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Mj Crypto ViP
#LTC/USDT LONG POSITION ENTRY: 77.30. 78.60 TARGET : 79.00. 79.55. 80.00. 80.50. 81.00 ++ ++ Leverage 10x 20x STOP LOSS: 76.00 JO IN T+G✓R✓A✓M @mjcryptovip #BTC #LTC📈

ENTRY: 77.30. 78.60

TARGET : 79.00. 79.55. 80.00. 80.50. 81.00 ++ ++

Leverage 10x 20x

STOP LOSS: 76.00

JO IN T+G✓R✓A✓M @mjcryptovip

牛市前最后的机会!4种加密货币可能带来100倍收益! 疯狂大牛即将来袭,现在的调整将是牛市前最后的机会! ORDI ORDI 是一种在 Ordinals 协议生态系统中运行的加密货币,因其在去中心化金融(DeFi)中的作用而受到关注。 过去一天,ORDI 出现了显着的上涨,涨幅为 0.86%,涨幅为 39美元 去年,ORDI 的价格上涨了 90%,令人印象深刻,表现优于前 100 名加密货币资产中的 51%。 此外,目前其交易价格高于 200 日简单移动平均线,表明趋势良好。 根据其市值,该代币还表现出高流动性。 此外,Ordi(ORDI)因其对 DeFi 的增长和可用性做出贡献的潜力而受到关注。 该代币的表现表明它处于有利位置,可以在去中心化金融的未来中发挥重要作用。  ORDI 的潜力持乐观态度,预测与其他网络的合作可能会在今年年底将价格推至 152.51 美元。 这一前景反映了 Ordi 对 DeFi 领域未来发展轨迹和巨大增长潜力的信心。 LTC BitPay 的最新数据表明加密货币交易偏好发生了变化。 截至 5 月,莱特币的支付数量几乎是 BTC 的两倍,这表明 LTC 交易的趋势不断增长。 此外,供应分布指标显示,包含 10,000 至 100,000 LTC 的钱包中的莱特币持有量有所增加。 这个被称为“鲸鱼”的群体显着扩大了头寸,反映出对莱特币的积极前景。 这些鲸鱼的投资范围差异很大,从 82 万美元到 820 万美元不等,凸显了巨大的财务承诺。 尽管如此,这些增持活动与最近莱特币市场价格的下跌是一致的,目前每 LTC 为 81.44 美元。 然而,随着交易量的增加,市值仍保持在 60 亿美元的强劲水平。 这表明,尽管市场普遍低迷,鲸鱼仍在利用他们认为有利的买入机会。 此外,LTC当前价格为83美元,近24小时涨幅为1.95%。 上周,莱特币价格上涨 3.41%,目前交易价格高于 200 天简单移动平均线。 此外,这表明其市值具有较高的流动性。 STRK Starknet是一种基于 ZK-Rollup 技术的去中心化 L2 协议,ZK-Rollup 技术是一种超安全机制,通过该机制,链下证明者使用的输入不会暴露在区块链上。它基于称为STARK 的高度可扩展的密码证明系统,使 dapps 能够实现无限的规模,而不会损害以太坊的可组合性和安全性。 StarkNet 是在语言层次兼容以太坊的 L2 ,StarkNet 作为 L2 中 ZKR 的一员,在 tps 和 gas 方面的表现远远超过 Optimism 和 Arbitrum 等 OPR。 Starknet当前的市场情绪显示出犹豫不决的迹象,在得失之间交易。该资产最近遇到了严格的价格上限,未能推高,坚实的基础相当低,这表明如果抛售压力增加,则有下跌的空间。它在不同时间范围内的表现描绘出一幅波动的图景,有显着的上涨和显着的回落。该代币的固有特征,包括其专注于通过先进技术增强以太坊的功能和可扩展性,可能会影响未来的兴趣和价格方向,因为用户和开发人员正在寻求高效的区块链解决方案,也将为未来上涨埋下伏笔。 JPU JUP币是Solana生态上最大的DeFi协议之一,也是Jupiter项目的治理代币。JUP币于2023年年底开始首轮空投发放,存在于广受欢迎的以太坊网络上,旨在使区块链开放、安全且可供所有人访问。 木星在六个月内出现了巨大的上涨,上涨了 3415.33%。上周,其价格上涨了 14.48%,但过去一个月却出现了不同的情况,下跌了 24.42%。 木星的价格走势表明投资者对前景持谨慎但充满希望的态度。最近的趋势表明,投资者在采取重大行动之前等待明确的信号,因此很难突破当前的区间。历史业绩显示出显着的增长,为未来潜力留下了猜测空间。 Jupiter 的底层技术旨在增强区块链操作的安全性并简化用户体验,随着市场信心的增强,其强大的功能可能有助于积极情绪并推动进一步的爆发 如果你不会筛选强势币,想要了解更多犀利操作策略?提前埋伏哪些潜力币?那么建议你关注我。并通过煮页连戏财神。一对一给您们仓位做分析。记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #ORDIUSDT #strk #LTC📈 #ETH
牛市前最后的机会!4种加密货币可能带来100倍收益! 疯狂大牛即将来袭,现在的调整将是牛市前最后的机会!

