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根据 L2BEAT 数据显示,Coinbase 孵化的以太坊 Layer 2 网络 Base 的锁定总价值(TVL)已经超过 30 亿美元,创下历史新高,并且在过去的 7 天内增长了 72.29%。 #热门话题
根据 L2BEAT 数据显示,Coinbase 孵化的以太坊 Layer 2 网络 Base 的锁定总价值(TVL)已经超过 30 亿美元,创下历史新高,并且在过去的 7 天内增长了 72.29%。
$BTC $BNB $SOL 咱们分析 一下EOS 作为比特币(BTC)第二层(L2)解决方案的潜力以及可能性,需要考虑多个方面,包括技术能力、生态系统发展、市场需求和竞争环境等因素。 以下是对这些方面的详细分析: 🚀🚀🚀技术能力: 高性能和低成本:EOS区块链以其高性能和低交易成本而闻名。这种特性使得EOS成为一个潜在的BTC L2解决方案,因为它可以处理大量的交易并降低交易费用,提高了整个网络的效率。智能合约支持:EOS具有强大的智能合约功能,这为构建各种复杂的L2解决方案提供了基础。通过EOS的智能合约,可以实现诸如去中心化金融(DeFi)应用程序、非同质化代币(NFT)市场和分布式身份验证等功能。 🚀🚀🚀生态系统发展: 丰富的开发者社区:EOS拥有活跃的开发者社区,他们不断为生态系统开发新的应用和工具。这种活力和创新精神为构建BTC L2解决方案提供了丰富的资源和支持。成熟的开发工具:EOS生态系统已经建立了各种开发工具和框架,如EOSIO软件开发工具包(SDK),这些工具使得开发者能够更轻松地构建和部署应用程序。 🚀🚀🚀市场需求: 交易成本和速度:随着比特币网络上的交易费用和交易确认时间的增加,用户对低成本和快速交易的需求不断增加。EOS作为一个高性能的区块链网络,能够满足这些需求,因此具有吸引力。L2解决方案需求:随着加密货币市场的不断发展,对于可扩展性和交易效率更高的解决方案的需求也在增加。EOS作为BTC L2解决方案,可以填补市场上的这一需求空缺。 🚀🚀🚀竞争环境: 尽管EOS具有许多优势,但它也面临来自其他L2解决方案的竞争,如以太坊(ETH)的闪电网络、Rollups和侧链等。因此,EOS需要与这些竞争对手进行竞争,并不断提高自身的性能和功能,以确保自己在市场上的竞争优势。 #BOME #热门话题 #sol #BTC
咱们分析 一下EOS 作为比特币(BTC)第二层(L2)解决方案的潜力以及可能性,需要考虑多个方面,包括技术能力、生态系统发展、市场需求和竞争环境等因素。
高性能和低成本:EOS区块链以其高性能和低交易成本而闻名。这种特性使得EOS成为一个潜在的BTC L2解决方案,因为它可以处理大量的交易并降低交易费用,提高了整个网络的效率。智能合约支持:EOS具有强大的智能合约功能,这为构建各种复杂的L2解决方案提供了基础。通过EOS的智能合约,可以实现诸如去中心化金融(DeFi)应用程序、非同质化代币(NFT)市场和分布式身份验证等功能。
丰富的开发者社区:EOS拥有活跃的开发者社区,他们不断为生态系统开发新的应用和工具。这种活力和创新精神为构建BTC L2解决方案提供了丰富的资源和支持。成熟的开发工具:EOS生态系统已经建立了各种开发工具和框架,如EOSIO软件开发工具包(SDK),这些工具使得开发者能够更轻松地构建和部署应用程序。
交易成本和速度:随着比特币网络上的交易费用和交易确认时间的增加,用户对低成本和快速交易的需求不断增加。EOS作为一个高性能的区块链网络,能够满足这些需求,因此具有吸引力。L2解决方案需求:随着加密货币市场的不断发展,对于可扩展性和交易效率更高的解决方案的需求也在增加。EOS作为BTC L2解决方案,可以填补市场上的这一需求空缺。
#BOME #热门话题 #sol #BTC
根据Beosin Alert的监控和预警数据,2024年的第一个季度,Web3领域遭受了相当大的打击,总损失高达7.78亿美元。这一数字不仅比去年同期增长了约126%,比上一季度也上涨了大约72%。在这其中,黑客攻击尤其猖獗,造成的损失超过了之前2023年的任何一个季度。 详细来看,主要的攻击事件有39起,导致了约6.17亿美元的直接经济损失。此外,不诚信的项目方通过所谓的“Rug Pull”行为(即突然放弃项目并卷走投资者资金)造成了大约7550万美元的损失。钓鱼诈骗同样不容小觑,其导致的财务损失达到了约8624万美元。 在所有这些不幸中,二月份尤其惨烈,损失金额高达4.22亿美元,是整个季度中损失最为严重的一个月。值得注意的是,Web3游戏平台首次登上了损失榜首,仅六次攻击事件就造成了3.65亿美元的损失,这占到了所有攻击损失的近60%。 以太坊(Ethereum)网络依旧是重灾区,以18次攻击事件和3.42亿美元的损失位居榜首,占总损失的超过一半(55.4%)。私钥泄露事件在本季度共发生了13次,造成了高达4.58亿美元的损失,占全部攻击损失的74.3%,成为最常见的攻击方式。 尽管遭受重创,但据Beosin KYT反洗钱分析平台的监测显示,大部分被盗资产已经得到了冻结或追回,其中约49.2%的被盗资金(3.03亿美元)被冻结,以及12.9%的被盗资金(7945万美元)被成功追回。另一个积极的迹象是,经过安全审计的项目方比例有所上升,这表明Web3社区正在逐步提高对安全性的重视。 #热门话题 #Web3 #Ethereum(ETH)
