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Un investisseur chanceux $PEPE a transformé 460 $ en un énorme 3,4 millions de dollars ! Ils ont acheté 324,9 milliards de jetons PEPE en avril 2023 et ont récemment encaissé entièrement sur Binance. Ce gain incroyable coïncide avec une flambée des prix du PEPE et un rallye plus large du marché de la cryptographie alimenté par la spéculation sur les ETF. L’investisseur, connu pour suivre les tendances des memecoins, a déjà profité du PEPE et probablement d’autres memecoins. Cette histoire met en évidence les aubaines potentielles (et les risques) des investissements en memecoin.

#ETHETFS #PEPE #memecoins #cryptoniteuae
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Mastering Crypto
PEPE Coin connaît actuellement un regain de popularité. Cependant, le grand nombre de pièces PEPE en circulation rend difficile l’équilibre entre l’offre et la demande, empêchant le prix d’atteindre 1 $, un exploit presque impossible dans les circonstances actuelles. Pour qu’une crypto-monnaie prenne de la valeur, une offre limitée est cruciale, ce qui manque au PEPE Coin. De plus, la concurrence intense sur le marché des cryptomonnaies signifie que des projets comme PEPE Coin n’attirent généralement pas l’attention des grands investisseurs. Ces investisseurs préfèrent généralement les pièces stables et prometteuses, tandis que les pièces mèmes sortent souvent de cette catégorie.

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Le marché des cryptomonnaies est également connu pour sa forte volatilité. Même si les pièces mèmes peuvent rapidement gagner en popularité sur les réseaux sociaux, cette tendance est généralement de courte durée. Pour qu’une crypto-monnaie conserve sa valeur à long terme, elle doit avoir plusieurs cas d’utilisation. En revanche, PEPE Coin s’appuie fortement sur la spéculation, ce qui entrave sa capacité à obtenir une augmentation durable des prix.

Par conséquent, la prudence est de mise lorsque vous investissez dans PEPE Coin. Bien que prometteur, il comporte également des risques importants.

*Avertissement : ceci ne constitue pas un conseil financier. Veuillez effectuer des recherches approfondies et rester informé.*


🫂N'oubliez pas : beaucoup de travail est nécessaire pour vous fournir les meilleurs articles d'investissement. Vos conseils généreux renforceraient notre mission et nous aideraient à travailler encore plus dur pour que vous puissiez donner les meilleurs conseils d'investissement.

#PEPE #pepepumping
Crypto Ahmet
🔥💥Énorme augmentation du taux de crémation du Shiba Inu : le prix du SHIB pourrait-il augmenter ?

#SHIB La vitesse de gravure décolle
L'équipe derrière la populaire pièce de monnaie - #ShibaInu - continue de retirer de la circulation une quantité importante de pièces. Les données montrent que le taux de combustion a augmenté de près de 500 % au cours des dernières 24 heures et de 193 % sur une échelle hebdomadaire. Cela a entraîné la destruction de plus de 774 millions d’actifs SHIB.

L’objectif ultime du programme est de réduire l’énorme quantité de pièces et de les rendre moins, voire potentiellement plus précieuses, à l’avenir. En avril et mars, le taux de combustion a augmenté de 50 000 % à un moment donné, tandis que le nombre de jetons retirés de la circulation en mars a dépassé 15,5 milliards (soit une augmentation de 2 300 % par rapport au chiffre observé en février).

Malgré ces efforts, le prix du Shiba Inu a baissé de 8 % au cours des dernières 24 heures et de 25 % en une semaine (selon les données de Coingecko). La tendance à la baisse coïncide avec un déclin plus large du marché, avec la chute récente du Bitcoin (BTC), de l’Ethereum (ETH), du Solana (SOL), du Dogecoin (DOGE) et de nombreuses autres crypto-monnaies.

Le rôle du Shibarium
Un autre élément important qui pourrait affecter positivement la valeur du shib à l’avenir est le développement de Shibarium, une solution de mise à l’échelle de couche 2. Le réseau a connu un renouveau important ces derniers jours, le nombre de transactions quotidiennes et de comptes actifs allant vers le nord.

Officiellement introduite l'été dernier, la fonctionnalité est conçue pour stimuler le développement du jeton mème en réduisant les coûts de transaction, en augmentant la vitesse et en augmentant l'évolutivité.
#Memecoins #binance
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Bitcoin Farmer 2018

Le meilleur analyste de crypto projette les meilleures pièces de monnaie pour battre de nouveaux records en 2024

BOOK OF MEME (BOME) : La dernière pièce Meme à augmenter de manière significative.

Les pièces Meme ont récemment écrasé les charts avec une capitalisation boursière combinée de plus de 61 milliards de dollars, les positionnant comme l'une des crypto-monnaies les plus recherchées du secteur.

Cependant, tous les memecoins ne fonctionnent pas de la même manière, car certains baissent de valeur tandis que d’autres peuvent connaître des tendances à la hausse significatives.

BOOK OF MEME (BOME) : la dernière pièce Meme à augmenter de manière significative
BOOK OF MEME (BOME) est l'une des dernières pièces meme de cette liste et représente une initiative qui a été lancée au-dessus de la blockchain Solana. Il vise à combiner la technologie blockchain avec la culture Internet, et la crypto BOOK OF MEME vise également à permettre la création et l'échange de mèmes sous forme de NFT.

Au cours du mois dernier, le prix du BOOK OF MEME a augmenté de 19 070,8 %, et à ce rythme, il est prêt pour une croissance bien plus significative. Selon la prévision de prix du BOOK OF MEME, il pourrait terminer 2024 à 0,05 $.

