Binance Square
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紧急通知!小白必学会的搬砖打金u 别人炒合约 我搬砖 别人买期货 我搬砖 别人挖矿 我搬砖 10天后我搬了1000多u的砖 别人合约亏了2000u 我免费带你下车 下车后分红没有问题吧!$BTC $ETH #大盘走势 #新币挖矿
别人炒合约 我搬砖
别人买期货 我搬砖
别人挖矿 我搬砖
我免费带你下车 下车后分红没有问题吧!$BTC $ETH #大盘走势 #新币挖矿
real! ️Hundred times of divine coins, top airdrop‼ ️A large-scale project plan that never cuts leeks‼ ️Hundred times of divine coins, free airdrops for thousands of Us🧧 New benefits are coming again! ! This time the project is very generous, 200,000 $ENA are waiting for you🧧 Through the Binance KOL/captain invitation link, new users who register and trade more than 100U will get 50 $ENA for each of the first 3,000 people, and 50,000 $ENA for the next 3,000 people. Event invitation link: Step 1: During the event, new users must register an account through the invitation link of Binance KOL or Binance Captain participating in this event and complete identity authentication; Step 2: New users need to deposit funds through Binance C2C or on-chain transfers (note: using Binance internal transfers will not qualify for participation); Step 3: During the event, new users need to complete transactions with a transaction volume of no less than 100U (spot, leverage or contract). Event time: March 30, 2024 08:00 to April 1, 2024 07:59 (East Eighth District time) #新币挖矿  #BTC #Memecoins #APT
real! ️Hundred times of divine coins, top airdrop‼ ️A large-scale project plan that never cuts leeks‼ ️Hundred times of divine coins, free airdrops for thousands of Us🧧
New benefits are coming again! ! This time the project is very generous, 200,000 $ENA are waiting for you🧧
Through the Binance KOL/captain invitation link, new users who register and trade more than 100U will get 50 $ENA for each of the first 3,000 people, and 50,000 $ENA for the next 3,000 people.
Event invitation link:

Step 1: During the event, new users must register an account through the invitation link of Binance KOL or Binance Captain participating in this event and complete identity authentication;
Step 2: New users need to deposit funds through Binance C2C or on-chain transfers (note: using Binance internal transfers will not qualify for participation);
Step 3: During the event, new users need to complete transactions with a transaction volume of no less than 100U (spot, leverage or contract).
Event time: March 30, 2024 08:00 to April 1, 2024 07:59 (East Eighth District time) #新币挖矿  #BTC

#Memecoins #APT
In-depth analysis of SOL market on March 30, 2024 #Mem e #新币挖矿  #大盘走势  #WIF  #sui Currently, SOL is still in range oscillation. As in the previous period, the price mainly fluctuates within the premium zone. Judging from the trend, the probability of an upward breakthrough is relatively greater. The best opportunity to buy is still at the key position of RANGE-EQ 180. As long as this position is not broken, the price will be more likely to rise. For investors who have already bought, holding patiently is a wise choice. Trading recommendations It is recommended to actively buy SOL near 180 to seize the current better entry opportunities. In the near future, I will announce the welfare Mima in the circle, which is expected to increase by 60%. If you like spot money and want to roll funds together, Click on the avatar, follow me, share for free, the circle is waiting for you! In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly going it alone will never bring opportunities! !
In-depth analysis of SOL market on March 30, 2024

#Mem #新币挖矿  #大盘走势  #WIF  #sui

Currently, SOL is still in range oscillation. As in the previous period, the price mainly fluctuates within the premium zone. Judging from the trend, the probability of an upward breakthrough is relatively greater. The best opportunity to buy is still at the key position of RANGE-EQ 180.

As long as this position is not broken, the price will be more likely to rise. For investors who have already bought, holding patiently is a wise choice.

Trading recommendations

It is recommended to actively buy SOL near 180 to seize the current better entry opportunities.

