ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Zircuit 介紹 我們先來介紹Zircuit是什麼?  Zircuit 是一個完全與 EVM 相容的零知識匯總,為 web3 的無限潛力提供動力。在開創性的 L2 研究的支持下,該網路獨特的混合架構將經過實戰考驗的基礎設施與零知識證明相結合,為開發人員提供兩全其美的優勢。憑藉排序器級別的尖端性能和安全性,用戶可以透過更快的交易、更低的費用和完全安心來探索新領域。 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= 參與流程 那如果要參與幣安 web3 的 Zircuit 空投項目,該怎麼操作呢? J 哥在這邊會手把手保姆級教學來讓觀看影片的幣友都能夠一起賺,首先,你需要準備接近 60U 的ETH,並且選在低 gas fee 的時候來操作,這個後面會細說,如果想要盡可能壓低轉換成本,那麼你可以從 OKX 上來提現 ETH 到幣安 web3 錢包,花費會是所有方式中最少的,記得要先選取以太鏈, ======================================================================= ======================================================================= 任務詳解     到帳後,我們來看任務要求,跨鏈橋接以及質押,按下參與任務後進入頁面,要記得連結錢包,再來以太鏈的ETH要轉成Zircuit鏈的ETH,輸入要轉換的金額,一定要確保在50U以上,避免驗證失敗,再來可以看到 gas fee 的金額大約是 3U,如果各位在做時看到數字大於 3U,那麼就先緩緩,鏈上交易暴增時很可能會到1-20U,務必非常小心再來操作,另外,確認轉換時幣安的合約互動會顯示真正的手續費為何,只要確認不要偏差的太離譜,都可以直接進行,稍等片刻後,也就轉換成功啦,如果跳出驗證遇到像 J 哥一樣的情況,那麼就晚點再回來驗證,系統需要一段時間來做反應,     接著做第二項任務,質押,進去Zircuit後我們一樣連結錢包,並且將網路轉換成Zircuit鏈,才能看到我們剛剛轉入的ETH,我們在這邊不要全數轉入質押,稍微預留一點 gas fee,後面才不會卡關,因為Zircuit是L2,所以後面的花費都不會太多,只怕沒有預留全數質押還要再一次轉入消耗無故費用,我們質押好就能先跳出驗證,兩項都通過就代表可以瓜分這次的50萬U大獎啦,     另一個考驗來了,該如何讓轉出費用降至最低,如果你要透過官方的方式轉回會花費太多資金,所以J哥這邊要教各位,透過第三方橋接方式來取出,首先我們要把質押的金額取回,進到Zircuit頁面,進去後就能發現我們剛質押的ETH已經轉換成 WETH,取回前就必須先做出解包裝的動作來讓它回復原狀,一樣先Withdrawal,所有金額都回來後,下方會出現Unwrap的按鍵,這個解包裝一定要做才能看到ETH顯示在我們的頁面上, ======================================================================= ======================================================================= 總結注意事項 完成後,我們來到Orbiter Finance,這裡是最省的轉換處,介面清晰也容易操作,我們選定Zircuit 鏈,然後再選Arbitrum鏈,這樣等到交易所時,就不會花費大量gas fee了,轉換費用只會消耗1U,等待一下,任務就完成了,是不是很簡單呢,整體來說花費大約5-10U算是正常,獎勵平分下一個人大約能得到20U左右,並且還有10USDC的gas fee 補貼,各位千萬不要只看到參與人數就不敢參加,J哥透過合約地址查目前只有約1萬名使用者有交互,所以可以放心衝,上部Solanex的影片有發送紅包外還可以參加抽獎,沒看過的幣友可以待會直接前往收看,那如果對空投項目很有興趣,歡迎加入群組一起討論,J哥接下來也會繼續推出有關幣安各項Web3任務操作示範及各項空投使用說明的影片,各位幣友絕對要密切關注以及分享給更多有興趣的朋友喔 好了,本週的幣圈空投講解就到這邊,若想關注最新資訊歡迎各位幣友加入Discord免費群組來接收幣圈大小事喔,我是J哥,幣控星球下週見~ ======================================================================= ======================================================================= 喜歡的麻煩幫我文章點個贊,並分享給對空投有興趣的朋友,還有不嫌麻煩請訂閱我的YouTube頻道,每週將會有幣安最新空投教程以及當周行情分析固定更新,再次感謝讀到結尾的各位,你們的支持是我更新最大的動力 ! 頻道搜尋: 幣控CoInvincible 欲看完整影片請搜尋 : 2024 年底前幣安最後重磅項目!Zircuit空投保姆級教程不怕被反擼! 以上言論不構成投資建議,加密貨幣市場風險大,做任何決定前請考慮自身可承受之範圍,再決定是否參與 ! #BTC创历史新高 #空投零噜分享 #zircuit #幣安Web3錢包 #zircuit空投 $BTC $ETH $BNB {future}(BTCUSDT)

