According to PANews, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has proposed the first block on the Taiko mainnet. The event took place at 15:03:47 Beijing time. In his remarks attached to the block, Buterin expressed his pleasure at seeing Taiko launched as a Based Rollup platform. He also noted that Ethereum benefits from adopting various Layer 2 (L2) methods and appreciated that Taiko is among the first projects to develop in this direction. Buterin's involvement in the Taiko mainnet signifies a significant step in the development of the platform. The Ethereum co-founder's endorsement of Taiko's direction of development further highlights the potential of the project. The use of multiple L2 methods, as noted by Buterin, is a key aspect of Ethereum's success, and Taiko's adoption of this approach could potentially lead to similar benefits. This development marks a significant milestone for Taiko, positioning it as a leading player in the adoption of L2 methods. The endorsement from a figure as influential as Buterin could potentially boost the project's visibility and credibility in the blockchain space. However, the long-term success of the project will depend on its ability to effectively implement and optimize the use of L2 methods.