#BOME🔥🔥🔥 #BOMEARMY #BOME/USDT @Bitcoin Farmer 2018
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Queen Rihana
🚀 Prédiction Pepe Price jusqu'au 20 avril 2024 ! 📈

Rejoignez-nous dans ce voyage passionnant alors que nous suivons la trajectoire du Pepe Token ! 🐸 Voici ce que révèle la boule de cristal :

📆 17 avril 2024 (mercredi) : 0,00000478 $
📆 18 avril 2024 (jeudi) : 0,00000515 $
📆 19 avril 2024 (vendredi) : 0,00000438 $

Quant au 20 avril 2024 (samedi), le futur est entouré de mystère ! 🌟 Mais n’ayez crainte, car chaque rebondissement du marché est une aventure qui attend de se dérouler. Gardez les yeux ouverts pour les mises à jour ! 🌌✨

N'oubliez pas que le voyage est tout aussi important que la destination, alors profitons ensemble de chaque étape du chemin ! 🚀🌈#PEPE #CryptoForecast 🚀
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Quelle est la prochaine étape pour le PEPE ce mois-ci ?

(remarque : la publication contient des données de CoinPedia)

Le prix des pièces PEPE a affiché un début d'année neutre, cependant, à mesure que le battage médiatique pour les pièces memecoins gagnait du terrain, le prix du PEPE a enregistré un bond de plus de 500 % de sa valorisation. Suite à cela, les haussiers ont perdu leur élan à la résistance de 0,000010 $. Depuis lors, le prix évolue sous une influence baissière.

Le prix PEPE continue d'afficher une tendance négative en enregistrant une correction d'environ 8% au cours des dernières 24 heures. De plus, le memecoin a perdu 32,59 % au cours des sept derniers jours et 24,89 % au cours des 30 derniers jours, soulignant la pression de vente accrue dans le secteur de la cryptographie.

Le Cross EMA 50 jours présente une courbe baissière, indiquant une forte influence baissière de cet altcoin sur le marché. De plus, l'indicateur technique MACD affiche un histogramme rouge constant avec ses moyennes affichant une baisse constante dans le graphique.

Si le marché maintient le jeton PEPE au-dessus du niveau de support, les haussiers reprendront leur élan et se prépareront à tester son niveau de résistance supérieur de 0,00000785 $. Cependant, un renversement baissier pourrait tirer le prix vers son plus bas de 0,00000400 $.

#BullorBear #Megadrop #Memecoins #pepe #PEPE

🛑🛑🛑BREAKING : L'équipe PEPE fait une déclaration sur les événements récents

Selon le compte Twitter officiel du PEPE, certains membres de l'équipe principale du PEPE ont vendu environ 16 000 milliards de dollars (16 millions de dollars) de jetons de manière inopinée.

Dans la déclaration faite, il a été indiqué que, par mesure de précaution, le nombre de portefeuilles signataires requis dans le portefeuille multisig a été réduit à 2/8 portefeuilles, qu'il y avait 10 000 milliards de PEPE dans le portefeuille multisig, qu'il n'y a désormais qu'un seul portefeuille de signature, et ce portefeuille est entre de bonnes mains.

Selon la déclaration faite par les autres membres de l’équipe, l’altcoin PEPE compte depuis sa création des membres malveillants et cupides. Il a été dit que ces membres, qui ont gêné le développement du PEPE depuis les premières semaines, sont désormais exclus de l'équipe.

Concernant la vente, le dernier membre de l'équipe signataire restant a annoncé qu'il avait été trahi la nuit de l'incident, avec trois membres malveillants de l'équipe vendant 16 000 milliards de PEPE à partir du portefeuille multisig. Il a également déclaré qu'ils avaient ensuite tenté de rompre tout lien avec le jeton en se supprimant du portefeuille multisig.

Le membre restant de l’équipe a déclaré que les jetons vendus n’avaient jamais été destinés à la vente et que les jetons restants étaient entre de bonnes mains. Il a également été annoncé que le compte Twitter du PEPE était entre les mains du membre restant.
#pepe #Write2Earn‬ #Portal
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Shiba Inu est-il une crypto-monnaie qui pourrait vous rapporter 1 million de dollars ?
Shiba Inu est-il une crypto-monnaie qui pourrait vous rapporter 1 million de dollars ?
Crypto Ahmet
🔥💥Le Shiba Inu est-il une crypto-monnaie qui pourrait vous rapporter 1 million de dollars ?

Shiba Inu se négocie actuellement à 0,000009268 $ et est principalement dans le rouge sur les graphiques depuis un mois. #SHIB a été lancé en août 2020 au prix modeste de 0,000000000951 $, et les investisseurs ont pu accumuler des milliards de jetons à moindre coût. SHIB a augmenté de 85 000 000 % (85 millions pour cent) depuis sa création jusqu'en octobre 2021, permettant aux premiers investisseurs de devenir millionnaires. Dans le passé, même un investissement de 650 $ rapportait à l’investisseur 1,7 million de dollars fin 2021.
Le jeton sur le thème du chien a continué d’être la star du marché des crypto-monnaies, générant également d’énormes profits en 2021.

Mais la machine à gagner de l’argent a été ébranlée lorsque SHIB est entrée en 2022 et est tombée dans le piège de la chute. Le jeton n’a fait que reculer depuis lors, avec peu ou pas d’explosion des prix. Shiba Inu a également ajouté un zéro supplémentaire aux charts, et ses espoirs de gagner 1 million de dollars ou plus ont été vains.
Shiba Inu : SHIB peut-il encore faire de vous un millionnaire ?

La seule chose qui empêche le prix du SHIB d’augmenter de manière durable est l’énorme offre de 549 000 milliards de jetons. L’offre n’est pas limitée et la croissance du Shiba Inu s’arrête dans des proportions gigantesques. Même la solution Shibarium layer-2, qui brûlerait des milliards de jetons SHIB, n’a pas encore commencé le processus de gravure.

Par conséquent, tous les chemins vers le niveau de 0,01 $ sont étroits, ce qui empêche SHIB d’atteindre son objectif de prix. Les investisseurs devront peut-être attendre des années, voire des décennies, pour se débarrasser du prix actuel. Si Shibarium ne brûle pas des milliards de jetons, le rêve de devenir millionnaire grâce à SHIB peut être oublié.

