Binance Square
Tout le contenu
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Trump choisit le sénateur J.D. Vance, favorable à la cryptographie, comme candidat à la vice-présidence
L'ancien président Donald Trump a annoncé qu'il avait choisi le sénateur J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), favorable à la cryptographie, comme candidat à la vice-présidence.

Selon sa dernière divulgation financière fédérale, Vance, un investisseur en capital-risque devenu homme politique, possède entre 100 001 et 250 000 dollars en Bitcoin.

Le Front uni de Trump et Vance sur la cryptographie

Plus tôt cette année, la position de l’ancien président Trump sur la cryptographie est passée du scepticisme au soutien. En mai, son équipe a commencé à accepter des contributions dans diverses crypto-monnaies via Coinbase. Il s’est également fait entendre auprès de l’industrie au cours de sa campagne, promettant son soutien.
Voir l’original
Binance Announcement
Apprenez et gagnez : suivez des cours et des quiz pour gagner des récompenses W ! (2024-07-04)
Ceci est une annonce générale. Les produits et services mentionnés ici peuvent ne pas être disponibles dans votre région.
Chers Binanciers,
Binance est ravi d'annoncer que nous lancerons bientôt la prochaine série de « Binance Learn & Earn », où les utilisateurs pourront acquérir des connaissances sur la blockchain et gagner des récompenses cryptographiques en suivant des cours et des quiz.
Période d'activité : du 04/07/2024 à 09h00 (UTC) au 18/07/2024 à 09h00 (UTC)
Tous les utilisateurs vérifiés seront éligibles pour participer à cette série de « Binance Learn & Earn » pour recevoir un montant prédéterminé de W sur la base du premier arrivé, premier servi.
Voir l’original
Binance Academy
Le pool de récompenses de 7 BNB pour la mission bonus Learn & Earn a été entièrement utilisé !

Cependant, le 70 $BNB pour le pool de récompenses des utilisateurs dynamiques et nouveaux est toujours en cours. Les récompenses seront distribuées après la campagne.

Continuez à en apprendre davantage sur le #Binance avec nous 👇
Binance Square Official
Publiez votre parcours#BinanceTournamentsur Binance Square et participez à la compétition pour 5 000 USDT !
Rejoignez le Futures Grand Tournament pour concourir pour une cagnotte de 3 millions USDT. En partageant votre expérience de tournoi sur Binance Square, vous avez une chance de gagner une part d'une cagnotte EXCLUSIVE de 5 000 USDT.
Période d'activité : 2024-6-13 00:00 au 2024-7-14 23:59 (UTC)

Comment gagner?
Créez un contenu original lié à #BinanceTournament sur Binance Square et incluez « #BinanceTournament » dans votre contenu.
Assurez-vous que votre contenu comporte au moins 200 caractères et un minimum de trois interactions (telles que des emojis, des commentaires, des partages ou des citations).
Voir l’original le lien. #ShareToWinn le lien.
Crypto Web3 Today
Shiba Inu : alerte télégramme cruciale émise aux détenteurs de SHIB, voici la raison.

La communauté Shiba Inu est invitée à faire preuve de prudence suite à un avertissement crucial concernant un nombre croissant d'escroqueries sur Telegram.

Les fraudeurs usurpent l'identité des comptes Twitter officiels de l'écosystème Shiba Inu sur Telegram, en particulier ceux liés à Shibarium et Treat, dans le but de tromper et d'escroquer les utilisateurs.

Les fraudeurs exploitent la popularité de l'écosystème Shiba Inu en créant de faux comptes Telegram qui imitent les identifiants officiels Shiba Inu X (Twitter).

Ces comptes frauduleux portent des noms identiques aux comptes officiels Shiba Inu X et sont destinés à induire les utilisateurs en erreur en leur faisant croire qu'ils s'engagent dans des projets Shiba Inu légitimes, gagnant ainsi leur confiance et potentiellement volant leurs actifs.

Dans cette optique, Shibarmy Scam Alerts, ou @susbarium, un compte X dédié à la révélation des escroqueries, a émis un avertissement de sécurité pour que la communauté Shiba Inu se méfie des faux comptes Telegram, car les escrocs se font passer pour les comptes officiels de l'écosystème Shiba Inu.

Selon le compte X axé sur Shiba Inu, le thé Shiba Inu gère les comptes @Shibariumnet et @Treatsforshib sur X. L'histoire est différente sur Telegram car ces comptes sont gérés par des escrocs.

