Binance Square
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B4 Benance B4 Beetget
B4 Benance B4 Beetget
Correction Done $BTC
Buy Long
Swing Targits
Liq Must be far from 55k
Alert Alert Alert $BTC $ROSE $PEPE Hi my dear followers and Binance Users Today C.p.I Data will released at 5.30pm . If cpi data below 3.4% then market huge pump will be seen in sha Allah expected is 3.4% So best of Luck for your Trades Pump and Dump is also expected before and after 5:30pm be care full CPI history is attached with for more news and Signals of Crypto trading keep following us hit like if you liked #FIT21 #CPI数据 #ETHETFsApproved #Binance200M #IOprediction
Alert Alert Alert


Hi my dear followers and Binance Users
Today C.p.I Data will released at 5.30pm . If cpi data below 3.4% then market huge pump will be seen
in sha Allah
expected is 3.4% So
best of Luck for your Trades
Pump and Dump is also expected before and after 5:30pm
be care full
CPI history is attached with
for more news and Signals of Crypto trading keep following us
hit like if you liked

Important Notice for Traders! This Wednesday brings CPI data, the Federal funds rate decision, and the FOMC meeting. It’s almost certain that the FED funds rate will stay at 5.5%, which is already anticipated by the market. CPI data is expected to align with predictions, possibly showing a 0.1% Y/Y decrease. The FOMC meeting will likely indicate that further rate adjustments are needed, potentially causing volatility but essentially suggesting the FED needs more data for future decisions. For short-term traders, it’s advisable to wait until the Fed rates are announced. It’s not just the rate decision that will impact the market, but also the accompanying speech from the Fed Chairman. The insights from this speech can significantly influence market sentiment. Therefore, it’s best to wait and see what the Fed Chairman has to say and then build positions based on the broader market reactions. This is particularly crucial for those involved in futures and derivatives trading. The recent jobs data, which impacted crypto prices, makes a rate cut in July highly unlikely and suggests we might see only one rate cut this year instead of two. For those unfamiliar with interest rates, a decrease in rates would generally be positive for crypto, as it would lead to more investment in the market. #CryptoNews #FedRateCut #Fed #InterestRateDecision #CPI数据
Important Notice for Traders!

This Wednesday brings CPI data, the Federal funds rate decision, and the FOMC meeting.

It’s almost certain that the FED funds rate will stay at 5.5%, which is already anticipated by the market. CPI data is expected to align with predictions, possibly showing a 0.1% Y/Y decrease.

The FOMC meeting will likely indicate that further rate adjustments are needed, potentially causing volatility but essentially suggesting the FED needs more data for future decisions.

For short-term traders, it’s advisable to wait until the Fed rates are announced. It’s not just the rate decision that will impact the market, but also the accompanying speech from the Fed Chairman. The insights from this speech can significantly influence market sentiment.

Therefore, it’s best to wait and see what the Fed Chairman has to say and then build positions based on the broader market reactions. This is particularly crucial for those involved in futures and derivatives trading.

The recent jobs data, which impacted crypto prices, makes a rate cut in July highly unlikely and suggests we might see only one rate cut this year instead of two. For those unfamiliar with interest rates, a decrease in rates would generally be positive for crypto, as it would lead to more investment in the market.

#CryptoNews #FedRateCut #Fed #InterestRateDecision #CPI数据
As we expected, BTC fell below 60,000 and ETH fell below 3,000. Everything follows the script we gave you half a month ago. At the same time, the ETH and BTC exchange rates hit a record low. Best way to beat the crypto down turn is to invest in some good profitable NFTs Bored apes is offering 50 percent off on all purchases link 😏#BitcoinHalvingImpact alving #CPI数据 DATA #BullorBear" rBear
As we expected, BTC fell below 60,000 and ETH fell below 3,000. Everything follows the script we gave you half a month ago. At the same time, the ETH and BTC exchange rates hit a record low.
Best way to beat the crypto down turn is to invest in some good profitable NFTs

