Binance annonce le lancement du protocole Solv sur sa plateforme Megadrop ! Comment Participer ?
Binance annonce le troisième projet sur la plateforme Megadrop - Solv Protocol (jeton SOLV) - avec une récompense de 588 000 000 SOLV. Binance lance le troisième projet sur la plateforme Megadrop nommé Solv Protocol (jeton SOLV). Il s'agit d'un protocole de mise en jeu de BTC visant à construire un écosystème financier autour de Bitcoin. Détails du Megadrop Solv : 👉 Nom du jeton : Solv Protocol (SOLV) 👉 Fourniture totale maximale : 9 660 000 000 SOLV (peut être augmentée par la gouvernance du réseau pour l'offre de réserve Bitcoin) 👉 Offre totale de jetons Genesis : 8 400 000 000 SOLV (86,96 % de l'offre totale maximale)
Binance annonce le lancement du protocole Solv sur sa plateforme Megadrop ! Comment Participer ?
Binance annonce le troisième projet sur la plateforme Megadrop - Solv Protocol (jeton SOLV) - avec une récompense de 588 000 000 SOLV. Binance lance le troisième projet sur la plateforme Megadrop nommé Solv Protocol (jeton SOLV). Il s'agit d'un protocole de mise en jeu de BTC visant à construire un écosystème financier autour de Bitcoin. Détails du Megadrop Solv : 👉 Nom du jeton : Solv Protocol (SOLV) 👉 Fourniture totale maximale : 9 660 000 000 SOLV (peut être augmentée par la gouvernance du réseau pour l'offre de réserve Bitcoin) 👉 Offre totale de jetons Genesis : 8 400 000 000 SOLV (86,96 % de l'offre totale maximale)
Binance annonce le lancement du protocole Solv sur sa plateforme Megadrop ! Comment Participer ?
Binance annonce le troisième projet sur la plateforme Megadrop - Solv Protocol (jeton SOLV) - avec une récompense de 588 000 000 SOLV. Binance lance le troisième projet sur la plateforme Megadrop nommé Solv Protocol (jeton SOLV). Il s'agit d'un protocole de mise en jeu de BTC visant à construire un écosystème financier autour de Bitcoin. Détails du Megadrop Solv : 👉 Nom du jeton : Solv Protocol (SOLV) 👉 Fourniture totale maximale : 9 660 000 000 SOLV (peut être augmentée par la gouvernance du réseau pour l'offre de réserve Bitcoin) 👉 Offre totale de jetons Genesis : 8 400 000 000 SOLV (86,96 % de l'offre totale maximale)
Comment dappOS pourrait-il devenir un projet Web3 de premier plan ? Informations importantes sur la campagne Airdrop de DappOS en cours !
Meta description : dappOS est un réseau d'exécution d'intention qui rationalise les interactions pour une expérience Web3 plus fluide et plus rapide Cette expansion rapide de l'écosystème Web3 se traduit par divers systèmes et services décentralisés pour l'autonomisation des utilisateurs, mais ces plateformes sont très souvent difficiles à gérer. Un grand nombre de personnes ne parviennent pas à comprendre l'idée complexe de DeFi, des NFT et des applications décentralisées, impliquant de nombreuses activités manuelles et une connaissance détaillée de la technologie blockchain. Voici dappOS, le réseau d'exécution d'intention qui fluidifie et rationalise cette interaction pour une expérience plus fluide et plus rapide.
La Fondation Xai annonce l'activation très attendue de Xai Vanguard: Genesis
La Fondation Xai, l'un des principaux contributeurs du réseau blockchain centré sur le jeu, Xai, a annoncé le lancement prochain de la première activation de jeu très attendue, Xai Vanguard : Genesis. Elle se déroulera jusqu'en novembre et la campagne Vanguard proposera une suite complète de nouvelles versions de jeux, de quêtes, de succès et de récompenses pour la communauté Xai. Xai Vanguard : Genesis est la prochaine étape majeure de la feuille de route de Xai et succède à la campagne Xai Odyssey qui a enregistré des résultats records dans l'espace blockchain, notamment plus de 500 000 portefeuilles connectés, 5 millions de transactions quotidiennes et un total de 175 millions de dollars de récompenses pour les joueurs distribués. Alors que Xai Odyssey a été entièrement réalisé sur le réseau de test Xai, le lancement de Xai Vanguard marque la première campagne sur le réseau principal Xai.
