Binance Square
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BINANCE DAN FITUR MENARIKNYA (SQUARE) Disclaimer: Artikel ini merupakan hasil yang dirasakan penulis selama menjadi user Binance, sehingga pembaca harus melakukan penelitian sendiri. Artikel hanya membantu mempermudah melakukan penelitian dari para pembaca. DYOR !! Binance dan Square : Wadah Aktualisasi Berbagi Informasi dan Pengalaman Oke, setelah membahas mengenai Earn, kali ini saya akan membagi pengalaman mengenai Square. Berbeda dengan Earn yang mampu memberikan keuntungan finansial bagi user, Square lebih kepada wadah untuk mengaktualisasikan pemikiran pribadi. Square memberikan sangat sedikit keuntungan finansial berupa koin, namun menjadi wadah bermanfaat untuk mengembangkan analisis, kreatifitas, dan saling berbagi informasi terhadap pengguna Binance lainnya. Kebetulan saya punya hobi untuk menulis dan Binance mengakomodir melalui Square. Bermula dari kebodohan saya dalam trading crypto (merugi dan belum mendapat keuntungan), saya merasa sebaiknya hal buruk yang saya alami dibagikan kepada publik agar mereka tidak merasakan hal buruk seperti saya. Niat tersebut saya kemukakan melalui Square, dimana tulisan opini didalamnya berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi. Tulisan saya sebelumnya mengenai The End of Meme Coins adalah berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi ketika membeli koin Pepe namun harganya terus turun, sehingga saya rugi dan harus bersabar menunggu hingga harganya kembali seperti harga saya beli. Saya tidak mau orang lain merugi jadi saya membuat artikel di Square. Cara membuat Artikel di Square yaitu anda klik fitur Square lalu klik tanda tambah untuk membuat artikel. Anda dapat memberikan hashtag, gambar pergerakan harga, maupun polling terkait bearish atau bullish.... Setelah itu klik terbitkan dan anda dapat berbagi kepada rekan anda. Sangat mudah kan !! Mari seluruh pengguna yang memiliki hobi menulis dan hendak berbagi kebaikan, gunakan fitur Square Binance untuk mempublikasikan pendapat anda. Sharing is Caring..... #Menuju7TahunBinance #BNB⁩

Disclaimer: Artikel ini merupakan hasil yang dirasakan penulis selama menjadi user Binance, sehingga pembaca harus melakukan penelitian sendiri. Artikel hanya membantu mempermudah melakukan penelitian dari para pembaca.


Binance dan Square : Wadah Aktualisasi Berbagi Informasi dan Pengalaman

Oke, setelah membahas mengenai Earn, kali ini saya akan membagi pengalaman mengenai Square.

Berbeda dengan Earn yang mampu memberikan keuntungan finansial bagi user, Square lebih kepada wadah untuk mengaktualisasikan pemikiran pribadi. Square memberikan sangat sedikit keuntungan finansial berupa koin, namun menjadi wadah bermanfaat untuk mengembangkan analisis, kreatifitas, dan saling berbagi informasi terhadap pengguna Binance lainnya.

Kebetulan saya punya hobi untuk menulis dan Binance mengakomodir melalui Square. Bermula dari kebodohan saya dalam trading crypto (merugi dan belum mendapat keuntungan), saya merasa sebaiknya hal buruk yang saya alami dibagikan kepada publik agar mereka tidak merasakan hal buruk seperti saya.

Niat tersebut saya kemukakan melalui Square, dimana tulisan opini didalamnya berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi. Tulisan saya sebelumnya mengenai The End of Meme Coins adalah berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi ketika membeli koin Pepe namun harganya terus turun, sehingga saya rugi dan harus bersabar menunggu hingga harganya kembali seperti harga saya beli. Saya tidak mau orang lain merugi jadi saya membuat artikel di Square.

Cara membuat Artikel di Square yaitu anda klik fitur Square lalu klik tanda tambah untuk membuat artikel. Anda dapat memberikan hashtag, gambar pergerakan harga, maupun polling terkait bearish atau bullish.... Setelah itu klik terbitkan dan anda dapat berbagi kepada rekan anda. Sangat mudah kan !!

Mari seluruh pengguna yang memiliki hobi menulis dan hendak berbagi kebaikan, gunakan fitur Square Binance untuk mempublikasikan pendapat anda.

Sharing is Caring.....


BINANCE DAN FITUR MENARIKNYA (EARN) Eps II Disclaimer: Artikel ini merupakan hasil yang dirasakan penulis selama menjadi user Binance, sehingga pembaca harus melakukan penelitian sendiri. Artikel hanya membantu mempermudah melakukan penelitian dari para pembaca. DYOR Binance dan Earn Eps II Cara mengikuti program Staking Earn BNB Anda cukup membeli BNB, lalu staking di Earn dengan pilihan Fleksibel maupun Terkunci maka anda akan mendapat Reward Koin BNB. Selain itu jika ada program Airdrop maka anda para pemegang BNB akan otomatis menjadi peserta, dan kemudian mendapat koin gratis sesuai jumlah BNB maupun jangka waktu staking. Sambil menunggu pasar bullish atau setidaknya stabil agar tidak terlalu cepat Cut Loss (rugi), maka Staking BNB dapat menjadi alternatif pilihan terbaik. Anda dapat menjual koin gratis dari Airdrop yang diberikan karena telah Staking BNB. Terakhir saya mendapatkan koin LISTA karena staking terkunci BNB. Dari koin LISTA, saya mendapat sekitar $20 USDT (walaupun semestinya saya jangan terlalu cepat melepasnya pasca listing). Menarik bukan.....!! Harapan kedepan agar #binanceindonesia maupun Binance secara Umum dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi users berupa Airdrop karena telah Staking BNB. Hal ini menjadi keunggulan kompetitif Binance dibandingkan aplikasi lainnya, karena di salah satu aplikasi (tidak perlu saya sebutkan), kita baru akan mendapat Airdrop jika Staking koin mereka dalam jumlah tertentu namun bonus Airdropnya tidak signifikan dengan jumlah yang kita Staking. Jadi Staking BNB melalui Earn di Binance lebih baik 100% dibandingkan Staking koin tertentu di Aplikasi lain. Semoga Binance menjaga dan meningkatkan keunggulan ini kedepannya. Semakin memberi perhatian bagi komunitas pengguna Binance maka semakin banyak orang bertransaksi dan mendukung Binance menjadi lebih besar serta kuat dan terpercaya !! Love Binance and Love BNB #Menuju7TahunBinance

Disclaimer: Artikel ini merupakan hasil yang dirasakan penulis selama menjadi user Binance, sehingga pembaca harus melakukan penelitian sendiri. Artikel hanya membantu mempermudah melakukan penelitian dari para pembaca.