2024 年底幣安最後重磅項目!Zircuit空投保姆級教程不怕被反擼!




Zircuit 介紹

我們先來介紹Zircuit是什麼?  Zircuit 是一個完全與 EVM 相容的零知識匯總,為 web3 的無限潛力提供動力。在開創性的 L2 研究的支持下,該網路獨特的混合架構將經過實戰考驗的基礎設施與零知識證明相結合,為開發人員提供兩全其美的優勢。憑藉排序器級別的尖端性能和安全性,用戶可以透過更快的交易、更低的費用和完全安心來探索新領域。



那如果要參與幣安 web3 的 Zircuit 空投項目,該怎麼操作呢? J 哥在這邊會手把手保姆級教學來讓觀看影片的幣友都能夠一起賺,首先,你需要準備接近 60U 的ETH,並且選在低 gas fee 的時候來操作,這個後面會細說,如果想要盡可能壓低轉換成本,那麼你可以從 OKX 上來提現 ETH 到幣安 web3 錢包,花費會是所有方式中最少的,記得要先選取以太鏈,



    到帳後,我們來看任務要求,跨鏈橋接以及質押,按下參與任務後進入頁面,要記得連結錢包,再來以太鏈的ETH要轉成Zircuit鏈的ETH,輸入要轉換的金額,一定要確保在50U以上,避免驗證失敗,再來可以看到 gas fee 的金額大約是 3U,如果各位在做時看到數字大於 3U,那麼就先緩緩,鏈上交易暴增時很可能會到1-20U,務必非常小心再來操作,另外,確認轉換時幣安的合約互動會顯示真正的手續費為何,只要確認不要偏差的太離譜,都可以直接進行,稍等片刻後,也就轉換成功啦,如果跳出驗證遇到像 J 哥一樣的情況,那麼就晚點再回來驗證,系統需要一段時間來做反應,

    接著做第二項任務,質押,進去Zircuit後我們一樣連結錢包,並且將網路轉換成Zircuit鏈,才能看到我們剛剛轉入的ETH,我們在這邊不要全數轉入質押,稍微預留一點 gas fee,後面才不會卡關,因為Zircuit是L2,所以後面的花費都不會太多,只怕沒有預留全數質押還要再一次轉入消耗無故費用,我們質押好就能先跳出驗證,兩項都通過就代表可以瓜分這次的50萬U大獎啦,

    另一個考驗來了,該如何讓轉出費用降至最低,如果你要透過官方的方式轉回會花費太多資金,所以J哥這邊要教各位,透過第三方橋接方式來取出,首先我們要把質押的金額取回,進到Zircuit頁面,進去後就能發現我們剛質押的ETH已經轉換成 WETH,取回前就必須先做出解包裝的動作來讓它回復原狀,一樣先Withdrawal,所有金額都回來後,下方會出現Unwrap的按鍵,這個解包裝一定要做才能看到ETH顯示在我們的頁面上,



