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在币圈,你是哪种类型的投资风格?这里有两个选项,选什么将决定你的风险偏好和投资策略; 第1种选择,有10%的概率涨100%,第2种选择是100%的概率涨50%,你会怎么选? 我会选择后者,这叫容错率,也叫求稳。年初的这一轮反弹,山寨普涨,能有10%的数量反弹超过60%就不错了,关键是币的波动大,就算你买到上涨的币了,可能你就会去盯盘操作,就算反弹60%也不一定能拿得住。 怎么可以100%收获这个30%?就是持有AI板块或PEPE,怎么总有人喜欢说,涨了那么多了不敢接?一句话强者恒强! 我,在币圈7-8年了,说句不好听的话,是从死人堆里爬出来的,这是我与其他分析师最大的区别,所以也导致自己分享的内容,大家难以理解,可能你也觉得有道理,就是不想承认,承认就意味着你做了这么多年的交易逻辑就是弯路,人,没有勇气否定自己,习惯否定别人。 这一轮反弹,我能盈利,是选币对了,也是择时对了,外加一些操作水平,交易水平。而且我懂得大饼的规律,说白了就是节奏,其实只需要关注大饼就行了,涨不上去了,就空仓等待时机定投抄底,没有达到心里预期,多少倍的涨幅错过了就错过了,我不稀罕一点,因为我始终相信机会一定有的,一定要等的。 我的风险偏好是稳健型,大多数人连自己是什么风格都搞不清楚,风险评测都是乱填的,只是为了完成任务。不知道自己的风险偏好,你如何打造交易计划?我的交易体系,交易策略对99%的毫无价值,风险偏好都不同,怎么共鸣? 牛市初期,只有少数币种会上涨,持有大饼是确定性的事情。如果资金大一定选择大饼和ETH,什么币涨多少倍都跟你没关系,少赚一点多稳一点,50万本金这轮牛市翻3-5倍就行了。 加油,兄弟们,财神相信你们也能行!这是自己验证过的,我的第一个100万都是靠自己的交易体系赚的,风险第一,本金第一,利润第二,知行合一。 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过财神主页来联系财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #AI板块强势进击 #PEPE✈️ #BTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?









#AI板块强势进击 #PEPE✈️ #BTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?
PEPE正迎来一波大涨:80%的价格上涨即将到来? 虽然加密货币市场降温,但PEPE却异军突起。它的价格和交易量上涨与市场普遍看跌形成鲜明对比,引发了人们对未来几天可能出现的“看涨突破”的猜测,分析师预测价格将大幅上涨。 PEPE展现出了惊人的韧性,不受市场风暴影响。与其他成熟加密货币不同,PEPE并没有因市场寒潮而退缩。事实上,这周模因币有所上涨,过去24小时更是上涨了近10%,吸引了投资者和分析师的关注。 PEPE引发了交易热潮,成为市场焦点。其24小时交易量超过12.6亿美元,市值达到32.3亿美元,显示了其在加密货币领域的日益增长影响力。 PEPE最近的价格走势形成了一个看涨旗形,这预示着可能会迎来重大上涨。如果能突破当前的阻力位,未来几天价格可能会上涨80-90%。 尽管前景乐观,但PEPE的未来仍存一些谨慎因素。作为模因币,PEPE属于风险较高的部分,缺乏强大的基本面支持。而且,模因币通常依赖社区炒作和互联网趋势来推动其价值,可能导致价格急剧波动,甚至出现崩盘。 尽管80-90%的潜在回报令人心动,但财神建议对PEPE持谨慎态度。分析师的预测虽然乐观,但并不意味着绝对准确。加密货币市场,特别是模因币领域,本质上是不可预测的。 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过财神主页来联系财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #PEPE✈️ #Meme币你看好哪一个? #5月市场关键事件