La communauté Shiba Inu est invitée à rester vigilante et prudente lorsqu'elle interagit avec les comptes Telegram. Ils doivent toujours vérifier les identités ainsi que toute annonce ou offre sur le site officiel de Shiba Inu et les comptes X. Ils ne doivent également jamais divulguer d’informations personnelles, de clés privées ou de phrases de départ de portefeuille à toute personne prétendant représenter Shiba Inu. En effet, les représentants officiels ne demanderaient jamais des informations aussi sensibles.

Comme indiqué, l’équipe Shiba Inu n’effectue pas de largages symboliques et aucun cadeau n’est prévu dans un avenir immédiat ; ainsi, la communauté SHIB est invitée à rester sceptique quant à de telles affirmations.

Dans l’ensemble, le message clé est de rester en sécurité, de ne jamais cliquer sur des liens suspects et de s’abstenir de partager les clés de votre portefeuille ou vos informations personnelles avec qui que ce soit.
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Mastering Crypto
How To Use Binance To Make Money: Quick Guide 🗝

Click Here To Collect Your USDT

To make money from Binance, you can explore several options:

1. **Trading**: Buy low and sell high using spot trading or margin trading. Utilize technical analysis and market trends to make informed decisions.

2. **Staking**: Lock your cryptocurrencies in Binance Staking to earn rewards over time. Different coins offer varying staking yields.

3. **Savings**: Use Binance Savings, which includes Flexible Savings and Locked Savings, to earn interest on your idle assets.

4. **Dual Investment**: Participate in Dual Investment products, which allow you to commit assets for a higher return, with the potential for conversion to another cryptocurrency.

5. **Launchpool**: Stake Binance Coin (BNB), Binance USD (BUSD), or other tokens to farm new coins listed on Binance Launchpool.

6. **Liquidity Mining**: Provide liquidity in Binance Liquid Swap to earn transaction fees and rewards.

7. **Referral Program**: Earn commissions by referring new users to Binance. You get a percentage of their trading fees.

8. **Airdrops and Promotions**: Participate in various airdrops, promotions, and competitions hosted by Binance for additional earning opportunities.

By diversifying your strategies across these options, you can maximize your potential earnings on Binance.


🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles.Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice.

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Launchpool #Megadrop
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Binance Square Official
Share to Win est de retour avec des récompenses PLUS GRANDES auxquelles les utilisateurs vérifiés peuvent participer pour débloquer plus de 100 USDT de récompenses. 

Période d'activité : du 23/05/2024 à 09h00 (UTC) au 06/06/2024 à 09h00 (UTC)

Activité 1 : Partagez les liens Binance Square avec vos filleuls pour obtenir jusqu'à 100 USDT en Crypto Red Packet

Vous et un ami pouvez débloquer jusqu'à 2 USDT en paquet rouge lorsque votre ami clique sur l'un des liens de contenu Square que vous partagez !

Profitez de PLUS GRANDES récompenses lorsque vous l'envoyez à un ami nouveau sur Binance !

Activité 2 : Exclusivité pour les nouveaux utilisateurs - Inscrivez-vous avec Binance et effectuez des tâches pour gagner jusqu'à 5,5 USDT supplémentaires en récompenses

1. Ouvrez dix liens Binance Square uniques tout en étant connecté à votre compte Binance.

2. Effectuez une transaction d'au moins l'équivalent de 100 $ sur Spot, Futures, Margin, Options ou Convert.

Cette activité n'est peut-être pas disponible dans votre région. 
Les récompenses pour les deux activités sont distribuées selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi, avec des échanges limités disponibles.
BPUPDCFBB6 is the code... Its 0.1 usdt per person for 50 people..first come first served#red packet
BPUPDCFBB6 is the code... Its 0.1 usdt per person for 50 people..first come first served#red packet
New updates out
New updates out
Binance Square Official
Mise à jour des fonctionnalités de Binance Square – 15 avril 2024
Salut les Binanciens,
Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer que les dernières mises à jour de Binance Square sont désormais disponibles dans la version 2.81 de l'application. Pour une expérience de navigation plus fluide et plus efficace, nous vous recommandons de mettre à jour votre application. Voici un aperçu de nos dernières fonctionnalités :
Détection automatique des pièces
Notre système identifiera et reliera instantanément les pièces mentionnées à leurs pages de trading, améliorant ainsi la clarté du contenu et la navigation. Il existe deux scénarios :
Pièces mentionnées manuellement : chaque fois que vous incluez des pièces pertinentes dans votre texte à l'aide de l'icône des pièces, elles seront automatiquement liées à leurs pages de trading.
Hey guys please claim code BPXY2WL5YK .thanks
Hey guys please claim code BPXY2WL5YK .thanks
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It was a cafe where I was using a messenger that time. I heard about Digital currency. A future Currency. that Time I had $12 in my pocket. I was about to buy BTC but transaction was not successful and As I was not serious to buy because people were saying it's a joke and scam. I was buying it only for Fun.
The "what ifs" of life! It's fascinating to think about how things could have turned out differently. If I had invested that $12 in Bitcoin in 2010, it would be worth a staggering amount today!