Binance dan Earn Eps II

Cara mengikuti program Staking Earn BNB

Anda cukup membeli BNB, lalu staking di Earn dengan pilihan Fleksibel maupun Terkunci maka anda akan mendapat Reward Koin BNB. Selain itu jika ada program Airdrop maka anda para pemegang BNB akan otomatis menjadi peserta, dan kemudian mendapat koin gratis sesuai jumlah BNB maupun jangka waktu staking.

Sambil menunggu pasar bullish atau setidaknya stabil agar tidak terlalu cepat Cut Loss (rugi), maka Staking BNB dapat menjadi alternatif pilihan terbaik. Anda dapat menjual koin gratis dari Airdrop yang diberikan karena telah Staking BNB.

Terakhir saya mendapatkan koin LISTA karena staking terkunci BNB. Dari koin LISTA, saya mendapat sekitar $20 USDT (walaupun semestinya saya jangan terlalu cepat melepasnya pasca listing). Menarik bukan.....!!

Harapan kedepan agar #binanceindonesia maupun Binance secara Umum dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi users berupa Airdrop karena telah Staking BNB. Hal ini menjadi keunggulan kompetitif Binance dibandingkan aplikasi lainnya, karena di salah satu aplikasi (tidak perlu saya sebutkan), kita baru akan mendapat Airdrop jika Staking koin mereka dalam jumlah tertentu namun bonus Airdropnya tidak signifikan dengan jumlah yang kita Staking.

Jadi Staking BNB melalui Earn di Binance lebih baik 100% dibandingkan Staking koin tertentu di Aplikasi lain. Semoga Binance menjaga dan meningkatkan keunggulan ini kedepannya. Semakin memberi perhatian bagi komunitas pengguna Binance maka semakin banyak orang bertransaksi dan mendukung Binance menjadi lebih besar serta kuat dan terpercaya !!

Love Binance and Love BNB

BINANCE DAN FITUR MENARIKNYA (EARN) Eps I Disclaimer: Artikel ini merupakan hasil yang dirasakan penulis selama menjadi user Binance, sehingga pembaca harus melakukan penelitian sendiri. Artikel hanya membantu mempermudah melakukan penelitian dari para pembaca. DYOR Binance dan Earn Awal menggunakan Binance, saya hanya beli koin dan menunggu hingga harga naik lalu menjual. Namun dikarenakan situasi Cryptocurrency dari awal hingga pertengahan tahun 2024 sedang tidak baik-baik saja a.k.a tidak menentu pergerakannya, maka saya berpikir untuk mencoba fitur lainnya dari Binance, selain Spot ! Pada permulaannya, saya membeli koin dalam harga rendah, lalu ketika naik saya jual. Tapi di Bulan Juni dan Juli banyak kejutan terjadi. Ketika saya membeli koin dengan asumsi sudah berada pada titik rendah (setelah melalu analisis teknikal) dengan harapan dapat meraih untung sedikit ketika kenaikan, NAMUN kenyataannya pasar menunjukan hal lain..!! Setelah harga turun, tidak lama kemudian malah terjadi penurunan harga lagi yang sangat sangat signifikan. Sambil menunggu pasar stabil dan agar tidak rugi, kemudian saya mencoba fitur EARN. Awalnya iseng dengan memasukan sedikit sekali koin ETH dengan fitur terkunci. Sambil menunggu stabilnya pasar, saya mendapat bonus yang walau kecil namun ETH saya bertambah. Setelah itu saya kembali investasi Earn dengan koin #BNB⁩ yg dapat dibilang sangat kecil yaitu 0,1. Selain mendapat penambahan kecil koin BNB, saya juga secara otomatis diperhitungkan sebagai peserta AIRDROP tanpa harus secara formal bergabung. Pemegang koin BNB berapa pun nilainya, otomatis eligible menjadi peserta Airdrop... WOW ini hanya di Binance lho !! Dengan 0,1 BNB yang saya taruh di Earn, saya mendapat gratis koin IO, Lista dan sebagainya. Hasilnya lumayan untuk dijual kembali di pasar. Bersambung...... #Menuju7TahunBinance #binanceindonesia

Disclaimer: Artikel ini merupakan hasil yang dirasakan penulis selama menjadi user Binance, sehingga pembaca harus melakukan penelitian sendiri. Artikel hanya membantu mempermudah melakukan penelitian dari para pembaca.


Binance dan Earn

Awal menggunakan Binance, saya hanya beli koin dan menunggu hingga harga naik lalu menjual. Namun dikarenakan situasi Cryptocurrency dari awal hingga pertengahan tahun 2024 sedang tidak baik-baik saja a.k.a tidak menentu pergerakannya, maka saya berpikir untuk mencoba fitur lainnya dari Binance, selain Spot !

Pada permulaannya, saya membeli koin dalam harga rendah, lalu ketika naik saya jual. Tapi di Bulan Juni dan Juli banyak kejutan terjadi. Ketika saya membeli koin dengan asumsi sudah berada pada titik rendah (setelah melalu analisis teknikal) dengan harapan dapat meraih untung sedikit ketika kenaikan, NAMUN kenyataannya pasar menunjukan hal lain..!! Setelah harga turun, tidak lama kemudian malah terjadi penurunan harga lagi yang sangat sangat signifikan.

Sambil menunggu pasar stabil dan agar tidak rugi, kemudian saya mencoba fitur EARN. Awalnya iseng dengan memasukan sedikit sekali koin ETH dengan fitur terkunci. Sambil menunggu stabilnya pasar, saya mendapat bonus yang walau kecil namun ETH saya bertambah.

Setelah itu saya kembali investasi Earn dengan koin #BNB⁩ yg dapat dibilang sangat kecil yaitu 0,1. Selain mendapat penambahan kecil koin BNB, saya juga secara otomatis diperhitungkan sebagai peserta AIRDROP tanpa harus secara formal bergabung.

Pemegang koin BNB berapa pun nilainya, otomatis eligible menjadi peserta Airdrop... WOW ini hanya di Binance lho !! Dengan 0,1 BNB yang saya taruh di Earn, saya mendapat gratis koin IO, Lista dan sebagainya. Hasilnya lumayan untuk dijual kembali di pasar.