#PEPE✈️ #Meme币你看好哪一个? #5月市场关键事件
$PEPE 1 subscription = 15💲
1 like = 2💲
1 repost = 5💲
Only the first 5000 people. Hurry up.
Comment on your payment ID.
Our VIP target pepe is also the code of Gua Ge's public target. Although it has not reached the target price, the profit is also very large. It is safe to put the money in the pocket and sleep well again. VIP is waiting for you! #PEPE✈️ #MMAR_POWER
Our VIP target pepe is also the code of Gua Ge's public target. Although it has not reached the target price, the profit is also very large. It is safe to put the money in the pocket and sleep well again. VIP is waiting for you! #PEPE✈️ #MMAR_POWER
الحوت بدأ في شراء عملة بيبي ننتظر اجابات لمن له فكرة عن تدخلي صح أم لا #PEPE✈️
الحوت بدأ في شراء عملة بيبي ننتظر اجابات لمن له فكرة عن تدخلي صح أم لا
Ondo Finance's Governance Token Jumps After Testing Instant Conversions Between USDC and BlackRock'sThe governance token for Ondo Finance, ONDO, saw a significant increase in value after the platform tested the ability to convert between Circle's USDC stablecoin and BlackRock's BUIDL token. An Ondo wallet redeemed $250,000 worth of BUIDL tokens for USDC, testing out the new USDC-to-BUIDL feature announced by Circle. Ondo Finance CEO Nathan Allman confirmed that the feature will be used to power instant redemptions of OUSG into USDC. BlackRock recently entered the asset tokenization sector with the creation of the BlackRock USD Institutional Digital Liquidity Fund, which is represented by the Ethereum-based BUIDL token. Ondo Finance was an early adopter of the fund, using it to back its OUSG token. #PEPE✈️

Ondo Finance's Governance Token Jumps After Testing Instant Conversions Between USDC and BlackRock's

The governance token for Ondo Finance, ONDO, saw a significant increase in value after the platform tested the ability to convert between Circle's USDC stablecoin and BlackRock's BUIDL token. An Ondo wallet redeemed $250,000 worth of BUIDL tokens for USDC, testing out the new USDC-to-BUIDL feature announced by Circle. Ondo Finance CEO Nathan Allman confirmed that the feature will be used to power instant redemptions of OUSG into USDC. BlackRock recently entered the asset tokenization sector with the creation of the BlackRock USD Institutional Digital Liquidity Fund, which is represented by the Ethereum-based BUIDL token. Ondo Finance was an early adopter of the fund, using it to back its OUSG token.
عملة pepe تعتمد علا btc اد لم يصعد btc لن يصعد pepe #BTC #PEPE✈️
عملة pepe تعتمد علا btc اد لم يصعد btc لن يصعد pepe