Le marché des cryptomonnaies est affecté par des facteurs macroéconomiques mondiaux et on ne peut pas s’attendre à une hausse. En conséquence, il est actuellement douteux que Shiba Inu vous rapporte un bénéfice de 1 million de dollars ou plus, et SHIB n'attire pas de pression d'achat ni de nouveaux acheteurs.
#Shibainu #Write2Earn #binance
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L'ARB sera élevé ?
L'ARB sera élevé ?
Hong Kong (HKVAC) supprime XRP, Arbitrum (ARB) et Nine Altcoins, quelle mauvaise nouvelle ?
La Hong Kong Virtual Asset Rating Agency (HKVAC) a répertorié certains cryptos mais a radié XRP, Arbitrum (ARB) et neuf autres.

Des évolutions positives continuent de se produire à Hong Kong, qui a pris des mesures importantes pour devenir un centre de crypto-monnaie.

Le journaliste chinois Wu Blockchain a déclaré dans son article que la Hong Kong Virtual Asset Rating Agency (HKVAC) avait annoncé les résultats de l'ajustement de l'indice qui entreraient en vigueur le 19 janvier.

L'agence de notation des actifs virtuels de Hong Kong, HKVAC, a annoncé les résultats de l'ajustement de l'indice, qui entreront en vigueur le 19 janvier. L'indice mondial ajoute ICP, NEAR, OP, INJ et IMX, et supprime TUSD, BUSD, HBAR, FIL et MKR. SOL est ajouté aux 5 premiers indices et XRP est supprimé. AVAX est…
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🚀 Le prix du Shiba Inu pourrait grimper jusqu'à 0,00002 $ s'il brise cette résistance majeure 🐾💹

Développements passionnants dans l’espace Shiba Inu (SHIB) ! Alors que le marché de la cryptographie connaît des fluctuations, les passionnés de SHIB s’attendent à une hausse potentielle jusqu’à 0,00002 $. Cependant, ce voyage se heurte à un obstacle important et le franchir est crucial pour la trajectoire ascendante du Shiba Inu.

1. Performance récente de Shiba Inu : un tour de montagnes russes !

Shiba Inu, après une hausse de 12 % sur les graphiques hebdomadaires, a brièvement éliminé un zéro le 11 janvier, atteignant 0,00001 $. Malheureusement, la récente volatilité du marché, déclenchée par les fluctuations du Bitcoin, a conduit à un retour vers la zone des 0,000009 $.

2. Le sentiment haussier persiste malgré les défis !

Malgré le récent revers, les passionnés de Shiba Inu restent optimistes, spéculant sur une hausse potentielle à 0,00002 $. La dernière fois que SHIB a approché ce niveau, c’était en mai 2022, et la communauté est impatiente d’une résurgence.

3. La route vers 0,00002 $ : briser la barrière de la résistance !

Briser la résistance est le principal défi pour Shiba Inu. Selon les données d'IntoTheBlock, il existe une barrière importante entre le prix actuel et la barre convoitée de 0,00002 $. Plus de 87 % de l’offre en circulation est détenue par 269 860 adresses, ce qui représente un obstacle considérable.

📊 Data Insights : surmonter la résistance à l'ascension de SHIB
Offre en circulation : 514 000 milliards de jetons SHIBNiveau de résistance : 0,000019 $Adresses détenues : 269 860 (87,36 % de l'offre en circulation)

🛑 Défis et opportunités : parcourir le chemin vers 0,00002 $

Alors que SHIB tente de grimper, la concentration des jetons au niveau de 0,000019 $ présente des défis. Les investisseurs de cette catégorie peuvent être confrontés à des décisions de vente, ce qui pourrait avoir un impact sur le prix. Surmonter cette résistance est crucial pour la trajectoire ascendante du Shiba Inu, car la concentration de SHIB est plus faible au-delà de 0,000019 $.

🚨 Restez à l'écoute du voyage passionnant de SHIB : suivez The Defidraft pour des mises à jour en temps réel ! 🚀🌐

#ShibaPricePrediction #ShibaPriceAnalysys #ShibaPrediction #Cryptocurrency #crypto2024
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Pepe Price Prediction: Navigating Potential Surge to $0.0000019 Amid Market Optimism !!

#BTC #etf #ETH #xrp #BONK
Pepe price sees a notable increase, hinting at a potential surge to $0.0000019, as market conditions favor

Pepe price, reflecting the market’s growing enthusiasm for meme coins, has recently witnessed a significant upswing. In the last 24 hours, PEPE, the cryptocurrency inspired by the internet’s beloved frog character, has climbed by 23%. This increase is part of a larger trend seen across meme cryptocurrencies following the landmark approval of the first Bitcoin ETF in the United States.

Pepe coin, recently fluctuating within a narrow price band from $0.000001045 to $0.000001480, has witnessed a bullish trend. Over the past week, the value of PEPE has shown notable growth, with more than a 15% surge.

Despite a minor dip in its price last month, the recent performance of Pepe coin is drawing attention with its promising recovery and a bullish market outlook. Currently, Pepe price trades at $0.000001424, reflecting bullish pressure in the last 24 hours. The market would mark PEPE’s fourth consecutive day of gains if it maintains its positive momentum.
In the last 24 hours, Pepe has seen its trading volume skyrocket to $264,127,171, marking an 85.50% increase from the day before. This surge in volume indicates a significant rise in market interest. With a market capitalization of $474,662,781, Pepe currently holds the #112 rank on the CoinMarketCap.

This suggests that the coin could potentially reach prices of $0.0000016 or even $0.0000019. Such analysis is crucial for understanding Pepe’s market trajectory.