Lista Megadrop sur Binance - encore quelques jours pour participer. Ne manquez pas les récompenses juteuses
Binance annonce le 2ème projet sur Binance Megadrop - Lista (LISTA), un protocole de jalonnement liquide et de stablecoin décentralisé. Les utilisateurs peuvent commencer à participer au Lista Megadrop à partir du 30/05/2024 à 00:00:00 (UTC). Binance listera ensuite Lista (LISTA) le 20/06/2024 à 10h00 (UTC) et ouvrira le trading avec les paires de trading LISTA/BTC, LISTA/USDT, LISTA/BNB, LISTA/FDUSD et LISTA/TRY. La Seed Tag sera appliquée à LISTA. Découvrez Lista (LISTA) dans notre rapport de recherche. Liste des périodes Megadrop 2024-05-30 00:00:00 (UTC) au 2024-06-19 23:59:59 (UTC)
Derniers jours pour participer à BounceBit-Le 1er projet sur Binance Megadrop. Tout ce que tu as besoin de savoir
Qu'est-ce que BounceBit (BB) ? BounceBit (BB) est la première chaîne de jalonnement native pour Bitcoin. Il introduit une nouvelle approche du jalonnement via un système à double jeton. Cette plate-forme innovante exploite la sécurité de Bitcoin ainsi que la compatibilité totale avec la machine virtuelle Ethereum (EVM) pour offrir une expérience de reprise pratique et sécurisée aux utilisateurs. 🔥 Opinion personnelle sur BounceBit 🔥 Après la faillite de Genesis Trading, Babel Finance et Celsius, l’écosystème Bitcoin s’est retrouvé avec un vide important dans la fourniture de services financiers. Cela a entraîné une sous-utilisation des actifs BTC et des opportunités de profit manquées, en particulier dans des secteurs comme DeFi et NFT.
Renzo Protocol est une plateforme de jalonnement liquide et un gestionnaire de stratégie EigenLayer. Il permet aux utilisateurs de miser leur ETH en échange de mise et de remise en jeu d'APR, ainsi que d'ezETH LST qui peut être utilisé dans diverses applications DeFi pour gagner des récompenses supplémentaires. Il est alimenté par le jeton natif Renzo ($REZ), qui sera utilisé pour participer au vote sur la gouvernance de la plateforme.
Pour participer au $REZ IEO sur Binance, vous devez avoir un compte enregistré et effectuer une vérification KYC sur Binance. Ensuite, vous devez acquérir des jetons BNB ou FDUSD sur votre compte Binance, visiter la page du pool de lancement, choisir une page Renzo IEO et mettre en jeu ces jetons.
Sur une base horaire, vous recevrez des récompenses proportionnelles à votre part dans les pools de jalonnement FDUSD et BNB, tandis que les récompenses totales pour chaque pool de jalonnement sont :
212 500 000 $REZ pour le pool de jalonnement BNB (85 % des récompenses totales) ; 37 500 000 $REZ pour le pool de jalonnement FDUSD (15 % des récompenses totales).
🔥CONSEIL DE PRO 1 : Bien que les récompenses pour le pool de jalonnement BNB soient beaucoup plus élevées que pour le FDUSD, considérez que le pool FDUSD a généralement beaucoup moins de valeur verrouillée. Cela signifie que votre part dans le pool FDUSD pourrait être nettement plus élevée que dans le pool BNB, ce qui entraînerait des récompenses plus élevées.
🔥CONSEIL DE PRO 2 : Miser votre $BNB offre également de très bons avantages car vous êtes également inscrit au programme Binance Megadrop où vous pouvez gagner d'autres jetons gratuits !
🔥Avec la mise à niveau réussie vers les contrats EigenLayer M2, l'équipe Renzo a donné la priorité à la collaboration avec plusieurs cabinets d'audit pour préparer le protocole pour les retraits du réseau principal : 🔥HalbornSecurity, un partenaire de confiance dès le premier jour, effectue un réaudit complet du protocole qui devrait être terminé mi-mai. 🔥Sigma Prime, un nouveau partenaire d'audit, devrait être terminé d'ici la fin mai 🔥Le concours d'audit Code4rena devrait débuter la première semaine de mai.
