Starting trading 📈? Be prepared for a long journey where losing money 💸 is almost inevitable initially.

Yes, trading can be a lucrative career 💵, and the allure of big profits is strong. But remember, you're up against some very smart people 🧠 in a zero-sum game ⚖️.

It's a fierce competition where you're trying to take money from seasoned traders 🤝, and they are equally determined to take money from you. In the beginning, the odds are that you'll lose 🥺 while they win 🏆.

Why? Because you didn't prepare 📖, you don't have a mentor 👨‍🏫, you haven't read any trading books 📚, or watched educational videos 🎥. You simply signed up, deposited money 💳, and started trading.

Do you really think you can outsmart experienced traders with this approach? Probably not 🤔.

Instead, invest in your education first 🧑‍🎓. Develop discipline 🧘‍♂️, exercise caution ⚠️, and strive to be objective 📊 without succumbing to greed 🤑. By doing so, you can improve your chances of beating those smart traders at their own game.

Never stop learning 📘!

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