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Ether Wiz
🚨 L'audience de faillite de Terra confirmée pour le 19 septembre ! 🚨
Le monde de la cryptographie est en état d'alerte alors que Terraform Labs (TFL) se prépare à une audience cruciale de mise en faillite en vertu du chapitre 11 le mois prochain. Notez cette date dans vos calendriers - **19 septembre à 10h00 HE** - car cela pourrait changer la donne pour LUNA et LUNC !

**Des changements majeurs sont à venir :** Terra prévoit de brûler une quantité importante de jetons LUNA des portefeuilles TFL et LFG. Avec la réouverture du pont Shuttle, les actifs emballés seront échangeables pendant 30 jours avant que les jetons non réclamés ne soient brûlés pour toujours.

**Alerte sur l'action des prix :** LUNA montre déjà des signes de vie, avec une hausse de 2 % suite à l'annonce. Alors que les investisseurs se bousculent pour retirer et mettre en jeu leurs jetons, le volume des échanges a bondi de 17 %. LUNA et LUNC vont-ils monter en flèche après la destruction ? Les enjeux ne pourraient pas être plus élevés !
How to Read the MACD Indicator and Use It in Your Trading? The MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) indicator is a popular technical analysis tool used by traders to identify potential buy and sell signals in the market. It consists of two lines, the MACD line and the signal line, as well as a histogram. To read the MACD indicator, you need to understand the relationship between these lines and how they interact with each other. ✅Here's a step-by-step guide on how to read and use the MACD indicator in your trading: 1. Understanding the MACD Line: - The MACD line is the faster line and is calculated by subtracting the 26-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) from the 12-day EMA. - When the MACD line moves above the zero line, it indicates bullish momentum. - Conversely, when the MACD line moves below the zero line, it indicates bearish momentum. 2. Understanding the Signal Line: - The signal line is a 9-day EMA of the MACD line. - When the MACD line crosses above the signal line, it generates a bullish signal. - On the other hand, when the MACD line crosses below the signal line, it generates a bearish signal. 3. Analyzing the Histogram: - The histogram represents the difference between the MACD line and the signal line. - When the histogram bars are positive, it indicates bullish momentum is strengthening. - Conversely, when the histogram bars are negative, it indicates bearish momentum is strengthening. - The height of the bars also represents the strength of the momentum. 🔬Using the MACD Indicator in Your Trading: - Bullish Signal: Look for buying opportunities when the MACD line crosses above the signal line and the histogram bars turn positive. - Bearish Signal: Look for selling opportunities when the MACD line crosses below the signal line and the histogram bars turn negative. - Divergence: Pay attention to divergences between the MACD indicator and the price action. For example, if the price is making higher highs while the MACD is making lower highs, it could indicate a potential trend reversal.
How to Read the MACD Indicator and Use It in Your Trading?

The MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) indicator is a popular technical analysis tool used by traders to identify potential buy and sell signals in the market. It consists of two lines, the MACD line and the signal line, as well as a histogram.

To read the MACD indicator, you need to understand the relationship between these lines and how they interact with each other. ✅Here's a step-by-step guide on how to read and use the MACD indicator in your trading:

1. Understanding the MACD Line:
- The MACD line is the faster line and is calculated by subtracting the 26-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) from the 12-day EMA.
- When the MACD line moves above the zero line, it indicates bullish momentum.
- Conversely, when the MACD line moves below the zero line, it indicates bearish momentum.

2. Understanding the Signal Line:
- The signal line is a 9-day EMA of the MACD line.
- When the MACD line crosses above the signal line, it generates a bullish signal.
- On the other hand, when the MACD line crosses below the signal line, it generates a bearish signal.

3. Analyzing the Histogram:
- The histogram represents the difference between the MACD line and the signal line.
- When the histogram bars are positive, it indicates bullish momentum is strengthening.
- Conversely, when the histogram bars are negative, it indicates bearish momentum is strengthening.
- The height of the bars also represents the strength of the momentum.

🔬Using the MACD Indicator in Your Trading:
- Bullish Signal: Look for buying opportunities when the MACD line crosses above the signal line and the histogram bars turn positive.