#PEPE✈️ will heat agai its high and may cross its record. $XRP is the future coin soon
#PEPE✈️ will heat agai its high and may cross its record. $XRP is the future coin soon
Meme Coins: Balancing Profitability and Risks in the Crypto WorldEvery day, while drinking coffee, we scroll through our social media feeds, stopping at memes to chill out a bit. The crypto industry went further and, inspired by certain memes, created a specific cryptocurrency based on them. Initially, they were created as a joke, but over time, more and more crypto enthusiasts have shown interest in these coins. According to a recent report by CoinGecko, meme coins became the most profitable cryptocurrency in the first quarter of 2024, recording the highest yield of 1312.6% on average among the most popular tokens. Why do meme coins attract the attention of crypto users, which ones are of the greatest interest, and what is the problem with these cryptocurrencies? These are the main topics of today’s article. Dogecoin (DOGE) Dogecoin is a decentralized meme coin created in 2013, inspired by the popular Doge meme about the Japanese dog Shiba Inu. Created as a joke, it quickly became one of the leading cryptocurrencies. Thanks to the support of celebrities such as Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, and Snoop Dogg, the coin has grown in value by more than 4000% in 2021 alone. Elon Musk’s influence on the Dogecoin price is still significant, as his statements continue to boost the value of the coin. DOGE features: One of the features of the coin is the unlimited number of coins, meaning that Dogecoin can be mined an unlimited number of times, which leads to constant inflation. This makes DOGE less suitable for storing value, but more useful for transactions, such as tipping or small payments. Another important feature is the speed of transactions. A block is completed every minute, unlike Bitcoin, where it takes up to ten minutes. The other advantage of Dogecoin is its low transaction cost, which makes it a cheaper alternative to services such as PayPal. However, the coin also has its cons. Since Dogecoin is decentralized, no single organization owns or controls it. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research before investing, because, in case of theft or fraud, no one will be able to compensate you for your losses. Floki Inu (FLOKI) Another coin associated with Elon Musk is the Floki Inu. This time, however, it has to do with its name, which plays on what Musk named his dog Shiba Inu. Floki features: FLOKI was initially launched on the Ethereum blockchain, but later the meme coin appeared on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). As a result, the coin has become one of the few that have a unique multi-chain protocol, where a small commission from each transaction goes directly to the marketing and development teams. This commission structure supports influencer engagement, donations, and contributions to new updates to the Floki Inu ecosystem. Floki Inu offers four main community projects: Valhalla: an NFT gaming metaverseFlokiFi: a set of decentralized financial productsFlokiPlaces — a marketplace for NFTs and goodsFloki University — a content and educational platform Moreover, holders of coins also have their privileges. They can hold their tokens and get rewarded for it. 4% of the reward is distributed among Floki holders in the BSC and ETH blockchains every time someone exchanges tokens on a crypto exchange. In addition, unlike most meme coins, FLOKI can be used to purchase goods at more than 1500 stores through a partnership with CryptoCart (CC). Shiba Inu (SHIB) Shiba Inu is a decentralized cryptocurrency created in 2020 by an anonymous person or group of people under the pseudonym “Ryoshi”. Similar to Dogecoin, it is based on the Doge meme, which features a dog of the Shiba Inu breed. The coin is even called a “Dogecoin killer”. A white paper (the so-called “woofpaper”) about SHIB describes it as a community-based cryptocurrency project. That is, the control over the cryptocurrency and its development is exercised by the decentralized Shiba Inu community, known as the “ShibArmy”. A significant moment for the coin came in 2021 when the founder sent half of the stock to Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin. However, Buterin did not appreciate the gift and donated 10% of the tokens and burned the remaining 90%. Even though the coin was originally known as an alternative to Dogecoin, it still has a key difference. Because Shiba Inu was launched on Ethereum, it can run smart contracts. With the help of this, the coin can work with decentralized applications. SHIB can be used for peer-to-peer digital payments and as a payment method for companies, but it is not as widely accepted as other cryptocurrencies. The Shiba Inu ecosystem also includes the following tools: ShibaSwap: a decentralized exchangeShiba Inu Incubator: here, talented people from the ShibArmy can express their creativity and create their works of art.Shiboshis: 10,000 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) generated in the Shiba Inu ecosystem and permanently stored on the Ethereum blockchain, with various features that make each of them unique and collectible. Dogwifhat (WIF) Dogwifhat is a meme coin created on the Solana blockchain that depicts a dog named Shiba Inu wearing a pink hat. The coin has attracted considerable attention from the cryptocurrency community and has broken into the top 100 most popular cryptocurrencies in the industry, surpassing well-known meme coins in terms of trading volume and market capitalization. Like all its competitors, WIF has an active and dedicated community that promotes the coin at every