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How discipline beat procastination in tradingProcrastination: It's the habit of delaying activities that need attention by substituting them with more irrelevant or pleasant ones. In trading, it's very easy to fall into procrastination, which directly distances us from proper practice and, consequently, from achieving the main objective. Passion: A very intense feeling that dominates the will and can disturb reason. A strong liking or inclination for something. To overcome procrastination, you undoubtedly need to have passion for what you do. Trading requires this passion, without it, you will never manage to live from such a demanding profession. Distraction: Something that draws attention away from something else. It is one of the worst evils for a trader. Being connected to the computer at all hours makes it easy to get distracted by other more pleasurable tasks that have nothing to do with trading, spending hours without producing anything of value or progress. Boredom: Annoyance caused by a lack of fun or interest. If trading bores you, it's because the only thing that attracts you to it is the notion that you can make a lot of money quickly. If trading bores you, escape as quickly as you can, otherwise, it will be your money that escapes from your pocket. Many times, we fall into procrastination due to a lack of passion, because we are prone to getting distracted by anything, because we are bored with what we do. To achieve the greatest accomplishments, you have to enjoy it, you have to be eager for the day to start so you can get to work, and even then, it's easy to fall into procrastination, especially because you don't know or have not yet identified the main tasks, the ones that really make you progress. To avoid procrastination, you first need to identify what truly helps you advance towards your goal, and once you've done this, you need to repeat it day after day, with consistency. This is the most important thing. You could be very good at something, but if you are not consistent, it won't do you much good; you won't achieve the results you desire. "It's not only important what you do, but doing it all the time." Discipline: It is the capacity that can be developed by any human being and implies, for every circumstance or occasion, the implementation of an orderly and persevering action in order to obtain a specific good or end. You will have heard any known trader, who already lives off trading, say that discipline has been fundamental in achieving consistency. Trading is easy; it is we who complicate it. I hope it is very clear that to beat the markets, you first have to beat yourself. #Trading_strategy

How discipline beat procastination in trading

Procrastination: It's the habit of delaying activities that need attention by substituting them with more irrelevant or pleasant ones.

In trading, it's very easy to fall into procrastination, which directly distances us from proper practice and, consequently, from achieving the main objective.

Passion: A very intense feeling that dominates the will and can disturb reason. A strong liking or inclination for something.

To overcome procrastination, you undoubtedly need to have passion for what you do. Trading requires this passion, without it, you will never manage to live from such a demanding profession.

Distraction: Something that draws attention away from something else.

It is one of the worst evils for a trader. Being connected to the computer at all hours makes it easy to get distracted by other more pleasurable tasks that have nothing to do with trading, spending hours without producing anything of value or progress.

Boredom: Annoyance caused by a lack of fun or interest.

If trading bores you, it's because the only thing that attracts you to it is the notion that you can make a lot of money quickly. If trading bores you, escape as quickly as you can, otherwise, it will be your money that escapes from your pocket.

Many times, we fall into procrastination due to a lack of passion, because we are prone to getting distracted by anything, because we are bored with what we do.

To achieve the greatest accomplishments, you have to enjoy it, you have to be eager for the day to start so you can get to work, and even then, it's easy to fall into procrastination, especially because you don't know or have not yet identified the main tasks, the ones that really make you progress.

To avoid procrastination, you first need to identify what truly helps you advance towards your goal, and once you've done this, you need to repeat it day after day, with consistency. This is the most important thing. You could be very good at something, but if you are not consistent, it won't do you much good; you won't achieve the results you desire.

"It's not only important what you do, but doing it all the time."

Discipline: It is the capacity that can be developed by any human being and implies, for every circumstance or occasion, the implementation of an orderly and persevering action in order to obtain a specific good or end.

You will have heard any known trader, who already lives off trading, say that discipline has been fundamental in achieving consistency.

Trading is easy; it is we who complicate it.