- Bearish Signal: Look for selling opportunities when the MACD line crosses below the signal line and the histogram bars turn negative.

- Divergence: Pay attention to divergences between the MACD indicator and the price action. For example, if the price is making higher highs while the MACD is making lower highs, it could indicate a potential trend reversal.
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Je continue à voir cette même PRÉVISION DE PRIX LUNC EN 2024.
Je continue à voir cette même PRÉVISION DE PRIX LUNC EN 2024.
Les 5 principales raisons pour lesquelles le prix du LUNC pourrait atteindre 1 $ en 2024

Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) a attiré l'attention de nombreux investisseurs, suscitant des discussions sur son potentiel pour atteindre 1 $ en 2024. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'un objectif ambitieux, plusieurs facteurs pourraient contribuer à la croissance de son prix :

1. Soutien communautaire massif : LUNC peut se vanter d'avoir une communauté passionnée et dévouée, participant activement à son développement et plaidant pour son adoption. Ce fort soutien communautaire peut alimenter un sentiment positif et stimuler la demande.

2. Brûlures continues et déflation : Les mécanismes de brûlure LUNC en cours visent à réduire considérablement l’offre en circulation, conduisant potentiellement à une pénurie et à une appréciation des prix. La nature déflationniste du jeton pourrait être un facteur majeur à long terme.

3. Activité de développement croissante : L'écosystème Terra Classic connaît une activité de développement continue avec l'émergence de nouveaux projets, dApps et intégrations. Cet écosystème en expansion pourrait attirer davantage d'utilisateurs et accroître l'utilité de LUNC.

4. Repeg potentiel de l'USTC : si la communauté Terra Classic réussit à refixer le stablecoin algorithmique USTC à 1 $, cela pourrait avoir un effet d'entraînement positif sur le prix de LUNC en raison de leur interconnexion.

5. Reprise plus large du marché de la cryptographie : un sentiment général haussier du marché de la cryptographie, particulièrement motivé par la réduction de moitié potentielle du Bitcoin en 2024, pourrait faire monter la marée pour tous les jetons, y compris LUNC.

Cependant, il est crucial de rappeler :

Atteindre 1 $ en 2024 représente une augmentation massive (plus de 600 000 %) par rapport à son prix actuel.

Le marché de la cryptographie est intrinsèquement volatil et des événements imprévus peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur les prix.

Ce ne sont que des raisons potentielles, pas des garanties. Faites toujours vos propres recherches avant de prendre une décision d’investissement.

En fin de compte, il reste à voir si LUNC atteindra 1 $ en 2024. Il est important d’aborder toute prévision avec prudence et de considérer tous les risques associés aux investissements en cryptomonnaies.

Luna Classic to $❓
Luna Classic to $❓
#Voici combien vaudra votre investissement de 100 $ dans Terra Classic si LUNC atteint 1 $

Supposons qu'il atteigne 1 $ dans les années à venir. Avec le soutien d'une communauté aussi vaste, cette hypothèse n'est pas déplacée. Comme nous l'avons vu plus tôt avec Bitcoin, si un grand nombre de personnes soutiennent quelque chose, sa valeur augmentera sans aucun doute.

La question est donc de savoir combien d'argent vous gagneriez si vous investissiez un montant X dans LUNC aujourd'hui. Supposons que vous investissiez un modeste 100 $ dans LUNC.

Selon le prix d'aujourd'hui, qui est de 0,0001106 $, vous aurez 602 409,63 pièces LUNC. Et si Terra Classic atteint 1 $ dans les prochaines années, vos 100 $ deviendront 602 409 $, ce qui vous rendra tout simplement riche comme l'enfer.

Oui, il y a un risque associé à cela, et vous pourriez perdre ces 100 $ si les choses tournent mal, mais l'avantage est à tomber par terre. Vous pouvez pratiquement obtenir un retour sur investissement (ROI) d'environ 6 024 X.