In the near future, I will announce the welfare Mima in the circle, which is expected to increase by 60%.
If you like spot money and want to roll funds together,
Click on the avatar, follow me, share for free, the circle is waiting for you!
In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly going it alone will never bring opportunities! !
牛市到现在,已经进入第二阶段。 可以说百倍币已经陆续出现了! 在如今的牛市环境下,我们有可能在一夜之间看到大饼(比特币)价格飙升至80000水平。 目前,大量的资金和机构都聚焦在大饼上,而山寨币市场相对平静。这是为何呢?这与加密货币市场的新格局密不可分。 与以往矿工占据市场主导不同,现在机构投资者的力量已经足以左右市场走向。同时,华尔街对于比特币的现货需求持续增强,为其未来价格走势提供了无限可能。 1、山寨币与铭文市场的动态 减半后的山寨币市场以及沉寂半年的铭文、符文市场也有望迎来新的炒作热潮。尽管有些人因铭文市场的波动而遭受损失,但大头资金,如币安和矿工们,尚未有大动作,他们似乎在等待更佳的时机。 2、ETH与坎昆升级的预期 随着以太坊(ETH)的持续走强以及坎昆升级带来的积极影响,市场有望迎来新的增长点。 3、华尔街的重金布局 值得一提的是,贝莱德和华尔街的其他重量级投资者已经将重金压在了RWA上,这无疑为市场注入了更多信心。 4、新公链的潜力与板块轮动 本轮牛市中,新公链展现出巨大的潜力。预计将涌现出众多十倍甚至百倍的币种。如果你还在迷茫中不知如何选择,那么现在是时候关注我了。 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #BTC、 我是财神,币圈老手,只讲真话。想快速入门币圈?关注我,主页联系,免费为你提供真实建议,助你稳步前行,共创辉煌!







本轮牛市中,新公链展现出巨大的潜力。预计将涌现出众多十倍甚至百倍的币种。如果你还在迷茫中不知如何选择,那么现在是时候关注我了。 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #BTC、

🤑CALIM FREE PEPE TOKEENS FROM MY PINNED POSTS #新币挖矿 #大盘走势 There are about 13 days before Bitcoin halving. Let's make a guess: 1. After Bitcoin halving, the market will enter the mid-stage explosion period, and various sectors will usher in another explosion 2. After Bitcoin halving, the miner reward will be reduced by half. There is a high probability that the chain income will be increased by hyping up the inscriptions, and the inscriptions may usher in an explosion 3. Merlin staking is about to end, and the token will also be launched, which will cause a wave of Bitcoin Layer 2 craze

#新币挖矿 #大盘走势
There are about 13 days before Bitcoin halving. Let's make a guess:
1. After Bitcoin halving, the market will enter the mid-stage explosion period, and various sectors will usher in another explosion
2. After Bitcoin halving, the miner reward will be reduced by half. There is a high probability that the chain income will be increased by hyping up the inscriptions, and the inscriptions may usher in an explosion
3. Merlin staking is about to end, and the token will also be launched, which will cause a wave of Bitcoin Layer 2 craze
#MyFirstFeedPost #ETFvsBTC #新币挖矿 $BTC 比特币交易所与比特币ETF是投资者进入比特币市场的两种主要途径,但它们在运作方式、安全性、操作便捷性等方面存在显著差异。以下是对这两种投资方式的分析。 一、比特币交易所 比特币交易所是一个在线平台,允许交易者使用法定货币或其他数字货币买卖比特币。作为买卖双方的中介,比特币交易所通过匹配买家和卖家来完成交易。投资者可以在交易所上设置限价订单,等待合适的交易机会。 利: 直接交易:在比特币交易所,投资者可以直接购买和持有比特币,无需通过其他中介。 价格透明:交易所提供实时价格信息,投资者可以根据市场价格进行交易。 灵活度高:投资者可以根据自己的需求进行买卖,不受时间、地点限制。 弊: 安全风险:直接持有比特币可能面临安全风险,如黑客攻击、钱包私钥丢失等。 操作复杂:投资者需要了解交易所的操作流程、数字钱包的使用等,这对于新手投资者来说可能较为困难。 监管缺失:部分比特币交易所可能缺乏有效监管,存在欺诈、洗钱等风险。 二、比特币ETF 比特币ETF是一种基于比特币的交易所交易基金,其目标是跟踪比特币的价格表现并在交易所上进行买卖。投资者可以通过购买比特币ETF间接投资比特币市场。 利: 安全可靠:比特币ETF由专业团队管理,投资者无需担心私钥管理或比特币存储问题。 操作便捷:投资者可以通过普通的股票交易账户购买比特币ETF,操作过程与买卖普通股票相同。 监管严格:比特币ETF受到证券交易所的监管,投资者可以获得更多的保障。 弊: 间接投资:投资者购买比特币ETF是间接投资比特币市场,无法直接持有比特币。 费用较高:投资者需要支付基金管理费、托管费等费用,降低了投资收益。 价格波动:比特币ETF的价格波动大
#MyFirstFeedPost #ETFvsBTC #新币挖矿 $BTC