👉 Il reste environ 3 jours pour Farming Folks, n'attendez pas le dernier moment ! Misez simplement votre BNB ou FDUSD ici :
RENZO - 53ème projet sur Binance Launchpool. Informations et comment cultiver !
Salut les amis, il est temps de faire connaissance #RENZO Après la mise à niveau de Dencun, le jalonnement liquide a gagné en popularité avec un TVL plus élevé. Le protocole Renzo s'est classé parmi les trois premiers projets de marché LSDfi par TVL et a reçu un investissement de Binance Labs le 22 février 2024, marquant le deuxième protocole de reprise de liquide financé par Binance Labs après Puffer Finance. Qu'est-ce que Renzo ? Renzo, un protocole de restauration de liquide inter-chaînes sur EigenLayer, permet aux utilisateurs de miser de l'ETH et d'autres jetons de jalonnement liquide (LST) sur des plateformes comme Ethereum, Arbitrum et BNB Chain. Le jalonnement récompense les utilisateurs avec ezETH, qui peuvent gagner des récompenses ezPoint pour les futurs parachutages et reprises.
RENZO - 53ème projet sur Binance Launchpool. Informations et comment cultiver !
Salut les amis, il est temps de faire connaissance #RENZO Après la mise à niveau de Dencun, le jalonnement liquide a gagné en popularité avec un TVL plus élevé. Le protocole Renzo s'est classé parmi les trois premiers projets de marché LSDfi par TVL et a reçu un investissement de Binance Labs le 22 février 2024, marquant le deuxième protocole de reprise de liquide financé par Binance Labs après Puffer Finance. Qu'est-ce que Renzo ? Renzo, un protocole de restauration de liquide inter-chaînes sur EigenLayer, permet aux utilisateurs de miser de l'ETH et d'autres jetons de jalonnement liquide (LST) sur des plateformes comme Ethereum, Arbitrum et BNB Chain. Le jalonnement récompense les utilisateurs avec ezETH, qui peuvent gagner des récompenses ezPoint pour les futurs parachutages et reprises.
RENZO - 53ème projet sur Binance Launchpool. Informations et comment cultiver !
Salut les amis, il est temps de faire connaissance #RENZO Après la mise à niveau de Dencun, le jalonnement liquide a gagné en popularité avec un TVL plus élevé. Le protocole Renzo s'est classé parmi les trois premiers projets de marché LSDfi par TVL et a reçu un investissement de Binance Labs le 22 février 2024, marquant le deuxième protocole de reprise de liquide financé par Binance Labs après Puffer Finance. Qu'est-ce que Renzo ? Renzo, un protocole de restauration de liquide inter-chaînes sur EigenLayer, permet aux utilisateurs de miser de l'ETH et d'autres jetons de jalonnement liquide (LST) sur des plateformes comme Ethereum, Arbitrum et BNB Chain. Le jalonnement récompense les utilisateurs avec ezETH, qui peuvent gagner des récompenses ezPoint pour les futurs parachutages et reprises.
MEGADROP - The new powerful Token Launch Platform with Airdrops and Web3 Quests!
Hey Folks, Let's dive into the most important details of it! Megadrop is a new token launch platform with airdrops and Web3 quests, where users can subscribe BNB to Locked Products and/or complete tasks in their Web3 Wallet for early access to rewards from selected Web3 projects before their tokens are listed on the Binance Exchange. Think how great is that and if anyone else has something similar. Well answer is not. Again Megadrop is bringing the Revolution in #Web3 and you will be able to earn Rewards even when you do some simple tasks! Also you will be able to subscribe your BNB to Locked Products! Everything easy and very simple to do! 👉How to Get Started With Megadrop: 🔥Log into your account 🔥Subscribe to BNB Locked Products and/or complete Web3 Quests to accrue scores. To complete Web3 Quests, make sure you have at least one active Binance Web3 Wallet. Register for an account and create your first Web3 Wallet now if you have not yet done so. 🔥Complete subscriptions to BNB Locked Products on Simple Earn to accrue scores. 