根据Beosin Alert的监控和预警数据,2024年的第一个季度,Web3领域遭受了相当大的打击,总损失高达7.78亿美元。这一数字不仅比去年同期增长了约126%,比上一季度也上涨了大约72%。在这其中,黑客攻击尤其猖獗,造成的损失超过了之前2023年的任何一个季度。
详细来看,主要的攻击事件有39起,导致了约6.17亿美元的直接经济损失。此外,不诚信的项目方通过所谓的“Rug Pull”行为(即突然放弃项目并卷走投资者资金)造成了大约7550万美元的损失。钓鱼诈骗同样不容小觑,其导致的财务损失达到了约8624万美元。
尽管遭受重创,但据Beosin KYT反洗钱分析平台的监测显示,大部分被盗资产已经得到了冻结或追回,其中约49.2%的被盗资金(3.03亿美元)被冻结,以及12.9%的被盗资金(7945万美元)被成功追回。另一个积极的迹象是,经过安全审计的项目方比例有所上升,这表明Web3社区正在逐步提高对安全性的重视。
#热门话题 #Web3 #Ethereum(ETH)
How much money can you make in the currency circle with a principal of 6,000? I visited a friend with financial freedom over the weekend, haha! I asked the question! He said: My answer is 600,000 yuan, yes, it has doubled a hundred times! How does this process come about? I will divide the funds into three parts, 2,000 yuan in the primary market, 2,000 yuan for contracts, and the last 2,000 yuan as gas fees to do interactive airdrops on the test network. Let’s talk about the primary market first. You must have a centralized wallet, TP or Little Fox. Once you have it, you can go to btok° or Twitter to find high-quality first-level projects. Foreign projects are preferred, and domestic ones only play hot coins. °, the hot coins in the primary market this year are the King of Dogs at the beginning of the year, which increased by more than 3,000 times, and Luna in May, which increased by more than 1,000 times. Of course, there are also hundreds of times that are too many to give examples one by one. If you catch any one of them, you will be able to turn over. There is no problem in making a million with 2,000 yuan. Then there is the contract aspect, which requires certain operating skills, so I won’t explain it too much. Newbies are advised not to touch it. The last step is to go to the test network for interaction. This cycle is relatively long. It usually takes several months to realize the cash. Although the wait is very painful, it is worth it. Once it goes online, it will cost at least tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. So if you earn 600,000 yuan from 6,000 yuan, the whole cycle will take no more than half a year. This is the magic of the currency circle. In conclusion, no one will go bankrupt because of 6,000 yuan, but some people will become rich because of 6,000 yuan. #热门话题  #BTC  #玩赚BNX  #MatthewCoin $BNX  $SOL  $BNB
How much money can you make in the currency circle with a principal of 6,000?