财神的炒币经验:五日均线法 币圈未来的走势会从盘面反映 我的炒币经验:五日均线法 一个币,它的价格是市场定位的,市场永远是正确的。所以盘面走势,可以反映这个币的趋势。 如果一个币在底部易涨难跌,不断有资金看好买入,只要留心观察几天,确定不是陷阱,基本就可以出手了。 举个例子,现在鸡苗涨价,猪肉也准备涨价,养殖业它的走势现在是易涨难跌,我认为是鸡苗企业将引来资金的青睐。 一个行业,如果经营艰难,产品滞销,价格竞争压力大,企业会因为盈利能力的不足,造成价格无力上涨,资金不断流出,这个价格就会从盘面反映出来,上涨的时候压力巨大,不断有抛盘,而下跌时却一泄千里。 学会观察盘面走势,可以最快看清多方和空方博弈力量的情况,一个行业风口来的时候,行业景气度高了,自然引起资金关注,从而带动价格的上涨。 那么,重点来了,如何观察盘面呢? 说说我自己的经验吧。 从币价踏上五日均线开始观察入场,企稳五日均线开始尝试加仓。如果币价一直在5日均线之前,就一直持币不动,一直到上冲无力,在顶部冲高回落了,4小时见顶信号出来了,开始减仓,如果跌破5日均线就清仓了结。 每个人炒币都有自己的方法,我把自己琢磨出来的这个方法叫五日均线法。 施行的过程其实很简单,当币价踏上5日线入场,当币价跌破5日线清仓,大道至简。 当大行情来时,在5日线上买入好的币种,就一直持仓待涨,跌破5日线,就清仓回避,如此反复循环就行了。就如一个学武之人,花十年时间学100套功夫,不如花十年时间练好一套功夫,大道至简,炒币也是如此,专心研究一种方法,长年累月,就走出了自己的路。 #新币挖矿 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #BTC 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,提前埋伏潜力币,独家揭秘的牛市策略部署,只向我的粉丝无偿分享!抓住这波牛市,让你的财富如火箭般飙升,成为人生赢家!









#新币挖矿 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #BTC

💰 Money isn't the only key to crypto riches; it's the vision that unlocks the treasure trove of opportunities! 💡💰 🔮 Imagine time-traveling back a decade, penniless but brimming with ambition. Could you still carve a path to wealth? Absolutely! 💪✨ 💸 While some see a lack of capital as a barrier, the savvy ones recognize it's about seizing the right opportunities at the right time. 💼💡 💎 Enter the realm of altcoins, where fortunes await the bold and the early birds catch the biggest worms! 🐦🌟 🚀 Brace yourself for ERC404, the upgraded Ordi! With its impending exchange launch and a tantalizing airdrop on the horizon, now's your chance to ride the rocket to riches! 🚀📈 🎉 Don't miss the boat on the airdrop and pre-sale frenzy! Mark your calendars and secure your spot in the crypto hall of fame! 📅💰 🔗 Hurry, the countdown to greatness has begun! Participate now at and stake your claim to the future of wealth! 💎🚀 #APT #新币挖矿 #CryptoFortune #FutureWealth #AltcoinAdventure 🚀🔮 Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment🙏
💰 Money isn't the only key to crypto riches; it's the vision that unlocks the treasure trove of opportunities! 💡💰