To put it into perspective, in 2010, the price of Bitcoin was around $0.0008 per coin. With $12, I could have bought approximately 15,000 Bitcoins. Today, with Bitcoin's price around $65000, my investment would be worth around $975,000,000!

It's understandable that I had doubts back then, given the skepticism and uncertainty surrounding Bitcoin at the time. But it's a great lesson in the power of taking risks and believing in innovative ideas.

Remember, hindsight is always 20/20, and it's essential to focus on the present and future. Who knows what other opportunities await you? Keep exploring, learning, and staying open to new possibilities!
#BinanceSquarelinks $ETH $MATIC this one is for the guys struggling to move coins on erc20 network. Try polygon bridge
#BinanceSquarelinks $ETH $MATIC this one is for the guys struggling to move coins on erc20 network. Try polygon bridge
Binance Academy
How to Use the Polygon Bridge?

The Polygon Bridge allows users to quickly transfer ERC tokens and NFTs to the Polygon sidechain. There are primarily two bridges on Polygon, the Proof of Stake (PoS) Bridge and the Plasma Bridge. Both can bridge assets from Ethereum to Polygon (and vice versa), but they adopt different security methods.

The PoS Bridge uses the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm to secure its network. It supports the transfer of Ether (ETH) and most ERC tokens. It’s the recommended option for most users.

The Plasma Bridge is for devs that need increased security. It uses the Ethereum Plasma scaling solution and supports the transfer of MATIC, ETH, ERC-20, and ERC-721 tokens.


With the number of blockchains rising in the crypto space, sharing data and tokens between different networks has been challenging. Some projects are tackling this problem by building bridges between networks to facilitate asset transfers.

The Polygon Bridge is designed to increase interoperability between the Polygon and Ethereum blockchains. With a compatible cryptocurrency wallet, users can easily transfer tokens back and forth.

What is the Polygon Bridge?

Polygon is a framework for creating Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks and scaling solutions. It aims to enrich the Ethereum ecosystem by providing tools to build scalable decentralized applications (DApps) and increase Ethereum's transaction throughput with lower fees. Some popular Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platforms have already been deployed on Polygon, such as Aave, Curve, and SushiSwap.

To interact with DApps and tools on Polygon, you need to transfer your assets to the Polygon network. This is where the Polygon Bridge comes in. The Polygon Bridge is a trustless cross-chain transaction channel between Polygon and Ethereum. It allows users to transfer ERC tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to the Polygon sidechain, all through the use of smart contracts.

How does the Polygon Bridge work?

The Polygon Bridge uses a dual-consensus architecture to optimize for speed and decentralization. It also supports arbitrary state transitions on sidechains, which are compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Cross-chain token transfers can be achieved instantly without third-party risks or market liquidity limitations.

When bridging tokens across the Polygon Bridge, there won't be any changes to the circulating supply of the token. Tokens that leave the Ethereum network are locked, and the same number of tokens will be minted on the Polygon network as pegged tokens on a 1:1 basis. When bridging the tokens back to Ethereum, the pegged tokens on Polygon will be burned, and those on Ethereum will be unlocked during the process.

There are two types of bridge on Polygon for asset transfer, the Proof of Stake (PoS) Bridge and the Plasma Bridge. The PoS Bridge, as the name suggests, adopts the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm to secure its network. Deposits on the PoS Bridge are completed almost instantly, but withdrawals may take a while to confirm. The PoS Bridge supports the transfer of ether (ETH) and most ERC tokens.

On the other hand, the Plasma Bridge supports the transfer of Polygon's native token MATIC and certain Ethereum tokens (ETH, ERC-20, and ERC-721). It uses the Ethereum Plasma scaling solution to offer increased security. Please refer to the official documentation for more technical details.