If PEPE continues its upward trajectory, maintaining momentum above the $0.0000015 resistance level is crucial. Achieving this could pave the way for PEPE to test the $0.0000018 mark and possibly breach the $0.0000019 resistance level in the near future. On the flip side, a bearish trend could see the coin test support levels at $0.0000013, with a potential fall to $0.000001.
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Crypto Web3 Today
Shiba Inu (SHIB) perd son élan, mais la renaissance est imminente, voici comment.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) perd de son élan à mesure que le marché plus large de la cryptographie abandonne rapidement ses gains. La deuxième plus grande pièce de monnaie mème a chuté de 2,77 % au cours des dernières 24 heures, avec un prix négocié sur les bourses au comptant à 0,000009823 $. Avec un volume de transactions en baisse de plus de 17 % à 196 265 702 $, le jeton s'est révélé à la merci de ses baissiers à court terme.

La dernière action erratique de taureau-ours a forcé Shiba Inu à abandonner une partie de ses gains, le jeton perdant un autre zéro.

Au cours du mois dernier, Shiba Inu a ajouté et perdu de nouveaux chiffres, mais il n'a finalement pas réussi à transformer le niveau de prix de 0,00001 $ en une véritable zone de support. Le sentiment du marché autour du Shiba Inu est très baissier, mais un indicateur reste prometteur pour montrer qu'une tendance haussière imminente ne peut être exclue à long terme.

Les données en chaîne montrent que malgré les dernières vagues de ventes, Shiba Inu est toujours dans la catégorie « Greed » sur l'indice de peur et de cupidité. Cela implique que les taureaux Shiba Inu ont toujours le désir caché de tout mettre en œuvre pour le jeton et que, dans les bonnes conditions, ils pourraient recommencer à accumuler la pièce.

Les mesures du Shiba Inu à des points de bascule.

Bien que la baisse du prix du Shiba Inu soit fonction du sentiment général des perspectives du marché, ses principaux indicateurs en chaîne sont également à un tournant. Le nombre de transactions Shibarium a chuté à son plus bas niveau depuis des mois, avec seulement 1,33 million de transactions enregistrées au cours des dernières 24 heures.

Le taux de combustion est également en baisse de 95 %
du jour au lendemain, avec seulement un petit 820 007 SHIB
brûlé jusqu'à présent. Ces mêmes mesures pourraient
retourner à tout moment en réponse au
la cupidité sous-jacente du marché, et ils pourraient jouer un rôle crucial dans le retour de SHIB à son
des voies gagnantes comme ils l'ont toujours fait.
10 Best Crypto to Buy Now in January 2024
As we have stepped into the first month of 2024, many are wondering about the best crypto to buy now. The crypto market has proven to be a hotbed of innovation, offering investors new opportunities and challenges alike. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a novice looking to venture into the exciting realm of digital assets, staying informed about the latest trends and potential investment options is crucial.

In this article, we embark on a journey to explore the 10 best cryptocurrencies that stand out as promising picks for January 2024. As the crypto market continues to mature and diversify, making informed decisions becomes increasingly important. From established giants to rising stars, each of the selected cryptocurrencies has unique features, potential for growth, and a compelling narrative that makes them noteworthy in the current market.

1. Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin, a decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency, was first conceptualized in 2008 and officially launched in early 2009. The pseudonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, remains unidentified to this day. Bitcoin revolutionized the digital currency landscape by introducing the innovative concept of a blockchain, offering a highly secure and fully decentralized form of currency.

Its implementation of Proof-of-Work ensures the integrity of transaction history, making it exceptionally challenging to manipulate or duplicate coin transactions. The network’s security is maintained by miners, who earn BTC as rewards for contributing to the expansion of the Bitcoin blockchain through block additions.

Despite the emergence of numerous cryptocurrencies and blockchain platforms following Bitcoin, BTC continues to maintain its status as the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization and emerges as the best crypto to buy now. As per recent reports, BlackRock anticipates the approval of its Bitcoin spot ETF application by the SEC on Wednesday, January 10.

The report further notes that other companies seeking approval for a Bitcoin spot ETF are also optimistic about the outcome. Various companies putting forth their Bitcoin ETF offerings have disclosed the fees they intend to levy on investors. Regarding BTC price performance, Bitcoin has been on an upward trajectory, nearing the $47,000 threshold. Naturally, if the approval of a Bitcoin spot ETF is imminent, heightened volatility in the market can be anticipated.

2. Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum, a blockchain designed to facilitate smart contracts, empowers intricate applications such as decentralized lending protocols and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Initiated by Vitalik Buterin, the Ethereum project saw the publication of its whitepaper in late 2013, followed by the blockchain’s launch in July 2015.

Presently, Ethereum boasts a dynamic ecosystem of decentralized applications spanning decentralized financial services, NFT marketplaces, publishing platforms, decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges, and beyond. In our view, this diverse landscape positions Ethereum as the best crypto to buy now. ETH serves as the intrinsic asset on the Ethereum blockchain, motivating users to contribute to network security.

Initially employing a Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism, Ethereum transitioned to Proof-of-Stake in September 2022. Developers within the Ethereum community have set January 17, 2024, as the targeted date for launching the Dencun upgrade on the testnet. The chosen testnet for the upgrade is Goerli, scheduled at epoch 231680. Tim Beiko from the Ethereum Foundation indicates that testnet clients supporting the update are expected to release around January 10.

As of now, the tentative timeline for the Dencun upgrade on the Ethereum mainnet is late February. However, Ethereum developers have not established a definitive deadline yet. This upgrade is set to incorporate five Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) and marks the first significant enhancement to the Ethereum mainnet since the Shapella upgrade. Launched in April of the current year, Shapella enabled users to withdraw staked ETH.

3. Arbitrum (ARB)

Arbitrum is a layer 2 solution built on optimistic rollups technology for the Ethereum network. The primary objective of the Arbitrum platform is to provide users with faster and more cost-effective transactions, all while leveraging the robust security of the Ethereum network. While relatively new in the cryptocurrency domain, the Arbitrum platform has swiftly emerged as a major player in the DeFi ecosystem, boasting one of the highest Total Value Locked (TVL) among blockchains.

Arbitrum maintains its dominance in the Ethereum Layer 2 realm, commanding a substantial 49.8% market share, as reported by the layer 2 aggregator L2Beat. The platform’s TVL has experienced a consistent uptrend since mid-October of the previous year, currently standing at $9.79 billion. This makes ARB be listed as one of the best crypto to buy now.