opportunity. It has recently been listed on various exchanges such as Kraken, WhiteBIT, KuCoin, and others, which has become an exciting event in the cryptocurrency community. However, the coin has a big drawback — it has no product, benefit, or team. WIF has no use other than to buy and hope that the price will go up. In the future, Dogwifhat will have a hard time sustaining itself when new meme coins come to market, as it will have no development team and no products or services to create. However, for now, WIF shows us the power of an active community and what it can accomplish even if the underlying asset lacks utility or a unique selling point. Pepe (PEPE) Pepe is a meme coin created on the Ethereum blockchain in 2023, based on the internet meme Pepe the Frog. The token has a unique redistribution system that incentivizes investors to keep their tokens, increasing the stability of the token and increasing its long-term chances of success. PEPE stands out in the active cryptocurrency market due to its unusual theme dedicated to the frog Pepe. The cryptocurrency community’s devotion to this character adds a certain charm to the coin, making it stand out from the competition. In addition, PEPE has several unique features that also distinguish it from other meme coins. It operates under a tax-free policy, incentivizes long-term investment decisions through a system of redistributing rewards among stakeholders, and uses a coin-burning mechanism to regulate the number of PEPE coins in circulation. The Disadvantages Of Meme Coins Even though these coins are quite popular among users, they still have certain disadvantages and risks associated with investing in them. High risk of volatility: The price of meme coins is highly volatile, as it is heavily influenced by community sentiment and arbitrary external influences such as celebrity tweets. The value of a particular coin can rise rapidly, as happened with Dogecoin, but it can also fall very quickly if and when the community loses interest in it and moves on.Lack of regulation: Such coins are often not subject to the same level of regulation as other cryptocurrencies, which can make them more vulnerable to fraud and scams.Lack of long-term sustainability: Meme coins are often created as short-term investments, with little consideration given to their long-term sustainability or growth potential. This can make them particularly risky for investors who want to preserve their investment in the long term. What Else Can Meme Coins Be? Recently, Vitalik Buterin spoke about the issue of meme coins on his website. The expert notes that meme coins will be the most discussed topic in the community in 2024. However, Buterin emphasizes that “there isn’t anything particularly new and interesting about the memecoins. Often quite the opposite: a bunch of Solana memecoins have recently been openly super-racist. And even the non-racist memecoins often seem to just go up and down in price and contribute nothing of value in their wake.” Supporting his statements with screenshots of disgruntled users. Buterin also emphasized the potential of meme coins as a third form of financing technology that serves various social causes (e.g., AntiCancerCoin or ClimateCoin). According to the Ethereum founder, he is looking forward to meme coin projects that support social good rather than enrich insiders and creators. “I want to see higher quality fun projects that contribute positively to the ecosystem and the world around them (and not just by “bringing in users”) get more mindshare. At the least, more good memecoins than bad ones, ideally those that support public goods instead of just enriching insiders and creators.” Buterin writes. The spread of problematic coins has sparked a lot of discussion among the cryptocurrency community. At the recent BUIDL Asia Summit in Seoul, the Solana Foundation addressed this controversy and shared its vision of how to solve the problem. Austin Federa, Chief Strategy Officer at Solana Foundation, drew a parallel between the crypto ecosystem and the Internet. Federa said: “Choice means the right for a wallet developer to institute a block list. Almost every wallet in every ecosystem filters out spam NFTs and spam tokens. Users always can reveal something if they want to, but the core network needs to remain permissionless.” He also emphasized that it is unreasonable to expect an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to filter potentially offensive content. “No one expects Verizon to have a legal obligation to prevent a phishing email from landing in your inbox or to prevent you from accessing something that is potentially racist material,” he said. “Solana is all on the application level. It’s wallets making decisions about the kind of content they want to show and display.” On a different note, Mark Zeller, founder of the Aave Chan Initiative, emphasized that in some countries, such as France, internet providers have a legal obligation to block certain types of content. “I’m not saying it’s a good thing, nor am I trying to be political. It’s interesting to point out that different cultures have different approaches to the same issue,” he said. “Focusing on the blockchain ethos, we tend to support free speech and believe that censorship resistance is more important than eliminating displeasing content.” Summary Due to their popularity, meme coins have become the most profitable category among cryptocurrencies. Despite this, you should also keep in mind all the risks and disadvantages of these coins. After all, they have both positive and negative aspects that need to be analyzed and taken into account before investing. $WIF $FLOKI $PEPE #Dogecoin‬⁩ #WIF🔥🔥 #FLOKI🔥 #PEPE✈️ #SHIB🔥🔥