ORDI 是一种在 Ordinals 协议生态系统中运行的加密货币,因其在去中心化金融(DeFi)中的作用而受到关注。 过去一天,ORDI 出现了显着的上涨,涨幅为 0.86%,涨幅为 39美元
去年,ORDI 的价格上涨了 90%,令人印象深刻,表现优于前 100 名加密货币资产中的 51%。 此外,目前其交易价格高于 200 日简单移动平均线,表明趋势良好。 根据其市值,该代币还表现出高流动性。
此外,Ordi(ORDI)因其对 DeFi 的增长和可用性做出贡献的潜力而受到关注。 该代币的表现表明它处于有利位置,可以在去中心化金融的未来中发挥重要作用。
 ORDI 的潜力持乐观态度,预测与其他网络的合作可能会在今年年底将价格推至 152.51 美元。 这一前景反映了 Ordi 对 DeFi 领域未来发展轨迹和巨大增长潜力的信心。

BitPay 的最新数据表明加密货币交易偏好发生了变化。 截至 5 月,莱特币的支付数量几乎是 BTC 的两倍,这表明 LTC 交易的趋势不断增长。
此外,供应分布指标显示,包含 10,000 至 100,000 LTC 的钱包中的莱特币持有量有所增加。 这个被称为“鲸鱼”的群体显着扩大了头寸,反映出对莱特币的积极前景。 这些鲸鱼的投资范围差异很大,从 82 万美元到 820 万美元不等,凸显了巨大的财务承诺。
尽管如此,这些增持活动与最近莱特币市场价格的下跌是一致的,目前每 LTC 为 81.44 美元。 然而,随着交易量的增加,市值仍保持在 60 亿美元的强劲水平。 这表明,尽管市场普遍低迷,鲸鱼仍在利用他们认为有利的买入机会。
此外,LTC当前价格为83美元,近24小时涨幅为1.95%。 上周,莱特币价格上涨 3.41%,目前交易价格高于 200 天简单移动平均线。 此外,这表明其市值具有较高的流动性。

Starknet是一种基于 ZK-Rollup 技术的去中心化 L2 协议,ZK-Rollup 技术是一种超安全机制,通过该机制,链下证明者使用的输入不会暴露在区块链上。它基于称为STARK 的高度可扩展的密码证明系统,使 dapps 能够实现无限的规模,而不会损害以太坊的可组合性和安全性。
StarkNet 是在语言层次兼容以太坊的 L2 ,StarkNet 作为 L2 中 ZKR 的一员,在 tps 和 gas 方面的表现远远超过 Optimism 和 Arbitrum 等 OPR。

木星在六个月内出现了巨大的上涨,上涨了 3415.33%。上周,其价格上涨了 14.48%,但过去一个月却出现了不同的情况,下跌了 24.42%。
木星的价格走势表明投资者对前景持谨慎但充满希望的态度。最近的趋势表明,投资者在采取重大行动之前等待明确的信号,因此很难突破当前的区间。历史业绩显示出显着的增长,为未来潜力留下了猜测空间。 Jupiter 的底层技术旨在增强区块链操作的安全性并简化用户体验,随着市场信心的增强,其强大的功能可能有助于积极情绪并推动进一步的爆发

📣📣……今日复盘号外……📣📣 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 5/7号: #LTC 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥……昨下13:40半左右LTC推演在今凌晨4点完美踩到第二压力位置附近,后即转回调行情。🚨🚨🚨🔥🔥🔥找作者Cfst888 🔥🔥🔥当前关注点:81.34这个位置附近,若回调告于段落,有望做小多单机会,支撑位:80.72-80.40这两个位置附近。 请关注我,找我请看评论找助理,加入我们每周免费提供直播指导,帮助您更好地掌握相关知识和技巧。#LTC.24小时交易策略 #LTC.智能策略库🥇🥇 #LTCETF #LTC📈