Ethereum (ETH): Penurunan dan Risiko Ethereum, yang biasa jadi andalan di dunia blockchain, lagi kena imbas pasar yang lagi goyang. Harga ethereum sekarang per tanggal 4 Juli 2024 pukul 16:32 menurut website Coinmarketcap di grafik diatas ini adalah $3.166, dengan volume perdagangan $19,34 miliar dalam sehari. Memang sih, cuma turun 3% dari kemarin, tapi kalau lihat sebulan ke belakang, udah anjlok 12%. Meski gitu, masih ada kabar baiknya: dibanding tahun lalu, harganya naik 68%.   Yang bikin trader pusing, dalam 24 jam terakhir ada $44 juta posisi yang kena likuidasi. Yang paling banyak kena adalah posisi long, sampai $38 juta ludes. Sementara posisi short ‘cuma’ $5,70 juta yang kena damprat.   Situasi kayak gini bikin banyak orang mikir ulang soal Ethereum. Apa masih oke buat investasi jangka panjang? Atau mending cari coin lain yang lebih stabil? Buat trader yang udah terlanjur pegang ETH, ini jadi dilema: hold terus atau cut loss sekarang?   Yang jelas, pasar crypto emang lagi gak menentu. Buat yang mau main di ETH, mesti hati-hati dan jangan asal main gede-gedean. Penting banget buat selalu update info terbaru dan jangan lupa, investasi di crypto itu berisiko tinggi. Jadi, pikir-pikir dulu sebelum ambil keputusan!. #binanceindonesia
Ethereum (ETH): Penurunan dan Risiko

Ethereum, yang biasa jadi andalan di dunia blockchain, lagi kena imbas pasar yang lagi goyang. Harga ethereum sekarang per tanggal 4 Juli 2024 pukul 16:32 menurut website Coinmarketcap di grafik diatas ini adalah $3.166, dengan volume perdagangan $19,34 miliar dalam sehari. Memang sih, cuma turun 3% dari kemarin, tapi kalau lihat sebulan ke belakang, udah anjlok 12%. Meski gitu, masih ada kabar baiknya: dibanding tahun lalu, harganya naik 68%.
Yang bikin trader pusing, dalam 24 jam terakhir ada $44 juta posisi yang kena likuidasi. Yang paling banyak kena adalah posisi long, sampai $38 juta ludes. Sementara posisi short ‘cuma’ $5,70 juta yang kena damprat.
Situasi kayak gini bikin banyak orang mikir ulang soal Ethereum. Apa masih oke buat investasi jangka panjang? Atau mending cari coin lain yang lebih stabil? Buat trader yang udah terlanjur pegang ETH, ini jadi dilema: hold terus atau cut loss sekarang?
Yang jelas, pasar crypto emang lagi gak menentu. Buat yang mau main di ETH, mesti hati-hati dan jangan asal main gede-gedean. Penting banget buat selalu update info terbaru dan jangan lupa, investasi di crypto itu berisiko tinggi. Jadi, pikir-pikir dulu sebelum ambil keputusan!.
Solana (SOL): Tren Penurunan Berlanjut Solana, si jagoan blockchain yang terkenal cepet prosesnya, juga kena getah pasar yang lagi lesu. Harganya sekarang per tanggal 4 Juli 2024 pukul 16:30 menurut website Coinmarketcap di grafik diatas ini adalah $134,222, turun 4% dari kemarin. Tapi jangan salah, setahun yang lalu harganya cuma $20 lho. Artinya, dalam setahun udah naik 643%! Lumayan kan?   Tapi nih, dalam 24 jam terakhir, banyak trader Solana yang kena pukul. Total $11,10 juta posisi kena likuidasi. Yang paling banyak kena adalah posisi long, sampai $8,54 juta lenyap. Sementara posisi short ‘cuma’ $2,56 juta yang melayang.   Jadi, buat yang pegang Solana, situasinya agak rumit. Di satu sisi, kalo lihat setahun ke belakang, untungnya gede banget. Tapi kalo liat tren sekarang, harganya lagi turun terus. Pertanyaannya: masih worth it gak nih buat hold Solana? Atau udah waktunya ambil untung sebelum harganya turun lebih jauh?   Yang jelas, main di crypto emang kayak naik roller coaster. Kadang bikin deg-degan, kadang bikin seneng. Buat yang masih mau main di Solana, inget-inget ya: jangan main uang yang gak sanggup kamu rugi. Selalu update info terbaru, dan jangan lupa diversifikasi investasi kamu. Jangan taruh semua telur dalam satu keranjang!  #binanceindonesia
Solana (SOL): Tren Penurunan Berlanjut

Solana, si jagoan blockchain yang terkenal cepet prosesnya, juga kena getah pasar yang lagi lesu. Harganya sekarang per tanggal 4 Juli 2024 pukul 16:30 menurut website Coinmarketcap di grafik diatas ini adalah $134,222, turun 4% dari kemarin. Tapi jangan salah, setahun yang lalu harganya cuma $20 lho. Artinya, dalam setahun udah naik 643%! Lumayan kan?
Tapi nih, dalam 24 jam terakhir, banyak trader Solana yang kena pukul. Total $11,10 juta posisi kena likuidasi. Yang paling banyak kena adalah posisi long, sampai $8,54 juta lenyap. Sementara posisi short ‘cuma’ $2,56 juta yang melayang.
Jadi, buat yang pegang Solana, situasinya agak rumit. Di satu sisi, kalo lihat setahun ke belakang, untungnya gede banget. Tapi kalo liat tren sekarang, harganya lagi turun terus. Pertanyaannya: masih worth it gak nih buat hold Solana? Atau udah waktunya ambil untung sebelum harganya turun lebih jauh?
Yang jelas, main di crypto emang kayak naik roller coaster. Kadang bikin deg-degan, kadang bikin seneng. Buat yang masih mau main di Solana, inget-inget ya: jangan main uang yang gak sanggup kamu rugi. Selalu update info terbaru, dan jangan lupa diversifikasi investasi kamu. Jangan taruh semua telur dalam satu keranjang! 