I hope it is very clear that to beat the markets, you first have to beat yourself.
How passion and patience can lead you to financial freedomFirst and foremost, before continuing... to be a trader, you need passion. If you don't have passion for trading, it's better to leave it behind, because it's the fuel you'll need to overcome the sacrifices involved. So, let's make it clear: if you're interested in this profession solely for the purpose of making money, you will be the perfect candidate to be plucked not in days, but in hours. At this point, let me also say that trading is very possessive. It will want you for itself only. Only then will it let you taste its fruits. It will become your way of life. "Pursuing perfection prevents you from tackling multiple topics at once." You probably dedicate more time and effort to other secondary tasks. Think carefully, trading can give you much more than any other profession, but not overnight. Everything requires learning, everything requires experience, and that takes time, a lot of time. You can't enter the market expecting to make money immediately, just as an apprentice surgeon can't imagine successfully operating on a patient on their first day. This seems logical, but it completely escapes the mind of those who approach the markets simply because they've heard you can make a lot of money. What they haven't been told is the entire process that's needed first. And it's true that you can make a lot, but you'll have to prepare yourself intensely, especially psychologically. The market is a true mental steamroller. But what you really need to think about is whether it's worth dedicating all that time and effort because, in the long run, it will give you much more satisfaction than any other profession you know. Not just money, but freedom and avoiding dealing with people and your boss. So, once you decide (without a doubt) that you will work as a trader, you must avoid dividing your available time among other tasks. It will be time taken away from trading. Once you start your journey, you'll understand. It will force you to eliminate much more from your life than you imagine, even within the profession itself. But I insist, the truth is that the sums of money that can be achieved are truly spectacular. The secret (once you're able to make money consistently with a small account) is to progressively increase the amount of money you trade with and wait for that opportunity that has a 99% probability of success, that opportunity that seems like it will never come but always does. It's not about insisting on achieving a daily, weekly, or monthly monetary goal (this will cause you to rush and overtrade). It's about observing the market calmly, waiting for the right opportunity; the rest will follow naturally and compensate for the other trades. Progressively increasing the amount of money you trade with is vital. It is the single goal every trader should pursue. It is the essence of trading. WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT? Because the moment will come when you can achieve a year's goal in just one trade. And I might be understating it... With this detail alone, you'll realize the extreme importance of not trying to enter the market as often as possible, but rather as minimally and accurately as possible. But be careful, this that seems so easy is anything but. It's extremely difficult to apply. And not just this. Without the right experience, even if you have enough patience not to overtrade, if you don't gain experience through daily practice, it will be impossible to learn to distinguish good opportunities from bad ones, and you'll constantly be shooting in the dark. Another good piece of advice: depending on the Time Frame you use to practice (remember it should be real because simulated won't develop the necessary instincts for good trading), the figure, pattern, etc., will take more or less time to form. In other words, it's not the same to let a Head and Shoulders pattern develop on a weekly chart as on a daily chart. In the former, its confirmation could take months or even years. Therefore, if you want to gain a lot of experience quickly, practice on the smallest time frames you can. And since charts are fractal (the same patterns develop in the same way across all Time Frames), your "eye" will learn very quickly to recognize them, for example by trading on a 1-minute chart. That said, always risk very little money when practicing, and treat it as money dedicated to your learning. You'll recover it later on. #Trading_strategy

How passion and patience can lead you to financial freedom

First and foremost, before continuing... to be a trader, you need passion.

If you don't have passion for trading, it's better to leave it behind, because it's the fuel you'll need to overcome the sacrifices involved.

So, let's make it clear: if you're interested in this profession solely for the purpose of making money, you will be the perfect candidate to be plucked not in days, but in hours.

At this point, let me also say that trading is very possessive. It will want you for itself only. Only then will it let you taste its fruits. It will become your way of life.

"Pursuing perfection prevents you from tackling multiple topics at once."

You probably dedicate more time and effort to other secondary tasks. Think carefully, trading can give you much more than any other profession, but not overnight. Everything requires learning, everything requires experience, and that takes time, a lot of time.

You can't enter the market expecting to make money immediately, just as an apprentice surgeon can't imagine successfully operating on a patient on their first day. This seems logical, but it completely escapes the mind of those who approach the markets simply because they've heard you can make a lot of money. What they haven't been told is the entire process that's needed first.

And it's true that you can make a lot, but you'll have to prepare yourself intensely, especially psychologically. The market is a true mental steamroller.

But what you really need to think about is whether it's worth dedicating all that time and effort because, in the long run, it will give you much more satisfaction than any other profession you know. Not just money, but freedom and avoiding dealing with people and your boss.

So, once you decide (without a doubt) that you will work as a trader, you must avoid dividing your available time among other tasks. It will be time taken away from trading.

Once you start your journey, you'll understand. It will force you to eliminate much more from your life than you imagine, even within the profession itself. But I insist, the truth is that the sums of money that can be achieved are truly spectacular.