I visited a friend with financial freedom over the weekend, haha!

I asked the question!

He said: My answer is 600,000 yuan, yes, it has doubled a hundred times!

How does this process come about? I will divide the funds into three parts, 2,000 yuan in the primary market, 2,000 yuan for contracts, and the last 2,000 yuan as gas fees to do interactive airdrops on the test network.

Let’s talk about the primary market first. You must have a centralized wallet, TP or Little Fox. Once you have it, you can go to btok° or Twitter to find high-quality first-level projects. Foreign projects are preferred, and domestic ones only play hot coins. °, the hot coins in the primary market this year are the King of Dogs at the beginning of the year, which increased by more than 3,000 times, and Luna in May, which increased by more than 1,000 times. Of course, there are also hundreds of times that are too many to give examples one by one. If you catch any one of them, you will be able to turn over. There is no problem in making a million with 2,000 yuan.

Then there is the contract aspect, which requires certain operating skills, so I won’t explain it too much. Newbies are advised not to touch it.

The last step is to go to the test network for interaction. This cycle is relatively long. It usually takes several months to realize the cash. Although the wait is very painful, it is worth it. Once it goes online, it will cost at least tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

So if you earn 600,000 yuan from 6,000 yuan, the whole cycle will take no more than half a year. This is the magic of the currency circle.
In conclusion, no one will go bankrupt because of 6,000 yuan, but some people will become rich because of 6,000 yuan. #热门话题  #BTC  #玩赚BNX  #MatthewCoin
Faiza Khan
Complementary Reward Upto 10 USDT🎁💰
Bull market sign? Be careful! 8 years of experience tell you: the market never makes it easy for retail investors to make money." As a result, the answer in the comment area has been posted! Read the article slowly and read the answers in the comment area! The articles a few days ago all talked about plummeting! Although there are signs of a bull market in the current market, based on my experience in participating in two bull markets in the past eight years, the market has never made it easy for retail investors to make money. Even in bull markets, they don't last too long, usually lasting about a year at most. There will be intermittent small adjustments during this period, and then there will be a wave of bloodbath, which is frightening. Once a bloodbath occurs, the recovery time will not be too long, one or two months at most. Then there will be a super bull market. The crazy cycle usually lasts for one or two months, and then the market will enter a long washout period, which may last for a long time. Three years of bear market. Therefore, we need to stay calm and restrain our inner panic. Always make sure you have enough money on hand to buy the dip. There will come a time when the market drops to a scary level, and that will be the best opportunity to enter. During the bull market, the roller coaster is very exciting! The middle part is very exciting and the key points are beautiful! The above is purely my personal opinion. I'd better get my ready stock! Because it’s only in stock, when facing the roller coaster! Only then will things be better and calm! Sit back and wait for the wind to come! Quietly waiting for the dawn after the storm! If you like spot goods, let's spend this bull market together. Click on the avatar for the spot goods of Tunniu Market, follow me, face fans, share for free, just be a free blogger, just to increase followers, follow me for free, join the circle! Which one do you prefer between bits and ether? Leave a message in the comment area! #xrp  #BTC  #ETH  #BOME  #热门话题  $BTC  $ETH
Bull market sign? Be careful! 8 years of experience tell you: the market never makes it easy for retail investors to make money."

As a result, the answer in the comment area has been posted!
Read the article slowly and read the answers in the comment area!

The articles a few days ago all talked about plummeting!

Although there are signs of a bull market in the current market, based on my experience in participating in two bull markets in the past eight years, the market has never made it easy for retail investors to make money.

Even in bull markets, they don't last too long, usually lasting about a year at most. There will be intermittent small adjustments during this period, and then there will be a wave of bloodbath, which is frightening.

Once a bloodbath occurs, the recovery time will not be too long, one or two months at most. Then there will be a super bull market. The crazy cycle usually lasts for one or two months, and then the market will enter a long washout period, which may last for a long time. Three years of bear market.

Therefore, we need to stay calm and restrain our inner panic. Always make sure you have enough money on hand to buy the dip. There will come a time when the market drops to a scary level, and that will be the best opportunity to enter.

During the bull market, the roller coaster is very exciting!
The middle part is very exciting and the key points are beautiful!

The above is purely my personal opinion.

I'd better get my ready stock!
Because it’s only in stock, when facing the roller coaster!
Only then will things be better and calm!

Sit back and wait for the wind to come!

Quietly waiting for the dawn after the storm!