Binance Coin (BNB): Aset Berisiko Tinggi Namun Menarik Perhatian Binance Coin, si jagoan dari ekosistem Binance, lagi masuk angin. Harganya udah nembus batas $580 ke bawah, sekarang nongkrong di $557. Turun lebih dari 3% nih, bikin trader pada gigit jari.   Dalam sehari doang, ada $1,02 juta posisi BNB yang kena likuidasi. Yang paling banyak kena adalah posisi long, sampai $1,01 juta melayang. Posisi short sih ‘cuma’ $12,5 ribu yang amblas.   Jadi, buat yang suka main BNB, situasinya lagi gak enak nih. BNB masuk ke daftar altcoin yang likuidasinya gede. Artinya apa? Ya, risikonya makin tinggi buat trader.   Nah, buat yang masih mau main di BNB, mending pikir-pikir dulu deh. Jangan asal gas pol. Inget, main crypto itu kayak main api. Bisa bikin panas, tapi kalo gak hati-hati bisa kebakar. Penting banget buat selalu update info terbaru dan jangan lupa, diversifikasi itu kunci. Diversifikasi uang kalian di beberapa koin dapat menjadi alternatif yang bagus.   Yang jelas, pasar crypto lagi gak menentu. Jadi, sebelum ambil keputusan, timbang-timbang dulu ya. Mau hold, beli, atau jual, pastiin kamu udah paham risikonya. Inget, main crypto itu bukan cuma soal dapat cuan, tapi juga harus siap rugi. Stay safe dan happy trading!  INTINYA DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH BEFORE DECIDE TO BUY COINS !!
Binance Coin (BNB): Aset Berisiko Tinggi Namun Menarik Perhatian

Binance Coin, si jagoan dari ekosistem Binance, lagi masuk angin. Harganya udah nembus batas $580 ke bawah, sekarang nongkrong di $557. Turun lebih dari 3% nih, bikin trader pada gigit jari.
Dalam sehari doang, ada $1,02 juta posisi BNB yang kena likuidasi. Yang paling banyak kena adalah posisi long, sampai $1,01 juta melayang. Posisi short sih ‘cuma’ $12,5 ribu yang amblas.
Jadi, buat yang suka main BNB, situasinya lagi gak enak nih. BNB masuk ke daftar altcoin yang likuidasinya gede. Artinya apa? Ya, risikonya makin tinggi buat trader.
Nah, buat yang masih mau main di BNB, mending pikir-pikir dulu deh. Jangan asal gas pol. Inget, main crypto itu kayak main api. Bisa bikin panas, tapi kalo gak hati-hati bisa kebakar. Penting banget buat selalu update info terbaru dan jangan lupa, diversifikasi itu kunci. Diversifikasi uang kalian di beberapa koin dapat menjadi alternatif yang bagus.
Yang jelas, pasar crypto lagi gak menentu. Jadi, sebelum ambil keputusan, timbang-timbang dulu ya. Mau hold, beli, atau jual, pastiin kamu udah paham risikonya. Inget, main crypto itu bukan cuma soal dapat cuan, tapi juga harus siap rugi. Stay safe dan happy trading! 

langkah yang bagus dari Lista
langkah yang bagus dari Lista
Binance Square Official
Post #ListaNewEra, Share 14000 LISTA!
This article is sponsored by @ListaDAO

The 8th article contest @ListaDAO - #ListaNewEra Introduction:
Lista DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which will be officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits:
Governance engagement
LISTA token holders not only have voting rights, but can also vote directly on key governance decisions of the protocol, such as choosing collateral types and deciding on token emission strategies.
veLISTA lock-up and enhanced governance
Starting in July 2024, users can convert LISTA tokens to veLISTA. This not only enhances their voting power, but also gives them a share of the protocol's revenues, which are distributed after deducting operating expenses.
Listapie incentives
Prior to the official launch of veLISTA, holders of LISTA tokens had the option to stake their tokens to the Listapie platform. In this way, users can earn not only multi-tiered rewards such as Lista stardust and Listapie airdrop, but also Listapie IDO Quota, which provides them with the opportunity to participate in early-stage project investments. LISTA token holders will also have the opportunity to participate in our special event on the Galxe platform and share 5,000 USDT in rewards.
Another important part of Lista DAO is our slisBNB, what is slisBNB? slisBNB is BNB's yielding and liquid staking token. According to data on Dune, there are now 394,000 BNBs staked on Lista DAO, about $225 million. There are many other user cases in the ecosystem of the BNB chain, do you all know that there are many other user cases in slisBNB?

Step 1:
Participate in the @ListaDAO article contest to discuss the future of $LISTA
Post content on the square using the hashtag #ListaNewEra for a chance to share the rewards. We're looking forward to hearing from you about your insights and thoughts on the future of the $LISTA ecosystem.
Your post must cover the token tag $LISTA and the hashtag #ListaNewEra and include your views on:
What are the benefits and rights of LISTA holders?What are the future prospects for slisBNB?What is the future of Lista DAO in liquidity staking?

Step 2:
Share this Square post of yours on your social media (X) and @lista_dao, use the hashtag #LISTA and encourage your social media followers to comment/like/share the post.

Event Rules:

After the event, we will select 50 high-quality posts under the hashtag #ListaNewEra. To be eligible, posts must have at least 20 interactions (likes, shares, or comments) and at least 200 characters. And according to the number of views, 14000 LISTA will be shared, and each winner will receive 100 ~ 610: 
25 winners with over 4,000 views will each receive 100 LISTA.15 winners with over 8,000 views will each receive 360 LISTA.10 winners with over 15,000 views will each receive 610 LISTA.

All content must be released by July 03, 2024 12:00 (UTC+8) to be eligible for rewards.
Only content related to the project essay requirements will be selected, and other non-related content will not be eligible for reward.