Meme Coins: Balancing Profitability and Risks in the Crypto World

Every day, while drinking coffee, we scroll through our social media feeds, stopping at memes to chill out a bit. The crypto industry went further and, inspired by certain memes, created a specific cryptocurrency based on them.
Initially, they were created as a joke, but over time, more and more crypto enthusiasts have shown interest in these coins. According to a recent report by CoinGecko, meme coins became the most profitable cryptocurrency in the first quarter of 2024, recording the highest yield of 1312.6% on average among the most popular tokens.
Why do meme coins attract the attention of crypto users, which ones are of the greatest interest, and what is the problem with these cryptocurrencies? These are the main topics of today’s article.
Dogecoin (DOGE)
Dogecoin is a decentralized meme coin created in 2013, inspired by the popular Doge meme about the Japanese dog Shiba Inu. Created as a joke, it quickly became one of the leading cryptocurrencies. Thanks to the support of celebrities such as Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, and Snoop Dogg, the coin has grown in value by more than 4000% in 2021 alone. Elon Musk’s influence on the Dogecoin price is still significant, as his statements continue to boost the value of the coin.
DOGE features:
One of the features of the coin is the unlimited number of coins, meaning that Dogecoin can be mined an unlimited number of times, which leads to constant inflation. This makes DOGE less suitable for storing value, but more useful for transactions, such as tipping or small payments.
Another important feature is the speed of transactions. A block is completed every minute, unlike Bitcoin, where it takes up to ten minutes.
The other advantage of Dogecoin is its low transaction cost, which makes it a cheaper alternative to services such as PayPal.
However, the coin also has its cons. Since Dogecoin is decentralized, no single organization owns or controls it. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research before investing, because, in case of theft or fraud, no one will be able to compensate you for your losses.
Floki Inu (FLOKI)
Another coin associated with Elon Musk is the Floki Inu. This time, however, it has to do with its name, which plays on what Musk named his dog Shiba Inu.
Floki features:
FLOKI was initially launched on the Ethereum blockchain, but later the meme coin appeared on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). As a result, the coin has become one of the few that have a unique multi-chain protocol, where a small commission from each transaction goes directly to the marketing and development teams. This commission structure supports influencer engagement, donations, and contributions to new updates to the Floki Inu ecosystem.
Floki Inu offers four main community projects:
Valhalla: an NFT gaming metaverseFlokiFi: a set of decentralized financial productsFlokiPlaces — a marketplace for NFTs and goodsFloki University — a content and educational platform
Moreover, holders of coins also have their privileges. They can hold their tokens and get rewarded for it. 4% of the reward is distributed among Floki holders in the BSC and ETH blockchains every time someone exchanges tokens on a crypto exchange. In addition, unlike most meme coins, FLOKI can be used to purchase goods at more than 1500 stores through a partnership with CryptoCart (CC).
Shiba Inu (SHIB)
Shiba Inu is a decentralized cryptocurrency created in 2020 by an anonymous person or group of people under the pseudonym “Ryoshi”. Similar to Dogecoin, it is based on the Doge meme, which features a dog of the Shiba Inu breed. The coin is even called a “Dogecoin killer”.
A white paper (the so-called “woofpaper”) about SHIB describes it as a community-based cryptocurrency project. That is, the control over the cryptocurrency and its development is exercised by the decentralized Shiba Inu community, known as the “ShibArmy”.
A significant moment for the coin came in 2021 when the founder sent half of the stock to Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin. However, Buterin did not appreciate the gift and donated 10% of the tokens and burned the remaining 90%.
Even though the coin was originally known as an alternative to Dogecoin, it still has a key difference. Because Shiba Inu was launched on Ethereum, it can run smart contracts. With the help of this, the coin can work with decentralized applications.
SHIB can be used for peer-to-peer digital payments and as a payment method for companies, but it is not as widely accepted as other cryptocurrencies.
The Shiba Inu ecosystem also includes the following tools:
ShibaSwap: a decentralized exchangeShiba Inu Incubator: here, talented people from the ShibArmy can express their creativity and create their works of art.Shiboshis: 10,000 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) generated in the Shiba Inu ecosystem and permanently stored on the Ethereum blockchain, with various features that make each of them unique and collectible.
Dogwifhat (WIF)
Dogwifhat is a meme coin created on the Solana blockchain that depicts a dog named Shiba Inu wearing a pink hat. The coin has attracted considerable attention from the cryptocurrency community and has broken into the top 100 most popular cryptocurrencies in the industry, surpassing well-known meme coins in terms of trading volume and market capitalization. Like all its competitors, WIF has an active and dedicated community that promotes the coin at every opportunity.
It has recently been listed on various exchanges such as Kraken, WhiteBIT, KuCoin, and others, which has become an exciting event in the cryptocurrency community.