#LTC 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥……昨下13:40半左右LTC推演在今凌晨4点完美踩到第二压力位置附近,后即转回调行情。🚨🚨🚨🔥🔥🔥找作者Cfst888

请关注我,找我请看评论找助理,加入我们每周免费提供直播指导,帮助您更好地掌握相关知识和技巧。#LTC.24小时交易策略 #LTC.智能策略库🥇🥇 #LTCETF #LTC📈
Buying #LTC here✍️ LTC has not only broken out of the symmetrical triangle pattern but has also completed a successful retest, indicating strong potential for a bullish ride ahead. 🚀 #LTC📈 $LTC
Buying #LTC here✍️

LTC has not only broken out of the symmetrical triangle pattern but has also completed a successful retest, indicating strong potential for a bullish ride ahead. 🚀
🤑CALIM FREE PEPE TOKEENS FROM MY PINNED POSTS 🤑 The market is still volatile, and the ups and downs are also very large. Pay attention to the timing of contract layout! VIP is still the best in seizing the opportunity! $LTC contract has more than doubled! ! ! Friends who can't grasp the contract, pay attention to the risks, VIP has many passwords! The halving of the big cake is getting closer and closer, and the recent volatility risk is still very large! #LTC📈

The market is still volatile, and the ups and downs are also very large. Pay attention to the timing of contract layout!
VIP is still the best in seizing the opportunity!
$LTC contract has more than doubled! ! !
Friends who can't grasp the contract, pay attention to the risks, VIP has many passwords!
The halving of the big cake is getting closer and closer, and the recent volatility risk is still very large!
Litecoin is accepted at a variety of cannabis-related businesses and some even mine #Litecoin using the heat to warm a grow farm. With the cannabis market and the crypto industry expanding in size, and recognized legitimacy, $LTC is perfect for THC! ⚡ Happy 420
Bored? Then Spin & Win hourly some #LTC📈 P.S. Be careful at the wallet you are using so you don't lose the money. #write2earn🌐💹
Bored? Then Spin & Win hourly some #LTC📈

P.S. Be careful at the wallet you are using so you don't lose the money.

Forbes published the list of 20 zombie coins, with a market value of more than $1 billion and called them good for nothing blockchains.#XRPUSDT🚨 #ADABullish #LTC📈 #XRP #ADA #BCH #LTC #ICP #ETC #XLM #STX #KAS #THETA #FTM #XMR #AR #ALGO #FLOW #EGLD #BSV #MINA
Forbes published the list of 20 zombie coins, with a market value of more than $1 billion and called them good for nothing blockchains.#XRPUSDT🚨 #ADABullish #LTC📈

TOP 10 COINS THAT WILL MAKE YOU RICH IN 2024. With the right research, you can make dicisions on the coins that can lead to explosives profits in the expected 2024 bullrun. Bitcoin could do more than double, to about $1 00,000 per coin during the next Bull Run. Also there are many alt coins expected to rise exponentially by 2024. These crypto-currencies that make them attractive investments. BELOW ARE THE TOP 10 COINS I think this coin make you rich 2024 1. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 2. #EthereumRival 3. #BNBLUNCPOOL 4. #xrp 5. #LTC📈 6. Sol 7. Matic 8. $PEPE 9. $DOGE 10. $SHIB Which coindo you think will make you rich in 2024?

With the right research, you can make dicisions on
the coins that can lead to explosives profits in the
expected 2024 bullrun. Bitcoin could do more than double, to about $1 00,000 per coin during the next Bull Run. Also there are many alt coins expected to rise exponentially by 2024. These crypto-currencies that make them attractive investments.

BELOW ARE THE TOP 10 COINS I think this coin make you rich 2024

1. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
2. #EthereumRival
4. #xrp
5. #LTC📈
6. Sol
7. Matic
8. $PEPE
9. $DOGE
10. $SHIB
Which coindo you think will make you rich in 2024?
LTCUSDT (LONG) Leverage : Cross 20x Entry : 85.3 - 85.08 Stoploss : 78.476 SCALPING Target 1 - 85.7265 Target 2 - 86.152999 Target 3 - 87.006 DAY TRADING Target 4 - 87.859 Target 5 - 88.712 Target 6 - 89.565 SWING TRADING Target 7 - 90.417999 Target 8 - 91.271 #LTC📈 $LTC
Leverage : Cross 20x
Entry : 85.3 - 85.08