🔮 Imagine time-traveling back a decade, penniless but brimming with ambition. Could you still carve a path to wealth? Absolutely! 💪✨

💸 While some see a lack of capital as a barrier, the savvy ones recognize it's about seizing the right opportunities at the right time. 💼💡

💎 Enter the realm of altcoins, where fortunes await the bold and the early birds catch the biggest worms! 🐦🌟

🚀 Brace yourself for ERC404, the upgraded Ordi! With its impending exchange launch and a tantalizing airdrop on the horizon, now's your chance to ride the rocket to riches! 🚀📈

🎉 Don't miss the boat on the airdrop and pre-sale frenzy! Mark your calendars and secure your spot in the crypto hall of fame! 📅💰

🔗 Hurry, the countdown to greatness has begun! Participate now at and stake your claim to the future of wealth! 💎🚀

#APT #新币挖矿 #CryptoFortune #FutureWealth #AltcoinAdventure 🚀🔮

Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment🙏
#Megadrop 币安的最新帖子重点介绍了对 2025 年各种加密货币的推测预测: - $SHIB 有可能达到 5 美元。 - $BONK 预计将达到 6 美元。 - $REZ 可能会飙升至 200 美元。 - 预计$BB 将攀升至 500 美元。 - $DOGE预计将达到惊人的250美元。 然而,必须强调在投资前进行彻底的研究和验证的重要性,尤其是对于初学者而言。众所周知,加密货币市场波动很大,因此明智的做法是优先学习并谨慎行事。分享您对类似预测的见解和经验,以促进明智的决策和负责任的交易#新币挖矿 $BB
#Megadrop 币安的最新帖子重点介绍了对 2025 年各种加密货币的推测预测:
- $SHIB 有可能达到 5 美元。
- $BONK 预计将达到 6 美元。
- $REZ 可能会飙升至 200 美元。
- 预计$BB 将攀升至 500 美元。
- $DOGE预计将达到惊人的250美元。
然而,必须强调在投资前进行彻底的研究和验证的重要性,尤其是对于初学者而言。众所周知,加密货币市场波动很大,因此明智的做法是优先学习并谨慎行事。分享您对类似预测的见解和经验,以促进明智的决策和负责任的交易#新币挖矿 $BB
KOL轮的几个有趣的点: 1. 原理是KOL有钱之后相对于拿Cash作为营销费用不如投一点支持项目希望博取更高的return。因为替代了营销费用自然要快速解锁赚钱。 2.很多项目方做KOL轮其实都没搞清楚目的,也就很难Track效果。 2. KOL轮的金额一般不会很大因为如果快解锁的筹码太多上所过程会有压力。 3. 如果真的开很大金额的KOL轮KOL心里也会发怵为啥融资那么多是不是来割我的。 KOL是奇妙平衡下的产物 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #KOL 我是财神,币圈老手,只讲真话。想快速入门币圈?关注我,查看主页,免费为你提供真实建议,助你稳步前行,共创辉煌!