The secret (once you're able to make money consistently with a small account) is to progressively increase the amount of money you trade with and wait for that opportunity that has a 99% probability of success, that opportunity that seems like it will never come but always does.

It's not about insisting on achieving a daily, weekly, or monthly monetary goal (this will cause you to rush and overtrade). It's about observing the market calmly, waiting for the right opportunity; the rest will follow naturally and compensate for the other trades.

Progressively increasing the amount of money you trade with is vital. It is the single goal every trader should pursue. It is the essence of trading.

WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT? Because the moment will come when you can achieve a year's goal in just one trade.

And I might be understating it...

With this detail alone, you'll realize the extreme importance of not trying to enter the market as often as possible, but rather as minimally and accurately as possible.

But be careful, this that seems so easy is anything but. It's extremely difficult to apply.

And not just this. Without the right experience, even if you have enough patience not to overtrade, if you don't gain experience through daily practice, it will be impossible to learn to distinguish good opportunities from bad ones, and you'll constantly be shooting in the dark.

Another good piece of advice: depending on the Time Frame you use to practice (remember it should be real because simulated won't develop the necessary instincts for good trading), the figure, pattern, etc., will take more or less time to form. In other words, it's not the same to let a Head and Shoulders pattern develop on a weekly chart as on a daily chart. In the former, its confirmation could take months or even years.

Therefore, if you want to gain a lot of experience quickly, practice on the smallest time frames you can. And since charts are fractal (the same patterns develop in the same way across all Time Frames), your "eye" will learn very quickly to recognize them, for example by trading on a 1-minute chart.

That said, always risk very little money when practicing, and treat it as money dedicated to your learning. You'll recover it later on.
Revolucionando los Mercados Financieros El trading algorítmico, combinado con la inteligencia artificial (IA), está transformando rápidamente la forma en que se realizan las operaciones en los mercados financieros. Esta combinación de tecnologías permite a los inversores automatizar procesos de toma de decisiones y ejecución de operaciones, aprovechando enormes cantidades de datos y análisis avanzados para identificar oportunidades comerciales rentables en fracciones de segundo. El trading algorítmico utiliza algoritmos complejos para analizar datos históricos, tendencias del mercado y otros factores relevantes para tomar decisiones de inversión. La inteligencia artificial, por otro lado, agrega una capa adicional de sofisticación al aplicar técnicas de aprendizaje automático y procesamiento de lenguaje natural para mejorar la capacidad predictiva de los algoritmos y adaptarse a condiciones cambiantes del mercado en tiempo real. Una de las principales ventajas del trading algorítmico y la IA es su capacidad para operar las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, sin la influencia de emociones humanas como el miedo o la codicia. Esto permite una ejecución más rápida y precisa de las operaciones, así como una gestión más eficiente del riesgo. Sin embargo, el trading algorítmico y la IA no están exentos de desafíos y riesgos. La complejidad de los algoritmos y la necesidad de mantenerlos actualizados y ajustados a las condiciones del mercado pueden ser desafiantes. Además, la dependencia excesiva de la tecnología puede llevar a situaciones de riesgo sistémico si algo sale mal. A pesar de estos desafíos, el trading algorítmico y la inteligencia artificial están revolucionando la industria financiera, democratizando el acceso a estrategias de inversión avanzadas y ofreciendo nuevas oportunidades para inversores individuales y empresas por igual. Es probable que veamos un aumento aún mayor en la adopción de estas herramientas en los mercados financieros en el futuro. #ai #Trading_strategy
Revolucionando los Mercados Financieros
El trading algorítmico, combinado con la inteligencia artificial (IA), está transformando rápidamente la forma en que se realizan las operaciones en los mercados financieros. Esta combinación de tecnologías permite a los inversores automatizar procesos de toma de decisiones y ejecución de operaciones, aprovechando enormes cantidades de datos y análisis avanzados para identificar oportunidades comerciales rentables en fracciones de segundo.

El trading algorítmico utiliza algoritmos complejos para analizar datos históricos, tendencias del mercado y otros factores relevantes para tomar decisiones de inversión. La inteligencia artificial, por otro lado, agrega una capa adicional de sofisticación al aplicar técnicas de aprendizaje automático y procesamiento de lenguaje natural para mejorar la capacidad predictiva de los algoritmos y adaptarse a condiciones cambiantes del mercado en tiempo real.