If you like spot goods, let's spend this bull market together. Click on the avatar for the spot goods of Tunniu Market, follow me, face fans, share for free, just be a free blogger, just to increase followers, follow me for free, join the circle!

Which one do you prefer between bits and ether?
Leave a message in the comment area!

#xrp  #BTC  #ETH  #BOME  #热门话题  $BTC  $ETH
Faiza Khan
Complementary reward upto 3USDT🎁🎁💰

Claim reward here🎁🎁💰 issued an article suggesting that it may issue stated on its official social platform that "People's Token [Chain Points]" may be issued. #热门话题 issued an article suggesting that it may issue tokens stated on its official social platform that "People's Token [Chain Points]" may be issued.
币圈如何稳稳的快速赚到500万,一定要学会资金管理!币圈如何稳稳的快速赚到500万,一定要学会资金管理! 比特币和以太坊!你喜欢哪一个呢? 币圈基础知识:理解收益、涨跌幅与资产管理 在加密货币领域,了解一些基础知识是至关重要的。以下是关于收益、涨跌幅以及资产管理的几个重要方面: 一、关于收益假设你拥有100W资产,当你的收益达到100%时,你的资产将翻倍至200W。但如果接下来遭受50%的亏损,你的资产将回到最初的100W。显然,亏损50%比赚100%要容易得多。 二、关于涨跌幅假设你拥有100W资产,第一天涨10%,资产达到110W;第二天跌10%,资产剩余99W。反之,第一天跌10%,第二天再涨10%,资产仍为99W。 三、关于波动性假设你拥有100W资产,经历了几年的交易,涨涨跌跌后,最终资产只增长了5.83%,甚至低于国债利率。这凸显了市场波动对长期收益的影响。 四、关于每天1% 假设你每天能赚取1%的收益,250天后,你的资产将增长至1203.2W;500天后将达到1.45亿。这强调了持续稳定的增长对资产积累的重要性。 五、关于每年200% 假设你连续五年收益率达到200%,五年后你的资产将达到2.43亿。然而,这种高收益是难以持续的,需要谨慎对待。 六、关于十年10倍如果你希望在十年内实现资产10倍增长,你需要年化收益率达到25.89%,这需要具备高风险承受能力和精准的投资策略。 七、关于补仓补仓可以有效降低持有成本,但需要注意市场风险和操作时机,以避免进一步损失。 八、关于持有成本通过灵活控制持有成本,你可以更好地把握投资节奏和风险,确保长期投资收益。 九、关于资产组合合理配置资产组合,包括无风险资产和风险资产,可以实现收益最大化与风险最小化的平衡。这需要根据个人风险偏好和市场状况进行灵活调整。 综上所述,理解和掌握币圈基础知识对于投资者来说至关重要。只有建立在扎实的理论基础上,结合实践经验,才能在加密货币市场中取得长期稳健的收益。 喜欢现货,共度这个牛市,屯牛市场现货点击头像,关注我,面对粉丝,免费分享,只做免费博主,只为涨粉,关注我即可免费进圈! #BTC #热门话题 #ETH $BTC $ETH



四、关于每天1% 假设你每天能赚取1%的收益,250天后,你的资产将增长至1203.2W;500天后将达到1.45亿。这强调了持续稳定的增长对资产积累的重要性。
五、关于每年200% 假设你连续五年收益率达到200%,五年后你的资产将达到2.43亿。然而,这种高收益是难以持续的,需要谨慎对待。