完成後,我們來到Orbiter Finance,這裡是最省的轉換處,介面清晰也容易操作,我們選定Zircuit 鏈,然後再選Arbitrum鏈,這樣等到交易所時,就不會花費大量gas fee了,轉換費用只會消耗1U,等待一下,任務就完成了,是不是很簡單呢,整體來說花費大約5-10U算是正常,獎勵平分下一個人大約能得到20U左右,並且還有10USDC的gas fee 補貼,各位千萬不要只看到參與人數就不敢參加,J哥透過合約地址查目前只有約1萬名使用者有交互,所以可以放心衝,上部Solanex的影片有發送紅包外還可以參加抽獎,沒看過的幣友可以待會直接前往收看,那如果對空投項目很有興趣,歡迎加入群組一起討論,J哥接下來也會繼續推出有關幣安各項Web3任務操作示範及各項空投使用說明的影片,各位幣友絕對要密切關注以及分享給更多有興趣的朋友喔




喜歡的麻煩幫我文章點個贊,並分享給對空投有興趣的朋友,還有不嫌麻煩請訂閱我的YouTube頻道,每週將會有幣安最新空投教程以及當周行情分析固定更新,再次感謝讀到結尾的各位,你們的支持是我更新最大的動力 !

頻道搜尋: 幣控CoInvincible

欲看完整影片請搜尋 :

2024 年底前幣安最後重磅項目!Zircuit空投保姆級教程不怕被反擼!

以上言論不構成投資建議,加密貨幣市場風險大,做任何決定前請考慮自身可承受之範圍,再決定是否參與 !

#BTC创历史新高 #空投零噜分享 #zircuit #幣安Web3錢包 #zircuit空投
Zircuit is a zero-knowledge rollup powering the limitless potential of web3. Zircuit is airdropping 100 points for signing up. Also earn 50 points for each referral and be eligible for future perks. Steps to Join Airdrop Visit the Click "Continue" and enter your mail. Connect your Twitter and Discord. Connect your wallet to be eligible for future perks. Also earn 50 Points for each referral. More details about the Airdrop will be shared on their social channels #Web3 #FREEAIRDROP #zircuit
Zircuit is a zero-knowledge rollup powering the limitless potential of web3.

Zircuit is airdropping 100 points for signing up. Also earn 50 points for each referral and be eligible for future perks.

Steps to Join Airdrop

Visit the

Click "Continue" and enter your mail.

Connect your Twitter and Discord.

Connect your wallet to be eligible for future perks.

Also earn 50 Points for each referral.

More details about the Airdrop will be shared on their social channels
#Web3 #FREEAIRDROP #zircuit
Binance Labs invierte en Zircuit, desarrollador de redes Ethereum Layer 2 Binance Labs, el brazo de capital de riesgo e incubación de 10.000 millones de dólares del exchange Binance, ha invertido una suma no revelada en Zircuit, una empresa de Ethereum desarrollador de redes de capa 2. Zircuit es un paquete acumulativo de conocimiento cero con "seguridad a nivel de secuenciador habilitada por IA", dijo Binance Labs el martes. La empresa añadió que su inversión ayudará a Zircuit a crecer y desarrollar aún más su red. La inversión de Binance Labs en Zircuit se produce antes del lanzamiento de la red principal este verano. Ambas empresas se negaron a revelar el tamaño de la inversión y otros términos del acuerdo. Zircuit también cuenta con el respaldo de Pantera Capital y Dragonfly, según su biografía en X. Zircuit mainnet launch Fundada a mediados de 2022, Zircuit se encuentra actualmente en la fase de testnet. Derka dijo que la red de prueba se lanzó en el evento DevConnect 2023 en Estambul en noviembre pasado y que la red principal se lanzará en los próximos meses. Zircuit afirma haber reunido ya más de 3.500 millones de dólares en activos en juego y dice que su programa " Build to Earn " ha atraído más de 1.100 solicitudes. Ethena, Renzo,, KelpDAO, Elixir, Ambient, Pendle, LayerZero y otros se encuentran entre sus socios de lanzamiento, según el proyecto. "El programa de participación Zircuit recopila liquidez previamente comprometida para ingresar al ecosistema Zircuit y DeFi cuando la red principal entre en funcionamiento", dijo Derka. Estos depósitos se gestionan mediante un contrato inteligente en la Capa 1, que permite a los usuarios depositar y retirar sus activos en cualquier momento. Cuando se lance la red principal, los usuarios podrán retirar sus fondos o transferirlos a la red Zircuit utilizando su puente, añadió. #BinanceLabs #BinanceIncubator #Binance200M #Zircuit #BinanceLaunchpol
Binance Labs invierte en Zircuit, desarrollador de redes Ethereum Layer 2

Binance Labs, el brazo de capital de riesgo e incubación de 10.000 millones de dólares del exchange Binance, ha invertido una suma no revelada en Zircuit, una empresa de Ethereum desarrollador de redes de capa 2.