1. 原理是KOL有钱之后相对于拿Cash作为营销费用不如投一点支持项目希望博取更高的return。因为替代了营销费用自然要快速解锁赚钱。


2. KOL轮的金额一般不会很大因为如果快解锁的筹码太多上所过程会有压力。

3. 如果真的开很大金额的KOL轮KOL心里也会发怵为啥融资那么多是不是来割我的。

#大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #KOL

The world's biggest scam finally collapsed! A consumer in Shandong spent 20,000 yuan to buy a diamond ring, but when he wanted to sell it, the store owner only valued it at 200 yuan. Yes, 200 yuan. The owner also verbally praised the design of the ring and gave an extra 20 yuan, a total of only 180 yuan Diamonds, once a world scam, have been covered up for a hundred years and are now finally exposed. Their depreciation rate is as high as 99%. The once famous brand IDO has declared bankruptcy. Even the diamond king Li Moulin has become impoverished and owed 230,000 yuan for renovation, becoming a dishonest executor. People often say that "scarcity makes things valuable", but in fact, the world's proven diamond reserves have exceeded 2.5 billion. Capital groups have monopolized diamond mines, restricted mining, and created the illusion of "scarcity". In order to maintain prices, they do not hesitate to tie diamonds to love, forcibly instill the idea that diamond rings must be used for marriage proposals, claiming that diamonds are forever and one will last forever, just to prevent diamonds from returning to the market The scam finally broke, but it makes people think deeply. We have been manipulated so skillfully, when will we see the truth? The greed of capital and our blind obedience have led to the continuation of this scam. But now that the truth is out, we have the opportunity to reflect and make changes. Perhaps this is a warning. Don't trust the superficial splendor and don't be fooled by external value. The real treasure lies not in its price but in its intrinsic value. Let us break free from the shackles, re-examine our values, and embrace the true beauty. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #新币挖矿 #ETH #BTC
The world's biggest scam finally collapsed!

consumer in Shandong spent 20,000 yuan to buy a diamond ring, but when
he wanted to sell it, the store owner only valued it at 200 yuan. Yes,
200 yuan. The owner also verbally praised the design of the ring and
gave an extra 20 yuan, a total of only 180 yuan

Diamonds, once a
world scam, have been covered up for a hundred years and are now finally
exposed. Their depreciation rate is as high as 99%. The once famous
brand IDO has declared bankruptcy. Even the diamond king Li Moulin has
become impoverished and owed 230,000 yuan for renovation, becoming a
dishonest executor.

People often say that "scarcity makes things
valuable", but in fact, the world's proven diamond reserves have
exceeded 2.5 billion. Capital groups have monopolized diamond mines,
restricted mining, and created the illusion of "scarcity". In order to
maintain prices, they do not hesitate to tie diamonds to love, forcibly
instill the idea that diamond rings must be used for marriage proposals,
claiming that diamonds are forever and one will last forever, just to
prevent diamonds from returning to the market

The scam finally
broke, but it makes people think deeply. We have been manipulated so
skillfully, when will we see the truth? The greed of capital and our
blind obedience have led to the continuation of this scam. But now that
the truth is out, we have the opportunity to reflect and make changes.

this is a warning. Don't trust the superficial splendor and don't be
fooled by external value. The real treasure lies not in its price but in
its intrinsic value. Let us break free from the shackles, re-examine
our values, and embrace the true beauty. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #新币挖矿 #ETH #BTC
The world's biggest scam finally collapsed! A consumer in Shandong spent 20,000 yuan to buy a diamond ring, but when he wanted to sell it, the store owner only valued it at 200 yuan. Yes, 200 yuan. The owner also verbally praised the design of the ring and gave an extra 20 yuan, a total of only 180 yuan Diamonds, once a world scam, have been covered up for a hundred years and are now finally exposed. Their depreciation rate is as high as 99%. The once famous brand IDO has declared bankruptcy. Even the diamond king Li Moulin has become impoverished and owed 230,000 yuan for renovation, becoming a dishonest executor. People often say that "scarcity makes things valuable", but in fact, the world's proven diamond reserves have exceeded 2.5 billion. Capital groups have monopolized diamond mines, restricted mining, and created the illusion of "scarcity". In order to maintain prices, they do not hesitate to tie diamonds to love, forcibly instill the idea that diamond rings must be used for marriage proposals, claiming that diamonds are forever and one will last forever, just to prevent diamonds from returning to the market The scam finally broke, but it makes people think deeply. We have been manipulated so skillfully, when will we see the truth? The greed of capital and our blind obedience have led to the continuation of this scam. But now that the truth is out, we have the opportunity to reflect and make changes. Perhaps this is a warning. Don't trust the superficial splendor and don't be fooled by external value. The real treasure lies not in its price but in its intrinsic value. Let us break free from the shackles, re-examine our values, and embrace the true beauty. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #新币挖矿 #ETH #BTC
The world's biggest scam finally collapsed!