In a recent development, the Arbitrum project has implemented a feature allowing projects utilizing Arbitrum Orbit custom blockchains to employ custom gas tokens. Notable projects already leveraging custom tokens for their Arbitrum Orbit chains include XAI (Binance Launchpool’s latest project), Caldera, AltLayer, and Conduit.

Simultaneously, the second phase of the Arbitrum Foundation’s grant program has commenced, aiming to offer financial support to projects developing decentralized applications on the Arbitrum platform. These projects encompass areas such as gaming, decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePIN), NFTs, social media, and beyond. Notably, Arbitrum’s ARB token has demonstrated robust performance, registering a 46.60% gain over the past 30 days.

4. Solana (SOL)

Solana stands out as a smart contracts platform distinguished by its distinctive architecture, enabling it to handle thousands of transactions per second at remarkably low costs. This efficiency is realized through the utilization of a distinctive Proof-of-History algorithm and a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. The native SOL token is recognized for its cost-effectiveness, with users typically paying less than $0.001 per transaction, making it one of the most economical cryptocurrencies for transfers in the market.

Despite experiencing a significant decline in value during the 2022 bear market, Solana maintains one of the most remarkable ecosystems in the cryptocurrency industry and emerges as one of the best crypto to buy now. Solana remains a standout performer in the cryptocurrency market, witnessing a recent 32.59% increase over the past 30 days. This positive momentum aligns with a series of favorable announcements and fundamental developments.

A clear testament to Solana’s current momentum is the substantial trading activity on its decentralized exchanges, amounting to $10.1 billion in the past 7 days. Notably, this figure surpasses the trading volume generated by decentralized exchanges on Ethereum during the same period, which stood at $8.8 billion. This achievement is particularly noteworthy considering that the market capitalization of SOL is approximately eight times smaller than that of ETH.

Discussing market capitalization, SOL has surpassed XRP, securing the 5th position in the cryptocurrency market rankings. It is currently within reach of BNB, hinting at the possibility of ascending to the 4th spot soon. In parallel developments, Trezor, a prominent hardware cryptocurrency wallet manufacturer, has recently added support for SOL and tokens following Solana’s SPL token standard.

5. XRP

XRP facilitates swift and economical transfers, rendering it well-suited for applications such as remittances. Unlike relying on either Proof-of-Work or Proof-of-Stake, XRP employs the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol. Participants within the XRP network have the autonomy to select a set of validators they deem trustworthy. Ripple has seamlessly integrated the XRP cryptocurrency into its products, with On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) being a notable example.

Collaborating with cryptocurrency exchanges, ODL utilizes XRP to facilitate efficient cross-border money transfers. XRP has experienced a notable surge lately, with a 26% gain over the past week, reaching its highest price point since July and surpassing BNB in market capitalization. While this uptrend might suggest a potential overextension and the likelihood of a price correction, it’s crucial to note that the recent rally follows several positive developments associated with Ripple and XRP.

In October, the SEC dropped its claims against key Ripple executives Brad Garlinghouse and Chris Larsen, despite the ongoing legal battle between the regulator and the Ripple company itself. In recent developments, Ripple has entered into a partnership with the National Bank of Georgia to supply the technology supporting a pilot program for a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

The pilot project, known as Digital Lari, will utilize the Ripple CBDC Platform. Additionally, XRP has gained acknowledgment from the Dubai Financial Services Authority and received approval for utilization within the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). Overall, XRP has been witnessing many positive developments and this makes it one of the best crypto to buy now.

6. BNB

BNB, introduced by the Binance cryptocurrency exchange in 2017, functions in two key capacities. Token holders enjoy exclusive privileges when utilizing Binance, such as reduced trading fees, participation in the exchange’s Launchpad and Launchpool programs, cashback on Binance Visa card transactions, and additional benefits.

Additionally, the token operates as the native asset on the BNB Chain blockchain. BNB Chain, a derivative of Ethereum, provides users with considerably lower transaction fees and enables developers to seamlessly deploy EVM-compatible decentralized applications. Formerly identified as Binance Coin, BNB has undergone an extensive rebranding.

As BNB is the sole non-stablecoin cryptocurrency eligible for Launchpool staking, the Launchpool announcements have markedly heightened the demand for BNB. As of the current writing, BNB demonstrates a 25.07% surge in the last 30 days. As we have approached mid-January, BNB has emerged as one of the best crypto to buy now.

Through Binance Launchpool, individuals have the opportunity to stake their BNB and earn tokens from upcoming blockchain projects. The flexibility to unstake BNB at any time allows users to receive additional tokens as a beneficial incentive while assuming relatively low risk—holding BNB or stablecoins throughout the staking period. It would be prudent to monitor Binance in the upcoming days to determine if they announce another Launchpool or perhaps introduce a new Launchpad program.

7. Cosmos (ATOM)

Cosmos is a network specifically crafted to enable seamless interoperability among diverse blockchain platforms. Central to the Cosmos network is the Cosmos Hub, which operates on a Proof-of-Stake blockchain model. The Cosmos Hub is strategically structured to foster connections not only within the Cosmos ecosystem but also with external blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Communication among the various blockchains within Cosmos is facilitated by a protocol known as IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication). Cosmos features its native asset called ATOM. Users have the option to stake their ATOM tokens, contributing to the network’s security while earning staking rewards and a share of collected transaction fees. The Cosmos community has endorsed a proposal to limit the inflation rate of the ATOM token to 10%.

Presently, the inflation rate hovers around 14%, with the cap established at 20%. Upon implementation, the proposal will decrease the influx of new ATOM tokens into circulation. However, it will also lead to a reduction in the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for staking ATOM tokens, decreasing from approximately 19% to around 13.4%.

As per the proposal, research findings suggest that the Cosmos Hub blockchain is currently overspending on its security measures. The proposal further contends that diminishing the inflation of ATOM could yield favorable impacts on decentralized finance protocols and money markets within the Cosmos ecosystem. All these positive developments make ATOM one of the best crypto to buy now.