🔥Go to Megadrop on the App (coming soon) and complete all the designated Web3 Quests to accrue scores and obtain a score multiplier. 🔥Receive Megadrop rewards based on your Total Score. With few words Folks, as you can see, the experience with #Megadrop will be super nice. All you will need is just few minutes a day to do the available tasks or lock your BNB to earn Rewards! As I said it's truly Revolutionary Product! Score-Based Megadrop Mechanism: 👉Megadrop reward per qualified user will be based on the user’s Total Score in proportion to the Total Scores by all qualified users. 💪Scoring System: 🔥Locked BNB Score: Users will get a score based on the quantity of BNB subscribed and the length of the subscription period. Longer subscriptions yield higher scores. This score may fluctuate as it is based on averages from daily snapshots. 🔥Web3 Quest Bonus* and Web3 Quest Multiplier: Users will get a Web3 Quest Bonus and a Web3 Quest Multiplier when they complete all the designated Web3 Quests with the minimum requirements specified. 🔥The system will calculate users’ Total Score by applying the Web3 Quest Multiplier to their total Locked BNB Score, and then adding the Web3 Quest Bonus. 🔥Total Score = (Locked BNB Score * Web3 Quest Multiplier) + Web3 Quest Bonus So the best combination to earn maximum rewards will be to lock your BNB and do all the Quests! Important Notes: 👉External wallets imported to Web3 Wallet will not count. 👉Only backed-up wallets that are created in Web3 Wallet may participate in Megadrop. 👉Users may go to the Megadrop project page (the page will be available in the second announcement) to check if a quest is completed successfully. 👉Megadrop rewards will be airdropped to users’ Spot Wallets. To make a Web3 Wallet takes less than a minute. And don't forget to back it up! The first project to be introduced on Megadrop will be BounceBit (BB), a BTC restaking chain. 💪BounceBit Megadrop Details: 👉Token Name: BounceBit (BB) 🔥Max Token Supply: 2,100,000,000 BB 🔥Megadrop Token Rewards: 168,000,000 BB (8% of max token supply) 🔥Initial Circulating Supply: 409,500,000 BB (19.5% of max token supply) At the end this is another great Opportunity for all people around the Globe from Number 1 CEX to get involved into Projects with great long-term potential and earn Rewards easily and smoothly with just a simple steps and just a little time a day! #Megadrop
Let’s Driven into Binance New Launchpool Project Aevo (AEVO) Binance is excited to announce the 48th project on Binance Launchpool - AEVO (AEVO), a decentralized derivatives exchange platform. Users will be able to stake their BNB and FDUSD into separate pools to farm AEVO tokens over five days, with farming starting from 2024-03-08 00:00 (UTC). Binance will then list AEVO at 2024-03-13 10:00 (UTC) and open trading with AEVO/BTC, AEVO/USDT, AEVO/BNB, AEVO/FDUSD and AEVO/TRY trading pairs. The Seed Tag will be applied to AEVO. Let’s know about Aevo(AEVO): What is Aevo? Aevo is a decentralized derivatives exchange platform, focused on options and perpetual trading. The DEX runs on Aevo L2, an Ethereum roll-up based on the OP Stack. Introducing Aevo To solve these problems, we’re introducing Aevo, a next-generation options exchange. Aevo is a high-performance, order-book based decentralized exchange that comes with all the features necessary for a pro options trader. This includes a robust margining system (with portfolio margin), as well as hundreds of instruments to trade, including daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly options. All of this is built on a custom EVM rollup that was designed for scale, and rolls up to Ethereum for security. Aevo aims to become the #1 venue to trade options on-chain. The 3 main advantages that Aevo brings users are: 100+ instruments, with many strikes and expiries.Deep liquidity, by partnering with the best options trading firms in the world.Instant onboarding, deposit USDC from any EVM-chain.