Zircuit es un paquete acumulativo de conocimiento cero con "seguridad a nivel de secuenciador habilitada por IA", dijo Binance Labs el martes. La empresa añadió que su inversión ayudará a Zircuit a crecer y desarrollar aún más su red.

La inversión de Binance Labs en Zircuit se produce antes del lanzamiento de la red principal este verano. Ambas empresas se negaron a revelar el tamaño de la inversión y otros términos del acuerdo. Zircuit también cuenta con el respaldo de Pantera Capital y Dragonfly, según su biografía en X.

Zircuit mainnet launch

Fundada a mediados de 2022, Zircuit se encuentra actualmente en la fase de testnet. Derka dijo que la red de prueba se lanzó en el evento DevConnect 2023 en Estambul en noviembre pasado y que la red principal se lanzará en los próximos meses.

Zircuit afirma haber reunido ya más de 3.500 millones de dólares en activos en juego y dice que su programa " Build to Earn " ha atraído más de 1.100 solicitudes. Ethena, Renzo,, KelpDAO, Elixir, Ambient, Pendle, LayerZero y otros se encuentran entre sus socios de lanzamiento, según el proyecto.

"El programa de participación Zircuit recopila liquidez previamente comprometida para ingresar al ecosistema Zircuit y DeFi cuando la red principal entre en funcionamiento", dijo Derka. Estos depósitos se gestionan mediante un contrato inteligente en la Capa 1, que permite a los usuarios depositar y retirar sus activos en cualquier momento. Cuando se lance la red principal, los usuarios podrán retirar sus fondos o transferirlos a la red Zircuit utilizando su puente, añadió.
#BinanceLabs #BinanceIncubator #Binance200M #Zircuit #BinanceLaunchpol
Farm 4 Project with minimum 0.1 ETH One (ETH) 🪨 Four🪂 1) First I will stake my ETH on @swellnetworkio and earn pearls (Earn Swell + EigenLayer points) 2) Then I'll use that swell on @Eigenpiexyz_io (Magpie)to re-stake (mswETH (Earn EigenPie+EigenLayer points) 3) Again use that EigenPie on Zircuit earning me Zircuit points What did I earn 👇👇 Pearls on Swell+EigenPie + Eigenlayer Points + Zircuit Points Total 4 Projects farmed with minimum 0.1ETH and no maximum limit #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #AirdropHunting #Binance #zircuit $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
Farm 4 Project with minimum 0.1 ETH

One (ETH) 🪨 Four🪂

1) First I will stake my ETH on @swellnetworkio and earn pearls (Earn Swell + EigenLayer points)

2) Then I'll use that swell on @Eigenpiexyz_io (Magpie)to re-stake (mswETH (Earn EigenPie+EigenLayer points)