Una de las principales ventajas del trading algorítmico y la IA es su capacidad para operar las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, sin la influencia de emociones humanas como el miedo o la codicia. Esto permite una ejecución más rápida y precisa de las operaciones, así como una gestión más eficiente del riesgo.
Sin embargo, el trading algorítmico y la IA no están exentos de desafíos y riesgos. La complejidad de los algoritmos y la necesidad de mantenerlos actualizados y ajustados a las condiciones del mercado pueden ser desafiantes. Además, la dependencia excesiva de la tecnología puede llevar a situaciones de riesgo sistémico si algo sale mal.
A pesar de estos desafíos, el trading algorítmico y la inteligencia artificial están revolucionando la industria financiera, democratizando el acceso a estrategias de inversión avanzadas y ofreciendo nuevas oportunidades para inversores individuales y empresas por igual. Es probable que veamos un aumento aún mayor en la adopción de estas herramientas en los mercados financieros en el futuro.
#ai #Trading_strategy
#Write2Eam #TrendingTopic #Trading_strategy Trading is as easy as it is difficult. Provided the fundamentals of a specific cryptocurrency are strong, just looking at the charts will give you a good idea about its price target. I am going to share the price targets in mid term for most of the popular coins in future, like in my previous post, I told about ADA, and it is still above the support I had discussed. All of the price action strategy I'll discuss may not be 100% accurate, and it may be different from yours, and I am not giving you any financial advice. Just what I have analyzed, I will simply state it here. Whether or not you decide to follow my strategy, is upon you. I don't want any credit or criticism. I just want to share my knowledge here. Upcoming will be the technical analysis of some good coins like AVAX, DOT, NEAR, BICO, LINK, and more. I will not talk about the bull run target, but my targets will be for the mid term. Hit a like if you like my content. Wait for analysis...
#Write2Eam #TrendingTopic #Trading_strategy
Trading is as easy as it is difficult. Provided the fundamentals of a specific cryptocurrency are strong, just looking at the charts will give you a good idea about its price target. I am going to share the price targets in mid term for most of the popular coins in future, like in my previous post, I told about ADA, and it is still above the support I had discussed.
All of the price action strategy I'll discuss may not be 100% accurate, and it may be different from yours, and I am not giving you any financial advice. Just what I have analyzed, I will simply state it here. Whether or not you decide to follow my strategy, is upon you. I don't want any credit or criticism. I just want to share my knowledge here. Upcoming will be the technical analysis of some good coins like AVAX, DOT, NEAR, BICO, LINK, and more. I will not talk about the bull run target, but my targets will be for the mid term. Hit a like if you like my content.
Wait for analysis...
Trade Without Trading Fees, Completely Free! Part 1Hello, today I'm talking about a safe trading guide for beginners. At first, you need to convert your USDT to FDUSD. You can also buy FDUSD, it's 0 fees charge. Because you are a beginner, you have to trade uptrend market. You must trade in top 10 ranked currency such as BTC, ETC, BNB, SOL, XRP, DODGE and LINK. These coin trading pair with FDUSD is completely free! For your first trade: You can trade in BNB FDUSD Pair, Because here decimal number is 1. (Ex- 1 BNB = 400.1 FDUSD) You will buy BNB in low price and sell higher price. If you made mistake, after your buying price going low, don't worry and wait some time price will rise again. You can follow these strategy or you can find different strategy in YouTube or you can complete a training from a institution. Or, you can buy BNB in lunchpool event and hold it. After lunchpool event ends, you can sell your BNB and get higher profits. You aslo stake your BNB to lunchpool and get extra rewards! Short Trading Period You can trade 5 min or 15 min time frame for short time trading. You have to buy at low and sell at high. It's that simple! Trading is full of risks, learn some knowledge before trading. This is for today. If you like it please follow me for more trading tips. Like, Comment and Share my post. Thank you. Visit My profile Pinned Post For Earn upto 15 USDT You will find 2 links from Binance Giveaway, hurry up and grab your bonus! $BTC $ETH $BNB