In my opinion, I think Aevo(AEVO) will be performance like Uniswap(UNI) & Pancakeswap(CAKE) but Aevo is more potential compare with Uniswap & Pancakeswap. Aevo has so much features which makes Aevo special then any other DEX (Decentralized Exchange) . On Aevo Exchange , users don’t need to sign up for trading, it will be work like decentralized. On Aevo, users can build their own portfolio which will be help to manage funds. And another more interesting features on Aevo which is Aevo OTC. Aevo OTC is the first platform that allows users to trade altcoin options on-chain, in size, with institutional grade liquidity providers. Aevo OTC uses an RFQ system with an on-chain dynamic margin system. For these features of Aevo, I preferred everyone to using Aevo Platform. $AEVO Price Prediction According to BlockBeats, decentralized derivatives trading platform Aevo has raised $16.6 million in three funding rounds. In the seed round, 10% of the total token supply was valued at $18.5 million. In the Series A round, 4.62% of the total token supply was valued at $130 million. In the Series A+ round, 3.5% of the total token supply was valued at $250 million. (Source: Coinlive)
From my experience, I can predict that 1 $AEVO Price will be around $1.8-$4.5. Recently Bitcoin hits New ATH, so crypto market is super bullish right now. Market has so much liquidity, as AEVO is a decentralized platform so their team well known about market situation. So I said that,$AEVO Price will be around $1.8-$4.5 at the time of listing and it will became stable at $2.8-$3.2. Its my personal prediction on $AEVO Token. Lets See Some Important Usecases of Aevo(AEVO) Aevo has established itself as one of the leading decentralized options protocols, with a trading volume exceeding 50 million USD weekly in recent months.Utilizing a custom EVM roll-up built with the Optimism SDK, Aevo’s hybrid on/off-chain architecture achieves nearly 5000 transactions per second (TPS).Despite being a lagging trading vertical within DeFi, mainly due to the instrument’s complexity, lack of liquidity, and competition with established products like perpetual futures, options trading holds significant potential for growth.When compared to the US traditional finance (TradFi) options market, crypto centralized options are 100 times smaller, and decentralized options are 10,000 times smaller. Yet, the intrinsic crypto market size is substantial enough for decentralized options to potentially grow 5x to 10x, even without expanding the overall crypto options market.The Aevo team has demonstrated rapid innovation and timely decision-making, positioning the protocol among the top DeFi options marketplaces. Over the past six months, both the volume and the number of users on the platform have increased by 5 to 10 times, with perpetuals still accounting for the majority of the volume.Aevo’s new roll-up architecture and the deployment of features such as yield-bearing deposits, pre-launch futures markets, institutional RFQ OTC service, and vertical integrations with Ribbon yield strategies are among several offerings that position Aevo as a potential new disruptor in the options market. In decentralized options, Aevo leads alongside platforms like Lyra. Aevo handles between $200 million and $400 million in volume monthly. Now See the information of $AEVO Tokens: Token Name: AEVO (AEVO) Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 AEVO Launchpool Token Rewards: 45,000,000 AEVO (4.5% of max token supply) Initial Circulating Supply: 110,000,000 AEVO (11% of max token supply) Smart Contract Details: Ethereum $AEVO Smart Contract Address: 0xB528edBef013aff855ac3c50b381f253aF13b997 $AEVO Token Decimal: 18 #AEVOLAUNCHPOOL
AEVO - Another bullish Project on Binance Launchpool
Hey Folks, it's time to share my opinion for another Project coming on Binance Launchpool. That's AEVO! What is AEVO? Its the first Derivatives L2, focused on options & perps trading! Built on #Ethereum and backed by huge names in the Industry like Coinbase, Paradigm and Dragonfly! Why I believe AEVO will be huge and is good Long term Hold? I want you just to look at the following picture:In some days without even it's token yet AEVO got more volume than all well known DEXs out there! And the most important thing to mark here is actually that only DYDX was close to that, not any other single DEX! I am using AEVO personally since I love to trade options and so far my experience has been excellent. Everything works super fast and smooth! About the price that I think we will have let me share the Tokenomics with you:Not too many tokens are hitting the Market on Listing and also vesting for Private Sale is pretty good and no huge dump will occur. So I'm expecting good performance on Listing. And of course is Binance Launchpool Project. Everything do good Numbers. But the key is always to try and hold a bit long term and you will get the real benefits of been patient! USE Cases of AEVO:Aevo supports options, perpetual futures, and many other products within a single margin account. Combining off-chain matching with on-chain settlement, the platform allows traders to have unparalleled performance and latency while inheriting the security of Ethereum. With one account you have it all Folks, how dope is that? TWO FARMING POOLS OPENING 8TH OF MARCH:🔥 Stake BNB to earn AEVO:🔥 Stake FDUSD to earn AEVO: Pools will be live for 5 days and will start at 00.00 UTC Time on 8th of March! AEVO Socials:Website:
Hey Folks, Danny here, Crypto Revolution Masters Founder. #Aevo is about to hit the Binance Launchpool and I'm super excited to announce that my followers will have possibility to get an Airdrop by following just a very simple steps. Well just 5 of them actually. 🔥 Aevo is a decentralized derivatives exchange focused on options and perpetual trading. The DEX runs on Aevo L2, an Ethereum roll-up based on the OP Stack. You will be able to farm Aevo with staking either $BNB or $FDUSD Links for farming will go live soon ( starting 00.00 UTC Time on 8th of March ) 🔥 #BNB 🔥 #FDUSD 💪 HERE ARE THE STEPS TO HAVE CHANCE TO GET SELECTED FROM BINANCE TEAM TO RECEIVE AIRDROP: ( 5 random people will win ): 👉 You have to be a new User to Binance 👉 You have to comment under this Article 👉 You must complete KYC before 11th of March 23:00 UTC Time Good luck to everyone and don't forget to start farming #AEVO 🔥🔥
Hey Folks, Danny here, Crypto Revolution Masters Founder. #Aevo is about to hit the Binance Launchpool and I'm super excited to announce that my followers will have possibility to get an Airdrop by following just a very simple steps. Well just 5 of them actually. 🔥 Aevo is a decentralized derivatives exchange focused on options and perpetual trading. The DEX runs on Aevo L2, an Ethereum roll-up based on the OP Stack. You will be able to farm Aevo with staking either $BNB or $FDUSD Links for farming will go live soon ( starting 00.00 UTC Time on 8th of March ) 🔥 #BNB 🔥 #FDUSD 💪 HERE ARE THE STEPS TO HAVE CHANCE TO GET SELECTED FROM BINANCE TEAM TO RECEIVE AIRDROP: ( 5 random people will win ): 👉 You have to be a new User to Binance 👉 You have to comment under this Article 👉 You must complete KYC before 11th of March 23:00 UTC Time Good luck to everyone and don't forget to start farming #AEVO 🔥🔥
🔥I am excited to have 2 Whitelist slots for Project Matthew, the first IGO of BinaryX in 2024.
🔥Read till the end to find out how to grab it!
👉Project Matthew will host the exclusive sale of 404 Tokens powered by #BNBCHAIN on BinaryX on 1st of March 2024.
👉The $BXN holders in AI Hero wallet address or on-chain with >=1000 $BNX are eligible for the whitelist, the more you hold, the more whitelist slots you can obtain.
🔥BinaryX is set to unveil its groundbreaking 404 tokens in this IGO. With the total supply of 40,000 tokens, 10% of them are for initial liquidity, and the IGO price is at 0.05BNB/ token.
💪More information on min/max buy will be released soon.Following the launch of @ProjectMatthew_, 404 token holders can redeem limited-edition rare blind boxes with different values of role.
🔥BinaryX IGO will be available here:
🔥Stay tuned for more updates!
💪To grab the Whitelist ticket, please follow the below steps: 1) Follow BinaryX,Project Matthew and Crypto Revolution Masters on Twitter: 🔥 🔥 🔥 2) Like and retweet this tweet: 🔥 3) Create a Binance account with my referral link: 🔥
👉Comment below a number from 01 to 1000. We will pick up the winners on 29th Feb 12AM UTC!
🔥I am excited to have 2 Whitelist slots for Project Matthew, the first IGO of BinaryX in 2024.
🔥Read till the end to find out how to grab it!
👉Project Matthew will host the exclusive sale of 404 Tokens powered by #BNBCHAIN on BinaryX on 1st of March 2024.
👉The $BXN holders in AI Hero wallet address or on-chain with >=1000 $BNX are eligible for the whitelist, the more you hold, the more whitelist slots you can obtain.
🔥BinaryX is set to unveil its groundbreaking 404 tokens in this IGO. With the total supply of 40,000 tokens, 10% of them are for initial liquidity, and the IGO price is at 0.05BNB/ token.
💪More information on min/max buy will be released soon.Following the launch of @ProjectMatthew_, 404 token holders can redeem limited-edition rare blind boxes with different values of role.
🔥BinaryX IGO will be available here:
🔥Stay tuned for more updates!
💪To grab the Whitelist ticket, please follow the below steps: 1) Follow BinaryX,Project Matthew and Crypto Revolution Masters on Twitter: 🔥 🔥 🔥 2) Like and retweet this tweet: 🔥 3) Create a Binance account with my referral link: 🔥
👉Comment below a number from 01 to 1000. We will pick up the winners on 29th Feb 12AM UTC!