#BTC #热门话题 #ETH $BTC $ETH
"解密:为何大多数人对币圈充满恶意?" 关注订阅,每日更新 结果评论区答案已经发出来了哦! 慢慢看完文章,看评论区答案哦! 数字货币的崛起让一部分人暴富,但也引发了许多人的怨恨和嫉妒。多年来,互联网和房地产带来了许多财富,而许多人觉得他们错过了这些机会,因而感到无力和后悔。这种投机暴富的心态在中国已经变得病态。 每个人都渴望有所成就,然而,数字货币的成功使得没有参与其中的人感到眼红和不满。过去几十年里,互联网和房地产为很多人带来了财富,而那些通过拆迁等方式发财的人似乎比那些老老实实工作的人更容易致富,这让人感到不公平。 经过多年的现实教育,很多人逐渐意识到,靠死工资是很难实现财富的增长和阶级跃升的。他们开始意识到,目前的收入和保障无法应对未来可能面临的风险。尽管币圈投机性很强,但并不是最根本的原因。 根本原因在于,有话语权的人认为币圈是洪水猛兽,他们担心新财富的涌现会动摇他们既得的利益。这些人大多是旧有财富的持有者,他们不愿意看到新财富通过自己无法理解的方式迅速涌现,因为这会对他们原有的地位和框架构成威胁,引发危机感。 综上所述,大部分人对币圈心存恶意的原因是复杂而多样的,但根源在于财富的分配不均和既得利益者对新财富涌现的担忧。 我自己还是拿好我的现货! 因为只有现货,面对过山车的时候! 才会更好的波澜不惊哦! 坐等风来! 静静的等暴风雨过后的黎明! 喜欢现货,共度这个牛市,屯牛市场现货点击头像,关注我,面对粉丝,免费分享,只做免费博主,只为涨粉,关注我即可免费,入~圈圈! 比特和以太大家喜欢哪一个呢? 评论区留言! 尾巴圈圈!夹下方↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓#热门话题 #BTC #ETH













尾巴圈圈!夹下方↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓#热门话题 #BTC #ETH
官方公告显示,ether.fi与去中心化智能合约引擎Aethos达成合作。根据合作协议,ether.fi将向Aethos提供价值5亿美元的ETH安全支持,并且将使用Aethos的策略引擎AVS来确保ether.fi协议的安全性。 #热门话题 #ETH $ETH
#热门话题 #ETH $ETH
账户简介:初始资金10万U,今年增加了3万U,分红1.5万U。所有交易以合约为准,现货仅持有bnb,杠杆率长期低于0.5,策略已运行1年1个月。 今日变动: 建仓:$BNB 加仓:$LEVER 减仓:无 平仓:$PHB 往简单处想,往认真处行。 风险提示:合约/杠杆不是洪水猛兽,它们只是一个工具。风险来自于人,而不是工具本身。 #BTC #ETH #热门话题
#BTC #ETH #热门话题
DeFi借贷协议OpenLeverage在X平台发布公告称,目前已经暂停服务,正在进行调查。协议积累的保险和回购资金有望弥补损失。另外,D1项目不受影响。根据派盾监测,OpenLeverage遭受攻击,损失约23.6万美元。 #热门话题
$PEOPLE 什么清华大北大都不如胆子大 50倍杠杠点位给到0.03945左右做多 支撑在0.03885 上方压力点看到0.04145 止盈第一参考这个点 复利中做移动止盈#热门话题 $BTC $SOL
$PEOPLE 什么清华大北大都不如胆子大 50倍杠杠点位给到0.03945左右做多 支撑在0.03885 上方压力点看到0.04145 止盈第一参考这个点 复利中做移动止盈#热门话题 $BTC $SOL
#热门话题  #BTC  #ETH  (like + follow) Must read for newbies in the currency circle: For many people, the currency circle is a platform that turns 1 yuan into 100, 1,000, 10,000 or even more. Compared with buying lottery tickets in reality, the opportunities here seem to be greater. Although gambling is generally considered bad behavior, people are still willing to give it a try. Just like wealthy bosses would like to go to Macau, although they may have lost a lot, they still can't control their desires. The same is true in the currency circle, there will always be some people who are unwilling to do so. Regarding the currency circle contract liquidation, no matter which market it is in, contract liquidation will happen. It’s just that the traditional market has higher requirements for futures leverage investors, while the currency circle has a lower threshold. No matter how much money you have, you can go long or short. Some people want to take the plunge and turn their bicycles into motorcycles; some people see stories of others getting rich and feel that they can do it too; others see leveraged futures as a tool; others study platform rules To arbitrage. Regarding the news that we often see, such as "The currency circle plummeted by xxxx points, xx million people liquidated their positions by xx million", this type of news may not be meaningful to ordinary people. But for those who have experienced it personally, making money may be their luck, while losing money can make them recognize the market faster and stay in awe. The reminder from veterans in the currency circle to novices is always: Don’t play with contracts! These novices will also say the same thing to novices a few years later. Because the so-called contract opening is more shameless than opening a casino, and the casino games are more diverse. You can even bet against the casino, but the contract is a game between gamblers. Regardless of winning or losing, the platform makes money. $BOME  $POLYX  $WIF
#热门话题  #BTC  #ETH  (like + follow)

Must read for newbies in the currency circle:

For many people, the currency circle is a platform that turns 1 yuan into 100, 1,000, 10,000 or even more. Compared with buying lottery tickets in reality, the opportunities here seem to be greater. Although gambling is generally considered bad behavior, people are still willing to give it a try. Just like wealthy bosses would like to go to Macau, although they may have lost a lot, they still can't control their desires. The same is true in the currency circle, there will always be some people who are unwilling to do so.