De même, si vous achetez aujourd'hui des pièces LUNC d'une valeur de 1 000 $, vous aurez environ 6 024 096 pièces. Vous pouvez potentiellement gagner 6 024 096 $ si LUNC atteint la barre des 1 $

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Projets d'ETF de Ripple : Ripple rechercherait un responsable principal du développement commercial à New York, chargé de promouvoir les projets d'ETF liés aux cryptomonnaies, ce qui implique spécifiquement la préparation d'un ETF XRP. Si un ETF XRP à terme peut être lancé, cela pourrait être une étape importante vers un ETF XRP au comptant. #XRP #BTC #ETH #RIPPLE
Projets d'ETF de Ripple : Ripple rechercherait un responsable principal du développement commercial à New York, chargé de promouvoir les projets d'ETF liés aux cryptomonnaies, ce qui implique spécifiquement la préparation d'un ETF XRP. Si un ETF XRP à terme peut être lancé, cela pourrait être une étape importante vers un ETF XRP au comptant.

Significant developments in today's cryptocurrency market: 📍Grayscale's GBTC: According to the news, Grayscale has sold 52,639 BTC, equivalent to approximately $2.8 billion, after the conversion to a Bitcoin spot ETF. The outflow of funds from GBTC has been substantial, with daily outflows ranging from $95.1 million to $590 million. This indicates that investors who purchased GBTC at a discount in anticipation of the ETF conversion are now taking profits. The narrowing GBTC premium suggests a potential further capital outflow of $5 billion to $10 billion. 📊Bitcoin Spot ETF Trading: The Bitcoin spot ETF has seen significant trading volume, with three of the top 20 ETFs related to BTC, including GBTC, BITO (futures ETF), and IBIT. Excluding GBTC, the other nine spot ETFs have purchased 79,618 BTC within the approved six days. The daily average trading volume of the nine Bitcoin spot ETFs is $120 million, putting them in the top 1% of all ETFs. This indicates strong demand for Bitcoin ETFs. ♻️ Capital Outflow from GBTC: On the 6th trading day of Bitcoin spot ETF trading, GBTC experienced a capital outflow of $590 million, bringing the total outflow to $2.8 billion. However, other ETFs like Bitwise, VanEck, and WisdomTree have seen net inflows, indicating varied investor sentiment. #BTC #ETFs #GBTC
Significant developments in today's cryptocurrency market:

📍Grayscale's GBTC: According to the news, Grayscale has sold 52,639 BTC, equivalent to approximately $2.8 billion, after the conversion to a Bitcoin spot ETF. The outflow of funds from GBTC has been substantial, with daily outflows ranging from $95.1 million to $590 million. This indicates that investors who purchased GBTC at a discount in anticipation of the ETF conversion are now taking profits. The narrowing GBTC premium suggests a potential further capital outflow of $5 billion to $10 billion.

📊Bitcoin Spot ETF Trading: The Bitcoin spot ETF has seen significant trading volume, with three of the top 20 ETFs related to BTC, including GBTC, BITO (futures ETF), and IBIT. Excluding GBTC, the other nine spot ETFs have purchased 79,618 BTC within the approved six days. The daily average trading volume of the nine Bitcoin spot ETFs is $120 million, putting them in the top 1% of all ETFs. This indicates strong demand for Bitcoin ETFs.

♻️ Capital Outflow from GBTC: On the 6th trading day of Bitcoin spot ETF trading, GBTC experienced a capital outflow of $590 million, bringing the total outflow to $2.8 billion. However, other ETFs like Bitwise, VanEck, and WisdomTree have seen net inflows, indicating varied investor sentiment.