8. Litecoin (LTC)

Litecoin, an established cryptocurrency, made its debut in October 2011, ranking among the earliest “altcoins” in the market. Initially, Litecoin closely mirrored Bitcoin, essentially emerging as a modified version of Bitcoin’s codebase. With a maximum coin supply of 84 million, Litecoin’s cap is four times larger than that of Bitcoin. Notably, it targets a block time of 2.5 minutes, making it four times faster than Bitcoin’s block time.

Similar to Bitcoin, Litecoin employs Proof-of-Work to achieve consensus on its ledger state, but it distinguishes itself by utilizing the scrypt hash function instead of Bitcoin’s SHA-256 hash function. In the preceding months, Litecoin has demonstrated robust performance, with traders strategically amassing LTC holdings in anticipation of new developments.

Since the beginning of the year, LTC has witnessed a remarkable increase of 38% and presently holds the position of the 11th largest digital currency by market capitalization, emerging as one of the best crypto to buy now. In addition, there’s a notable surge in the institutional investor narrative within the crypto sphere.

In recent weeks, prominent firms like Blackrock and Fidelity, among others, have submitted applications for Bitcoin spot ETFs, indicating a recognition of cryptocurrencies as integral to their long-term strategies. Amid this growing institutional interest, LTC has gained further visibility by being listed on the EDX Markets exchange, one of four cryptocurrencies featured on the platform.

9. Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Shiba Inu, a meme cryptocurrency introduced in 2020 by an individual using the pseudonym “Ryoshi,” draws significant inspiration from the Dogecoin (DOGE) cryptocurrency and incorporates the Shiba Inu dog breed in its branding. Diverging from Dogecoin, which operates on its own blockchain, Shiba Inu is created as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain.

Where to Buy Shiba Inu (SHIB)

In 2021, SHIB experienced a notable surge in popularity, securing the position of the second-largest meme coin by market capitalization, surpassed only by Dogecoin. Furthermore, SHIB has gained prominence as one of the leading penny cryptocurrencies currently. The Shiba Inu project’s team is actively pursuing the acquisition of the .shib Top-Level Domain (TLD).

TLDs, like .com, .org, .net, and .io, play a crucial role in categorizing websites based on factors such as use case and geographical location. Collaborating with the Web3 domain project D3, the Shiba Inu team is actively working towards securing the .shib TLD. The significance of incorporating .shib into the global Domain Name System extends beyond aesthetic website appearances.

Successfully acquiring the .shib domain could pave the way for websites, personalized usernames, and even email addresses culminating in .shib. In addition, the SHIB team has been consistently enhancing the Shiba Inu token burning mechanism. This development is expected to inject positive momentum into the SHIB price, making it one of the best crypto to buy now.

10. Uniswap (UNI)

Uniswap, a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange, pioneered the AMM (automated market maker) model, revolutionizing the traditional exchange process. By eliminating the requirement for order books, this distinctive design offers a seamless method for directly swapping various tokens on the blockchain without dependence on intermediaries.

Uniswap Price Prediction

The governance of Uniswap lies in the hands of UNI token holders, enabling them to propose and vote on various matters. UNI tokens were distributed to previous users of the Uniswap protocol through an airdrop in 2020, and currently, the token is accessible for acquisition on numerous decentralized and centralized trading platforms.

The Uniswap protocol achieved a new milestone with a record daily trading volume of $11.84 billion, nearly doubling its previous highest daily volume. This surge occurred as users flocked to trade USDC, the prominent stablecoin that faced challenges following the weekend’s Silicon Valley Bank failure. The significance of this failure to USDC lies in Circle, a major issuer of the stablecoin, revealing that approximately $3.3 billion of the total $40 billion supporting USDC is held at Silicon Valley Bank.

The substantial increase in trading volume highlights the Uniswap protocol as a vital component of the crypto market infrastructure, demonstrating its capability to efficiently manage significant volumes even in times of market turbulence. All in all, UNI is expected to grow in terms of price and emerge as one of the best crypto to buy now.


As we navigate through January 2024, the crypto market presents a dynamic landscape with various promising options. From established leaders like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) to emerging players such as Arbitrum (ARB) and Solana (SOL), each cryptocurrency discussed in this article has its unique strengths and potential for growth.

However, it’s essential to note that the crypto market is inherently volatile. In navigating this diverse crypto landscape, investors should conduct thorough research, stay abreast of market developments, and align their decisions with individual risk preferences. The volatility inherent in the crypto market underscores the importance of a cautious and informed approach as we explore the opportunities of 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best crypto to buy right now?