Regarding the currency circle contract liquidation, no matter which market it is in, contract liquidation will happen. It’s just that the traditional market has higher requirements for futures leverage investors, while the currency circle has a lower threshold. No matter how much money you have, you can go long or short. Some people want to take the plunge and turn their bicycles into motorcycles; some people see stories of others getting rich and feel that they can do it too; others see leveraged futures as a tool; others study platform rules To arbitrage.

Regarding the news that we often see, such as "The currency circle plummeted by xxxx points, xx million people liquidated their positions by xx million", this type of news may not be meaningful to ordinary people. But for those who have experienced it personally, making money may be their luck, while losing money can make them recognize the market faster and stay in awe.

The reminder from veterans in the currency circle to novices is always: Don’t play with contracts! These novices will also say the same thing to novices a few years later. Because the so-called contract opening is more shameless than opening a casino, and the casino games are more diverse. You can even bet against the casino, but the contract is a game between gamblers. Regardless of winning or losing, the platform makes money.

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Matrixport在社交平台上指出,Solana最近成为meme币炒作的关键优势之一,因为在Solana上启动和交易都很便宜,而以太坊的GAS费仍然相对昂贵,直到Dencun升级。因此,这次升级可能会导致SOL/USDT交易量下降。 #热门话题 #Dencun升级 #SOL🔥🔥🔥🔥 $SOL
#热门话题 #Dencun升级 #SOL🔥🔥🔥🔥 $SOL
Bitwise首席投资官Matt Hougan在推特上表示,几乎所有他交谈过的投资者都在考虑将比特币资产配置至少占其投资组合的3%。对于专业投资者而言,“3%是新的1%”比特币配置标准。这种变化得益于美国现货比特币ETF的推出,它降低了比特币的潜在下行风险。Hougan指出,自ETF推出两个多月以来,美国现货比特币ETF的净流入总额已达约117亿美元,表明长期持续的需求将“持续多年”。 #热门话题 #BTC #etf $BTC $ETH
Bitwise首席投资官Matt Hougan在推特上表示,几乎所有他交谈过的投资者都在考虑将比特币资产配置至少占其投资组合的3%。对于专业投资者而言,“3%是新的1%”比特币配置标准。这种变化得益于美国现货比特币ETF的推出,它降低了比特币的潜在下行风险。Hougan指出,自ETF推出两个多月以来,美国现货比特币ETF的净流入总额已达约117亿美元,表明长期持续的需求将“持续多年”。
#热门话题 #BTC #etf $BTC $ETH
Holding Bitcoin? It may be time to clear your position above $80,000 Bitcoin (BTC) hit a record high before the halving, and now it has reached the $70,000 mark. You may wonder what the market will be like next? In the bull market of 2021, after Bitcoin broke through the historical high of the 2017 bull market, it experienced 16 days of high consolidation, and then the price rose all the way to a very high level. Will this bull market be similar? At present, the market is still a bit like the previous bull market, but it took 20 days to liberate the $69,000 locked-in disk. But this does not mean that the future market will not have a correction, and it may break through important barriers such as $100,000 and $200,000. We used the law of nature to predict the future high range. According to the classic golden line prediction, the highest may be around $100,000. The large-scale prediction of the star line shows that the price may be between $91,000 and $101,500. According to the current daily turning point K-line prediction, the high point is about $91,000. According to the weekly turning point K-line prediction, the high point may be between $99,000 and $104,500. However, it should be noted that this weekly prediction is not absolutely accurate, and we need to wait for the appearance of a more natural and more morphological K-line in the future. These predictions suggest that some large-scale funds may have completed the turnover and shipment, but everyone has not yet fully invested, and the largest trading volume and selling pressure from large investors have not yet appeared. Using the large-scale star line prediction, the high point may be around $93,100. Based on the above predictions, we can make a preliminary judgment. . . For the full content, please see my homepage pinned I need fans, you need reference! #BTC  #热门话题
Holding Bitcoin? It may be time to clear your position above $80,000

Bitcoin (BTC) hit a record high before the halving, and now it has reached the $70,000 mark. You may wonder what the market will be like next?