However, the coin has a big drawback — it has no product, benefit, or team. WIF has no use other than to buy and hope that the price will go up. In the future, Dogwifhat will have a hard time sustaining itself when new meme coins come to market, as it will have no development team and no products or services to create. However, for now, WIF shows us the power of an active community and what it can accomplish even if the underlying asset lacks utility or a unique selling point.
Pepe (PEPE)
Pepe is a meme coin created on the Ethereum blockchain in 2023, based on the internet meme Pepe the Frog. The token has a unique redistribution system that incentivizes investors to keep their tokens, increasing the stability of the token and increasing its long-term chances of success.
PEPE stands out in the active cryptocurrency market due to its unusual theme dedicated to the frog Pepe. The cryptocurrency community’s devotion to this character adds a certain charm to the coin, making it stand out from the competition. In addition, PEPE has several unique features that also distinguish it from other meme coins.
It operates under a tax-free policy, incentivizes long-term investment decisions through a system of redistributing rewards among stakeholders, and uses a coin-burning mechanism to regulate the number of PEPE coins in circulation.
The Disadvantages Of Meme Coins
Even though these coins are quite popular among users, they still have certain disadvantages and risks associated with investing in them.
High risk of volatility: The price of meme coins is highly volatile, as it is heavily influenced by community sentiment and arbitrary external influences such as celebrity tweets. The value of a particular coin can rise rapidly, as happened with Dogecoin, but it can also fall very quickly if and when the community loses interest in it and moves on.Lack of regulation: Such coins are often not subject to the same level of regulation as other cryptocurrencies, which can make them more vulnerable to fraud and scams.Lack of long-term sustainability: Meme coins are often created as short-term investments, with little consideration given to their long-term sustainability or growth potential. This can make them particularly risky for investors who want to preserve their investment in the long term.
What Else Can Meme Coins Be?
Recently, Vitalik Buterin spoke about the issue of meme coins on his website. The expert notes that meme coins will be the most discussed topic in the community in 2024. However, Buterin emphasizes that “there isn’t anything particularly new and interesting about the memecoins. Often quite the opposite: a bunch of Solana memecoins have recently been openly super-racist. And even the non-racist memecoins often seem to just go up and down in price and contribute nothing of value in their wake.” Supporting his statements with screenshots of disgruntled users.
Buterin also emphasized the potential of meme coins as a third form of financing technology that serves various social causes (e.g., AntiCancerCoin or ClimateCoin).
According to the Ethereum founder, he is looking forward to meme coin projects that support social good rather than enrich insiders and creators.
“I want to see higher quality fun projects that contribute positively to the ecosystem and the world around them (and not just by “bringing in users”) get more mindshare. At the least, more good memecoins than bad ones, ideally those that support public goods instead of just enriching insiders and creators.” Buterin writes.
The spread of problematic coins has sparked a lot of discussion among the cryptocurrency community. At the recent BUIDL Asia Summit in Seoul, the Solana Foundation addressed this controversy and shared its vision of how to solve the problem. Austin Federa, Chief Strategy Officer at Solana Foundation, drew a parallel between the crypto ecosystem and the Internet.
Federa said: “Choice means the right for a wallet developer to institute a block list. Almost every wallet in every ecosystem filters out spam NFTs and spam tokens. Users always can reveal something if they want to, but the core network needs to remain permissionless.”
He also emphasized that it is unreasonable to expect an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to filter potentially offensive content.
“No one expects Verizon to have a legal obligation to prevent a phishing email from landing in your inbox or to prevent you from accessing something that is potentially racist material,” he said. “Solana is all on the application level. It’s wallets making decisions about the kind of content they want to show and display.”
On a different note, Mark Zeller, founder of the Aave Chan Initiative, emphasized that in some countries, such as France, internet providers have a legal obligation to block certain types of content.
“I’m not saying it’s a good thing, nor am I trying to be political. It’s interesting to point out that different cultures have different approaches to the same issue,” he said. “Focusing on the blockchain ethos, we tend to support free speech and believe that censorship resistance is more important than eliminating displeasing content.”
Due to their popularity, meme coins have become the most profitable category among cryptocurrencies. Despite this, you should also keep in mind all the risks and disadvantages of these coins. After all, they have both positive and negative aspects that need to be analyzed and taken into account before investing.
$WIF $FLOKI $PEPE #Dogecoin‬⁩ #WIF🔥🔥 #FLOKI🔥 #PEPE✈️ #SHIB🔥🔥
$SHIB and $PEPE are my heroes I will be realistic and not give a big hope in be increase but based on the facts of the markets there will be an Increase Buy when they are low and sell when they get high as they will go up and down again Stay tuned for an awesome change #PEPE✈️ #write2earn🌐💹
$SHIB and $PEPE are my heroes