While the best crypto to buy now may vary based on individual risk tolerance, investment goals, and market conditions, popular choices include Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and emerging options like Solana (SOL) or Arbitrum (ARB). It’s crucial to conduct thorough research, consider personal investment objectives, and stay informed about market trends before making any investment decisions.
Shiba Inu 
Shiba Inu 
Luxury Royal Coin LRCO
Shiba Inu подает зеленые сигналы: чего ждать от SHIB в ближайшие дни.
Shiba Inu подает зеленые сигналы: чего ждать от SHIB в ближайшие дни.Цена Shiba Inu подтвердила долгосрочную нисходящую линию тренда сопротивленияПоказания недельного и дневного таймфреймов склоняются к бычьему трендуОтскок в район $0,0000092 будет означать начало ралли.8 января цена Shiba Inu (SHIB) сформировала бычью свечу, избежав пробоя горизонтальной области поддержки.Разбираемся, есть ли у мемкоина шансы на продолжение роста.Shiba Inu отскакивает от предыдущего сопротивленияТехнический анализ недельного таймфрейма показывает, что с августа 2022 года цена SHIB опустилась под нисходящую линию тренда сопротивления. Падение привело к достижению минимума в $0,0000054 в июне 2023 года.После нескольких неудачных попыток прорыва Shiba Inu наконец поднялcя выше нисходящей линии тренда сопротивления. На тот момент сопротивление просуществовало чуть более 480 дней.После прорыва цена достигла максимума в $0,000011 и снова начала падать. Однако на прошлой неделе SHIB подтвердил линию тренда в качестве поддержки и отскочил.Индекс относительной силы (RSI) поддерживает продолжение роста. Индикатор находится выше 50, что свидетельствует о бычьем тренде.Прогноз цены SHIB: начался ли разворотВ то время как недельный график является решительно бычьим, дневной график лишь склоняется к положительной динамике.Ценовое действие показывает, что SHIB торгуется внутри восходящего параллельного канала с июня 2022 года. Движение в пределах паттерна привело к достижению максимума в $0,0000119 17 декабря 2023 года. Рост подтвердил линию сопротивления канала и положил начало нисходящему движению.Во время снижения цена мемкоина опустилась ниже средней линии канала, а RSI упал ниже 50. Однако 8 января Shiba Inu сформировал бычью свечу, поднявшись выше незначительной поддержки $0,0000092. Если актив удержится выше данного уровня, он может вырасти на 27% до линии сопротивления канала на отметке $0,0000123Однако закрытие ниже $0,0000092 сделает продолжающийся отскок недействительным. В таком случае SHIB ожидает падение на 22% до поддержки канала на уровне $0,0000077.#ShibaBurns #LRCO #LRCO-NFT #ShibaInu代币都必须用用户自己的美元购买。他表示,即使是狗狗币团队在想要销毁时也会购买狗狗币。 #ShibaInuInWeb3 $SHIB $PEPE $DOGE
Really ?
Really ?
Memecoin Rally: PEPE, SHIB, and BONK Rally Post Bitcoin ETF Approval
PEPE leaps over 20%, riding the Bitcoin ETF wave for massive gains in the meme coin market.

SHIB attracts a whale investor who purchases 136.86B SHIB, highlighting growing confidence in meme coins.

BONK’s market cap hits $1.04B with a 10% surge, emerging as a key player in the bullish meme coin rally.

Pepe (PEPE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Bonk (BONK) have shown remarkable growth in the cryptocurrency market following the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) recent approval of Bitcoin ETFs. This event marks a significant stride in the acceptance and mainstream adoption of digital assets.

Pepe (PEPE) Shows Strong Performance

PEPE, a meme coin inspired by the popular internet frog, has leaped 23% in the last 24 hours, signaling a vibrant upturn in the meme coin sector. This surge aligns with the broader market response to the SEC’s nod to Bitcoin ETFs, a decision positively impacting the crypto universe.

PEPE/USD 24-hour price chart (source: CoinStats) 

PEPE’s trading session today highlighted a steady rise from $0.000001, with a current position at $0.000001442. This uptick reflects a 15% increase over the past day and a 20% gain over the last 24 hours.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Attracts New Whale Investors

In a related development, SHIB, another prominent meme coin, witnessed a significant purchase by a new whale wallet, acquiring 136.86 billion SHIB, valued at approximately $1.38 million. The interest from heavyweight investors in SHIB underscores the growing confidence in meme coins. 

SHIB/USD 24-hour price chart (source: CoinStats)

Attributable to the whale transaction is the SHIB’s price trend, which has notably eliminated a zero, soaring by 12.82% to $0.00001047, a spike fueled by the overall positive sentiment in the crypto market.

Bonk (BONK) Rides the Bullish Wave

BONK, a newer entrant in the meme coin space, has not been left behind in this rally. Its price has surged 10% in the past 24 hours, reaching $0.00001625. During the rally, BONK’s market capitalization soared by 15.09% to $1.04 billion, reflecting the growing interest and investment in the coin. This surge in price and market capitalization demonstrates investors’ increasing confidence and support, positioning BONK as a promising player in the meme coin market. 

BONK/USD 24-hour price chart (source: CoinStats)

Moreover, a 33% surge over the past week in BONK’s recent performance and increased trading volume suggest a strong potential for further gains, especially if the SEC approves more Bitcoin ETFs.

The post Memecoin Rally: PEPE, SHIB, and BONK Rally Post Bitcoin ETF Approval appeared first on Coin Edition.
What’s Behind Bitcoin’s Unexpected Drop in Price?
Bitcoin’s price, which had been on a bullish trajectory for much of 2023, experienced a sudden drop. This unexpected decline in Bitcoin’s value has left investors and market analysts pondering the factors that could have led to this downturn. Despite a buoyant U.S. economy and positive job reports, Bitcoin seems to be diverging from traditional market trends, raising questions about the underlying dynamics at play in the cryptocurrency market.

The Influence of ETF Rumors and Market Sentiment

One significant factor contributing to Bitcoin’s price drop is the speculation surrounding the approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF in the United States. Rumors of a potential denial by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) coincided with a sharp 8% flash crash in Bitcoin’s price. This correlation between unconfirmed news and market response underscores the sensitivity of cryptocurrency prices to regulatory developments.

Despite a general lack of confidence among financial advisers regarding the approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF in 2024, the crypto community was abuzz with speculation that a decision from the SEC might come as early as January 5. When the expected approval did not materialize, Bitcoin’s price responded negatively, sparking new rounds of rumors and contributing to market volatility.

Market Mechanics and Profit-Taking

Another driving force behind Bitcoin’s price movement appears to be the dynamics of the Bitcoin futures market. The timing and magnitude of long liquidations in the futures market have been closely aligned with the rumors regarding the ETF decision. A spike in Bitcoin long liquidations of $2.1 million within a short span further intensified the price decline. This liquidation trend, coupled with a significant drop in Bitcoin trading volumes, suggests a lack of consistent liquidity and buying pressure in the market.

Additionally, a record number of Bitcoin wallets being in profit has led to increased de-risking and profit-taking activities among traders. This behavior, combined with the recent drop in trading volume, indicates a cautious approach by investors, potentially leading to further declines in Bitcoin’s price.