Trade Without Trading Fees, Completely Free! Part 1

Hello, today I'm talking about a safe trading guide for beginners.
At first, you need to convert your USDT to FDUSD.
You can also buy FDUSD, it's 0 fees charge.
Because you are a beginner, you have to trade uptrend market. You must trade in top 10 ranked currency such as BTC, ETC, BNB, SOL, XRP, DODGE and LINK.
These coin trading pair with FDUSD is completely free!
For your first trade:
You can trade in BNB FDUSD Pair, Because here decimal number is 1. (Ex- 1 BNB = 400.1 FDUSD)
You will buy BNB in low price and sell higher price. If you made mistake, after your buying price going low, don't worry and wait some time price will rise again.
You can follow these strategy or you can find different strategy in YouTube or you can complete a training from a institution.
Or, you can buy BNB in lunchpool event and hold it. After lunchpool event ends, you can sell your BNB and get higher profits. You aslo stake your BNB to lunchpool and get extra rewards!
Short Trading Period
You can trade 5 min or 15 min time frame for short time trading. You have to buy at low and sell at high. It's that simple!
Trading is full of risks, learn some knowledge before trading.
This is for today. If you like it please follow me for more trading tips. Like, Comment and Share my post. Thank you.
Visit My profile Pinned Post For Earn upto 15 USDT
You will find 2 links from Binance Giveaway, hurry up and grab your bonus!
Bitcoin is about 5% down on the day so far, equating to a $3,500 loss on the day so far. Some of the altcoins on the other hand, are down more than 10%. With $BTC potentially holding at this level, could now be the time to get into those altcoins you’ve been wanting to buy for ages? Day Is Improving For $BTC The day is perhaps looking less bad than it could have been imagined earlier on. From Friday’s high price of $72,250, to the lowest price at $65,550, was a total 9% fall for bitcoin, equating to nearly $7,000. However, as the day has moved on, the support at $65,550 has held, and the price has reversed back above support at $68,000, with another nice long wick starting to develop beneath. Just Another Wick Down? The thesis is that this is just another in a series of wicks to the downside in the $BTC $BTC . If the price follows the same pattern, this will be the fourth such wick down in the last 11 days. All the previous wicks were bought straight back up again. #tradingprofit #Trading_strategy #PEPEALERT #DOGE🔥🔥 @CrazyCryptoQueen 🔥Disclaimer : 👉 This is my personal analysis for educational purposes , Buy/Sell/Trade at your own risk. I am not a financial Advisor.
Bitcoin is about 5% down on the day so far, equating to a $3,500 loss on the day so far. Some of the altcoins on the other hand, are down more than 10%. With $BTC potentially holding at this level, could now be the time to get into those altcoins you’ve been wanting to buy for ages?

Day Is Improving For $BTC
The day is perhaps looking less bad than it could have been imagined earlier on. From Friday’s high price of $72,250, to the lowest price at $65,550, was a total 9% fall for bitcoin, equating to nearly $7,000.

However, as the day has moved on, the support at $65,550 has held, and the price has reversed back above support at $68,000, with another nice long wick starting to develop beneath.

Just Another Wick Down?
The thesis is that this is just another in a series of wicks to the downside in the $BTC $BTC . If the price follows the same pattern, this will be the fourth such wick down in the last 11 days. All the previous wicks were bought straight back up again.

#tradingprofit #Trading_strategy #PEPEALERT #DOGE🔥🔥
@Grow Queen

🔥Disclaimer : 👉 This is my personal analysis for educational purposes , Buy/Sell/Trade at your own risk. I am not a financial Advisor.
I have been concerned on how some lose money and don't have any to start with again... so I came up with a strategy to help others. I'm a professional trader and I trade with 94% sure signal. so now I'll be giving out these signals to people for free but you give me 50% of your earnings🤷 so if you're interested +2348169308553 on WA #TrendingTopic #CryptoTradingWin #Trading_strategy #BitcoinHalvingAlerts
I have been concerned on how some lose money and don't have any to start with again... so I came up with a strategy to help others.
I'm a professional trader and I trade with 94% sure signal.