How to bridge tokens from Ethereum to Polygon via the PoS Bridge?

To bridge tokens from Ethereum to Polygon, you need a compatible cryptocurrency wallet, such as MetaMask. If you don't have a MetaMask wallet, follow the steps in this tutorial to create one. You'll also need to download and install the MetaMask browser extension.

1. Log in to the Polygon Web Wallet by clicking [Polygon Bridge].

2. Next, you need to connect your crypto wallet. In this example, we will use Metamask.

3. You'll be asked to sign a message to connect your MetaMask wallet to your Polygon wallet. This signature won't cost any fees. Double-check the URL to make sure you are on the correct website and click [Sign] to proceed.

4. You should be redirected to the Polygon Bridge interface. If not, click [Bridge] on the left menu bar.

5. To send your tokens from the Ethereum mainnet to Polygon, go to the [Deposit] tab. Click on the token name to choose the token to bridge. In this example, we'll use ether (ETH). Enter the amount and click [Transfer].

6. Read the important notes and click [Continue] when you are ready.

7. You'll also see the estimated gas fee for this transaction. If you are ok with the gas costs, click [Continue] to proceed.

8. Review your transaction details, including the token amount and the estimated transaction fee, before clicking [Continue].

Note that the PoS bridge is secured by validators. If you decide to move funds back to the Ethereum network, it can take up to 3 hours.

9. You'll then be prompted to sign and approve the transfer in your MetaMask wallet. Check if the details are correct and click [Confirm].

10. Once confirmed, wait for the tokens to arrive in your Polygon wallet. You may click [View on Etherscan] to check the transaction status.

How to bridge tokens from Polygon to Ethereum via the PoS Bridge?

You can also use the Polygon Bridge to transfer tokens from Polygon to Ethereum. Similarly, you'll need a compatible crypto wallet, such as MetaMask.

As mentioned, there are two bridges on the Polygon network: the Plasma Bridge and the PoS Bridge. The withdrawal time varies depending on which Polygon Bridge you're using. The PoS Bridge withdrawal usually takes from 45 minutes to 3 hours, while the Plasma Bridge can take up to 7 days.

Let's see how to transfer from Polygon to Ethereum via the PoS Bridge. 

1. Click [Withdrawal] on the [Bridge] interface. Choose the tokens you want to transfer to the Ethereum network.

2. You'll probably notice there's a [SWITCH BRIDGE] button next to [Transfer Mode]. The platform will automatically select the compatible bridge for your transfer based on the token you choose.

The PoS Bridge is recommended for transferring tokens from Polygon to Ethereum. It supports the transfer of Ether (ETH) and other Ethereum tokens, including ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155, and more.

3. After selecting the token, enter the amount you want to send and click [Transfer].

4. Read the important notes and click [Continue] when you are ready.

5. You'll also see the [Transfer Overview] pop-up with the estimated gas fee for this transaction. If you are ok with the gas costs, click [Continue] to proceed.

6. You can review your transaction details, including the token amount, the bridge you're using, and the estimated gas fee before you click [Continue].

7. You need to sign and approve the transfer in your MetaMask wallet. Check if the details are correct and click [Confirm].

 Once confirmed, wait for the tokens to arrive in your Polygon wallet. You may click [View on Etherscan] to check the transaction status.

8. Next, you’ll see the transfer progress. Your withdrawal will be initiated on the network, and the PoS validators will verify your transaction. It might take up to 3 hours to complete, but there is no action required from you.

9. Once your transaction is validated, you need to claim the tokens to your MetaMask wallet. Click [Continue], and you can see the assets when the withdrawal is complete.

How to bridge tokens from Polygon to Ethereum via the Plasma Bridge? 

If you wish to transfer MATIC or other Polygon tokens to Ethereum, you can do it via the Plasma Bridge. Note that the Plasma Bridge only supports the transfer of ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens, which include ETH and MATIC.

In this example, we'll transfer MATIC tokens from Polygon to Ethereum using MetaMask. By default, the MetaMask wallet is only connected to the Ethereum mainnet. You need to add the Polygon network to your wallet before you can view your MATIC and start the process.

Step 1: Adding Polygon to MetaMask

There are two methods to add the Polygon network to your MetaMask wallet. The default method is to add it manually (see How to Add Polygon to MetaMask). However, you can also use the Polygon Wallet interface to quickly add Polygon to the network list of your MetaMask.