Today’s Market Analysis Report: 🔹Grayscale's conversion of GBTC to a Bitcoin spot ETF has resulted in significant selling pressure, with approximately $2.8 billion worth of BTC sold. The daily outflows from GBTC have been substantial, potentially driven by investors taking profits after the conversion. The narrowing GBTC premium indicates reduced demand for the trust. 🔺The high trading volume and inflows in Bitcoin spot ETFs, excluding GBTC, indicate strong investor interest in these products. The average daily trading volume of $120 million puts these ETFs in the top 1% of all ETFs, highlighting their popularity. The inflows into Bitwise, VanEck, and WisdomTree suggest positive sentiment and potential confidence in these ETFs. 🔸The CFTC charging Debiex with misappropriation of funds and involvement in a romance scam raises concerns about the security and integrity of the exchange. This news may negatively impact investor trust and confidence in the broader crypto market. 🔹Considering these developments, it is important to monitor the market closely. The ongoing liquidation processes and selling pressure from GBTC conversions may lead to short-term price volatility. However, the strong interest in Bitcoin spot ETFs, excluding GBTC, indicates continued investor demand. The impact of the Debiex charges on the market may depend on the extent of investor sentiment and perception of regulatory oversight. Please note that this analysis is based on the available information and market conditions at the time of writing. It is essential to conduct further research and analysis to make informed investment decisions. #TrendingTopic #GBTC #BTC #ETF
Today’s Market Analysis Report:

🔹Grayscale's conversion of GBTC to a Bitcoin spot ETF has resulted in significant selling pressure, with approximately $2.8 billion worth of BTC sold. The daily outflows from GBTC have been substantial, potentially driven by investors taking profits after the conversion. The narrowing GBTC premium indicates reduced demand for the trust.

🔺The high trading volume and inflows in Bitcoin spot ETFs, excluding GBTC, indicate strong investor interest in these products. The average daily trading volume of $120 million puts these ETFs in the top 1% of all ETFs, highlighting their popularity. The inflows into Bitwise, VanEck, and WisdomTree suggest positive sentiment and potential confidence in these ETFs.

🔸The CFTC charging Debiex with misappropriation of funds and involvement in a romance scam raises concerns about the security and integrity of the exchange. This news may negatively impact investor trust and confidence in the broader crypto market.

🔹Considering these developments, it is important to monitor the market closely. The ongoing liquidation processes and selling pressure from GBTC conversions may lead to short-term price volatility. However, the strong interest in Bitcoin spot ETFs, excluding GBTC, indicates continued investor demand. The impact of the Debiex charges on the market may depend on the extent of investor sentiment and perception of regulatory oversight.

Please note that this analysis is based on the available information and market conditions at the time of writing. It is essential to conduct further research and analysis to make informed investment decisions.
#TrendingTopic #GBTC #BTC #ETF
ANALYSIS 🧐 REPORT: 🔸The transfer of assets by institutions undergoing bankruptcy liquidation processes suggests ongoing efforts to manage their financial situation. This may indicate a need for liquidity or a strategic reallocation of assets.
🔸The transfer of assets by institutions undergoing bankruptcy liquidation processes suggests ongoing efforts to manage their financial situation. This may indicate a need for liquidity or a strategic reallocation of assets.
🔥 MAJOR CRYPTO NEWS 🗞️ TODAY: Based on the news in today's cryptocurrency market, there are several significant developments: 1. The transfer of assets by institutions undergoing bankruptcy liquidation processes: - Celsius transferred 34.08 million MATIC to Binance. - FTX/Alameda transferred 207 WBTC and 1,150 ETH to Wintermute, and 135 WBTC to Binance. 2. Grayscale's conversion of GBTC to a Bitcoin spot ETF: - Grayscale has sold 52,639 BTC, worth approximately $2.8 billion, after the conversion. - The daily outflow of funds from GBTC ranged from $95.1 million to $590 million. - The GBTC premium has narrowed to 0.3%. 3. High trading volume and inflows in Bitcoin spot ETFs: - Nine Bitcoin spot ETFs, excluding GBTC, have purchased 79,618 BTC within the approved six days. - The average daily trading volume of these ETFs is $120 million, ranking in the top 1% of all ETFs. - Bitwise had a net inflow of $56 million, Franklin had no inflow, VanEck had a net inflow of $14.2 million, and WisdomTree had an inflow of $2.9 million. 4. CFTC charging crypto exchange Debiex: - Debiex is accused of being involved in a romance scam resulting in $2.3 million in losses. #BTC #TrendingTopic #CryptoNews #CryptoNova #Eth $BTC $ETH $SOL

Based on the news in today's cryptocurrency market, there are several significant developments:

1. The transfer of assets by institutions undergoing bankruptcy liquidation processes:
- Celsius transferred 34.08 million MATIC to Binance.
- FTX/Alameda transferred 207 WBTC and 1,150 ETH to Wintermute, and 135 WBTC to Binance.