In the bull market of 2021, after Bitcoin broke through the historical high of the 2017 bull market, it experienced 16 days of high consolidation, and then the price rose all the way to a very high level.

Will this bull market be similar? At present, the market is still a bit like the previous bull market, but it took 20 days to liberate the $69,000 locked-in disk. But this does not mean that the future market will not have a correction, and it may break through important barriers such as $100,000 and $200,000.

We used the law of nature to predict the future high range. According to the classic golden line prediction, the highest may be around $100,000. The large-scale prediction of the star line shows that the price may be between $91,000 and $101,500.

According to the current daily turning point K-line prediction, the high point is about $91,000. According to the weekly turning point K-line prediction, the high point may be between $99,000 and $104,500. However, it should be noted that this weekly prediction is not absolutely accurate, and we need to wait for the appearance of a more natural and more morphological K-line in the future.

These predictions suggest that some large-scale funds may have completed the turnover and shipment, but everyone has not yet fully invested, and the largest trading volume and selling pressure from large investors have not yet appeared. Using the large-scale star line prediction, the high point may be around $93,100.
Based on the above predictions, we can make a preliminary judgment. . .
For the full content, please see my homepage pinned

I need fans, you need reference!
#BTC  #热门话题
链上分析师余烬指出,根据最新数据显示,3月28日,十支比特币现货ETF共计净流入资金1.83亿美元,预计将导致4月1日美股开盘后ETF托管地址净流入约2,581BTC。 具体来看,灰度比特币信托基金(GBTC)流出约1,480BTC,对应资金流出1.0485亿美元;而其余九支ETF则流入约4,061BTC,对应资金流入2.8785亿美元。截至目前,这十支比特币现货ETF共计持有BTC数量为833,463BTC,价值约590.5亿美元。 #热门话题 #BTC $BTC
#热门话题 #BTC $BTC
$BTC $ETH $BNB ⚠️ 您在 2013 年没有投资 BTC 美元。 ⚠️ 2014 年您错过了 $DOGE。 ⚠️ 2015 年,$LTC 被忽视了。 ⚠️ 2016 年你忽略了 ETH 美元。 ⚠️ ADA 在 2017 年没有引起人们的注意。 ⚠️ BNB在 2019 年从你身边溜走了。 ⚠️ 2020 年您没有抓住 $DOT。 ⚠️ 2021 年,$SHIB 并未出现在您的关注范围内。 ⚠️ $PEPE 不在您 2023 年的名单上。 ✅ 但2024年你不要错过RAM。自去年底RAM停止扩容后,已经上涨16倍,现在市值也就2100万个EOS,还有11亿柚子没有进RAM,目前还在早起阶段,梭哈柚子内存ram,系统自带拉盘,无限通缩,不惧大饼涨跌!大饼涨,ram涨;大饼横盘,ram也涨;大饼回调,ram继续涨!明年你会感谢我的!以此贴为证。 #热门话题 #BNBChain #BOME #sol #RAM/EOS
⚠️ 您在 2013 年没有投资 BTC 美元。
⚠️ 2014 年您错过了 $DOGE。
⚠️ 2015 年,$LTC 被忽视了。
⚠️ 2016 年你忽略了 ETH 美元。
⚠️ ADA 在 2017 年没有引起人们的注意。
⚠️ BNB在 2019 年从你身边溜走了。
⚠️ 2020 年您没有抓住 $DOT。
⚠️ 2021 年,$SHIB 并未出现在您的关注范围内。
⚠️ $PEPE 不在您 2023 年的名单上。
✅ 但2024年你不要错过RAM。自去年底RAM停止扩容后,已经上涨16倍,现在市值也就2100万个EOS,还有11亿柚子没有进RAM,目前还在早起阶段,梭哈柚子内存ram,系统自带拉盘,无限通缩,不惧大饼涨跌!大饼涨,ram涨;大饼横盘,ram也涨;大饼回调,ram继续涨!明年你会感谢我的!以此贴为证。
#热门话题 #BNBChain #BOME #sol #RAM/EOS
NEAR的涨幅也相当不错。现货可以稍微减仓,重新进场;合约则可以拉到保本线。 #热门话题 #near $NEAR
#热门话题 #near $NEAR
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