I will be realistic and not give a big hope in be increase but based on the facts of the markets there will be an Increase

Buy when they are low and sell when they get high as they will go up and down again

Stay tuned for an awesome change

#PEPE✈️ #write2earn🌐💹
اي شخص لازال في محفظته اموال انصحه بشراء العملات الميم الهابطة في الوقت الحالي واذا معه عملات اشتراها بسعر عالي ولازالت منخفضة لايبيع حتى لو ارتفعت بنفس سعر الشراء ينتظر لان نهايه الاسبوع هذا باذن الله بيكون ارتفاع كبير تدريجيا ومفاجئ نصيحه لاتستعجل بالبيع حتى لو استمر الانخفاض كثير لاترضي بالربح القليل او براس المال #PEPE✈️ #SHIB🔥🔥 #FLOKI🔥 #PDA #dot $BNB
اي شخص لازال في محفظته اموال انصحه بشراء العملات الميم الهابطة في الوقت الحالي
واذا معه عملات اشتراها بسعر عالي ولازالت منخفضة لايبيع حتى لو ارتفعت بنفس سعر الشراء ينتظر لان نهايه الاسبوع هذا باذن الله بيكون ارتفاع كبير تدريجيا ومفاجئ
نصيحه لاتستعجل بالبيع حتى لو استمر الانخفاض كثير لاترضي بالربح القليل او براس المال
#PEPE✈️ #SHIB🔥🔥 #FLOKI🔥 #PDA #dot $BNB
هل من ممكن ان يرتفع سعر pepe قبل نهاية سنة 2024?#PEPE✈️
هل من ممكن ان يرتفع سعر pepe قبل نهاية سنة 2024?#PEPE✈️
$2.542 million worth of ETH was transferred to the Wintermute addressAccording to blockchain monitoring platform Coinact, $2.542 million worth of ETH was transferred from Binance to an address labeled Wintermute on X platform. #PEPE✈️