Stoploss : 78.476

Target 1 - 85.7265
Target 2 - 86.152999
Target 3 - 87.006

Target 4 - 87.859
Target 5 - 88.712
Target 6 - 89.565

Target 7 - 90.417999
Target 8 - 91.271
据官方公告,币安合约平台将分别于2024年04月11日15:00(东八区时间)和2024年04月11日15:15(东八区时间)上线LTCUSDC和NEARUSDC永续合约,最高杠杆分别可达75倍和50倍。 #LTC📈 #near #新币
#LTC📈 #near #新币
Free Signal #LTC📈 LTCUSDT:- Long Entry:- 85.50 TP:- 85. 70 TP2:- 85.80 TP3:- 86 TP4:- 86.10 SL;- 85.40$
Free Signal #LTC📈


Entry:- 85.50
TP:- 85. 70
TP2:- 85.80
TP3:- 86
TP4:- 86.10

SL;- 85.40$
Litecoin (LTC) remains one of the top cryptocurrencies, known for its fast transaction times and lower fees compared to Bitcoin. With institutional interest on the rise, will LTC continue to shine in the digital currency market? #LTC📈 #BullorBear #Write2Earn
Litecoin (LTC) remains one of the top cryptocurrencies, known for its fast transaction times and lower fees compared to Bitcoin.

With institutional interest on the rise, will LTC continue to shine in the digital currency market?

#LTC📈 #BullorBear #Write2Earn
$LTC C/USDT 4HRs CHART LONG-TERM According to the community @Jb_Futuretrader chart presentation, $LTC will likely make a bullish movement from $77 to $100, if there's no bearish patterns form in 4hrs chart at $100 Let's keep watching👀 this trade zones $100, $120 #LTC📈 /USDT will likely moon 🌙 to $400 🧩Subscribe to the community To Trade Lives & Get Early Entries before Others #bitcoinhalving #Memecoins #BullorBear #
According to the community @Jb_Futuretrader chart presentation, $LTC will likely make a bullish movement from $77 to $100, if there's no bearish patterns form in 4hrs chart at $100
Let's keep watching👀 this trade zones $100, $120

#LTC📈 /USDT will likely moon 🌙 to $400

🧩Subscribe to the community
To Trade Lives & Get Early Entries before Others

#bitcoinhalving #Memecoins #BullorBear #
LTC How many people are waiting for the black swan to rise by 30 or 50 points before entering the market? Who doesn't want to? Many people are disappointed with the slow rise of LTC. I am disappointed that LTC has not reached 50U! I waited for three months to buy in batches but could not get 50u of LTC. Therefore, 90% of my chips were basically completed within three months. Although the income of LTC is not as good as other currencies, I am very satisfied with the stability. Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs. Share with friends now #LTC📈 #BTCHalvingApril2024 #BullorBear #BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins
LTC How many people are waiting for the black swan to rise by 30 or 50 points before entering the market? Who doesn't want to? Many people are disappointed with the slow rise of LTC. I am disappointed that LTC has not reached 50U! I waited for three months to buy in batches but could not get 50u of LTC. Therefore, 90% of my chips were basically completed within three months. Although the income of LTC is not as good as other currencies, I am very satisfied with the stability.
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
Share with friends now
Litecoin's price experienced a setback after briefly crossing $100 during a pre-halving rally. Despite this, there are indications of a potential upward movement. The weekly chart reflects a bullish trend, with indicators such as the Ichimoku Cloud signaling a positive shift. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) also suggests bullish dominance, indicating the possibility of reclaiming $100 and beyond. Bulls aim to surpass the crucial resistance at $101, with potential targets at $115 and $145. However, market sentiment remains subject to change, so fluctuations are possible. #HotTrends #LTC📈
Litecoin's price experienced a setback after briefly crossing $100 during a pre-halving rally. Despite this, there are indications of a potential upward movement. The weekly chart reflects a bullish trend, with indicators such as the Ichimoku Cloud signaling a positive shift. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) also suggests bullish dominance, indicating the possibility of reclaiming $100 and beyond. Bulls aim to surpass the crucial resistance at $101, with potential targets at $115 and $145. However, market sentiment remains subject to change, so fluctuations are possible.
#HotTrends #LTC📈
#LTC📈 News >_ Litecoin (LTC) Hits New Milestone of 12.5 Years Uninterrupted Uptime $LTC
#LTC📈 News >_ Litecoin (LTC) Hits New Milestone of 12.5 Years Uninterrupted Uptime
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