Looking Ahead: Bitcoin’s Resilience Amidst Uncertainty

Despite the immediate challenges faced by Bitcoin, there remains a strong sentiment among market participants that the cryptocurrency will recover in the long term. The growing interest and involvement of financial institutions in Bitcoin add to this optimism. However, it is evident that Bitcoin’s price continues to be influenced by macroeconomic events, regulatory actions, and the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy.

Bitcoin’s journey is reflective of the larger narrative within the cryptocurrency market – one that is heavily influenced by external factors, yet resilient in its core nature. As the market evolves, Bitcoin’s role as a digital asset continues to be shaped by a confluence of regulatory decisions, investor sentiment, and global economic trends.

In essence, the recent drop in Bitcoin’s price is a reminder of the inherent volatility and complexity of the cryptocurrency market. While short-term fluctuations may cause concern, the long-term outlook for Bitcoin remains promising, buoyed by increasing institutional interest and the potential for broader market integration. As investors navigate this landscape, the interplay between market sentiment, regulatory developments, and macroeconomic factors will continue to be pivotal in shaping Bitcoin’s trajectory.
Can SHIB? Will high?
Can SHIB? Will high?
Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Prediction, When Will It Reach $0.1? What Are the Other Better Alternative...
Shiba Inu (SHIB) has caught the attention of investors with its high buying interest, reached all-time high $0.00008616, Oct 27, 2021. Amidst the optimistic start to the new year, the projections for SHIB’s future price, including the prospect of reaching $0.1 per token, have ignited speculative discussions. 

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Predictions

SHIB’s journey has been marked by parabolic moves, notably during the “meme coin mania” of late 2020. Predictions of SHIB reaching $0.1 have been circulating for some time, contributing to the ongoing speculative rally. Despite facing skepticism from some analysts, the $0.1 price target resurfaces as discussions around Shiba Inu gain momentum in 2024.

SHIB Price Chart (Source: TradingView )

A long position has already been initiated in anticipation of the breakout. Traders who have not entered yet can consider entering once the breakout above the resistance area at $0.000015 is confirmed. Our target for this trade setup is set at $0.000018, representing a favorable upside potential from the breakout level. This target indicates the projected price movement after the breakout occurs.To manage risk effectively, it is recommended to set a protective stop loss at $0.00000575. Placing the stop loss slightly below the breakout zone can help mitigate potential downside risks.At its current $0.000009725 level, SHIB would need a substantial increase to reach $0.1 per token. While the cryptocurrency market is known for its volatile nature, achieving such a monumental leap raises questions about the realistic feasibility of these projections. The analysis delves into the challenges and considerations associated with SHIB’s potential price trajectory.Examining potential catalysts, such as expanding utility into gaming and the metaverse, alongside continued retail interest, offers insights into the factors that could drive SHIB’s price upward. However, maintaining a measured approach and avoiding unrealistic expectations, particularly with projections of SHIB hitting $0.1, becomes crucial.Like many altcoins, Shiba Inu’s price movements often align with Bitcoin’s trends. While positive momentum in the overall crypto sector could propel SHIB upward, the unpredictable nature of the cryptocurrency market underscores the importance of balanced risk management. Investors are reminded to approach price predictions cautiously, recognizing the potential for volatility in this dynamic market.

Exploring Better Alternatives: SOL, RETIK, BONK

Solana (SOL)

Solana stands out as a robust alternative with a focus on scalability and efficiency. Its high throughput, low transaction costs, and a flourishing decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem make SOL an appealing choice. The analysis explores Solana’s potential for sustained growth and its position in the broader blockchain landscape.The project is recognized for its remarkable transaction speeds and minimal fees. Solana has captivated the attention of both traders and investors. Its adeptness in effortlessly managing high-demand applications has propelled it to the summit of the altcoin landscape. With its expanding share in the surge of open interest, SOL is reaffirming its standing as a top cryptocurrency to consider for those seeking a blend of outstanding performance and significant potential.

Retik Finance (RETIK)

Retik Finance introduces innovative features such as Futuristic DeFi Debit Cards, Smart Crypto Payment Gateway, and AI-Powered Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending. The ongoing presale success, community engagement, and commitment to user privacy make RETIK a compelling option in the evolving DeFi space. Retik Finance is revolutionizing financial accessibility and security with its innovative DeFi Debit Cards. These cards redefine traditional banking norms by enabling anonymous transactions, eliminating the need for Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures, and prioritizing user privacy. The Retik presale, structured in ten stages with incremental pricing, commences at $0.03 in the first stage and progresses to $0.04 in the second stage, $0.05 in the third, and so forth.Impressively, the ongoing presale has surpassed $5.6 million in the fourth stage, showcasing robust community support without reliance on Venture Capitalists (VCs). As a testament to user engagement, Retik Finance has launched an exciting $333,000 Giveaway, offering participants the opportunity to be one of ten winners to claim $33,300 worth of RETIK each. 

Bonk Token (BONK)

Bonk Token represents a community-driven project with unique characteristics and a strong emphasis on decentralization. Examining its features, potential for growth, and community engagement provides insights into why BONK could be an interesting alternative investment.As investors navigate the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrencies in 2024, Shiba Inu’s trajectory remains a topic of intrigue and speculation. While the prospect of reaching $0.1 generates buzz, it’s essential to approach such predictions with caution, acknowledging the inherent uncertainties in the market.Exploring alternatives like Solana (SOL), Retik Finance (RETIK), and Bonk Token (BONK) offers a diversified perspective, allowing investors to consider innovative projects with unique features and potential for growth. The new year promises twists and turns in the crypto markets, emphasizing the importance of informed decision-making and strategic investment approaches.

About Retik Finance

Retik Finance emerges as a dynamic platform in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, presenting a comprehensive platform that seeks to redefine the way users engage with digital assets. With a commitment to bridging the gap between the cryptocurrency realm and real-world utility, Retik Finance positions itself as a versatile solution catering to diverse decentralized financial needs.

Visit the links below for more information about Retik Finance (RETIK):



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