consumer in Shandong spent 20,000 yuan to buy a diamond ring, but when
he wanted to sell it, the store owner only valued it at 200 yuan. Yes,
200 yuan. The owner also verbally praised the design of the ring and
gave an extra 20 yuan, a total of only 180 yuan

Diamonds, once a
world scam, have been covered up for a hundred years and are now finally
exposed. Their depreciation rate is as high as 99%. The once famous
brand IDO has declared bankruptcy. Even the diamond king Li Moulin has
become impoverished and owed 230,000 yuan for renovation, becoming a
dishonest executor.

People often say that "scarcity makes things
valuable", but in fact, the world's proven diamond reserves have
exceeded 2.5 billion. Capital groups have monopolized diamond mines,
restricted mining, and created the illusion of "scarcity". In order to
maintain prices, they do not hesitate to tie diamonds to love, forcibly
instill the idea that diamond rings must be used for marriage proposals,
claiming that diamonds are forever and one will last forever, just to
prevent diamonds from returning to the market

The scam finally
broke, but it makes people think deeply. We have been manipulated so
skillfully, when will we see the truth? The greed of capital and our
blind obedience have led to the continuation of this scam. But now that
the truth is out, we have the opportunity to reflect and make changes.

this is a warning. Don't trust the superficial splendor and don't be
fooled by external value. The real treasure lies not in its price but in
its intrinsic value. Let us break free from the shackles, re-examine
our values, and embrace the true beauty. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #新币挖矿 #ETH #BTC
real! ️Hundred times of divine coins, top airdrop‼ ️A large-scale project plan that never cuts leeks‼ ️Hundred times of divine coins, free airdrops for thousands of Us🧧 New benefits are coming again! ! This time the project is very generous, 200,000 $ENA are waiting for you🧧 Through the Binance KOL/captain invitation link, new users who register and trade more than 100U will get 50 $ENA for each of the first 3,000 people, and 50,000 $ENA for the next 3,000 people. Event invitation link: Step 1: During the event, new users must register an account through the invitation link of Binance KOL or Binance Captain participating in this event and complete identity authentication; Step 2: New users need to deposit funds through Binance C2C or on-chain transfers (note: using Binance internal transfers will not qualify for participation); Step 3: During the event, new users need to complete transactions with a transaction volume of no less than 100U (spot, leverage or contract). Event time: March 30, 2024 08:00 to April 1, 2024 07:59 (East Eighth District time) #新币挖矿  #BTC #Memecoins #APT
real! ️Hundred times of divine coins, top airdrop‼ ️A large-scale project plan that never cuts leeks‼ ️Hundred times of divine coins, free airdrops for thousands of Us🧧
New benefits are coming again! ! This time the project is very generous, 200,000 $ENA are waiting for you🧧
Through the Binance KOL/captain invitation link, new users who register and trade more than 100U will get 50 $ENA for each of the first 3,000 people, and 50,000 $ENA for the next 3,000 people.
Event invitation link:

Step 1: During the event, new users must register an account through the invitation link of Binance KOL or Binance Captain participating in this event and complete identity authentication;
Step 2: New users need to deposit funds through Binance C2C or on-chain transfers (note: using Binance internal transfers will not qualify for participation);
Step 3: During the event, new users need to complete transactions with a transaction volume of no less than 100U (spot, leverage or contract).
Event time: March 30, 2024 08:00 to April 1, 2024 07:59 (East Eighth District time) #新币挖矿  #BTC