2. Grayscale's conversion of GBTC to a Bitcoin spot ETF:
- Grayscale has sold 52,639 BTC, worth approximately $2.8 billion, after the conversion.
- The daily outflow of funds from GBTC ranged from $95.1 million to $590 million.
- The GBTC premium has narrowed to 0.3%.

3. High trading volume and inflows in Bitcoin spot ETFs:
- Nine Bitcoin spot ETFs, excluding GBTC, have purchased 79,618 BTC within the approved six days.
- The average daily trading volume of these ETFs is $120 million, ranking in the top 1% of all ETFs.
- Bitwise had a net inflow of $56 million, Franklin had no inflow, VanEck had a net inflow of $14.2 million, and WisdomTree had an inflow of $2.9 million.

4. CFTC charging crypto exchange Debiex: - Debiex is accused of being involved in a romance scam resulting in $2.3 million in losses.

#BTC #TrendingTopic #CryptoNews #CryptoNova #Eth $BTC $ETH $SOL
LUNC One Month Analysis 🧐: Based on the provided data, let's conduct a one-month analysis of LUNA classic's (LUNC) price movements and use technical indicators and news sentiment to determine the reasons behind the trends. 1️⃣Price Movements: - The start time of the analysis is 2023-12-21, and the end time is 2024-01-20. - The open price on 2023-12-21 was $0.00015646, and the close price on 2024-01-20 was $0.0001108, indicating a price decrease of 29.18% during this period. - The 24-hour price change was -2.01%, and the 7-day price change was -6.58%. - The current price is $0.0001108, and the trading volume today is $342,299.78. 2️⃣Technical Indicator Patterns: - KDJ Indicator: On 2023-12-22, a Golden Cross pattern was observed, and the price increased by 5.51%. - BOLL Indicator: On 2024-01-03, the price touched the Upper Band, resulting in a price decrease of -15.95%. - RSI Indicator: On 2024-01-03, an Oversold pattern was identified, and the price decreased by -15.95%. - MACD Indicator: On 2024-01-16, a Golden Cross pattern occurred, leading to a price increase of 1.92%. - BOLL Indicator: On 2024-01-18 and 2024-01-19, the price touched the Upper Band, resulting in price decreases of -9.09% and -3.4%, respectively. - MACD Indicator: On 2024-01-19, a Death Cross pattern was observed, and the price decreased by -3.4%. 3️⃣Current Technical Indicator Patterns: - Within the past 7 days, no specific patterns were identified for MACD, RSI, BOLL, and KDJ indicators. - Within the past 30 days, no specific patterns were identified for MACD, RSI, BOLL, and KDJ indicators. 4️⃣Market Sentiment: - The Market Sentiment Index is currently at 51, indicating a neutral sentiment. 5️⃣News Analysis: - On 2024-01-11, news was released regarding the SEC's approval of 11 Bitcoin ETFs. However, instead of Bitcoin, Ethereum has gained attention due to positive expectations of a spot ETF and the Cancun upgrade. Ethereum and its ecosystem tokens have become favorites for speculative funds. #LUNC
LUNC One Month Analysis 🧐:

Based on the provided data, let's conduct a one-month analysis of LUNA classic's (LUNC) price movements and use technical indicators and news sentiment to determine the reasons behind the trends.

1️⃣Price Movements:
- The start time of the analysis is 2023-12-21, and the end time is 2024-01-20.
- The open price on 2023-12-21 was $0.00015646, and the close price on 2024-01-20 was $0.0001108, indicating a price decrease of 29.18% during this period.
- The 24-hour price change was -2.01%, and the 7-day price change was -6.58%.
- The current price is $0.0001108, and the trading volume today is $342,299.78.