Terms & Conditions
This promotion may not be available in your region.Only content with  #ListaNewEra related content (including posts and articles) that received at least 20 interactions (i.e., the total number of emojis, comments, or shares) during the campaign period are eligible for qualifying content.Any abuse of hashtags and posting of irrelevant content will result in exclusion from the event.Only original new content is eligible. Previously submitted entries are not eligible.You can post multiple different high quality content to increase your probability of winning.We will release the rewards to your account within 20 working days, and Users may check their rewards via "Funding" > "Balances".All eligible users will be notified via a push notification under Creator Center > Square Assistant.Binance reserves the right to disqualify any account that violates Binance Square's Community Guidelinesor Terms and Conditions.Binance reserves the right to modify or change these terms and conditions at any time at its sole discretion without prior notice, including, but not limited to, canceling, extending, terminating, or suspending this Promotion, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any action to be taken, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments. Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of this event.
Airdrops : Choose the Right One to Avoid Scam and or Phising...... Disclaimer: All of my post are based on my own experience, readers should do their own research and by their own risk. Airdrops is a good event to strengthening between coin's / token's developer and peoples as a community. Even airdrops could give mutual benefit for those, but security is the main aspect. Things what i means is we should choose the right airdrop's even to secure own assets. I have some experiences on this, and the latest one just in this morning June 19th 2024. Because i have a lot of enthusiasm on airdrop, i put my wallet address in some others social media accounts that will give us some free coins. Because of that, i got scam or phising on my wallet (i don't know which is the right one, scam or phising, i'm not an IT guys). This morning i watched a contract that send my assets to other person address. Even i never give approval on that contract (means i didn't press "ok / approve"), my assets just changed to other wallet address. The lucky things is i just put only $2,5 in my wallet (ETH on Arbitrum). So based on my experience, please be selective and do some research before we decide to join an airdrop event and never put your wallet address in some other social media accounts that tell us they will send a free coins / tokens. If you get message that you've won an airdops, don't click the link before you're sure that message will not harm your assets / money. Life's hard so don't believe 100 percent, and remember there's no a free lunch in this world. Even there's some bad story behind airdrops event, i still join in some event. based on my experience, #Binance airdrops event is the good and safety (disclaimer i'm not endorsed by Binance at all and not their marketing teams but it just on my own experience). So be selective and make small research befor join airdrops event to secure assets in your wallet. Thank you for reading and keep on fire to join trusted airdrop events. #AirdropGuide
Airdrops : Choose the Right One to Avoid Scam and or Phising......

Disclaimer: All of my post are based on my own experience, readers should do their own research and by their own risk.

Airdrops is a good event to strengthening between coin's / token's developer and peoples as a community. Even airdrops could give mutual benefit for those, but security is the main aspect.

Things what i means is we should choose the right airdrop's even to secure own assets. I have some experiences on this, and the latest one just in this morning June 19th 2024. Because i have a lot of enthusiasm on airdrop, i put my wallet address in some others social media accounts that will give us some free coins.

Because of that, i got scam or phising on my wallet (i don't know which is the right one, scam or phising, i'm not an IT guys). This morning i watched a contract that send my assets to other person address. Even i never give approval on that contract (means i didn't press "ok / approve"), my assets just changed to other wallet address. The lucky things is i just put only $2,5 in my wallet (ETH on Arbitrum).

So based on my experience, please be selective and do some research before we decide to join an airdrop event and never put your wallet address in some other social media accounts that tell us they will send a free coins / tokens. If you get message that you've won an airdops, don't click the link before you're sure that message will not harm your assets / money.

Life's hard so don't believe 100 percent, and remember there's no a free lunch in this world. Even there's some bad story behind airdrops event, i still join in some event.

based on my experience, #Binance airdrops event is the good and safety (disclaimer i'm not endorsed by Binance at all and not their marketing teams but it just on my own experience).

So be selective and make small research befor join airdrops event to secure assets in your wallet.

Thank you for reading and keep on fire to join trusted airdrop events.
AIRDROP : A Complicated Way to Get Free Tokens / Coins & Which Platform is The Good One (Part 2) Disclaimer: This Post based on my own experience join for an airdrop. Other can do their own research and don't believe 100 percent to this post, except you already make your own research. In other side, even we already staking some specific coins, we didn't count by them as participant of airdrop event. This is because we need to staking some amount of money (if less than the requirement, they not recognized us). In some platform, they will ask us to stake their specific coin at least $50 - 100 USDT. In that case, i prefer to stake in #Binance than other platforms. Even we don't get a lot of coin but #Binance still give us for free. Despite the complicated way of an airdrop event, many peoples still join for airdrop event. I have experience, i already finished all tasks but my wallet wasn't eligible for the airdrop or the developer will extend time with an extra tasks (for me that wasted my time). Finally, i prefer to join airdrop just in#Binance because they not give us a complicated ways, they not make a hard requirements (like we should stake a lot of money), don't need to have specific NFT or Node or should take a part in liquidity, don't give us a lot of basic and daily tasks (my social account were deleted because i always repost snd like the developer social media), and also they make us happy even we just get little amount of coins. For developer please give the best for the community and don't dumb us. I have experience, i finished all task and get Node or NFT but my wallet still not eligible (i already spend money also). If you want to get support from community, respect them and we'll do the same things with our support. Also find the way to minimize potential scam that will give a bad effect for your community. Last but not least, thank you Binance and hope you could give us a little more high amount of new listing coins for your airdrop events. See you next time.... #AirdropGuide $BNB
AIRDROP : A Complicated Way to Get Free Tokens / Coins & Which Platform is The Good One (Part 2)

Disclaimer: This Post based on my own experience join for an airdrop. Other can do their own research and don't believe 100 percent to this post, except you already make your own research.

In other side, even we already staking some specific coins, we didn't count by them as participant of airdrop event. This is because we need to staking some amount of money (if less than the requirement, they not recognized us). In some platform, they will ask us to stake their specific coin at least $50 - 100 USDT.

In that case, i prefer to stake in #Binance than other platforms. Even we don't get a lot of coin but #Binance still give us for free.

Despite the complicated way of an airdrop event, many peoples still join for airdrop event. I have experience, i already finished all tasks but my wallet wasn't eligible for the airdrop or the developer will extend time with an extra tasks (for me that wasted my time).

Finally, i prefer to join airdrop just in#Binance because they not give us a complicated ways, they not make a hard requirements (like we should stake a lot of money), don't need to have specific NFT or Node or should take a part in liquidity, don't give us a lot of basic and daily tasks (my social account were deleted because i always repost snd like the developer social media), and also they make us happy even we just get little amount of coins.

For developer please give the best for the community and don't dumb us. I have experience, i finished all task and get Node or NFT but my wallet still not eligible (i already spend money also). If you want to get support from community, respect them and we'll do the same things with our support. Also find the way to minimize potential scam that will give a bad effect for your community.

Last but not least, thank you Binance and hope you could give us a little more high amount of new listing coins for your airdrop events.

