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So here is how i turned my 50% lost trade into a profitable trade. So basically i was gonna go short/sell yesterday when the price was above 627 but then by mistake i pressed long/buy đ« Now the goal was to protect my loss and not get liquidated but i planned a strategy that i already knew its gonna go high in next 24 hrs so i decided to wait a decrease my SL so that my trade doesnât close in loss calculated my liquidation price and it was lil down from my SL and they both wear lowest then the all time lowest. So today my goal was to hold and cover my loss but when i woke up this morning i saw eth going to take a new high sooo here was my time to cover my loss and also take profit so then all i closed it with happily 30% of profit. If you wanna save your losses like i did uh just have to be patience and shall know the knowledge of risk management the most important thing in trading is strategy and risk management #lossrecovery #losstoprofit
All trades are in profit as i said #TradingMadeEasy
As i told you guys you can easily gains your profits #MemeCoinTrending #1MBabyDogeCoinOnBinance #1MBABYDOGUSDT
#1MBABYDOGUSDT #TradingMadeEasy you can easily gain profit
$ETH hello everyone today eth market is going crazy this night get ready to trade with #BinanceEarnProgram to get to trade crypto #binance4ever
DerniÚres actualités
Le BNB tombe en dessous de 630 USDT avec une augmentation réduite de 0,48 % en 24 heures
L'Australie introduira des réglementations sur les cryptomonnaies en 2025
La chaßne BNB complÚte le hard fork Pascal pour améliorer la compatibilité EVM
Binance va radier AERGO, AST, BURGER, COMBO et LINA le 28 mars 2025
Binance lance le mécanisme de co-gouvernance communautaire « Vote pour la radiation »
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