Bored apes is offering 50 percent off on all purchases link

😏#BitcoinHalvingImpact alving #CPI数据 DATA #BullorBear" rBear
ESMA:约70%至80%的加密货币二级市场交易发生在加密资产与稳定币之间 金色财经报道,根据欧洲证券和市场管理局(ESMA)对加密资产市场结构的最新分析,大约70%到80%的二级市场交易发生在加密资产与稳定币之间,没有法定货币的参与或使用。ESMA的报告认为,在强劲增长时期,加密资产和稳定币之间的交易经常会让位于加密资产对加密资产的交易。在2020和2021年,加密货币对加密货币的交易量激增,而加密货币对稳定币的交易量下降,从而支持了这一理论。2023年下半年也出现了类似的趋势。#大盘走势 #CPI数据 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

金色财经报道,根据欧洲证券和市场管理局(ESMA)对加密资产市场结构的最新分析,大约70%到80%的二级市场交易发生在加密资产与稳定币之间,没有法定货币的参与或使用。ESMA的报告认为,在强劲增长时期,加密资产和稳定币之间的交易经常会让位于加密资产对加密资产的交易。在2020和2021年,加密货币对加密货币的交易量激增,而加密货币对稳定币的交易量下降,从而支持了这一理论。2023年下半年也出现了类似的趋势。#大盘走势 #CPI数据 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
前几天有个粉丝留言说: 怎么样用5000块赚100万U? 4998买成684U放在交易所吃利息,一年算 15%就有100U。 然后拿着剩下的两块钱买一双手套去工地, 现在一天能有300,一个月挤出点时间去偷偷工地 钢筋差不多有一万,全部买成U吃利息。 不到一年就十万,保本保收益。 十万继续放U理财一天有五十块钱的收益, 一天算七U,把利息百倍杠杆开起来。 保本又能冲击百倍财富。 一天五十要是吃大馒头可以实现基础的财务 自由了,然后去开直播带单,让工地工友注 册野鸡交易所,吃返佣吃客损,一个月十万 简简单单。 关键是你本金还没动。这样已经是最大化的利益了。听懂掌声。 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #CPI数据 我是财神,看我置顶主页,我的牛市策略部署无偿向粉丝分享。


4998买成684U放在交易所吃利息,一年算 15%就有100U。

然后拿着剩下的两块钱买一双手套去工地, 现在一天能有300,一个月挤出点时间去偷偷工地 钢筋差不多有一万,全部买成U吃利息。


十万继续放U理财一天有五十块钱的收益, 一天算七U,把利息百倍杠杆开起来。


一天五十要是吃大馒头可以实现基础的财务 自由了,然后去开直播带单,让工地工友注 册野鸡交易所,吃返佣吃客损,一个月十万 简简单单。

#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #CPI数据

I accurately predicted the market drop and Bitcoin's fall but some who didn't heed my warning are upset now as the market plunges. Through extensive research and discussions with prominent crypto investors, I foresaw the impending crash, driven by these investors cashing out their profits. My insights aren't unreliable; they come directly from these market influencers. By following my updates, you could have avoided significant losses. #bitcoinhalving #WIF #etf #Memecoins #CPI数据 $BTC $ETH $USDC
I accurately predicted the market drop and Bitcoin's fall but some who didn't heed my warning are upset now as the market plunges.