#Memecoins #APT
#ATS# 想说什么就说什么,我们不会阻止任何人,但是每个人都要知道#ATS#将会取得很好的成绩。 不可口的人只是展示了他们自己的品格。 有趣的评论我们可以去想一想如果是这样的话,他们不会对那些在预售 阶段购买并后悔、抱怨并要求退还投资的 人进行退款,并且他们不会以透明的方式 公开这一点其实在买币要学会多看多学,在前期我们不应该着急,要学会观望,找准时机快速出击。#新币挖矿
#ATS# 想说什么就说什么,我们不会阻止任何人,但是每个人都要知道#ATS#将会取得很好的成绩。

之前打击数字货币,而现在香港开通比特币的ETF审核,这其中的原因主要有以下几点: 1.首先,之前打击数字货币主要是出于监管和风险的考虑。在数字货币领域,尤其是比特币等虚拟货币,由于其去中心化、匿名性等特性,容易滋生投机、洗钱、非法融资等风险,对金融市场的稳定构成潜在威胁。因此,政府曾对数字货币进行严格的监管和打击。 2.随着数字货币技术的不断发展和应用,以及全球范围内对数字货币的认知和接受度逐渐提高,政府的态度也在发生变化。特别是在全球数字货币市场日益繁荣的背景下,作为世界第二大经济体,也不能忽视这一新兴市场的潜力和机遇。 3.香港作为国际金融中心,具有得天独厚的优势和地位。让香港开通比特币的ETF审核,可以作为政府在数字货币领域的一次探索和尝试。通过香港这一窗口,可以观察和研究数字货币市场的运行情况,积累经验和教训,为未来的政策制定提供参考。 3.贝莱德这样的巨型资产管理公司申请比特币的ETF,也对政府的决策产生了一定影响。贝莱德作为全球领先的资产管理机构,其在数字货币领域的布局和动作无疑会引起政府的关注和重视。政府可能希望通过让香港开通比特币的ETF审核,与贝莱德等国际巨头在数字货币领域展开合作和竞争,提升中国在全球数字货币市场的地位和影响力。 #新币挖矿 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #BTC 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,赶紧通过主页联系财神,独家揭秘的牛市策略部署,只向我的粉丝无偿分享!抓住这波牛市,让你的财富如火箭般飙升,成为人生赢家!




#新币挖矿 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #BTC

之前的比特币减半持续导致随后12个月的比特币价格大幅上涨 在第一次减半之后,比特币的价格飙升了1000%以上 第二次减半后,比特币价格上涨了200% 第三次减半后,比特币价格上涨了600%以上 延续之前的涨幅,按照上次牛市价格看200%没有问题吧,今年走牛至少10万的btc 每次减半的上涨也显示了btc减半事件对供需动态以及市场定价可产生巨大影响,现在第四次减半就在眼前,与过去的减半事件相比,现在btc的市场动态已经明显成熟,新的比特币发行对市场价格的直接影响可能会减少,这一变化主要是由机构需求的增加和btc的ETF影响的。 虽然矿工每天向市场增加约900枚BTC,但比特币ETF经常购买更多BTC,从而大大影响供应水平和市场流动性,以往每次减半随后就会迎来喷发式的暴涨,但是今年不同的是由于机构通过ETF高度介入,以及长期投资者和“聪明的钱”(smart money)的活动明显不同,市场情况也越来越复杂,风控现在也变得尤为重要 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 $BTC





虽然矿工每天向市场增加约900枚BTC,但比特币ETF经常购买更多BTC,从而大大影响供应水平和市场流动性,以往每次减半随后就会迎来喷发式的暴涨,但是今年不同的是由于机构通过ETF高度介入,以及长期投资者和“聪明的钱”(smart money)的活动明显不同,市场情况也越来越复杂,风控现在也变得尤为重要
#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 $BTC
🤑CALIM FREE PEPE TOKEENS FROM MY PINNED POSTS🤑 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 Five core tracks to watch in this bull market 1.web3+Ai 2.Sol ecosystem 3.Depin 4.Rwa 5.Gamefi