3) Again use that EigenPie on Zircuit earning me Zircuit points

What did I earn 👇👇

Pearls on Swell+EigenPie + Eigenlayer Points + Zircuit Points

Total 4 Projects farmed with minimum 0.1ETH and no maximum limit

#zircuit $ETH
Binance Labs Invests in Zircuit: Boosting Ethereum Layer 2 Security with AI In a significant move, Binance Labs has invested an undisclosed amount in Zircuit, a pioneering Ethereum Layer 2 developer. Zircuit leverages zero-knowledge rollup technology combined with AI-enabled sequencer-level security. This advanced security measure is designed to detect and prevent exploits and hacks before they occur, enhancing the overall safety of the network. Key Highlights - **Zircuit's Technology**: Utilizing zero-knowledge rollups, Zircuit aims to improve scalability and security on the Ethereum network. The AI-enabled sequencer-level security plays a crucial role in identifying potential threats in real-time. - **Investment Purpose**: The funding from Binance Labs will support Zircuit’s growth and the further development of its network, providing a robust platform for secure and scalable Ethereum transactions. - **Upcoming Mainnet Launch**: This investment is strategically timed as Zircuit prepares for its mainnet launch this summer, signaling a major step forward in Ethereum Layer 2 solutions. What This Means for the Crypto Community - **Enhanced Security**: With AI-driven security at the sequencer level, Zircuit is set to offer a safer environment for users, addressing one of the major concerns in the crypto space. - **Scalability and Efficiency**: By implementing zero-knowledge rollups, Zircuit promises increased transaction speeds and reduced costs, benefiting developers and users alike. - **Strategic Growth**: The backing from Binance Labs underscores the potential of Zircuit's technology and its importance in the broader Ethereum ecosystem. #Conclusion The investment in Zircuit by Binance Labs marks a notable advancement in Ethereum Layer 2 technology. With the upcoming mainnet launch and the innovative use of AI for enhanced security, Zircuit is poised to make a significant impact on the future of blockchain technology. --- #BinanceLabs #zircuit #Zircuit #binancelabs
Binance Labs Invests in Zircuit: Boosting Ethereum Layer 2 Security with AI

In a significant move, Binance Labs has invested an undisclosed amount in Zircuit, a pioneering Ethereum Layer 2 developer. Zircuit leverages zero-knowledge rollup technology combined with AI-enabled sequencer-level security. This advanced security measure is designed to detect and prevent exploits and hacks before they occur, enhancing the overall safety of the network.

Key Highlights

- **Zircuit's Technology**: Utilizing zero-knowledge rollups, Zircuit aims to improve scalability and security on the Ethereum network. The AI-enabled sequencer-level security plays a crucial role in identifying potential threats in real-time.

- **Investment Purpose**: The funding from Binance Labs will support Zircuit’s growth and the further development of its network, providing a robust platform for secure and scalable Ethereum transactions.

- **Upcoming Mainnet Launch**: This investment is strategically timed as Zircuit prepares for its mainnet launch this summer, signaling a major step forward in Ethereum Layer
2 solutions.

What This Means for the Crypto Community

- **Enhanced Security**: With AI-driven security at the sequencer level, Zircuit is set to offer a safer environment for users, addressing one of the major concerns in the crypto space.

- **Scalability and Efficiency**: By implementing zero-knowledge rollups, Zircuit promises increased transaction speeds and reduced costs, benefiting developers and users alike.

- **Strategic Growth**: The backing from Binance Labs underscores the potential of Zircuit's technology and its importance in the broader Ethereum ecosystem.


The investment in Zircuit by Binance Labs marks a notable advancement in Ethereum Layer 2 technology. With the upcoming mainnet launch and the innovative use of AI for enhanced security, Zircuit is poised to make a significant impact on the future of blockchain technology.

#BinanceLabs #zircuit #Zircuit #binancelabs
Zircuit Network confirmed airdrop... Are you interested?Hello everyone!! For those of you who are interested in the confirmed airdrop of Zircuit Network: ZIRCUIT L2 ($ZIRC), I leave you here the secret referral link to have entry: you also want to do the testnet to accumulate more points you can do it at: In this last link you can find the Zircuit add for Metamask. You will also need Sepolia for the bridges.Cheers!#airdrop #AirdropCrypto #Airdrop🪂 #Zircuit #testnet

Zircuit Network confirmed airdrop... Are you interested?

Hello everyone!! For those of you who are interested in the confirmed airdrop of Zircuit Network: ZIRCUIT L2 ($ZIRC), I leave you here the secret referral link to have entry: you also want to do the testnet to accumulate more points you can do it at: In this last link you can find the Zircuit add for Metamask. You will also need Sepolia for the bridges.Cheers!#airdrop #AirdropCrypto #Airdrop🪂 #Zircuit #testnet
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