Through extensive research and discussions with prominent crypto investors, I foresaw the impending crash, driven by these investors cashing out their profits. My insights aren't unreliable; they come directly from these market influencers. By following my updates, you could have avoided significant losses. #bitcoinhalving #WIF #etf #Memecoins #CPI数据 $BTC $ETH $USDC
美国加息风暴来袭!全球金融市场将如何掀起波澜? 美国竟然真的宣布加息了!这个消息瞬间在全球范围内引起了巨大的震动。想象一下,如果美国的利率从5%猛增到6%,而中国仍然坚守在3%的利率水平,那么投资者们将会看到一个诱人的2%的利差。这无疑会激发他们疯狂购买美元资产的热情,而人民币则可能面临被抛售的命运,导致贬值,国际购买力下滑。 这样的后果简直不堪设想。国内股市、楼市等资产市场可能会受到严重冲击,投资者信心动摇,市场波动加剧。而现在,最明显的市场趋势已经显现:尽管投资者对高租金回报率充满期待,但投资回报的巨额差距却是残酷的现实,让人无法忽视。 面对这样的形势,降息大戏似乎已经迫在眉睫。降息,作为加息的反向操作,意味着人民币外流压力减轻,资产价格有望得到支撑,甚至可能迎来翻身的机会。同时,房地产市场的泡沫也有望在降息的过程中逐渐消融。 然而,降息并非一蹴而就的事情。它需要政策制定者们的深思熟虑和精准判断,以确保在稳定经济的同时,也能有效缓解市场压力。同时,投资者们也需要保持冷静和理性,不被短期的利益所迷惑,而是要从长远的角度看待市场变化。 朋友们,市场已经做好了迎接这场狂风暴雨的准备。我们需要密切关注市场动态,灵活应对各种变化。在这场金融风暴中,只有抓住时间节点、做出正确决策的人,才能笑到最后。 #CPI数据 #比特币减半 #WIF #Meme #大盘走势 我是财神,币圈老手,只讲真话。想快速入门币圈?关注我,查看主页,免费为你提供真实建议,助你稳步前行,共创辉煌!

#CPI数据 #比特币减半 #WIF #Meme #大盘走势

1、香港宣布要发行比特币现货etf了,以后开个港股账号就能合法买币了。香港大量的钱可以进来接盘了。美团,腾讯能通过比特币etf持有比特币,这泼天的资金流。以后港股估计就剩下四个股票,比特币etf,以太坊etf,腾讯,美团,其他那些每天成交量很低,没人要的仙股都被吸干了。 2、昨晚美联储公布三月份的cpi,3.5%,超出预期,美股应声大跌,也带崩了币圈。美联储是希望把通胀控制到2%以内。慢慢编数据,到下半年再降息呗。不过降息是必然的,只是时间问题。市场是先跌后涨,美股和币圈然后都翻涨,资金都是聪明的,大家都知道,美联储维持高利率只是嘴硬,降息才是最终的出路,嘴上说不要,身体还是很诚实。 3、美元指数现在还是在高位,但BTC,ETH,BNB实际上已经涨了很多了,等下半年美联储降息,美元指数跌下来,美元进入贬值通道,那币圈还不得起飞啊。 4、bnb涨了很多,新一期的挖矿估计已经在路上了。 #CPI数据 我是财神,币圈老手,只讲真话。想快速入门币圈?关注我,查看主页,免费为你提供真实建议,助你稳步前行,共创辉煌!

你知道山寨币为啥一直阴跌吗? 财神来告诉你为什么。 因为现在大一点的资金根本就不会去买山寨, 山寨是可以获得更大的利润, 但是风险也很大。币安现在每周的挖矿收益大概能有2%, 一个月就是4次,1000万的资金一次可以获得20万,一个月80万左右, 这个收益看起来没多少, 但是基本上没风险的,这种情况下, 但凡有点资金的谁去买山寨? #比特币减半 #CPI数据 #Meme #SHIB #大盘走势 我是财神,看我置顶主页,我的牛市策略部署无偿向粉丝分享。








#比特币减半 #CPI数据 #Meme #SHIB #大盘走势

目前不支持跌的理由 1:美国选举在即,任何一届总统都不会允许在自己任期或者要连任的期间发生战争,伊朗和以色列还是擦火花 2:瑞士已经开始降息啦,欧洲央行,日行也相继而来准备宣布降息,降息前不构成跌的理由 3:cpi稍微超预期,老美就迫不及待公布要降息预期的预期,各方数据都在跳,例如10年期美债上升之类的……这里也不影响,降息不落地,牛市就一直炒 4:大饼可没吸血山寨币,是大饼在带着山寨币吸血,市场恐慌的做市商都撤退了,这不是庄家操盘的理由,毕竟山寨币的情绪确实没达到收割的目的 #比特币减半 #CPI数据 #大盘走势 我是财神!赶紧点进置顶主页,独家揭秘的牛市策略部署,只向我的粉丝无偿分享!抓住这波牛市,让你的财富如火箭般飙升,成为人生赢家!