#大盘走势 #新币挖矿
Five core tracks to watch in this bull market
2.Sol ecosystem
为什么说炒币,会买的是徒弟 会卖的是师傅,会空仓的是祖师爷? 根据自己这么多年的币圈经验 思考总结出来的一些买点、卖点方法,整理如下 一、会买的是徒弟 币圈最好的操作手法就是: a、不论牛熊市,5层仓位都要是BTC,ETH,剩下的5曾仓位搏大机会 b、牛回头的时候,很多山寨币打了1折,甚至0.1折,这时候很便宜买一些共识广有前途的山寨币,然后等待牛市到来 c、牛市的时候,各种热点频出,比如这轮牛市的人工智能、gamefi、RWA、公链、平台币板块可以拿少量资金参与热点炒作,赚到5倍以上后及时止盈,全部换成BTC,ETH,严格分清楚什么是“过日子”,什么是“玩一玩” 金融的本质就是庞氏,在潮水退去时,方知谁在裸泳,在各种新项目泡沫破灭前及时离开,是非常聪明的做法。 第二,会卖的是师傅 炒币炒成了股东”,永远不要想着自己能卖到最高点,最高点只有事后才知道是最高点。比较靠谱的两种卖法:目标止盈法和技术指标法 目标止盈法: 知足常乐,钱是赚不完的,任何东西不可能涨到天上去,有涨有跌才是交易市场的根本,万物皆有周期。定下你的盈利目标或者预期的价格,提前挂单比如今年买房需要100万,那么就挂价格为能赚到100万的价格,提前挂好单,达到目标后自动执行。再或者以ATH价格为参考基点,因为突破前高是很难的,突破前高时往往会有一次大跌,所以卖单挂的价格挂到阶段高点-4%左右的位置 技术止盈法: MACD设为(12,26,9),K线图选择5日均线,7日均线,当5日均线下叉跌入7日均线形成死叉,并且MACD的DIF线下叉DEA形成死叉,都意味着大跌即将开始。 以ETH为例,ETH在2021年12月4日大跌,9月7日大跌,5月13日的三次大跌,均可看到该理论还是相当正确的 三、会空仓的才是祖师爷 牛市坚决捂币,熊市坚决空仓。交易的最高境界是空仓,因为空仓等待大跌,等待尸横遍野时进仓收拾残局才能获得最大的盈利,空仓还是很难的,因为你不仅要忍受长时间的枯燥等待,还要忍受被人不断赚钱后的fomo心态,按照ETH的波动来计算,下跌20%的机会,一年还是很好把握4-5次的。 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #BTC #新币挖矿 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,提前埋伏潜力币,独家揭秘的牛市策略部署,只向我的粉丝无偿分享!抓住这波牛市,让你的财富如火箭般飙升,成为人生赢家!


#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #BTC #新币挖矿

历史不可能重复,但总是惊人的相似,回顾17年,21年大牛市,每个牛熊周期就伴随着比特币减半的时间来。那么按照这个规律,25年会是疯牛行情,26年就进入了熊市。 牛市大概会分这几个阶段: 1、BTC 统治率攀升,吸血山寨, BTC 和比特币生态会持续强势。 2、ETH 接力一路狂飙,热点山寨币伴随着以太坊一起涨,如 AI 、Web3、L2、链游、元宇宙、新公链、 BTC 生态这些赛道。 3、所有币都涨,睡一觉资产翻倍的场景,MEME表演季,土狗满天飞、FOMO达到顶峰。 4、全线崩盘、主流币大幅回撤,山寨暴跌,土狗归零,进入熊市这一轮。 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、看不清方向可以关注我 大家一起进步。 #新币挖矿 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,赶紧通过主页联系财神,独家揭秘的牛市策略部署,只向我的粉丝无偿分享!抓住这波牛市,让你的财富如火箭般飙升,成为人生赢家!


1、BTC 统治率攀升,吸血山寨, BTC 和比特币生态会持续强势。

2、ETH 接力一路狂飙,热点山寨币伴随着以太坊一起涨,如 AI 、Web3、L2、链游、元宇宙、新公链、 BTC 生态这些赛道。



如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、看不清方向可以关注我 大家一起进步。
#新币挖矿 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿

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