See you next time....
AIRDROP : A Complicated Way to Get Free Tokens / Coins & Which Platform is The Good One (Part 1) Disclaimer: This Post based on my own experience join for an airdrop. Other can do their own research and don't believe 100 percent to this post, except you already make your own research. Airdrop is an effective campaign from Token / Coin developer to make a relation with people that in the future they called them as "community". From this campaign a.k.a Airdrop, people will get free coins, either it's free or still need some money. Free coin will give to every person who choosed by the developer after they finished all tasks that given. About the Tasks, sometimes the developer give easy tasks such as like, repost or follow their social media channel. But there's a lot of coin's developer give a difficult tasks, such as join in Staking that need some money or else. Because Airdrop promise us with a good marketing languages, a lot of people join in the airdrop. This situation sometimes were utilized by some "bad" person to take an advantage (or benefit). They built site that copying the original site to scam people that joined in airdrop event or make a fake social media channel and asking us to spend some money as a requirement to received airdrop. i have experience that someone hacked my wallet and take all of my coins. Even i never sign the contract, that person can take my coins without my approval. so i got scammed... huffht In the other hand, Airdrop asked us to stake some specific coins and then they will give us a free new listing coins. But, in some platform it needs a lot of money or less of money. Example: In #Binance i only staking 0,1 #BNB⁩ and i got a new free listing coins for free and it's automatically (we don't need to join to a specific airdrop, so if we already staking, they will count us as participant). In other side, even we already staking some specific coins, we didn't count by them as participant of airdrop event. This is because we need to staking some amount of money (if less than the requirement, they not recognized us.#AirdropGuide
AIRDROP : A Complicated Way to Get Free Tokens / Coins & Which Platform is The Good One (Part 1)

Disclaimer: This Post based on my own experience join for an airdrop. Other can do their own research and don't believe 100 percent to this post, except you already make your own research.

Airdrop is an effective campaign from Token / Coin developer to make a relation with people that in the future they called them as "community". From this campaign a.k.a Airdrop, people will get free coins, either it's free or still need some money. Free coin will give to every person who choosed by the developer after they finished all tasks that given.

About the Tasks, sometimes the developer give easy tasks such as like, repost or follow their social media channel. But there's a lot of coin's developer give a difficult tasks, such as join in Staking that need some money or else.

Because Airdrop promise us with a good marketing languages, a lot of people join in the airdrop. This situation sometimes were utilized by some "bad" person to take an advantage (or benefit). They built site that copying the original site to scam people that joined in airdrop event or make a fake social media channel and asking us to spend some money as a requirement to received airdrop. i have experience that someone hacked my wallet and take all of my coins. Even i never sign the contract, that person can take my coins without my approval. so i got scammed... huffht

In the other hand, Airdrop asked us to stake some specific coins and then they will give us a free new listing coins. But, in some platform it needs a lot of money or less of money. Example: In #Binance i only staking 0,1 #BNB⁩ and i got a new free listing coins for free and it's automatically (we don't need to join to a specific airdrop, so if we already staking, they will count us as participant). In other side, even we already staking some specific coins, we didn't count by them as participant of airdrop event. This is because we need to staking some amount of money (if less than the requirement, they not recognized us.#AirdropGuide
The end of Meme Coin........ Emerging Power of Telegram's Game Based Coin Meme coins now can't give a bright future for their holders. After their bad performance last week, several meme coins such as #pepecoin🐸 , #Dogecoin‬⁩ , or #Shibalnu can't make rebound to their previous good position. Their percentage of raising only between 0,3 to 2% and it'll need a long time to get in their previous price position. in the holders perspective, this situation take them to the a bad position, rather than keep holding or cut loss. But in other side, telegram's game based coin show a good performance, such #TON or #Notcoin👀🔥 . Maybe this is the time to swap Meme Coins to Telegram's game based coins. Holders should make decision to keep their old ways meme coins or take a new way of telegram's game based coins that give a better promises for us to take some significant profit. i'm not promoting both coins but just share my perspective. Don't give your 100% believed to this article, keep do a little research, make a good decision in the right time, and do it on your own risk. Whales can be a game changer but we don't know how to invite them to pump up some meme's coins so we can save our little money from cutting loss. Or this just a situation that created by "someone" to get some coins in the good price (if i can't say it as low price). After all, we have our own vision and decision. thank you for read this article To my Moslem's brothers and sisters, Happy Eid Adha Mubarrak. Keep sharing good things to every person because sharing is caring.
The end of Meme Coin........
Emerging Power of Telegram's Game Based Coin

Meme coins now can't give a bright future for their holders. After their bad performance last week, several meme coins such as #pepecoin🐸 , #Dogecoin‬⁩ , or #Shibalnu can't make rebound to their previous good position. Their percentage of raising only between 0,3 to 2% and it'll need a long time to get in their previous price position.

in the holders perspective, this situation take them to the a bad position, rather than keep holding or cut loss. But in other side, telegram's game based coin show a good performance, such #TON or #Notcoin👀🔥 .

Maybe this is the time to swap Meme Coins to Telegram's game based coins. Holders should make decision to keep their old ways meme coins or take a new way of telegram's game based coins that give a better promises for us to take some significant profit.

i'm not promoting both coins but just share my perspective. Don't give your 100% believed to this article, keep do a little research, make a good decision in the right time, and do it on your own risk.

Whales can be a game changer but we don't know how to invite them to pump up some meme's coins so we can save our little money from cutting loss. Or this just a situation that created by "someone" to get some coins in the good price (if i can't say it as low price).

After all, we have our own vision and decision.

thank you for read this article

To my Moslem's brothers and sisters, Happy Eid Adha Mubarrak. Keep sharing good things to every person because sharing is caring.
MEME Coin's VS Telegram Game Based Coin's VS Protocol Based Coin's in several weeks, MEME Coins were not have a good performance. Market has choosed that most of meme coins dropped to a significant low prices, for example it happen to #pepecoin🐸 that drop around 0,0000011 - ,0000013 (from 0,0000017 - 18) during the situations, Telegram Game Based Coins make a massive campaign. Community shared their believed to Telegram Game Based Coins. Except they give a good marketing through an Airdrop, they can make sure the community that this coins will fly to the moon soon. Someone who get a free coins from airdrops will wait the momentum when their coin price's increase. #TONCOİN in other side, Protocols Based Coins also give a positive promises to community and they price were have a good performance, such as #ETHFI⁩ or other coins. In this complex situations, could MEME Coins survive ? Could #pepecoin🐸 still have a space in the community or just become a place to make pump or dump for Whales ? We don't know the future but we have faith that MEME Coins still have their own characteristics and could survive. This competition will make Crypto Currency have their own unique values than other and will become a pull factor for the markets.
MEME Coin's VS Telegram Game Based Coin's VS Protocol Based Coin's

in several weeks, MEME Coins were not have a good performance. Market has choosed that most of meme coins dropped to a significant low prices, for example it happen to #pepecoin🐸 that drop around 0,0000011 - ,0000013 (from 0,0000017 - 18)

during the situations, Telegram Game Based Coins make a massive campaign. Community shared their believed to Telegram Game Based Coins. Except they give a good marketing through an Airdrop, they can make sure the community that this coins will fly to the moon soon. Someone who get a free coins from airdrops will wait the momentum when their coin price's increase. #TONCOİN

in other side, Protocols Based Coins also give a positive promises to community and they price were have a good performance, such as #ETHFI⁩ or other coins.