$2.542 million worth of ETH was transferred to the Wintermute address

According to blockchain monitoring platform Coinact, $2.542 million worth of ETH was transferred from Binance to an address labeled Wintermute on X platform.
لقد لوحظ أن سعر PEPE يتأثر بشدة بحركات الحيتان حيث أنها تميل إلى الاحتفاظ بأغلبية العرض المتداول. وهذه نعمة ونقمة على حد سواء، لأنها تملي حركة السعر بالنسبة لبقية المستثمرين. حاليًا، تعتبر هيمنتهم نعمة، حيث قامت هذه الحيتان خلال الأيام القليلة الماضية بإضافة المزيد والمزيد من الرموز إلى محافظها الاستثمارية. اشترى كبار الحائزين أكثر من 4 تريليون PEPE بقيمة تزيد عن 20 مليون دولار في الأيام العشرة الماضية وحدها. لدى سعر PEPE فرصة للارتفاع حيث يُظهر حاملو الأسهم على المدى المتوسط ​​علامات على تجنب البيع لمدة 12 شهرًا على الأقل. التنبؤ بسعر PEPE: قد يقفز الضفدع بنسبة 60٪ يتميز هذا النمط الصعودي، المعروف أيضًا باسم الوتد الهابط، بنطاق سعري ضيق وانخفاض الارتفاعات والانخفاضات، مما يشير إلى اختراق صعودي محتمل. بناءً على هذا التشكيل والإشارات الصعودية من المتداولين، تم تحديد الهدف بنسبة 60٪ فوق نقطة الاختراق عند 0.00000633 دولار بعد الاختراق المحتمل. وهذا من شأنه أن يجعل عملة memecoin لا تتجاوز علامة 0.00001000 دولار فحسب، بل تصل أيضًا إلى أعلى مستوياتها على الإطلاق. ومع ذلك، إذا انهار سعر PEPE وفقد الدعم عند 0.00000474 دولار قبل أن يتمكن من الاختراق، فسيؤدي ذلك إلى إبطال الفرضية الصعودية. ونتيجة لذلك، سينخفض ​​رمز الضفدع إلى أقل من 0.00000400 دولار. #BTC #Binance #solana #Web3 #PEPE✈️
لقد لوحظ أن سعر PEPE يتأثر بشدة بحركات الحيتان حيث أنها تميل إلى الاحتفاظ بأغلبية العرض المتداول. وهذه نعمة ونقمة على حد سواء، لأنها تملي حركة السعر بالنسبة لبقية المستثمرين.
حاليًا، تعتبر هيمنتهم نعمة، حيث قامت هذه الحيتان خلال الأيام القليلة الماضية بإضافة المزيد والمزيد من الرموز إلى محافظها الاستثمارية. اشترى كبار الحائزين أكثر من 4 تريليون PEPE بقيمة تزيد عن 20 مليون دولار في الأيام العشرة الماضية وحدها.
لدى سعر PEPE فرصة للارتفاع حيث يُظهر حاملو الأسهم على المدى المتوسط ​​علامات على تجنب البيع لمدة 12 شهرًا على الأقل.
التنبؤ بسعر PEPE: قد يقفز الضفدع بنسبة 60٪
يتميز هذا النمط الصعودي، المعروف أيضًا باسم الوتد الهابط، بنطاق سعري ضيق وانخفاض الارتفاعات والانخفاضات، مما يشير إلى اختراق صعودي محتمل.
بناءً على هذا التشكيل والإشارات الصعودية من المتداولين، تم تحديد الهدف بنسبة 60٪ فوق نقطة الاختراق عند 0.00000633 دولار بعد الاختراق المحتمل. وهذا من شأنه أن يجعل عملة memecoin لا تتجاوز علامة 0.00001000 دولار فحسب، بل تصل أيضًا إلى أعلى مستوياتها على الإطلاق.
ومع ذلك، إذا انهار سعر PEPE وفقد الدعم عند 0.00000474 دولار قبل أن يتمكن من الاختراق، فسيؤدي ذلك إلى إبطال الفرضية الصعودية. ونتيجة لذلك، سينخفض ​​رمز الضفدع إلى أقل من 0.00000400 دولار.
#BTC #Binance #solana #Web3 #PEPE✈️
$PEPE لا انصح احد بالشراء خلك برا السوق وراقب وانت قرر متى الدخول المناسب عشان اذا كسر السوق تتحمل خسارتك انا للحين متمسك ف عملاتي وعادي والوضع طبيعي ومو اول مره يصير كذا اتوقع يوصل سعره لهذا المستوى يمكن توقعي يصادف #PEPE✈️ #SHIBA
$PEPE لا انصح احد بالشراء خلك برا السوق
وراقب وانت قرر متى الدخول المناسب
عشان اذا كسر السوق تتحمل خسارتك
انا للحين متمسك ف عملاتي وعادي والوضع طبيعي
ومو اول مره يصير كذا

اتوقع يوصل سعره لهذا المستوى

يمكن توقعي يصادف #PEPE✈️ #SHIBA
#ENA #PEPE✈️ $PEPE $BTC $ENA خليكم مستعدين للحدث الاكبر دايما اشتري وقت النزول وكل ماينزل عزز اهم شي ماتبيع بخسارة انتبه تصدق اي احد هذي السنه بإذن الله سنه خير وبركة #BTC🌪️
خليكم مستعدين للحدث الاكبر
دايما اشتري وقت النزول
وكل ماينزل عزز
اهم شي ماتبيع بخسارة
انتبه تصدق اي احد
هذي السنه بإذن الله سنه خير وبركة
Fedezd fel a legfrissebb kriptovaluta híreket
⚡️ Vegyél részt a legfrissebb kriptovaluta megbeszéléseken
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