2️⃣Technical Indicator Patterns:

- KDJ Indicator: On 2023-12-22, a Golden Cross pattern was observed, and the price increased by 5.51%.

- BOLL Indicator: On 2024-01-03, the price touched the Upper Band, resulting in a price decrease of -15.95%.

- RSI Indicator: On 2024-01-03, an Oversold pattern was identified, and the price decreased by -15.95%.

- MACD Indicator: On 2024-01-16, a Golden Cross pattern occurred, leading to a price increase of 1.92%.

- BOLL Indicator: On 2024-01-18 and 2024-01-19, the price touched the Upper Band, resulting in price decreases of -9.09% and -3.4%, respectively.

- MACD Indicator: On 2024-01-19, a Death Cross pattern was observed, and the price decreased by -3.4%.

3️⃣Current Technical Indicator Patterns:
- Within the past 7 days, no specific patterns were identified for MACD, RSI, BOLL, and KDJ indicators.

- Within the past 30 days, no specific patterns were identified for MACD, RSI, BOLL, and KDJ indicators.

4️⃣Market Sentiment:
- The Market Sentiment Index is currently at 51, indicating a neutral sentiment.

5️⃣News Analysis:
- On 2024-01-11, news was released regarding the SEC's approval of 11 Bitcoin ETFs.
However, instead of Bitcoin, Ethereum has gained attention due to positive expectations of a spot ETF and the Cancun upgrade. Ethereum and its ecosystem tokens have become favorites for speculative funds.

🚀 Exciting News in the Terra-verse! 🌌 🌐 Terra Classic (LUNC) & USTC Recovery Campaign 🔄 Dear Terra Explorers, buckle up for an interstellar journey! 🚀 🔥 Terra Classic (LUNC): Launching to New Heights! Get ready for liftoff as LUNC aims for the stars! 🚀 This classic gem is set to redefine the Terra landscape. Are you ready to witness the rebirth of greatness? 🌌 🌈 USTC Recovery Campaign: Bouncing Back Stronger! Hold on tight as USTC gears up for a stellar recovery! 💪🏽 After a brief dip, USTC is on the rebound, and this recovery campaign promises epic comebacks! 📈 👉🏼 What to Expect: - 🚀 LUNC Launch Updates - 💼 USTC Recovery Roadmap - 🎉 Exclusive Airdrops & Bonuses Don't miss out on the cosmic action! 🌠 Join the Terra Classic & USTC Recovery Campaign NOW! 🚀💫 #TerraClassic #LUNC #USTCRecovery #CryptoAdventure 🌐🚀 #CryptoNova #NovaXrp
🚀 Exciting News in the Terra-verse! 🌌

🌐 Terra Classic (LUNC) & USTC Recovery Campaign 🔄

Dear Terra Explorers, buckle up for an interstellar journey! 🚀

🔥 Terra Classic (LUNC): Launching to New Heights!
Get ready for liftoff as LUNC aims for the stars! 🚀 This classic gem is set to redefine the Terra landscape. Are you ready to witness the rebirth of greatness? 🌌

🌈 USTC Recovery Campaign: Bouncing Back Stronger!
Hold on tight as USTC gears up for a stellar recovery! 💪🏽 After a brief dip, USTC is on the rebound, and this recovery campaign promises epic comebacks! 📈

👉🏼 What to Expect:
- 🚀 LUNC Launch Updates
- 💼 USTC Recovery Roadmap
- 🎉 Exclusive Airdrops & Bonuses

Don't miss out on the cosmic action! 🌠 Join the Terra Classic & USTC Recovery Campaign NOW! 🚀💫

#TerraClassic #LUNC #USTCRecovery #CryptoAdventure 🌐🚀 #CryptoNova #NovaXrp
#MyFirstFeedPost Hello, Binance Square! I hope to explore this realm a bit. Watch out for LUNC, XRP, DOGE, BTC, ETH, BNB
#MyFirstFeedPost Hello, Binance Square!
I hope to explore this realm a bit. Watch out for LUNC, XRP, DOGE, BTC, ETH, BNB
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