In this complex situations, could MEME Coins survive ? Could #pepecoin🐸 still have a space in the community or just become a place to make pump or dump for Whales ?

We don't know the future but we have faith that MEME Coins still have their own characteristics and could survive.

This competition will make Crypto Currency have their own unique values than other and will become a pull factor for the markets.
Crypto Coins Crash, What Should We Do ? as we know last week is the beginning of Crypto Coins Crash moment. don't know what's the real condition that happen those days, but every coins price goes down (Bearish). some people who has hold their own coins, worried about this conditions because after a significant price increased, those coins going down like #BNB⁩ , #PEPE💚 , etc. i bought PEPE at 0,00001795 and now become 0,000012 and it reach 0,000011. Or another example when #BNB⁩ reach $700 i didn't take profit and now it goes down around $590 - $620. yeah maybe i missed that golden momentum to take some profit but the condition become worse, especially for PEPE. Based on their update price, i have opinion, if they could reach 0,00001795 to save my money or not. But this moment, patience is the key point for all investors. Cut loss is the thing that we should avoid. Even heart and mind become not comfortable when we see update price of our coins but that's the challanges for us. Hope miracles come so we can save or even take profit, still believing, patience and think positive. Good luck for y'all guys to survive in this worse situation !! #Binance #binanceindonesia
Crypto Coins Crash, What Should We Do ?

as we know last week is the beginning of Crypto Coins Crash moment. don't know what's the real condition that happen those days, but every coins price goes down (Bearish).

some people who has hold their own coins, worried about this conditions because after a significant price increased, those coins going down like #BNB⁩ , #PEPE💚 , etc.

i bought PEPE at 0,00001795 and now become 0,000012 and it reach 0,000011. Or another example when #BNB⁩ reach $700 i didn't take profit and now it goes down around $590 - $620.

yeah maybe i missed that golden momentum to take some profit but the condition become worse, especially for PEPE. Based on their update price, i have opinion, if they could reach 0,00001795 to save my money or not.

But this moment, patience is the key point for all investors. Cut loss is the thing that we should avoid. Even heart and mind become not comfortable when we see update price of our coins but that's the challanges for us.

Hope miracles come so we can save or even take profit, still believing, patience and think positive.

Good luck for y'all guys to survive in this worse situation !!

It goes down, Bearish#BNB⁩ ....... This morning, i woke up and see what's happen to our crypto currency market in Binance. The result shocked me, after make good performance of Bullish movement in several days ago, now #BNB⁩ price goes down to $680. For persons that have huge and average capital, this trend is a good time to capitalized their $BNB . They should take benefit from this trend to increase their BNB Assets. In other hand, person with low capital, they will wait untill the next Bullish Movement and take profit at the highest point of next Bullisht Movement. For me, those trends not give me implications too much because i stake my #BNB⁩ and wait them to reach $1000. Even it's like a wishfull thinking but we should believe that could become a reality. For someone who believe BNB will fly to the moon or even fly to another galaxy, keep your believed and must be patience. But someone that have ability to take benefit from current trends, capitalized your BNB and wait for next Bull Run. Have a good day and keep on your believes. Do your own research because i'm just a nemo in the big ocean that have a lot of whales. Thank you Binance and keep support BNB !!
It goes down, Bearish#BNB⁩ .......

This morning, i woke up and see what's happen to our crypto currency market in Binance. The result shocked me, after make good performance of Bullish movement in several days ago, now #BNB⁩ price goes down to $680.

For persons that have huge and average capital, this trend is a good time to capitalized their $BNB . They should take benefit from this trend to increase their BNB Assets.

In other hand, person with low capital, they will wait untill the next Bullish Movement and take profit at the highest point of next Bullisht Movement.

For me, those trends not give me implications too much because i stake my #BNB⁩ and wait them to reach $1000. Even it's like a wishfull thinking but we should believe that could become a reality.

For someone who believe BNB will fly to the moon or even fly to another galaxy, keep your believed and must be patience.

But someone that have ability to take benefit from current trends, capitalized your BNB and wait for next Bull Run.

Have a good day and keep on your believes.

Do your own research because i'm just a nemo in the big ocean that have a lot of whales.

Thank you Binance and keep support BNB !!
#pepecoin🐸 VS #NOT🔥🔥🔥 This just my own opion, readers should make their own research..... #pepecoin🐸 become a trending in the few past months and gave us promises to gain some profits. This situation has changed after #NOT🔥🔥🔥 listed. PEPE price drop and seems they can't get back to 0,00001656 (i bought at 0,00001598). Bearish situation make many people Asset's get stuck and could be loss. in other side, NOT get Bullish and some people get profits, and other people get started to investing their money on NOT. This just a short period trends or NOT can Bullish to $1 before 2024 ? Are Whales more interest in NOT and leave PEPE or this just a strategy to reduce PEPE price and they buy a lot of PEPE in their lowest price and will sell it after market come back to PEPE ??? a dilemma, investing in PEPE or try something new in NOT. What is your opion guys ?? PEPE better or NOT better ??
#pepecoin🐸 VS #NOT🔥🔥🔥

This just my own opion, readers should make their own research.....

#pepecoin🐸 become a trending in the few past months and gave us promises to gain some profits. This situation has changed after #NOT🔥🔥🔥 listed.

PEPE price drop and seems they can't get back to 0,00001656 (i bought at 0,00001598). Bearish situation make many people Asset's get stuck and could be loss.

in other side, NOT get Bullish and some people get profits, and other people get started to investing their money on NOT. This just a short period trends or NOT can Bullish to $1 before 2024 ?