#比特币减半 #CPI数据 #大盘走势

如何500u每天稳定收益200u特容易上头的别进来 这些话值得你学习 你玩合约好 那盈利没盈利自己心里不清楚吗 那你为什么不去老老实实去搬砖搬u呢 500u本金稳定搬200u左右 你为什么还要去冒这风险去玩合约去玩期货被割? 每天稳稳定定不多少不可以吗 200u每天只需要一两个小时左右去搬砖打金 你非要去炒币炒着炒着最后啥也没了#大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #CPI数据 #Meme #WIF
你玩合约好 那盈利没盈利自己心里不清楚吗
你非要去炒币炒着炒着最后啥也没了#大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #CPI数据 #Meme #WIF
外面都在1888u卖的打金砖项目 其实就是搬砖吃利息没啥好卖的 一天也就能用500u搬个二三百u左右吧 没啥利润可图不要被圈了我免费分享 (唉兄弟们你们说说我该咋办)#CPI数据 #大盘走势 #WIF
(唉兄弟们你们说说我该咋办)#CPI数据 #大盘走势 #WIF
📢 BREAKING NEWS 🗞️ 📢🗣️ ..Bitcoin miners may have underperformed the cryptocurrency this year, but their CEOs remain upbeat as the reward halving approaches, broker Bernstein said in a research report on Monday. The underperformance has been caused by strong moves in spot bitcoin and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which have sucked "retail liquidity" from mining stocks, and by concerns about the impact of the halving on miner revenues, analysts Gautam Chhugani and Mahika Sapra wrote. The quadrennial halving is when miner rewards are reduced, slowing the rate of growth in bitcoin supply. The next halving is due around April 19-20. $BTC Short-Term Prediction (Next Few Days): You expect Bitcoin’s price to go below $58,000 before or by April 22nd. After April 22nd, there will be a minor pump, pushing the price to around $62,000. Subsequently, the price will drop back to $56,000 or lower. Medium-Term Prediction (Next Month): In the coming month, Bitcoin will start around $60,000. However, it will eventually drop to a range between $50,000 and $60,000. Long-Term Outlook: You emphasize that Bitcoin’s price movements follow a consistent pattern. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t expect sudden pumps after the halving event. Instead, you anticipate a more significant increase in October or September, leading to a genuine bull market. Predicting the exact all-time high remains challenging, and sudden crashes can follow.#bitcoinhalving $BTC #CPI数据 follow for more content,🔥

📢🗣️ ..Bitcoin miners may have underperformed the cryptocurrency this year, but their CEOs remain upbeat as the reward halving approaches, broker Bernstein said in a research report on Monday. The underperformance has been caused by strong moves in spot bitcoin and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which have sucked "retail liquidity" from mining stocks, and by concerns about the impact of the halving on miner revenues, analysts Gautam Chhugani and Mahika Sapra wrote. The quadrennial halving is when miner rewards are reduced, slowing the rate of growth in bitcoin supply. The next halving is due around April 19-20.
Short-Term Prediction (Next Few Days):
You expect Bitcoin’s price to go below $58,000 before or by April 22nd.
After April 22nd, there will be a minor pump, pushing the price to around $62,000.
Subsequently, the price will drop back to $56,000 or lower.
Medium-Term Prediction (Next Month):
In the coming month, Bitcoin will start around $60,000.
However, it will eventually drop to a range between $50,000 and $60,000.
Long-Term Outlook:
You emphasize that Bitcoin’s price movements follow a consistent pattern.
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t expect sudden pumps after the halving event.
Instead, you anticipate a more significant increase in October or September, leading to a genuine bull market.
Predicting the exact all-time high remains challenging, and sudden crashes can follow.#bitcoinhalving $BTC #CPI数据

follow for more content,🔥
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