so now I'll be giving out these signals to people for free but you give me 50% of your earnings🤷 so if you're interested +2348169308553 on WA #TrendingTopic #CryptoTradingWin #Trading_strategy #BitcoinHalvingAlerts
I'm not exactly a whiz at Technical Analysis, but someone asked me about my take on ETH in the Futures market for someone who entered LONG at $3912 with a liquidation price of $3000... Time ticks on, and I can just imagine the trader's nerves; once again, it's the market psychology working against us. #Trading_strategy First fundamental (and emotional) advice, DON'T go LONG on Fridays or weekends. In fact, try to stay out of the futures market on weekends altogether. It tends to be super risky, more for advanced traders, scalping operations, with high-risk tolerance and very tight stop losses. Let's dive into the technical side for Ethereum in the perpetual contract within Binance Futures. What I've got up on the screen is Tview, with a Fibonacci retracement, and I've marked the price levels it might touch if the market keeps correcting. Corrections are healthy, it's gotta dip and accumulate before it can continue its trend. But... when it comes to futures, we can't afford to correct, accumulate, etc... that's why the futures market doesn't play by the same rules as SPOT. The chart's showing how MACD is trending downwards. RSI too. Both indicators still have downward momentum... which isn't great news for our LONG trader, especially if they're leveraging up and possibly paying interest rates on top of it. So, in conclusion; what would I do (even though I don't have all the position's details)? 1) If you can stomach losses until the marked prices, that's better. 2) If you can't handle losses, I'd suggest keeping an eye on 30-minute candles; there seems to be some recovery and bounce at the 0.236 and 0.382 FIBO levels. 3) I'd be looking for a dead cat bounce, and I'd cut losses (I doubt it'll recover to the entry price before Monday). PS: I know I might be talking in riddles here. That's what the comments are for. Feel free to ask me anything you don't get; I'll help out when I can. If you don't see me responding, I might be offline, but you can track me down later.
I'm not exactly a whiz at Technical Analysis, but someone asked me about my take on ETH in the Futures market for someone who entered LONG at $3912 with a liquidation price of $3000... Time ticks on, and I can just imagine the trader's nerves; once again, it's the market psychology working against us. #Trading_strategy

First fundamental (and emotional) advice, DON'T go LONG on Fridays or weekends. In fact, try to stay out of the futures market on weekends altogether. It tends to be super risky, more for advanced traders, scalping operations, with high-risk tolerance and very tight stop losses.

Let's dive into the technical side for Ethereum in the perpetual contract within Binance Futures. What I've got up on the screen is Tview, with a Fibonacci retracement, and I've marked the price levels it might touch if the market keeps correcting.

Corrections are healthy, it's gotta dip and accumulate before it can continue its trend. But... when it comes to futures, we can't afford to correct, accumulate, etc... that's why the futures market doesn't play by the same rules as SPOT.

The chart's showing how MACD is trending downwards. RSI too. Both indicators still have downward momentum... which isn't great news for our LONG trader, especially if they're leveraging up and possibly paying interest rates on top of it.

So, in conclusion; what would I do (even though I don't have all the position's details)?
1) If you can stomach losses until the marked prices, that's better.
2) If you can't handle losses, I'd suggest keeping an eye on 30-minute candles; there seems to be some recovery and bounce at the 0.236 and 0.382 FIBO levels.
3) I'd be looking for a dead cat bounce, and I'd cut losses (I doubt it'll recover to the entry price before Monday).

PS: I know I might be talking in riddles here. That's what the comments are for. Feel free to ask me anything you don't get; I'll help out when I can. If you don't see me responding, I might be offline, but you can track me down later.
🚨Today's Trading Data🚨 🔥Doing Some research You Could Earn UpTo 1000$ per month. ✅You Could Earn Daily Through #Binance by futures trade or by spot Trade using it manually or Using Binance Trading Bot There is a gift all 🎁🎁 Redeem It to get Free Usdt UpTo 50$ ➡️BP2K6BAHJH ($BTC ) ⚠️Claim It Now 300 people Can Claim This Offer⚠️ #BTC #sol #tradingprofit #Trading_strategy
🚨Today's Trading Data🚨

🔥Doing Some research You Could Earn UpTo 1000$ per month.

✅You Could Earn Daily Through #Binance by futures trade or by spot Trade using it manually or Using Binance Trading Bot

There is a gift all 🎁🎁 Redeem It to get Free Usdt UpTo 50$


⚠️Claim It Now 300 people Can Claim This Offer⚠️

#BTC #sol #tradingprofit #Trading_strategy
$How To Win Leveraged Trading and Recent Dip? How much have you lost in the 10k dip? After cashing out 1/4, my remain capital 5,000 and profit $10,000 and has gone 2/3 for this. I planed for 6,000 correction, but it dropped 10,000 and gave me another lesson of the un-imagined in the crazy world of crypto. So, what next? Of course to get back 1 of 1 lost and 10 more from them. How? When in profit, I planned to pause Youtuber job until I get back all lost capital and profit 10k-50k then I will share or teach you my strategies, but now that plan has broken 😊😊 Basic strategy: • 2 Long positions and 1 Short position, the key point is their price gap. Alternative is Equally or $50 (Ethereum) and $500 (Bitcoin). Best is Short price is higher than Long. How? (in coming videos) • Divide your capital so you can buy 20 Long and 10 Short for example, leverage is 10x. • When Gains and Lost comes to a specific profit, well then it’s your hard decision time. Strategy! • You must have a simulating worksheet to have a 100% clear picture. I will share to my sub#scribed community. • Target: risk management in peace or price up or down always profit for us! How? (in coming videos) The original post in my youtube channel Bitcoin-Crypto-MoneyWise #Write2Earn‬ #BTC #Trading_strategy
$How To Win Leveraged Trading and Recent Dip?