Portal - Next Binance Launchpool Project and Universal Gaming Coin
Hey Folks, Danny here, Crypto Revolution Masters Founder. I would like to give everyone my insights about the next Launchpool Project on #Binance 🔥 That's #Portalcoin So far #Portal is breaking Records with the people participating and amount staked which makes me extremely bullish for it in next few months! 👉 What is $Portal actually? #Portal acts as a nexus of web3 games and gamers, providing game distribution and player simplicity for all. And the most amazing thing is that more than 200 games are ready to integrate $Portal at launch. I am a Gamer myself and spend quite a good time playing. Gaming Projects last Bull Cycle were one of the very hyped ones and all of them did extremely good. This Bull Cycle that for many already started Gaming again is a super Bullish Trend and I can bet Gaming Projects will do even better than 2 years back! Now let's take $Portal here. As I said more than 200 Games are ready to integrate it so I want you just to imagine how many millions of people are that. People that play this games. And well, actually this is beginning. More and more games will come, more and more Gamers! Currently people trade $Portal OTC at around $3 but for me this has potential to be at 3 Digits by Q4 this year or Q1 2025. Gaming always is bullish and when you have good Utilities as $Portal oh well you know! So definitely I am also buying a bag on Listing on 29th this month and holding long-term! I mean cmon Universal Gaming Coin that millions can use. It's a no Brainer at all! Now let's take a look of Utilities since they are super important for every Gaming Project out there! Here are the most important ones for me personally:🔥 You can use $Portal in games to buy and sell game items🔥 You will be able to vote and influence the future direction of $Portal and platform 🔥 Of course Staking! Holders will have the opportunity to stake $Portal and receive value from the foundation and partners 🔥 Holders will be able to purchase exclusive NFTs from #Portal Partner Network. 🔥 Use $Portal in Marketplaces such as MagicEden and more. 🔥 Purchase Nodes to power the core Portal Infrastructure and platform. Personally I love that one since nodes for me are the best resource of passive income out there! 👉 Currently you have less than 3 days to farm $Portal by staking $BNB and $FDUSD so I would strongly recommend to do it. Here is the link:🔥 🔥Also visit #Portal Website to find more about them:👉$Portal #PortalLaunchpool
Portal - Next Binance Launchpool Project and Universal Gaming Coin
Hey Folks, Danny here, Crypto Revolution Masters Founder. I would like to give everyone my insights about the next Launchpool Project on #Binance 🔥 That's #Portalcoin So far #Portal is breaking Records with the people participating and amount staked which makes me extremely bullish for it in next few months! 👉 What is $Portal actually? #Portal acts as a nexus of web3 games and gamers, providing game distribution and player simplicity for all. And the most amazing thing is that more than 200 games are ready to integrate $Portal at launch. I am a Gamer myself and spend quite a good time playing. Gaming Projects last Bull Cycle were one of the very hyped ones and all of them did extremely good. This Bull Cycle that for many already started Gaming again is a super Bullish Trend and I can bet Gaming Projects will do even better than 2 years back! Now let's take $Portal here. As I said more than 200 Games are ready to integrate it so I want you just to imagine how many millions of people are that. People that play this games. And well, actually this is beginning. More and more games will come, more and more Gamers! Currently people trade $Portal OTC at around $3 but for me this has potential to be at 3 Digits by Q4 this year or Q1 2025. Gaming always is bullish and when you have good Utilities as $Portal oh well you know! So definitely I am also buying a bag on Listing on 29th this month and holding long-term! I mean cmon Universal Gaming Coin that millions can use. It's a no Brainer at all! Now let's take a look of Utilities since they are super important for every Gaming Project out there! Here are the most important ones for me personally:🔥 You can use $Portal in games to buy and sell game items🔥 You will be able to vote and influence the future direction of $Portal and platform 🔥 Of course Staking! Holders will have the opportunity to stake $Portal and receive value from the foundation and partners 🔥 Holders will be able to purchase exclusive NFTs from #Portal Partner Network. 🔥 Use $Portal in Marketplaces such as MagicEden and more. 🔥 Purchase Nodes to power the core Portal Infrastructure and platform. Personally I love that one since nodes for me are the best resource of passive income out there! 👉 Currently you have less than 3 days to farm $Portal by staking $BNB and $FDUSD so I would strongly recommend to do it. Here is the link:🔥 🔥Also visit #Portal Website to find more about them:👉$Portal #PortalLaunchpool
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