1. To do so, click the [Switch to Polygon] button on the top. Make sure that you've already connected your MetaMask wallet.

2. You'll see a pop-up from your MetaMask extension with the Polygon network details. Click [Approve].

3. Done. The Polygon network has been added to your MetaMask. Now, you need to switch your MetaMask from the Ethereum Mainnet to the Polygon network. You can do so by clicking [Switch network].

4. You can now see MATIC in your MetaMask wallet.

Step 2: Bridging MATIC to Ethereum using MetaMask

1. Go to the [Bridge] interface and click [Withdrawal]. Choose [Matic Token] from the token list, enter the amount and click [Transfer].

The system will automatically select [Plasma Bridge] for the transfer mode.

2. Read the important notes and click [Continue] when you are ready.

3. You'll also see the estimated gas fee for this transaction. If you are ok with the gas costs, click [Continue] to proceed. 

4. Review your transaction details before clicking [Continue].

5. A MetaMask pop-up will appear for you to confirm the transaction. Click [Confirm], and you'll see the transfer in progress.

You need to manually confirm three transactions for a Plasma Bridge transfer. The first one is to initiate your withdrawal from the Polygon wallet, which could take up to 3 hours.

6. Once the checkpoint arrives, it means that your transaction is validated on the Ethereum blockchain. You need to confirm a second transaction to start the challenge period. This is a measure to offer increased security for withdrawal transactions.

7. After the challenge period, all you need to do is click [Continue] to send the MATIC tokens to your MetaMask wallet.

Closing thoughts

The interoperability of the Polygon Bridge enables users to transfer their assets between Ethereum and Polygon blockchains. The Polygon Bridge offers an alternative to users looking to experience different DeFi platforms and DApps available on the Polygon network.
Binance Square Official
Only 4 more days for you to win a share of 35,000 USDT in rewards!

Activity 1: Share Binance Square Links With Your Referrals to Get Up to 5 USDT in Crypto Red Packet

Tip: Users may unlock Crypto Red Packets containing greater rewards by ensuring that their friends sign up with Binance after opening the Binance Square link(s) sent

Activity 2: New Users Only - Sign Up With Binance & Complete Tasks to Earn Up to 5.5 USDT in Rewards

1. Click into any ten unique Binance Square links while being logged in to your Binance accounts.

2. Complete a trade of at least $100 equivalent on Spot, Futures, Margin, Options or Convert.

Unlock your crypto red packets now
Binance Square Official
Predict the price of BTC at 20th April 00:00 (UTC+0) to win up to $10000 of SATS token rewards!
To mark this milestone of Bitcoin Halving, all verified users can complete specific tasks on Binance Square during the Activity Period, and qualify for up to $10,000 of SATS token voucher reward.  Activity Period: 2024-03-04 09:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-14 09:00 (UTC)All KYC-verified Binance users who log into their Binance accounts and complete the following tasks during the Activity Period will qualify for the $10,000 of SATS reward. Tasks: Comment your prediction for the price of BTC on 20th April 00:00 (UTC+0)  on this post. Share this post on your social media and #HalvingHorizonsThe user with the closest prediction will win $5000. If more than one user shares the same prediction, you’ll share the price pool. AndIf you correctly guessed the price and signed up for a Binance account during the activity period through the shared link of this post or the Binance Square referral link, you can unlock a share of extra $2000 price poolAndIf you correctly guessed the price and completed at least 10 trades during the activity period, you will unlock a share of the extra $3000 price poolEach user can only submit 1 entry. Terms & ConditionsThis activity may not be available in your region. Eligible users must be logged in to their verified Binance accounts whilst completing tasks during the Activity Period in order to qualify.The $10,000 of SATS token voucher rewards pool will be divided equally among all qualified users.Winners will be notified via a push notification under Creator Center > Square Assistant. Voucher rewards will be distributed within 21 working days after the activity ends. Users may check their voucher rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub. The validity period for the voucher is set at seven days from the day of distribution. Learn how to redeem a voucher.Illegally bulk registered accounts or sub-accounts shall not be eligible to participate or receive any rewards. Binance reserves the right to cancel a user’s eligibility in this activity if the account is involved in any behavior that breaches the Binance Square Community Management Guidelines or Binance Square Community Platform Terms and Conditions.Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this activity, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments.Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.Additional promotion terms and conditions can be accessed here.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise. 
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#BTC hey guys how do you feel, bearish or bullish
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