Are Whales more interest in NOT and leave PEPE or this just a strategy to reduce PEPE price and they buy a lot of PEPE in their lowest price and will sell it after market come back to PEPE ???

a dilemma, investing in PEPE or try something new in NOT. What is your opion guys ?? PEPE better or NOT better ??
$An Honest Review on #BNB⁩ Staking : A View From Low Assets User Disclaimer: this post just a personal perspective and everybody have their own perspective, so we should research by our own self. First, i'm a low budget users so my total assets is below $100..... interesting to have more income, i registered to several Crypto Trading Apps and one of them is #Binance . After that, i'm trying to trade in Spot and because i don't have experience on crypto's trading, i can't gain income (even my assets decrease, i got stuck because i bought at high price and the valuation dropped, bearish). Then, i tried to Stake some coins on those several apps. I allocate about $30 - 90 in every apps. On Binance, just bought #BNB⁩ about 0,1245.. (about $90 of i'm not wrong). After that, i got free new listed coins after staking #BNB⁩ . Comparing to other Apps, Binance give new listed coins for free that have cooperation with Binance. As person that don't have huge money, free new listed coins for Binance users that Stake BNB make me happy. In other Apps, they will give free coins in their project if reach some quantity (needs a lot money to join airdrop, candydrop, pool, etc). So in Binance, i got benefit a free coins (even the price and quantity not much) In my opinion it's better for low budget person like me to invest and stake BNB because we can get free coins during our staking periods. just that, hope we can gain benefit from BNB and this lovely BNB coin will Bullish, even i just have 0,124....
$An Honest Review on #BNB⁩ Staking : A View From Low Assets User

Disclaimer: this post just a personal perspective and everybody have their own perspective, so we should research by our own self.

First, i'm a low budget users so my total assets is below $100.....

interesting to have more income, i registered to several Crypto Trading Apps and one of them is #Binance . After that, i'm trying to trade in Spot and because i don't have experience on crypto's trading, i can't gain income (even my assets decrease, i got stuck because i bought at high price and the valuation dropped, bearish).

Then, i tried to Stake some coins on those several apps. I allocate about $30 - 90 in every apps. On Binance, just bought #BNB⁩ about 0,1245.. (about $90 of i'm not wrong).

After that, i got free new listed coins after staking #BNB⁩ . Comparing to other Apps, Binance give new listed coins for free that have cooperation with Binance.

As person that don't have huge money, free new listed coins for Binance users that Stake BNB make me happy. In other Apps, they will give free coins in their project if reach some quantity (needs a lot money to join airdrop, candydrop, pool, etc). So in Binance, i got benefit a free coins (even the price and quantity not much)

In my opinion it's better for low budget person like me to invest and stake BNB because we can get free coins during our staking periods.

just that, hope we can gain benefit from BNB and this lovely BNB coin will Bullish, even i just have 0,124....
Binance Better for Staking?
Other Apps Better for Staking?
0 votes • Vote fermé
KABAR BAIK BAGI YANG LOCK #BNB⁩ 😋💪🏾 Mereka yang bertani Lista di megadrop, Anda akan mendapatkan hadiah tiga kali lipat, - Bunga harian BNB - Token DAFTAR. - token proyek launchpool. Daftar Binance kemudian akan mencantumkan IO pada 11-06-2024 pukul 12:00 (UTC) dan membuka perdagangan dengan pasangan perdagangan IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD, dan IO/TRY. Tag seed akan diterapkan ke IO. Detail Kolam Peluncuran IO Nama Token: IO.NET (IO) Total Pasokan Token di Genesis: 500.000.000 IO Pasokan Token Maks: 800.000.000 IO Hadiah Token Launchpool: 20.000.000 IO (4% dari total pasokan token di Genesis) Pasokan Beredar Awal: 95.000.000 IO (19% dari total pasokan token di Genesis) Detail Kontrak Cerdas: Solana Ketentuan Staking: Diperlukan KYC Batasan Batas Per Jam per Pengguna: 17,708.33 IO di kumpulan BNB 3,125 IO di kumpulan FDUSD Make sure you have Binance Account To Earn Free Token From Binance Launchpool When You Lock BNB Coin Binance, kami MEMBANGUN. $BNB
Mereka yang bertani Lista di megadrop, Anda akan mendapatkan hadiah tiga kali lipat,
- Bunga harian BNB
- Token DAFTAR.
- token proyek launchpool.
Binance kemudian akan mencantumkan IO pada 11-06-2024 pukul 12:00 (UTC) dan membuka perdagangan dengan pasangan perdagangan IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD, dan IO/TRY. Tag seed akan diterapkan ke IO.
Detail Kolam Peluncuran IO
Nama Token: IO.NET (IO)
Total Pasokan Token di Genesis: 500.000.000 IO
Pasokan Token Maks: 800.000.000 IO
Hadiah Token Launchpool: 20.000.000 IO (4% dari total pasokan token di Genesis)
Pasokan Beredar Awal: 95.000.000 IO (19% dari total pasokan token di Genesis)
Detail Kontrak Cerdas: Solana
Ketentuan Staking: Diperlukan KYC
Batasan Batas Per Jam per Pengguna:
17,708.33 IO di kumpulan BNB
3,125 IO di kumpulan FDUSD
Make sure you have Binance Account To Earn Free Token From Binance Launchpool When You Lock BNB Coin
Binance, kami MEMBANGUN.
#BNB⁩ what a surprise this morning #BNB⁩ reach more than $700.......!!! can it stay in $700, more than $700 or will be decrease around $560 - 590 ?? is there any intervention from Whales ? Are they still hold their #BNB⁩ or will sell it soon and #BNB‬ price will decrease to $500 - $600...... no one knows the future, we just try our best to gain profit.... actually i just have around 0,1 #BNB⁩ , not a whale just a small fish who want try to survive in the big and deep ocean, lol..... keep believe on your own self and make a good decision.
#BNB⁩ what a surprise this morning #BNB⁩ reach more than $700.......!!! can it stay in $700, more than $700 or will be decrease around $560 - 590 ??

is there any intervention from Whales ? Are they still hold their #BNB⁩ or will sell it soon and #BNB‬ price will decrease to $500 - $600......

no one knows the future, we just try our best to gain profit.... actually i just have around 0,1 #BNB⁩ , not a whale just a small fish who want try to survive in the big and deep ocean, lol.....

keep believe on your own self and make a good decision.
Fly to the Moon
Down to Earth
90 votes • Vote fermé
#NOT🔥🔥🔥 burning, flying, and earning.....!! keep watch it and buy before they are flying $NOT
#NOT🔥🔥🔥 burning, flying, and earning.....!! keep watch it and buy before they are flying
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