According to U.Today, Pavel Durov, the creator of Telegram, recently highlighted the financial success of a developer who created a mini app on the Telegram platform. In a tweet, Durov shared that this developer managed to generate $1 million in net profit within just 20 days of launching the app. Remarkably, the developer accomplished this feat over a single weekend without any team, budget, or investors.
Durov did not disclose the identity of the developer or the specific app responsible for this impressive achievement. However, it is speculated that the success is linked to Telegram's recent expansion of tools available for developers creating mini-apps. On November 5, Telegram announced new features for developers, including full-screen mode, home screen shortcuts, subscription plans, emoji status access, advertisement monetization, and media sharing capabilities. At the time of the announcement, only two features—Expanded Messaging Limits and Ad Monetization—had been implemented, with others expected to roll out within two to four weeks.
This development underscores the potential for individual developers to achieve significant financial success by leveraging Telegram's platform and tools. It also highlights the growing opportunities within the digital economy for innovative app development, even without substantial resources or backing. Telegram's commitment to enhancing its platform for developers suggests a continued focus on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship within its ecosystem.