How much have you lost in the 10k dip?

After cashing out 1/4, my remain capital 5,000 and profit $10,000 and has gone 2/3 for this.

I planed for 6,000 correction, but it dropped 10,000 and gave me another lesson of the un-imagined in the crazy world of crypto.

So, what next?

Of course to get back 1 of 1 lost and 10 more from them.


When in profit, I planned to pause Youtuber job until I get back all lost capital and profit 10k-50k then I will share or teach you my strategies, but now that plan has broken 😊😊

Basic strategy:
• 2 Long positions and 1 Short position, the key point is their price gap. Alternative is Equally or $50 (Ethereum) and $500 (Bitcoin). Best is Short price is higher than Long. How? (in coming videos)
• Divide your capital so you can buy 20 Long and 10 Short for example, leverage is 10x.
• When Gains and Lost comes to a specific profit, well then it’s your hard decision time. Strategy!
• You must have a simulating worksheet to have a 100% clear picture. I will share to my sub#scribed community.
• Target: risk management in peace or price up or down always profit for us! How? (in coming videos)

The original post in my youtube channel Bitcoin-Crypto-MoneyWise

#Write2Earn‬ #BTC #Trading_strategy
BTC…whats coming next ? Bitcoin / Tether trendanalysis chartpattern fundamental btcusd bitcoinprice btcusdanalysis btcupdate btcusdt bitcoin btcusdtperp btctechnicalanalysis btctrading Mar 2 BTC / USDT BTC is seeing a significant surge in price by more than 13k since my last analysis! (see in the attachment below) ⚜️CHART ANALYSIS: We can see BTC is moving in a massive ascending channel since 3 years ! The middle-line of channel acted as important S/R key level its also equates the 0.618 fibo level thats why after breaking out this level with strong volume 2 weeks ago, I published my last bullish idea about BTC is targeting 100k ! ⚜️So whats coming next here : According to my view,Iam bullish and The possible scenarios are: 1- Break ATH first, pullback and continuation toward near 100k 2- Pullback first toward the middle line of channel and then breakout ATH I tried to simplify my view as much as i can Whats ur opinion and thoughts? and what scenario has higher chance for you ? Don't forget to support this analysis and follow for more ideas, setups and analysis #TrendingTopic #BTC #Write2Eam #Trading_strategy
BTC…whats coming next ?

Bitcoin / Tether

trendanalysis chartpattern fundamental btcusd bitcoinprice btcusdanalysis btcupdate btcusdt bitcoin btcusdtperp btctechnicalanalysis btctrading
Mar 2

BTC is seeing a significant surge in price by more than 13k since my last analysis! (see in the attachment below)


We can see BTC is moving in a massive ascending channel since 3 years !
The middle-line of channel acted as important S/R key level its also equates the 0.618 fibo level thats why after breaking out this level with strong volume 2 weeks ago, I published my last bullish idea about BTC is targeting 100k !

⚜️So whats coming next here :
According to my view,Iam bullish and The possible scenarios are:

1- Break ATH first, pullback and continuation toward near 100k

2- Pullback first toward the middle line of channel and then breakout ATH

I tried to simplify my view as much as i can
Whats ur opinion and thoughts? and what scenario has higher chance for you ?

Don't forget to support this analysis and follow for more ideas, setups and analysis

#TrendingTopic #BTC #Write2Eam #Trading_strategy
‼️ Quick Thoughts on Market ‼️ Market is looking healthy today, expecting #BTC to see a potential breakthrough, I will share some good entries, be prepared. #Trading_strategy #ZeusInCrypto
‼️ Quick Thoughts on Market ‼️

Market is looking healthy today, expecting #BTC to see a potential breakthrough,
I will share some good entries, be prepared.
#Trading_strategy #ZeusInCrypto
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